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Don't take it out on BWA, THEY ARE FIGHTING FOR US!


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Take this fight to EA. They know the licence they have. We have three incredible people fighting for us, stop taking it out on them. IF EA KNEW HOW MUCH WE LOVED THIS GAME and the true potential it has, maybe our three musketeers would get the team they deserved. STOP FIGHTING the only guys helping us, EA has forums too.


Keep suggestions and proper feedback here and the rest there. Having people pissed here only hurts our player base and punishes the people trying to help us.


EA will read it and the fans of the game wont get upset for the extremes that don't make sense to someone that loves the game. Please try it. (Some of you are scaring off new or returning players and you know, as well as I do, how amazing this game is for a new player.

Edited by IstariZen
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did €lectronic *****holes ever listen to their community the past 5-8 years ?

take a look at all their games and say me/show me one game that did this.

or why everybody still plays for example battlefront :p

common u must be kidding.



Edited by IstariZen
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Are you completely naive? Bioware Austin's antics match Bioware's bad moments of previous years- and the team in charge show the exact kind of bad behaviour that created the frelling storm of 2012. EA didn't tell that group to make Mass Effect 3's ending a trainwreck- a pair of writers who considered themselves better than the entire team of writers took control to write the ending and ignored everybody else's objections. By all means, contact EA enough that they intervene to stop the bad reputation that has single handedly been generated by this game of late but they aren't idiots who make changes and then insist their playerbase are morons who don't appreciate their art.


Our Community Manager doesn't even play this game all that much- he plays Overwatch, if I recall correctly.

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I think you're a little naive OP. Granted certain occurrences aren't solely Bioware's fault, they are in fact the ones responsible for the end product we receive. Yes, EA should increase their budget so more and better things can be done by the BWA team however, the BWA team should use the funds/resources they DO have to create something which will actually earn that type of revenue for EA and by that I mean a solid, enjoyable game that doesn't lose its shine after 2 weeks of playing. Flooding the Cartel Market isn't enough, not when the rest of the game simply isn't worth investing in or sticking around for and guess what? Players who don't want to stick around or play more than an hour per week tops, they won't invest in the CM either, that's all secondary.


As far as I'm concerned, both are to blame. EA doesn't demand enough quality from BWA and isn't willing to invest more than they do now and BWA is often missing the mark in how they allocate the resources they do receive.


PS: I'm not a dev and I can most definitely imagine their job isn't easy. They receive a lot of flack and in their way, perhaps they do try best as they can but they're not flawless human beings either... mistakes are made, even by Ben, Eric, Charles etc.

Edited by JennyFlynn
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maybe i give u a example. i work in a office as media designer in the print industry. ok....


now a customer comes to me with a FF assignment in the last minute.

i work overtime to reach the goal and make my customer happy.

but in the same time i could be much faster with the newest macintosh on market,

but instead i have to work on a G3 wich is horrible slow and brakes me out on doing my job.

i beg my boss to buy the newest machine to be more pruductive or even manpower to support my work to make it faster.

but he dont care and say to me, do the necessary and then go out with it. quality dont matter only money talks.


so whom should this help ? me, cos i like to be accurate and fussy with my work to prove myself what i can.

my boss, because he dont give me tools to be better and faster,

or the customer, cos he wants his work done fast but with quality?


my boss= €A


customer=we the gamer community.


about taste/design we can discuss. thats why we make corrections on colours and fonts, picture scope. like devs improve by fixing and adding. but it wont change anything as long as i'm under stuff or have lame machines to work with.

are u getting it ;)


and btw why should eric play a bugged game instead of overwatch. i give him kudos for this :p ,

i also play rather Zack Mc Craken for RPG enjoyment then swtor immo :D

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BW doesn't give a damn about you or anyone else. They are doing a poor job of fighting for a chunk of your paycheck. That's it. They're a business. To think otherwise means you're deluded.


And yes, I quit. Removed my payment info like many others. (And I don't have to prove it to you, BW can look any time they want.) But I'm here until the 7th of next month, so live with it.

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this game is cool as long as u play from start to 3.0 revan after that point it falls down like a huge stone and gets cheese

i dont say 4.0 or 5.0 is bad or made from a-holes. its only boring to be stucked with a story where u cant controll anythinig.

and with all implemented things like levelsync,OP-companions and removed stuff u only get the feeling there should be more, but there is nothing. this changes destroyed the primal things for me. and for this story only attachments they raised the level cap 2 times with 4.0 and 5.0 it feels like i'm cheated.

