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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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You can discuss spoilers, it's just polite to tag them. Can't discuss 'mined' stuff, that's bad. I can't give my opinion because it would all come up in "***** that ******* **** of a ******* Elara Dorne and **** her ******* ***** *** voice and attitude." ;)


No offense to those who enjoy Elara btw, she's just one of my least favorite people.


The latter was what I meant...and the reason for my annoyance. *grumbles*


Elara's...yeah, she's kind of bland. I haven't done her romance, though (I do have a trooper I shal eeeeeeeeeventually get around to romancing her, however). To my original trooper who, honestly, was closer to Jorgan than Elara, Elara was an irritation. He had the mindset of "Empire = BAD. The end, period, end of discussion." And he could never shake that stereotype even after Elara proved herself to be a loyal soldier of the Republic.

And then I think that mindset bled over into *my* perception of the character. o_o

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I was about to suggest that we ask Richard Teverson himself about our dilemma LOL. XD If he has a public email address or something. But he is probably not allowed to say anything, so we don't want to get him into trouble. :o


Yeah he'd probably have a NDA or something.


As for voices being off... for a bunch of them it's been years since they last voiced that character, they may have a different tonation/approach now. Really eager to hear Quinn though, and praying it's still Richard even if his take/voice is slightly different now.

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The Warrior writer is also gone? Oh, no. Unfortunately, a lot of employees were laid off back in 2012, when the game was not as successful as it was expected to be (at least that was in the articles on the net), and that was when things started to go downfall, I think...


I think it was mentioned somewhere in this thread that the warrior writer still works for Bioware, somewhere, but isn't working on swtor anymore. But who knows for sure? It's another question they won't answer.




So. Uh. We can't talk about spoilery stuff because that is against the rules. Yes. Got it. >_< I am very annoyed.


Wait what are you mad about though? The clip cutting off right as Quinn is about to speak? Or something you read somewhere? :confused: Man I can't stand this wait any longer.


I give Bioware a lot of credit, they certainly must have known that leaving Quinn out of the video would make us even more crazed than we were before :jawa_evil:

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I've only been able to get through the Trooper once (I don't care for military dramas), but I thought Elara was an awesome character and I want to keep them both. She's got a distinct personality and story and I'm glad they brought her back in a leadership capacity cause she's the exact type of capable person who could challenge Quinn.


And I'm not worried in the least about his VA. I have a feeling a major factor in bringing people back is the VA schedule. It wouldn't make any sense to write a li back without making sure the VA could do it.

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Wait what are you mad about though? The clip cutting off right as Quinn is about to speak? Or something you read somewhere? :confused: Man I can't stand this wait any longer.


I give Bioware a lot of credit, they certainly must have known that leaving Quinn out of the video would make us even more crazed than we were before :jawa_evil:


And so the torture starts. I wanted to go to sleep now, but I think after this strange clip they gave us I won't be able to. :(

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WTH I wanted to hear Quinn's voice. I swear they're doing this on purpose. /bounces off walls


Was that Elara's same old voice? It sounded a little.. I don't know, girlier than I remember.


They are doing it on purpose. They're evil. And they suck. :( And yes it was the original Elara, still the same snotty little prig she's always been. I'm going to enjoy executing her. I hope they at least allow us that.

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And I'm not worried in the least about his VA. I have a feeling a major factor in bringing people back is the VA schedule. It wouldn't make any sense to write a li back without making sure the VA could do it.


Besides, who'd be the one to ask him? Not me, I don't want to be the stalkery weird one :D

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Wait what are you mad about though? The clip cutting off right as Quinn is about to speak?


Yes, that. I wasn't sure if that counted as information we're not supposed to talk about... sorry for being so vague. :o


I just checked IMDB. The last thing Quinn's VA was credited for was in Shadow of Revan; nothing for KOTET or onwards. ...what would they even be calling this Iokath story, anyway? It's not a full expansion... would it still count as part of KOTET, or...? :/

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I don't think BW is deliberately leaving Quinn out. Likely more a case of "Check out our epic Jedi Knight dude who's basically the ultimate Outlander fronting 99% of our advertisement videos". There was like, one snippet that involved a female Sith Warrior instead a while back (shocking, right?) and I wish they'd do a V2 of this promo video with that same Fem SW and have Quinn speak instead of *barfs* Elara.
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Besides, who'd be the one to ask him? Not me, I don't want to be the stalkery weird one :D


lol i feel like that's a pretty tame question for someone on twitter. Most of the celebrity @'s make me want to fly back to my home planet.

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I agree, it isn't pandering to men. Quinn is definitely the most anticipated, female or male gamer, regardless of what you plan on doing to him. Some people are REALLY itching to kill him. Poor Elara doesn't stand a chance in terms of popularity. I wouldn't reveal ANY word of dialog with Quinn if I were them, even with the Knight.

