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Companions 5.2


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What are the requirements for this, do I need to have done up to chapter 9 of KotfE like most other companion missions, finished KotfE, finished KoteT, just be level 70?.


Is it re-playable?, so I can have Elara on all my toons, and then re play and kill Quinn as well?, or maybe get to do both by default.


Is this how it will be from now on, a couple of comps here and there with new mission/story, maybe another one later in the year on Nathema?.


Please no more forced choices in the future, it seemed to be the whole point of Valkorians story was for us to be neither just good like the republic, not just evil like the sith, but in the middle so to speak, in which case it would make sense for Elara and Quinn to join.


Will the new daily area be added to the planetary missions in GC.

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My guess is, if you choose the Empire, you get Quinn and kill Elara. If you choose Republic, you get Elara and kill Quinn.


With the story basically being, Quinn in charge of the Empire side of things and Elara in charge of the Republic side of things, so you have to take out the one in charge.

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Fairwell Quinn.


My Outlander (Jedi Knight) is going to end up stealing the kill my Warrior has long dreamed of. :cool:


I actually like Quinn as a character, but it was never in character for my Warrior to tolerate betrayals, and my Knight is a Republic / Jedi loyalist who just hit light V.

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It's also possible that you won't get to kill the one you don't pick. I mean, Pierce and 4X are faction-restricted because it wouldn't make sense for either to work for a PC from the other faction, and really the same can be said about Dorne and Quinn. I'm not suggesting that they won't be killable, mind you, rather that you might have to pick the one you want to kill instead of the other way 'round.


Either way it's still a forced choice which I don't really like but which BW seems to be quite enamoured of /sigh

Edited by gaelicvixen
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I mean its pretty much bull that we get to be the leader of the 3rd power at the end of KOTET and then they force us to pick Pub or Imp again.


My Commander is so done with that BS, and the fact it doesnt seem romances will play into anything is just extra BS.

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We have 16 companions left who is missing.


The next release of companions must be for JK and BH after Trooper and SW.

The BH have then full set of companions and JK two more to go.


What is the next companions after Elara and Quinn that will be Empire and Republic or two companions from the same faction like Vette and Gault for the Empire?

It may be a romance companion with a non romancable companion.

There will be also a solo companion like Torian Kaliyo and Aric.


What about Kira and Jaessa but not together or just Jaessa as solo for the DS or DL?

Maybe Kira and Nadia and later Jaessa and Ashara?


What about Khem Val and Jaessa or Vector? Can these three working together?

I think Akaavi Spar will be a solo companion

Kira solo and Lord Scourge solo

Then Nadia can be with Corso

Risha can be with Lt Iresso and why Iresso because he has been in Dubrillion so these two suits them well.

Akaavi Spar with Zenith or with Lord Scourge

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All I know is that the ability to recruit them better not hinge on decisions I made a year ago that I can't correct now. Bioware, I swear on everything I love this better not be the case.

I hope this is sarcasm. It makes no sense to me that people would be upset that there are ACTUAL CONSEQUENCES to the choices that they make in-game. It makes complete sense! If you romanced someone who is against mindless killing and then throughout KOTFE and KOTET you kill someone every chance you get, it makes complete sense that your former LI would be disgusted by this and refuse to rekindle your relationship. I for one hope that they DO implement this. That's real. That's good writing and good storytelling. And it gets you more involved in the story because it makes you really THINK about what you're going to do.


I'm excited about who they're going to bring back after Malavai and Elara. I hope it's Doc. Or Corso. Or Vector. Or And... actually I'd be happy if any of my other romances showed up. I'm not terribly picky.

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I hope this is sarcasm. It makes no sense to me that people would be upset that there are ACTUAL CONSEQUENCES to the choices that they make in-game. It makes complete sense! If you romanced someone who is against mindless killing and then throughout KOTFE and KOTET you kill someone every chance you get, it makes complete sense that your former LI would be disgusted by this and refuse to rekindle your relationship. I for one hope that they DO implement this. That's real. That's good writing and good storytelling. And it gets you more involved in the story because it makes you really THINK about what you're going to do.


I'm excited about who they're going to bring back after Malavai and Elara. I hope it's Doc. Or Corso. Or Vector. Or And... actually I'd be happy if any of my other romances showed up. I'm not terribly picky.


See, the attitude of the person you replied to is why dark side Knights still get the title of Master even when Satele says they won't be made a Master and why Warriors can't kill Quinn in vanilla game.


I actually hope companions start calling out the player character. Some may not care(Quinn doesn't have the gall to call out his wife or friend, Andronikos wouldn't care, dark side Jaesa thrives on murder), but the more ethical companions will. Heck, according to YouTube, Vette in Profit and Plunder calls out a psycho Warrior who tortured her saying she's a free woman now and that they don't own her.


I want Kira to be ashamed to be married to, or to be the former Padawan of a Jedi who lost their way. I want to see light side Jaesa being heartbroken at her master losing their path. I want to see Akaavi walk away from a debased criminal. I want Vector to refuse to reunite with a psychopathic Agent.


If we're going to be promised Choices That Matter™, give it to me!