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Well, Bioware is a division of EA so you are addressing the right people either way since these are basically EA forums as well. Sorry, your post is in a unique way stupid, naive, ignorant and pointless. Edited by Khaleg
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I think you're a little naive OP. Granted certain occurrences aren't solely Bioware's fault, they are in fact the ones responsible for the end product we receive. Yes, EA should increase their budget so more and better things can be done by the BWA team however, the BWA team should use the funds/resources they DO have to create something which will actually earn that type of revenue for EA and by that I mean a solid, enjoyable game that doesn't lose its shine after 2 weeks of playing. Flooding the Cartel Market isn't enough, not when the rest of the game simply isn't worth investing in or sticking around for and guess what? Players who don't want to stick around or play more than an hour per week tops, they won't invest in the CM either, that's all secondary.


As far as I'm concerned, both are to blame. EA doesn't demand enough quality from BWA and isn't willing to invest more than they do now and BWA is often missing the mark in how they allocate the resources they do receive.


PS: I'm not a dev and I can most definitely imagine their job isn't easy. They receive a lot of flack and in their way, perhaps they do try best as they can but they're not flawless human beings either... mistakes are made, even by Ben, Eric, Charles etc.


Well said, I agree completely. This is a complex Charlie Foxtrot to be sure, but BWA bears a hefty share of the blame all on its own.

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dude lol. Get off the forums, you quit didnt you.


I want to assume you just love the game, but I dont know.


Why cant someone else love it. My post is perfectly accurate, for people disagreeing 5.1 and 5.2 are major proof and to say otherwise doesnt make sense.


And to the poster comparing their job, what do you know about what they do? How do you assume they are not doing their best. They have clearly responded to the community that wants the game to be better. They may very well be doing hours we wouldnt believe.


If you assume, I can as well. Stop giving them a hard time, its obvious they are trying very hard. If they had a bigger team, it would definitely better. STOP SCARING PEOPLE AWAY from an amazing game for new players. BE CONSTRUCTIVE. USE Your GOD GIVEN BRAINS and stop just following a MOB.


IF you love the game, figure out what you think is wrong and write up a real reason why the devs should change it. THEY ARE LISTENING.


ENOUGH with the I QUIT drama, that only works for EA.


There you go beating on that strawman again, dear. I'm still waiting for you to provide evidence of all your claims in previous threads. :rak_03:


Also, immediately insulting anyone who disagrees with what you have to say? That removes all semblance of moral high ground you may be trying to step up on by being 'positive' or 'supportive' of EAWare.

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Well said, I agree completely. This is a complex Charlie Foxtrot to be sure, but BWA bears a hefty share of the blame all on its own.


Oh lord, you are back.


I wrote up a great response to your request for post supporting what I was talking about. It was a little hurtful so I deleted it. My post reads: Deleted.


But I encourage you to search the things you asked me to present. I do not want to be to rude.

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There you go beating on that strawman again, dear. I'm still waiting for you to provide evidence of all your claims in previous threads. :rak_03:


Also, immediately insulting anyone who disagrees with what you have to say? That removes all semblance of moral high ground you may be trying to step up on by being 'positive' or 'supportive' of EAWare.


If you insist. I saved the whole post, it includes about 10 of yours.


And I am responding in kind. People want to be reasonable Im all for it.

Edited by IstariZen
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Oh lord, you are back.


I wrote up a great response to your request for post supporting what I was talking about. It was a little hurtful so I deleted it. My post reads: Deleted.


But I encourage you to search the things you asked me to present. I do not want to be to rude.


You don't want to be rude?! What do you think you've been doing in every single post in this thread? You've been rude to everyone responding to you!


Again, you are the one claiming that all the people criticizing EAWare right now are just 'haters' who want "instant gratification for free". That was your claim. You're the one who needs to support the claim with evidence. I challenged you to find ANY post on this forum where someone asked for "instant gratification for free". You have yet to provide anything.


So stop beating on that poor abused hyperbolic strawman, for Flying Spaghetti Monster's sake! What did it ever do to you?

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You don't want to be rude?! What do you think you've been doing in every single post in this thread? You've been rude to everyone responding to you!


Again, you are the one claiming that all the people criticizing EAWare right now are just 'haters' who want "instant gratification for free". That was your claim. You're the one who needs to support the claim with evidence. I challenged you to find ANY post on this forum where someone asked for "instant gratification for free". You have yet to provide anything.


So stop beating on that poor abused hyperbolic strawman, for Flying Spaghetti Monster's sake! What did it ever do to you?


I did not save the post, as I thought I did, but I will be sure to rebuild it for you and post it here tomorrow.

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I did not save the post, as I thought I did, but I will be sure to rebuild it for you and post it here tomorrow (and dont worry I will include exactly what you asked for). There was plenty, google and your name brings up a lot of crap.


