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Stop the Smack-Talking


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I try to refrain from saying "you suck" comments, but if I'm in a huttball match and the opposite side is just effortlessly walking the ball in with no opposition, yeah I'm going to say something like "this isn't deathmatch you mouthbreathers, get on the glowing pillar of light." Sorry but I can't stand teammates who aren't trying to win.


Saying low levels need to get out or are ruining the game etc though that BS. I actually did BETTER as a low level than I do now I think, the bolster system is making me have worse stats than a level 12 atm. It's preposterous lol.

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I've been an advocate for an */ignore all* command for pvp instances for a while.


I don't want to hear or see someone run their mouth, neither on my team nor someone else's.


You certainly lose some coordination potential, but if the community can't self-police, I should be able to have the option to not see their childishness.

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I've never understood the fascination, among terrible players and actual good PvPers alike, with trash talk. In my opinion, trash talk has no place in any competitive setting unless it's among good friends. If you're actually good, your skills will speak for themselves and you won't need to trash talk. And if you team is bad...well, we were all there once. If I see someone doing something bad I will make a polite suggestion and let them take or leave it at their discretion. Trash talk with people you don't know is petty ego boosting, and nothing more.
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I try to refrain from saying "you suck" comments, but if I'm in a huttball match and the opposite side is just effortlessly walking the ball in with no opposition, yeah I'm going to say something like "this isn't deathmatch you mouthbreathers, get on the glowing pillar of light." Sorry but I can't stand teammates who aren't trying to win.


Saying low levels need to get out or are ruining the game etc though that BS. I actually did BETTER as a low level than I do now I think, the bolster system is making me have worse stats than a level 12 atm. It's preposterous lol.


If you're not keeping up with your gear, you actually will get worse as you level. A level 10 in purples will be noticeably more powerful than a 49 in quest greens. Which I have no problem with, since one person is taking the time to keep up with gear, and one isn't.

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If you're not keeping up with your gear, you actually will get worse as you level. A level 10 in purples will be noticeably more powerful than a 49 in quest greens. Which I have no problem with, since one person is taking the time to keep up with gear, and one isn't.


If wearing level restricted blues/purps from crafting isn't "keeping up" with gear than I don't know what is. Oh and also any PvP weapons/gear as my level allows.


Gear is stupidly easy to get in this game.

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If wearing level restricted blues/purps from crafting isn't "keeping up" with gear than I don't know what is. Oh and also any PvP weapons/gear as my level allows.


Gear is stupidly easy to get in this game.


I don't know what you're getting at, but I suspect you didn't actually understand my post. The guy in purples will have more hps, defenses, etc than the higher level guy in greens, which is as it should be.


EDIT: I think I get you now, you're saying you are keeping up but your stats are still dropping. This I can't explain, so I tend to think there is a factor at work you are not reporting. When I keep up with my gear, my hps tend to hover around the same amount. When I let it go, I steadily drop as I level. This is how I understand the system to work, and jives with what I have personally witnessed.

Edited by OSUNightfall
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I don't know what you're getting at, but I suspect you didn't actually understand my post. The guy in purples will have more hps, defenses, etc than the higher level guy in greens, which is as it should be.


but he wont. he will have around the same HP/Stats and his armour rating will be lower even green lvl 45+ stuff is around 100 rating

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but he wont. he will have around the same HP/Stats and his armour rating will be lower even green lvl 45+ stuff is around 100 rating


Check your armor and mitigation in warzones. These values are bolstered as well based on how good your gear is for your level. Likewise, if you're in substandard gear for your level, you are actually bolstered *down* from what you would otherwise be. They key factor is how good your gear is for where you are on the leveling track.

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Try not to get to bent out of shape, when the next Call of Duality game comes out you'll get a nice break from those people. Besides, what they fail to realize, the trash talkers, they are not playing with realm vs realm people, its people of the same server, I've kicked and gotten people kicked from groups/flashpoints/quests groups mainly on the basis that they put other people down in the Warzones or leave when things go sour (Yet we win in the end).


People will support you if your trying to create a supportive community, that's actually something allot of us are trying to do here on the PVP forums. Battling the Negativity and Non-Constructive Feedback.


Some of us feel like people should take responsibility for themselves, I pay a sub fee to do what I enjoy and trying to teach people "Do not stand in fire", "Do not fill the carrier's resolve bar unless you are in a position to knock him off the walkway into the pit" and so on when it is pretty obvious is not something I want, have the time to do or even see a point in.


If you run solo into an 8 man zerg 5 times, I'm not going to bother telling you to not do that.


If you insist on staying behind and fighting the opposing faction rather than CC'ing them when you are supporting a carrier, thus leaving the ballcarrier alone, then I'm not going to bother teaching you.


As my sig says, I expect you to have a degree of competence when it comes to how to play your class and how to play each WZ by the time you hit level 30.