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If we're going to be promised Choices That Matter™, give it to me!

That is EXACTLY what I mean! You can't have the ability to deeply influence and impact the game with your decisions AND take whatever actions you want without having any repercussions. That's not how it works. You can't have it both ways. You can either accept that the choices you make could have good AND bad results, or you can play a game where the only choices you can make are in dialogue and have no impact on the story.

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I hope this is sarcasm. It makes no sense to me that people would be upset that there are ACTUAL CONSEQUENCES to the choices that they make in-game. It makes complete sense! If you romanced someone who is against mindless killing and then throughout KOTFE and KOTET you kill someone every chance you get, it makes complete sense that your former LI would be disgusted by this and refuse to rekindle your relationship. I for one hope that they DO implement this. That's real. That's good writing and good storytelling. And it gets you more involved in the story because it makes you really THINK about what you're going to do.


I'm excited about who they're going to bring back after Malavai and Elara. I hope it's Doc. Or Corso. Or Vector. Or And... actually I'd be happy if any of my other romances showed up. I'm not terribly picky.


that's stupid as hell. let's use the trooper for example. i did nothing but commit war crimes and get people killed during vanilla. guess how many people on my team cared. zero. i don't want to just straight up insult you, because the mods will be all over my *** again, but nah. there's a difference between choices that matter and screwing people out of their class's original companions to give the illusion that their choices matter.


what's up, emperor of the eternal throne, commander of the largest fleet ever? gotta choose between pub/imp now. can't make them fall in line like any real emperor would, because we're probably gonna shoehorn in a reason you lost your power. It makes complete sense! That's real. That's good writing and good storytelling. :rolleyes:

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that's stupid as hell. let's use the trooper for example. i did nothing but commit war crimes and get people killed during vanilla. guess how many people on my team cared. zero. i don't want to just straight up insult you, because the mods will be all over my *** again, but nah. there's a difference between choices that matter and screwing people out of their class's original companions to give the illusion that their choices matter.


what's up, emperor of the eternal throne, commander of the largest fleet ever? gotta choose between pub/imp now. can't make them fall in line like any real emperor would, because we're probably gonna shoehorn in a reason you lost your power. It makes complete sense! That's real. That's good writing and good storytelling. :rolleyes:


Those companions are heroes themselves. They could just as easily leave those emperor's they hate. You know, like Scourge did :p


Also, it was brought up already. It was people whining, that stopped the companions in vanilla from leaving when they hates what you did. :p


They could start making choices matter now though.


Now, when I say that, I don't mean, make every choice that matters be about "Which companion dies!" :p

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that's stupid as hell. let's use the trooper for example. i did nothing but commit war crimes and get people killed during vanilla. guess how many people on my team cared. zero.

Yeah, and lots of people complained about that. So NOW we have this new expansion and the choices that you make in it are actually coming back. Every time you kill someone, or insult someone, or take an action for good or bad, at least one companion mentions it and takes action. Koth runs leaves at one point. He also steals the Gravestone. If you shoot at Senya and Arcaan in the last chapter of KOTFE, Arcaan becomes hostile. If you don't, he's LS. And there's other things too, but those are the first ones that come to mind. I am completely certain that as the companions come back, they comment on what you're doing and what you've done. If you're a murder-hobo, I would bet you money that Elara calls you out on it when she comes back. Other returning companions comment on your relationship with them when they come back, even if it's a bad one.


i don't want to just straight up insult you, because the mods will be all over my *** again, but nah.

Really? You're so immature that you would insult someone because they disagree with you? No wonder the mods got on your case then.


there's a difference between choices that matter and screwing people out of their class's original companions to give the illusion that their choices matter.

Ummm... choices do matter. See how Koth reacts to how you treat him, or Senya, or Theron or Lana. The writers are getting smarter about long-term choices, and I'm really liking it.


what's up, emperor of the eternal throne, commander of the largest fleet ever? gotta choose between pub/imp now. can't make them fall in line like any real emperor would, because we're probably gonna shoehorn in a reason you lost your power. It makes complete sense! That's real. That's good writing and good storytelling. :rolleyes:

Whoever said you lost your power? As far as I know you're still the Emperor (unless you gave up a lot of your power), and both sides are offering an alliance. You can probably choose whichever one you want- the Empire and the Republic HATE each other. Naturally if you ally with one the other isn't going to want to work with you.


There's no point in continuing to argue over this. Clearly we disagree.

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i hate walls of text, so i'll try to keep it short. the companions, excluding lana and theron, are basically decorations there for sentimental value. doesn't matter if you kill them, reunite with them, whatever. they'll be treated as if they died thereafter. those choices are only there to give the illusion that there are consequences, meanwhile every big choice in the game leads you down the same path or some convenient excuse to negate your choice will be introduced. but they'll disguise that with "hey look. quinn and elara!" then you guys run around talking about "omg my choices matter." btw none of you are special for liking choices that matter. everyone does. welcome to the club. this doesn't apply to me, but there are people who've had a SW or trooper for like 5 years who could lose (assuming kotfe/kotet even affects this) something sentimental to them just so bioware could implement faux choices and make people on their forums go "that's real", then discard the characters again. you're choosing between paper or plastic, ketchup or mustard.