You guys don't really have any reason to post here anymore. You said you quit, why do you spend sooo much time on the forums? ONE OF YOUR POST WAS ABOUT HOW YOU HAD A LIFE AND THE GEAR TAKES TOO LONG?!? But you spend soo much time on the forums. You call anyone that likes the game a strawman, I found like 8 of those from the past week. You are as rude as they come. I will give you your post but I will not argue with you, you are stuck in your ways. You shouldn't continue to post here, but you are. You have no intention to see the game get better. In your mind any positive post, is a paid for BW strawman. Its like this game really messed you up. You are anything but constructive. Please, while you wait for my post with the info you want, check out your old post:




See how much of a perfect little angel you are.


I never said I was a perfect angel. I just said 1) you keep setting up strawmen instead of actually addressing people's arguments and complaints, and 2) you are insulting everyone (calling them idiots, morons, trolls, losers, etc.) who disagrees with you over and over and demanding they leave. You claimed I was asking for "instant gratification for free", and so was everyone else who complained, but you have yet to present any evidence of anyone asking for all BiS gear right this instant or anything else ludicrous like that. Why? Because those posts don't exist and you're making them up so you can keep attacking your strawman.


Step back from the forums. Breathe. Get a glass of water. You're taking this way too personally and getting way too upset and nasty at people.


By the way, since you don't seem to know what a strawman fallacy is and why we keep referencing it when it comes to you, this should help!

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I never said I was a perfect angel. I just said 1) you keep setting up strawmen instead of actually addressing people's arguments and complaints, and 2) you are insulting everyone (calling them idiots, morons, trolls, losers, etc.) who disagrees with you over and over and demanding they leave. You claimed I was asking for "instant gratification for free", and so was everyone else who complained, but you have yet to present any evidence of anyone asking for all BiS gear right this instant or anything else ludicrous like that. Why? Because those posts don't exist and you're making them up so you can keep attacking your strawman.


Step back from the forums. Breathe. Get a glass of water. You're taking this way too personally and getting way too upset and nasty at people.


By the way, since you don't seem to know what a strawman fallacy is and why we keep referencing it when it comes to you, this should help!


Yeah you have morphed what I said into what you thought I said. You literally started this. BTW YOU CALL EVERYONE A STRAWMAN! STOP lol. That one insult you have dropped in every single post, that was anything pro SWTOR. They didnt have anything to do with you. You just keep feeding into your own BS.


I have said time and time again, constructive feedback is good. I dont think players should feel empowered to flat out change a game from what the developers designed, but constructive feedback is good. I have even chimed in.


How on earth do you believe you have been reasonable? You want someone fired?!? I can only imagine that you do not have a job. You are just beyond rude.


Oh and BTW, I dont want anyone to quit. I dont want anyone to leave. I want new players to join. You and people like you are just hateful though.


You quit, you hate the game and how it is. That is your decision. You choose to engage anyone that disagrees with you or likes the game. All of it does not make sense.


I love this game, I find it incredibly enjoyable.


There is no reason, to want someone to be fired. There is no logic in the universe, that justifies that one. If you want the game to be better, literally tell them how you would like it to be.


Btw the whole "I have a life, I don't have time to gear" that I mentioned is a nod to your wanting the game to be easy.

You wrote it not me. I certainly read plenty of post. If you have a life, why are you lurking on a forum for a game you quit?!

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Yeah you have morphed what I said into what you thought I said. You literally started this. BTW YOU CALL EVERYONE A STRAWMAN! STOP lol


You still don't get it, even after I provided you the link. I'm not calling you a strawman, I'm saying you're utilizing the strawman fallacy, by claiming those who disagree with you are arguing something that wasn't actually said. No one is demanding all BiS gear instantly, but you keep claiming that. You keep claiming people are saying a lot of things that aren't true, and claiming you know the motivations of perfect strangers over the Internet (while ignoring what people actually say in their posts), all the while throwing out tons of personal insults and demands that they leave the forums for the terrible sin of not agreeing with you.


Again, step back, take a breath, and calm down. This is just a game, not a religious crusade.

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You still don't get it, even after I provided you the link. I'm not calling you a strawman, I'm saying you're utilizing the strawman fallacy, by claiming those who disagree with you are arguing something that wasn't actually said. No one is demanding all BiS gear instantly, but you keep claiming that. You keep claiming people are saying a lot of things that aren't true, while throwing tons of personal insults and demands that they leave the forums for the sin of not agreeing with you.


Again, step back, take a breath, and calm down. This is just a game, not a religious crusade.




Who, btw, in their right mind wants to get someone fired over content they dont like? That is someone's life and livelihood, how can that mean nothing to you over a game?

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