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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I CANNOT WAIT FOR THE DRAMA. I'm gonna side with the Empire with a romanced Theron. Which means he'll be fighting his own father AND he'll have to do it along side his rival Quinn who is my long lost husband returned to steal me away!


I know right? *cackles* It's so hot. I'm doing this on my dark side/ in a romance with Theron warrior first.


I love how Theron's like "You didn't tell me we had company?" All lighthearted because he has no idea the **** about to go down. Poor Theron. Oh well Theron's a fling, Quinn is the love of her life. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Yes, she doesn't fit in a Sith crew. I don't hate her either, but she irritates me.

Like Ashara in the Inquisitor crew. *shivers* I only talk to her for the XP, just can't stand her whining and provocations

Indeed. Neither of them fit in with my crew - both are just so irritating and childish and yet they are both supposed to be highly skilled. It just doesn't fit. I have a real issues with all the whiny-voiced childish female companions and would rather they all returned with the option to banish them from my alliance or kill them off (since we are now forced into an alliance). The only one I tolerated purely because she has a decent story is Mako but that story is just left hanging in the air. I only do female character male companion romances (and maybe in the future male-male) so I've avoided that hell.


Yup, saw that. Had a split second of thinking "yay new promo" and then... bah more Elara. :mad: Really hope they'll give us an Imperial promo soon although knowing BW that's either a no-go or they'll release it one day before our Quinn reunion. :rolleyes:

I don't! Well not one with Quinn in. I have a feeling that anything he says is going to be a big fat rotten spoiler so I prefer they leave it with Dorne/Lana/Theron speaking. Either that or there has been a Quinn voice change and they don't want all the "original voice only" Quinnmancers to rage-quit and unsub because that will happen. I said before if they've had to change his voice actor and his voice is similar I'll be happy with that, however if they've given him a republic accent my rage-quitting and pitch fork wrath with will be legendary!


EDIT: After watching that clip Dorne is finished on my trooper(s). Silly cow. I think I might just side with the empire on everyone.:mad: As for Theron his parents abandoned him so I don't think he'll care about coming over to the empire. Though I suppose I really should wait for the whole story rather than one clip.

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I know right? *cackles* It's so hot. I'm doing this on my dark side/ in a romance with Theron warrior first.


I love how Theron's like "You didn't tell me we had company?" All lighthearted because he has no idea the **** about to go down. Poor Theron. Oh well Theron's a fling, Quinn is the love of her life. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


And what happens if Quinn finds out about Theron and decides he doesn't want to continue the relationship?

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Ladies they know we're here and they are watching! I asked something about the upcoming live stream a while back:

Please let us know if you're going to be including Quinn spoilers so his crazy fan girls (myself included) can avoid the stream!

and got a reply last night which I've only just seen:

No spoilers beyond our usual level of spoilers! Which is to say, not much in the way of spoilers.




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And what happens if Quinn finds out about Theron and decides he doesn't want to continue the relationship?


Bah, that's what the Theronmancers say to scare me. I won't be deterred from my evil plans :D I'll beg Quinn for forgiveness if I must, and if that doesn't work - there's always force persuade~!


Ladies they know we're here and they are watching! I asked something about the upcoming live stream a while back:


Yup saw that, it's something anyway :) They leave our thread here too which is nice.

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At least you can zap her when still on Taris. :rak_01:


Oh, indeed! How could I have forgotten that? :confused: I enjoyed that a lot. :rak_01:

Did you record by any chance the evil laugh of the Inquisitor when he dumped Ashara? I can't find that on the net. People only uploaded full romance or no romance conversations, but nothing like this. I'm curious about it. :)

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I'm sure Theron will still be stuck in his dorky red jacket. Why Bioware won't give KotFE companions armor slots is anyone's guess since they won't address the issue :mad: (Or make some customizations. Or give opposing factions access to all customizations for returned vanilla companions...)


What? You can't dress your companions in KOTFE, really? :eek: Now that's new information.


I love how Theron's like "You didn't tell me we had company?" All lighthearted because he has no idea the **** about to go down. Poor Theron.

LOL that will end badly, I think. :) They will freak out.


Yup saw that, it's something anyway :) They leave our thread here too which is nice.

If they try to do something with it, then it's going to be: 'Murder and mayhem await!' :p:rak_01:

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What? You can't dress your companions in KOTFE, really? :eek: Now that's new information.