Really? You're so immature that you would insult someone because they disagree with you? No wonder the mods got on your case then.


and as far as this goes, boohoo. got nothing to do with disagreeing with me. if someone says something i think is dumb, i'm likely to just call them a dummy, especially if they were passive aggressive to begin with. but i didn't, i just talked about it. :p


if i reply to anyone else who feels the need to shower me with their opinions itt, it'll probably be with one sentence posts assuming tait hasn't already banned me.

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All I know is that the ability to recruit them better not hinge on decisions I made a year ago that I can't correct now. Bioware, I swear on everything I love this better not be the case.


Just hope you didn't kill or exile Jorgan or sit your butt on the throne instead of being fruity light cause a certain companion will not be happy...just rumors I've heard.

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Choices may not have mattered before KOTFE, but they do now. People, especially those who want certain companions or whathaveyou, remember everything you do and you've done.


In chapter 3 of KOTFE, I had my dark sided jugg save the people of zakuul from the reactor, Lana commented on this in a da***? way.


If you shoot Kaliyo, Jorgan tells you he can't believe you just shot your wife, if you are married to her.


Same if you shoot Jorgan and are married to him.


Koth will stay with you and not take the Gravestone if you save his people or don't just kill them all for funsies. If you DO, then he gets fed up and takes the Gravestone.


Senya and Arcann will become your allies if you let Senya leave with Arcann, and help them on Voss. I've got 9 Arcanns on 9 characters.


People may not like it, but who you do and don't kill or speak nastily too has repercussions just like in real life.


I didn't take the throne as empress, I took it as a peacekeeper using the fleet as my supply runners. I don't know what effect that'll have on 5.2 and beyond, but at the moment, people are happy.


I'm not saying people can't play how they want, but if you're a trooper and you kill because you could in vanilla, but you're married to Dorne, don't complain IF she decides she doesn't like your decisions. Or if she still continues to act like whatever.


Remember, 4.0 and after all the **** you do in game for 4.0 and after, you're companions remember.


Though, I DO have a question. How in the world does the Alliance and people in it know I'm married to Jorgan, Torian, Quinn, etc? Personnel file?

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Choices may not have mattered before KOTFE, but they do now. People, especially those who want certain companions or whathaveyou, remember everything you do and you've done.


In chapter 3 of KOTFE, I had my dark sided jugg save the people of zakuul from the reactor, Lana commented on this in a da***? way.


If you shoot Kaliyo, Jorgan tells you he can't believe you just shot your wife, if you are married to her.


Same if you shoot Jorgan and are married to him.


Koth will stay with you and not take the Gravestone if you save his people or don't just kill them all for funsies. If you DO, then he gets fed up and takes the Gravestone.


Senya and Arcann will become your allies if you let Senya leave with Arcann, and help them on Voss. I've got 9 Arcanns on 9 characters.


People may not like it, but who you do and don't kill or speak nastily too has repercussions just like in real life.


I didn't take the throne as empress, I took it as a peacekeeper using the fleet as my supply runners. I don't know what effect that'll have on 5.2 and beyond, but at the moment, people are happy.


I'm not saying people can't play how they want, but if you're a trooper and you kill because you could in vanilla, but you're married to Dorne, don't complain IF she decides she doesn't like your decisions. Or if she still continues to act like whatever.


Remember, 4.0 and after all the **** you do in game for 4.0 and after, you're companions remember.


Though, I DO have a question. How in the world does the Alliance and people in it know I'm married to Jorgan, Torian, Quinn, etc? Personnel file?

Most of the companions are brought back for a special chapter but then they can be killed off because the developers know they will no longer be plot relevant.


I destroyed the cities, and Koth didn't abandon me, it's more important whether you told him the truth.


Outside of Theron and Lana, everyone else is expendable at this point since they fulfill so many purposes, romance, same sex romance that they avoided at launch due to fear of backlash, plot companions, each side represent Republic and Empire, stand-in characters in case plot related characters died like with Senya and Arcann, etc.

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Most of the companions are brought back for a special chapter but then they can be killed off because the developers know they will no longer be plot relevant.


I destroyed the cities, and Koth didn't abandon me, it's more important whether you told him the truth.


Outside of Theron and Lana, everyone else is expendable at this point since they fulfill so many purposes, romance, same sex romance that they avoided at launch due to fear of backlash, plot companions, each side represent Republic and Empire, stand-in characters in case plot related characters died like with Senya and Arcann, etc.


I don't know. For companions who can be killed in the story, I get alot of screen time with them. Like Jorgan, Kaliyo, Torian, Vette, etc. They may not have an entire chapter devoted to them anymore, but Bioware also knows there are people who didn't kill them off for whatever reason. Like, what is it, chapter 12 or 13 you can kill Jorgan or Kaliyo? (Can't remember which chapter for sure off the top of my head). But I keep getting scenes with them even if it's small ones. So, even though they're killable, it doesn't mean Bioware doesn't remember people also didn't kill them.

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