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Some of us feel like people should take responsibility for themselves, I pay a sub fee to do what I enjoy and trying to teach people "Do not stand in fire", "Do not fill the carrier's resolve bar unless you are in a position to knock him off the walkway into the pit" and so on when it is pretty obvious is not something I want, have the time to do or even see a point in.


If you run solo into an 8 man zerg 5 times, I'm not going to bother telling you to not do that.


If you insist on staying behind and fighting the opposing faction rather than CC'ing them when you are supporting a carrier, thus leaving the ballcarrier alone, then I'm not going to bother teaching you.


As my sig says, I expect you to have a degree of competence when it comes to how to play your class and how to play each WZ by the time you hit level 30.


I understand where you're coming from, but in my experience it really can help to point some of these things out. Most people new to PvP don't take the time to think little things like this through. Even within the space of a single match I have seen someone improve considerably from a little piece of advice ("When you're at half health, start looking for someone to throw the ball to", etc). I get annoyed with people who are bad at PvP too, but I figure I can hardly complain if I don't at least *try* to be part of the solution.


Certainly it's not your responsibility. But by doing you only help yourself.

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I understand where you're coming from, but in my experience it really can help to point some of these things out. Most people new to PvP don't take the time to think little things like this through. Even within the space of a single match I have seen someone improve considerably from a little piece of advice ("When you're at half health, start looking for someone to throw the ball to", etc). I get annoyed with people who are bad at PvP too, but I figure I can hardly complain if I don't at least *try* to be part of the solution.


Certainly it's not your responsibility. But by doing you only help yourself.


I do try to when I see someone who I think is worth the effort, but after having done as much PvP as I have, I've become fairly good at telling who is worth teaching and who isn't. I guess I've just been told to "**** off" enough times when mentioning things like "Don't fight away from the door/turret/whatever" etc.


If I have to tell someone "When you see a healer healing someone, attack him not the person he is healing, and make sure to use your interrupt/stun/other to stop him from healing as much as possible" its just on such a basic level that people should intuitively understand it.

Edited by Scelerant
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I do try to when I see someone who I think is worth the effort, but after having done as much PvP as I have, I've become fairly good at telling who is worth teaching and who isn't. I guess I've just been told to "**** off" enough times when mentioning things like "Don't fight away from the door/turret/whatever" etc.


If I have to tell someone "When you see a healer healing someone, attack him not the person he is healing, and make sure to use your interrupt/stun/other to stop him from healing as much as possible" its just on such a basic level that people should intuitively understand it.


Yeah, I realized after I posted you were going to bring this up. It's a little dispiriting to be told to go eff yourself when you're just trying to gently help someone suck a little bit less. Still... I keep trying. Maybe as a tank I'm just used to taking a lot of punishment.

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Yeah, I realized after I posted you were going to bring this up. It's a little dispiriting to be told to go eff yourself when you're just trying to gently help someone suck a little bit less. Still... I keep trying. Maybe as a tank I'm just used to taking a lot of punishment.


Same here, I can tank it so my team can pull together, learn from each other and work together.

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I am horrified by the harassment texts in the ops channel by my own team players.


Comments like "you all suck" and "you better leave because you are too low level" are unacceptable. It's bad enough I can't have any communication with opposing faction FRIENDS because of jerks like this, but now it's making pvp within my own faction completely undesirable.


The system is the way the system is. Deal with it and shut up or stop playing it. It is not OK to take your anger out for the pvp system on the other players.


I know some people who have egos too big for their brains seem to think that because it's the internet and an anonymous game, they can get away with it. Well you cannot. You WILL get ignored by other players, you WILL get yourself boycotted from pick up groups and by healers who don't like being talked to abusively, and in really bad cases, some players will indeed report you for inappropriate behavior to the customer service teams and you could face game warning and bans.


We've already had nasty and unfair consequences because of the smack talkers in beta. I blame these smack talkers for the fact that I can't talk cross-faction with my friends in the game. Now you're ruining the pvp experience for other players. Pretty soon, people won't be able to talk to each other in the ops channel, or you'll find yourself asking for heals but no one hears you because they ignored you for your smack talking. Keep in mind BioWare has already made it clear that this sort of thing is unacceptable to them. So stop it, just stop it.


Rebel there is none of that on the Republic side of my server, The Corsair. People are very respectful, and while I know level 10's don't help my odds, good players will find a way to help them on the fly or give them some leadership.


I hate tryhards that feel they must be rude to everyone they feel isn't as good as them. Maybe they are loosing because their teammates hate playing with them? Op, I completely understand. Remember, most of those people are teenagers. If you take the Alpha role and tell them their behavior isn't ok, confidently and politely, most will shut up. Then there are those that just won't let it go.


If you hate your teammates so much, roll with your friends. If you have no friends in game or can't make any you forced yourself into that situation by being a jerk.:cool:

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