Only the new ones - Lana, Theron, Koth et al. They need to sort that out. If the new companions are being forced on us we should at least be able to choose an outfit that suits our crew.


If they try to do something with it, then it's going to be: 'Murder and mayhem await!' :p:rak_01:

I bet they sit watching this thread with popcorn! Mad fans like us must be great entertainment. They probably didn't realise Quinn had so many faithful fans or provoked so much love/hate. I'm betting there are people in this forum who have never written anything on the forums before. Devs should take it as positive for the game. The news of this one companions return kept me subbed.

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I'm betting there are people in this forum who have never written anything on the forums before. Devs should take it as positive for the game.


Haha, that would be me. ;) I've been playing since January 2012 but I've been active on the forum only recently. :p

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RE: Ashara, I believe in the theory that she was left unfinished and was originally supposed to have light and dark side versions like Jaesa. There was a really interesting thread on this a while back and the evidence was compelling. Basically, what we are seeing now is the light-side Ashara which is why she insists on acting as if the player character is also light-sided, even against all evidence. The dark side one never made it into the game. I distinctly recall my inquisitor getting a scene where Ashara clearly falls to the dark side - bends over in pain, surrounded by a red mist after making her first DS decision - yet when I got her back on my ship, she acted as if the scene had never happened.


I don't get the Elara hate though, especially in this thread. She's basically a female Quinn! I got a kick out of her, and she meshed very well with my male Pureblood trooper.


And what happens if Quinn finds out about Theron and decides he doesn't want to continue the relationship?


Given that none of the other companion returns worked this way, I doubt this would ever happen. However, the reverse? Theron leaving you if you side with Quinn and the Empire? I could see that for sure.

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My Agent romanced Raina but didn't want to marry her (his personality is very much like James Bond's, except he's dark side LOL :p), she was sad and said ok. Then next time I spoke with her she called me her husband. I was again: :eek: Did I miss something or what? That's just crazy. :rolleyes:



My agent sounds a lot like your agent he's a JB type and dark side as well and he wasn't about to marry anyone. I too had him romance Raina and he told her no to marriage and after that she acted like they'd gotten married. I'm starting to wonder if she doesn't have my new brain password or something, cause I sure as hell didn't marry her lol. That, or maybe she's the nutty one. :eek:



RE: Ashara, I believe in the theory that she was left unfinished and was originally supposed to have light and dark side versions like Jaesa. There was a really interesting thread on this a while back and the evidence was compelling. Basically, what we are seeing now is the light-side Ashara which is why she insists on acting as if the player character is also light-sided, even against all evidence. The dark side one never made it into the game. I distinctly recall my inquisitor getting a scene where Ashara clearly falls to the dark side - bends over in pain, surrounded by a red mist after making her first DS decision - yet when I got her back on my ship, she acted as if the scene had never happened.


I don't get the Elara hate though, especially in this thread. She's basically a female Quinn! I got a kick out of her, and she meshed very well with my male Pureblood trooper.


Given that none of the other companion returns worked this way, I doubt this would ever happen. However, the reverse? Theron leaving you if you side with Quinn and the Empire? I could see that for sure.



I agree with your theory about Ashara, I can see it about her. And if that's not the case, it should've been. Anyways, can't stand her and she's toast if I get the chance.


As for the Elara hate, my reasons are several and some of them are a bit silly and personal, I admit. Main reason why I despise her and not Quinn, is because she betrayed the Empire. Quinn didn't do that, he's a true patriot, and his circumstances drove him to betray the SW and I would think as a Sith, I could understand that these things happen...Sith do it all the time. Elara is a defector...and the Sith in me really really hates that.


The second reason is her appearance and voice, her mannerisms, personality...irritate me. She comes off snooty and priggish and I can't stand her. Quinn at least is good looking and has some charm. I just want to execute her.


Reason three for wanting to execute her, is because she messed up the RP between my hubby and me. Our troopers were supposed to be romancing each other, and he decided to go ahead and romance her and Jaxo and I was like to hell with that lol. We were supposed to bring our troopers up together, because they're boring and we thought we could make it fun if we played together...but nope, didn't work out. I blame Elara. Oddly enough Jaxo doesn't vex me quite as much. Go figure.