Also agree that it isn't pandering to men. I really like Elara as a character and can't wait to get her back on my trooper(s). As you say Quinn's return is the MOST anticipated of all the companions whether you love or hate him. I really liked that they cut him off especially as lots of us have asked for NO QUINN SPOILERS! I'm intrigued to see why both he and Elara are together. Any word on whether subs get early access??? Interesting that he's back in military uniform - I must recheck to see if if he has any rank markers.

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Also agree that it isn't pandering to men. I really like Elara as a character and can't wait to get her back on my trooper(s). As you say Quinn's return is the MOST anticipated of all the companions whether you love or hate him. I really liked that they cut him off especially as lots of us have asked for NO QUINN SPOILERS! I'm intrigued to see why both he and Elara are together. Any word on whether subs get early access??? Interesting that he's back in military uniform - I must recheck to see if if he has any rank markers.


Judging by the uniform, I'm almost sure his rank is higher now. :cool:


I have no problems with Elara, except one thing: she defected from the Empire. That is unacceptable. :p

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I give Bioware a lot of credit, they certainly must have known that leaving Quinn out of the video would make us even more crazed than we were before :jawa_evil:


Heh heh, that's true.

*tiny video clip is released*

Every Quinn fangirl in this thread: *POUNCE*

*sounds of video being torn to pieces ensue*

Every Quinn fangirl in this thread: NOT ENOUGH QUINN. BLOOD SHALL BE SPILLED.

Quinn: ... *slowly edges away* I shall be...over there...if my lord requires me... *walks away as rapidly as his dignity will allow him*

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I really liked that they cut him off especially as lots of us have asked for NO QUINN SPOILERS! I'm intrigued to see why both he and Elara are together. Any word on whether subs get early access??? Interesting that he's back in military uniform - I must recheck to see if if he has any rank markers.


I like that they cut him off, too. :D


The thing I'm most interested in is his excuse for not returning for the Outlander. He's gonna get about 30 seconds to talk before I make up my mind. :mad:

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I have no problems with Elara, except one thing: she defected from the Empire. That is unacceptable.


I'm surprised the two of them are standing so civilly next to each other, to be honest. I didn't imagine they'd be together in the same room. And look at how Quinn turns around all swaggery, he must have learned that from me. :p

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Judging by the uniform, I'm almost sure his rank is higher now. :cool:


I have no problems with Elara, except one thing: she defected from the Empire. That is unacceptable. :p

Unless you are a light-sided sith then it makes sense for her to come over to the alliance as killing/torture for fun isn't really a thing if you go light-sided (one of her reasons for defecting). The dark-side sith will be in a quandary - there are probably a lot of them who want to kill Quinn for his betrayal, however taking a defector would be pretty unpalatable for anyone dark side. I wonder if it's possible to reject both Quinn and Dorne? I won't be - my Warrior women are in a Quinn queue as we speak! :D


I can't find a match for Quinn's rank insignia anywhere - maybe they created a new rank for him? His uniform looks quite "dressy" so maybe he's a Moff. And Elara seems to have come back a much higher rank as she introduced herself as Captain - my Elara's are all Sergeant I think since

I always choose to promote Aric


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I would just like to take a moment to express my appreciation that Quinn's backside is still looking glorious.


Quinn: MY WHAT!?



You're normally more eloquent than that.

Quinn: When my backside is not being subject to random people gazing upon it, then yes, I will be more eloquent. But THIS...! This...this gross objectification is... *turning red*

But...but...but... :(

Quinn: ......

...oh wow, that was a terrible pun...I'm so sorry...

Quinn: ......................... *DESPAIR*

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Quinn: MY WHAT!?



You're normally more eloquent than that.

Quinn: When my backside is not being subject to random people gazing upon it, then yes, I will be more eloquent. But THIS...! This...this gross objectification is... *turning red*

But...but...but... :(

Quinn: ......

...oh wow, that was a terrible pun...I'm so sorry...

Quinn: ......................... *DESPAIR*


I'm laughing so much I can't breath now. :D

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My heart is bleeding. Not only we didn't hear his voice in this teaser but also seems like the cutscenes won't be repeatable, as it's not a chapter. My Quinn family won't have familiar resemblance in cutscenes :(:(:(:(:(:(:(
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My heart is bleeding. Not only we didn't hear his voice in this teaser but also seems like the cutscenes won't be repeatable, as it's not a chapter. My Quinn family won't have familiar resemblance in cutscenes :(:(:(:(:(:(:(


My fear is that we couldn't hear him because they couldn't get the original voice actor back and they don't want a bunch of people unsubbing before 5.2 even drops. :(

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My fear is that we couldn't hear him because they couldn't get the original voice actor back and they don't want a bunch of people unsubbing before 5.2 even drops. :(


I didn't take it in such a sinister way but hearing him would certainly shoo our worries away (if it's still him, not so stranger, that is) :(


But if this is another guy... then "my" Quinn is pretty much gone. Wrong face, wrong voice = not the same person.

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