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In regards to a certain returning companion


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The one I've been missing the most is coming back, and I'm speaking of course, about Malavai Quinn. You nay loathe him, or love him, but if you've ever played a sith warrior you definitely feel something about him.


I've got three juggernauts, because I really enjoy the tanking/off-tanking playstyle. And one of them was my first swtor character, back when the game was new. And in those days, you could already be married to Quinn when he betrays you. (Not that it's much better before you're married.) It was like a sucker punch to so many players. It almost feels as if I've never really gotten resolution for that character. It happened - my husband tried to kill me, it is never spoken of again, and then he talks about babies. The end.


Femwarriors- years have we waited, yes? For some kind of acknowledgement, and/or revenge. And we're finally going to get it. I have high hopes, and knowing it is just around the corner is making it hard for me to settle down and get to sleep tonight.


So ok, to help me relax, I'm going to list a few things about my warrior's peculiar life with a man who once tried to murder her. (They've officially been apart how long now?)


-My favorite thing to do with Quinn is to force choke mobs and let him finish them off while in mid-air. I like to think she's throwing him a bone, so to speak. Let him get a kill now and then to bolster his self esteem.


-I also like to force push tougher mobs away from him so he won't get hurt. But once it's close to death I push them back in front of him, like a cat with a mouse. Look Quinn! Look what I killed for you!


-When he gets aggro and a mob is attacking him, no matter where I am or what I'm doing, I charge and kill them off first. And when the fight is over I click him as if I'm asking if he's alright :o


-Always, before a boss fight, I /kiss Malavai. For good luck.


-My warriors all have their own "theme songs" but sometimes I play one I consider to be Quinn's. Guess what? Quinn is a New Order fan and his favorite song is Blue Monday, lololol.


-Once in awhile I get a perfect confluence of events where Quinn and I stand side to side while he blasts the last mob standing and I hew/saber throw it to death from across the room. So fun.


Well that's all I can think of for now. I'm sure way more people are excited about finally offing him, especially people from the old days who were stuck with him being their only healing companion, haha. But yeah anyway, I'm pretty psyched. And I think maybe this really is a nifty way of reintroducing him to the story. No way was he going to have anything to do with a pub/imp alliance.

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Even though a lot of people want to gruesomely murder Quinn, he really does have a large fan base. There is some really good fan fiction and fan art of him out there. (As well as some really bad, and some very NSFW!) I expect new material will spark a lot more new fan work :D
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Even though a lot of people want to gruesomely murder Quinn, he really does have a large fan base. There is some really good fan fiction and fan art of him out there. (As well as some really bad, and some very NSFW!) I expect new material will spark a lot more new fan work :D


I'm afraid to look, fanfiction makes me /blush, haha


Yes, but will people be willing to have their Warrior's join the Republic, just to kill Quinn?


Oh, is that how it's to work? That's very dastardly of Bioware to do, and it just might save my pretend husband from getting murderized a million times over. I approve :)


Btw do you think that will mean I'll get to kill Elara? It only seems fair :jawa_evil:

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Well, so far we have the option to kill all of the other retuning love interests, so the odds are good.


I haven't killed any of the LIs yet but I haven't brought my dark warrior through it yet, and it really seems to me like she'd jump at the chance to kill someone like Dorne. Especially if it turns out she's working in direct opposition to Quinn.


I'm.. really looking forward to all this. I don't think I've felt so optimistic about swtor.. like ever :o

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Oh, is that how it's to work? That's very dastardly of Bioware to do, and it just might save my pretend husband from getting murderized a million times over. I approve :)


Btw do you think that will mean I'll get to kill Elara? It only seems fair :jawa_evil:


I don't know how it's going to work. My guess however, is that's how it will work. If you side Empire, you end up killing Elara. If you side Republic, you end up killing Quinn.


It's what makes sense to me. After all, it wouldn't make sense to side Republic and then kill Elara. Empire may accept it, Republic shouldn't. :p


So, the story will be picking a side, then you work with the side you choose, the same way, as if you choose the other side, with the difference being a bit of dialogue (Elara and Rep vs Quinn and Imp...but both doing the same story) and possibly the end boss being Elara or Quinn depending on which side you choose.


That returns a companion and has the other companion going out as a high difficulty target.

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That's going to make me really angry.


Why couldn't we say "This guy betrayed me, tried to kill me" and just work with Elara as a diplomatic move?


I would think it'd be more "Why can't I just kill Quinn and promote the next in line Vader style."