Bonus reason, I hate Elara because the game doesn't allow you to be mean to her...I tried to have my toon resist her stupid whims about going off the ship to save her brother or whatever nonsense, but it over-rided my wishes and she went anyway, and then I couldn't even court martial the bish. Yeah, I hate her. :cool:

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RE: Ashara, I believe in the theory that she was left unfinished and was originally supposed to have light and dark side versions like Jaesa. There was a really interesting thread on this a while back and the evidence was compelling. Basically, what we are seeing now is the light-side Ashara which is why she insists on acting as if the player character is also light-sided, even against all evidence. The dark side one never made it into the game. I distinctly recall my inquisitor getting a scene where Ashara clearly falls to the dark side - bends over in pain, surrounded by a red mist after making her first DS decision - yet when I got her back on my ship, she acted as if the scene had never happened.


I don't get the Elara hate though, especially in this thread. She's basically a female Quinn! I got a kick out of her, and she meshed very well with my male Pureblood trooper.


Whoa...when did that happen with Ashara? I don't remember anything like that, even though my dark inquisitor forced her to make dark-side decisions (well, upon getting her, that is).


As for Elara...maybe she lightens up a tad if you do her romance? My trooper didn't, so all he got was the stuck-up, prim, "rules are my life," person that Elara seemed to be. There was never any depth to her character. Perhaps there is if you romance her?

That, and my trooper was aaaaaaaalways just waiting for her to betray them. Really, Garza, you tell the Havoc Squad officer (who, it has been established if you're dark side/neutral, has already had VERY bad experiences with the Empire since they were a child) that, by the way, "This is an Imperial defector who is now going to be serving on the most elite black ops squad in the entire Republic, have fun kids"? And you don't give any proof whatsoever of her NOT being a traitor!? She's been in the Republic for three years. Okay, that proves nothing. Deep-cover agents can (at least in SWTOR :rolleyes:) very easily be embedded in the Republic (or Empire) for much longer than that...see every Revanite ever, numerous examples in the Sith Warrior, Imperial Agent, Consular, Jedi Knight, Smuggler stories...

So then she's on my trooper's squad. Okay, fine. He, naturally, doesn't instantly take a liking to her. There's a few angry words. And then, nothing. Every option after that is either "I think you're the most wonderfulest person ever, Dorne!" or "I don't care what your problems are, get lost you weirdo!" There's no "Dorne, I want to trust you, but you'll forgive me if it's taking a while." There's no "I want to get to know you better - not in a romantic way, and something that doesn't have to do with rules. Come on, let's...I don't know, take a walk on Alderaan and talk about the clouds." There's just...rules, regulations, and Dorne never, EVER relaxes. .-.

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Oddly enough Jaxo doesn't vex me quite as much. Go figure.


I've mentioned before that the fact I <3 Quinn doesn't bother my husband at all, he thinks it's funny. But something about Vector pisses him off, lol. I said "look I bought Vector some Killik eggs to stare at in the stronghold." And my husband was like "YOU LOVE VECTOR! YOU CAN'T WAIT TIL VECTOR COMES BACK!" I was like O_O


None of the female romances bother me in swtor but I remember watching my husband play Baldur's Gate many years ago and I wanted to strangulate Imoen. F'ing Imoen I still hate her and I can't even remember why. :mad:

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RE: Ashara, I believe in the theory that she was left unfinished and was originally supposed to have light and dark side versions like Jaesa. There was a really interesting thread on this a while back and the evidence was compelling. Basically, what we are seeing now is the light-side Ashara which is why she insists on acting as if the player character is also light-sided, even against all evidence.


That would make sense. I wonder why they left it out?


My agent sounds a lot like your agent he's a JB type and dark side as well and he wasn't about to marry anyone. I too had him romance Raina and he told her no to marriage and after that she acted like they'd gotten married. I'm starting to wonder if she doesn't have my new brain password or something, cause I sure as hell didn't marry her lol. That, or maybe she's the nutty one. :eek:

Yay, James Bond wannabes unite! :D

LOL, it would be really troublesome for the Agent is she knew the code. :D


I remember watching my husband play Baldur's Gate many years ago and I wanted to strangulate Imoen. F'ing Imoen I still hate her and I can't even remember why. :mad:

It's no wonder, she can be irritating, LOL. Come to think of it, her personality is similar to Vette's.

(By the way, Edwin Odesserion forever! :D)

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I'm pumped to have Quinn back soon!



Yup, it's pretty neat :)


So thanks to the Facebook promo fiasco I've made a new friend and he just linked me this - clips of like, commercial voicing and things that Richard Teverson's done. It's really brilliant and I'm getting the strangest thrill out of hearing Quinn advertise LG lol.


Oo.. why am I afraid to listen to it? It'll be weird to hear Quinn talking about RL :D


her personality is similar to Vette's


Was that it? UHG. I honestly can't remember.

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So thanks to the Facebook promo fiasco I've made a new friend and he just linked me this - clips of like, commercial voicing and things that Richard Teverson's done. It's really brilliant and I'm getting the strangest thrill out of hearing Quinn advertise LG lol.


OMG, this is BRILLIANT! I can't stop laughing at the advertisements, I'm imagining Quinn saying them. :D:D Maybe Quinn is advertizing on the Dromund Kaas TV too. :D

Totally cool! :cool:

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Haha. I find it oddly satisfying. Perhaps that's just the fact of hearing him though, I could listen to that voice for hours. :o


I understand :o I clicked the first one and I think he was about to say "camera" and I was like nooo my immersion, I just can't. I must be mental. Thank you for sharing tho, what a great find! :)

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I've mentioned before that the fact I <3 Quinn doesn't bother my husband at all, he thinks it's funny. But something about Vector pisses him off, lol. I said "look I bought Vector some Killik eggs to stare at in the stronghold." And my husband was like "YOU LOVE VECTOR! YOU CAN'T WAIT TIL VECTOR COMES BACK!" I was like O_O


None of the female romances bother me in swtor but I remember watching my husband play Baldur's Gate many years ago and I wanted to strangulate Imoen. F'ing Imoen I still hate her and I can't even remember why. :mad:


LOL, that's awesome. My hubby is the exact opposite, he doesn't hate on Vector and doesn't mind me liking Vector. And he doesn't mind Theron...but there is something about Quinn that drives him batsh*t crazy. He's not a huge fan of Scourge either lol. And yet I adore all those pixel men! :D


I do have to admit that Mako vexxed me too, because she was the only one aside from stupid Elara that the hubby romanced. And he seemed to really like Mako, because he'd buy her clothes and stuff. <.<

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So thanks to the Facebook promo fiasco I've made a new friend and he just linked me this - clips of like, commercial voicing and things that Richard Teverson's done. It's really brilliant and I'm getting the strangest thrill out of hearing Quinn advertise LG lol.


I've heard these things before and they're awesome! :D I figured everyone had, or else I would have shared it, I just figured I'd be late to the party like usual lol.


He sounds awesome in the commercials and stuff, I wish he read more books on dvd, I'd listen to them all :D

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So thanks to the Facebook promo fiasco I've made a new friend and he just linked me this - clips of like, commercial voicing and things that Richard Teverson's done. It's really brilliant and I'm getting the strangest thrill out of hearing Quinn advertise LG lol.

I found this the other day when I was looking for Quinn voice info - it really does sound like Quinn doing adverts :D

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So thanks to the Facebook promo fiasco I've made a new friend and he just linked me this - clips of like, commercial voicing and things that Richard Teverson's done. It's really brilliant and I'm getting the strangest thrill out of hearing Quinn advertise LG lol.


Whoa, this is hilarious (at times) and overall very interesting! Listening to him do an American accent kind of blew my mind. The dairy milk one made me snort out loud. I like how he describes each of his sound clips by the emotion he's conveying. I don't know what "pacy" means though....or "pathe" either.

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I hope we get a moment to do some good natured screwing with him upon meeting him. Acting like we're still mad at him and ready to execute him, only to break into a laugh while he's growing a small sewage plant in his pants.


"Looks like we have some... Unfinished business, Quinn. Thought you could sell me out to Baras and get away with it, ey, worm!?"

"B-but, y Lord. I thought yo-"

"You thought wrong"

"I made it up to you!"

"I still require a very 'special' apology"

"No, plea-"

*Warrior hugs Quinn*

"It's good to see you alive, Cap- I mean, it's Major now, isn't it?"

"I see you never lost your sense of humour, Mi'lord..."

"And you still have none"

"I would make a quest to join you side yet again, but it seems I'm about to have a heart attack... May I just say 'You glorious, rat bastard' "

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