I'd say it's because story wise, Quinn stayed part of the Warrior's crew and never killed him in all that time afterwards, which was a couple of years.

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I doubt the devs will make his murder republic exclusive. They know our passion, some of them even share it.


They knew the passions for Vette and Torian. :p


They knew our passions for not wanting to keep Arcann running around but not killing him. There was no put into prison option. Not even an attempt to put him into prison and he forces our hand.


Senya "Let him run around free after killing billions" or Senya "I'll die for my son" *eye roll*


They've shown they're willing to give us the lousy choices. They've shown that they'll make you come off as terrible if you don't take the choices they want you to take. :p

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Did they actually talk about stuff like the potential option to imprison Arcann in like Livestreams or what have you?


If they did, I never saw it.


I felt a little robbed by the choices too. Only way to take Lana and Theron with you, is to kill Senya, who's idea of justice was "Let child run around free" while all the other times, she's like "take down criminals"


Then, when it comes time to attack Arcann the first time, they don't let you tell Senya "Hell no. You're not going. You know you won't bring them in for justice. You'll let them walk."

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The reason I ask is because in the latest livestream one of them mentioned his Sith Warrior really hating Quinn which lead into the discussion about killing companions. Although he didn't explicitly mention whether or not the choice would be faction exclusive, it kind of implies to me there are more aware of Imperials wanting to kill Quinn without defecting than they are of something they never talked about, such as a third option for Arcann. Edited by OldVengeance
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I'm sure there would be an option to somehow leave both Elara and Quinn alive somehow if you didn't want to kill either of them. I managed to keep both Rusk and Skadge alive with my BH, and have them both as companions... I think. I'd have to go back and double-check. I know for sure I have Skadge, but Rusk was still alive. S you could probably keep both Elara and Quinn alive, but have to side with one or the other. Makes sense to me.


Personally, I'm delighted to have Quinn back. Especially with my warrior. I wonder if this is how they're going to re-introduce companions back into the game, with the monthly updates. I could go for that, it makes sense to me. Maybe they'll keep up the pattern of having to choose one or the other in the future too. Might get old, but we'll see what they plan to do.

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Wouldn't make sense for Elara to go back to the Empire. Her own companion missions explain everything she's come to hate about the Empire, and the Empire themselves still do.


Quinn on the other hand gets to live quite well in the Empire. He's an officer who worked with the Wrath (and possibly Outlander) so his life is pretty set now.

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This is one of the things I never got about mixing classes and companions, because some of it would make no sense. It's one thing with scumbag Gault, treasure hunter Vette, and honorable Torian. But then Jorgan was working with an Imperial(although he's nowhere near as fanatical as Forex), and the nutcase Kaliyo is working with a Jedi.


Then when you look at Elara, a defector, and Raina, who's a walking broken law, and think about them working with someone other than their original leader, that's when things get messy. Sure, my light side Sith will understand why Elara defected, they'll just say, "Wish we could have worked together to improve things". But I highly doubt Quinn will even be respectful to any of my Jedi. He never liked it if the Wrath was nice to a Jedi. It's going to get even messier when we bring back the Force sensitive wives. Can't wait to see the mental gymnastics performed by the devs for that.

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This is one of the things I never got about mixing classes and companions, because some of it would make no sense. It's one thing with scumbag Gault, treasure hunter Vette, and honorable Torian. But then Jorgan was working with an Imperial(although he's nowhere near as fanatical as Forex), and the nutcase Kaliyo is working with a Jedi.


Then when you look at Elara, a defector, and Raina, who's a walking broken law, and think about them working with someone other than their original leader, that's when things get messy. Sure, my light side Sith will understand why Elara defected, they'll just say, "Wish we could have worked together to improve things". But I highly doubt Quinn will even be respectful to any of my Jedi. He never liked it if the Wrath was nice to a Jedi. It's going to get even messier when we bring back the Force sensitive wives. Can't wait to see the mental gymnastics performed by the devs for that.


Many that we have would work well with us. Not so sure about all the Alliance members...which is likely why for the like of Broonmark you have Lightside (Don't accept him) Darkside (accept him). :p


Jorgan I can see joining you because you're both working a common goal. Can't really see him working with some outright dark siders, but then BW sucks at that sort of thing sadly :/


Kaliyo easily see her working with anyone.

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I think Bioware's thought behind this is basically that in a way, we're no longer Republic or Imperial as Outlanders which is why most companions regardless of their background are a little more amendable in helping us. I mean we end KOTET by basically declaring ourselves as a 3rd power in the galaxy rather than return to one or the other.
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