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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I can't believe how much love Quinn gets in here. But... it gives me hope.


Because I consider myself an unattractively looking man in real life.


But I also consider Quinn more unattractive than me.


So, if all you ladies out here think that Quinn looks, well, at least, acceptable, then maybe I will one day find a woman somewhere who thinks that I look acceptable as well.


And no, this time I am not joking.


Sorry, buddy, I swoon to the Asian version of him ;)


But more seriously, it's less about looks and more about the full package. In every person's, especially RL, case.

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I can't believe how much love Quinn gets in here. But... it gives me hope.


Because I consider myself an unattractively looking man in real life.


But I also consider Quinn more unattractive than me.


So, if all you ladies out here think that Quinn looks, well, at least, acceptable, then maybe I will one day find a woman somewhere who thinks that I look acceptable as well.


And no, this time I am not joking.


Well, you get more flies with honey than vinegar for a start lol. Telling us we have fabulous taste would be a friendly start. Then telling us you might actually be better looking than Quinn might pique our interest too lol.


Don't focus on the negatives lol. I'm a big believer in that there is someone for everyone in this world. Not me though, I have my someone and I have my pixel someone so I'm good. But there are probably several single lovely fangirls around here lol. GL! :p

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I can't believe how much love Quinn gets in here. But... it gives me hope.


Because I consider myself an unattractively looking man in real life.


But I also consider Quinn more unattractive than me.


So, if all you ladies out here think that Quinn looks, well, at least, acceptable, then maybe I will one day find a woman somewhere who thinks that I look acceptable as well.


And no, this time I am not joking.


Spoiler'd for length here, and for anybody who doesn't want to read dashed-off relationship advice in a pixel-man love thread.

Quinn: ...should I be insulted--



Looks aren't everything. I have a friend who, by the rest of the world's standards, wouldn't be considered a supermodel. But when you get to his personality...that is what matters. He's pretty much the sensitive, compassionate heart of any group he's in, and people rightfully adore him for that. He's incredibly selfless and caring. No one cares what he looks like: it's his personality, his character, his moral worth, that makes him so wonderful to be around.

Yeah, a lot of women (and men) will base everything on physical appearance alone. But, to be honest, if you found a woman like that - would you really want to be with her? If she doesn't care about your personality, only how you look - and looks can change drastically in the blink of an eye - then she's incredibly shallow and, frankly, not worthy of a relationship.

But to find a woman who looks past whatever outward shortcomings you have...or you think you have...that is a lady worth getting to know. :)



As for us who find Quinn attractive, it's partly because of his looks, I'll admit, but also - more importantly - because of his character. He's not one-dimensional, and that's a relief. His character is quite appealing: the stiff, stoic officer who hides his feelings...but, and this is important, he is not incapable of feeling. And when he does decide to reveal his emotions, well... *fans self* :p

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Awww. :( Thanks for the info.


I hate KOTFE, so I have never played it, I have many reasons for it. One of them is I didn't want them to take Quinn away from me. I just watched walkthroughs and read about the story. But now he's back, so I want to do the storyline with the Warrior. Although I've lately been thinking about getting through KOTFE with one character, and I have a really good motivation now. :)


I have 2 female Warriors and a recently started male. Hmmm...maybe I will create a 4 Warrior for this.

If you have the time you can probably level 1 or two warriors right through everything before 5.2 hits. I've made a couple of boosted characters in the past but if you want to experience the romances I can't recommend it. Theron Shan's romance/flirting options start from Manaan and continue through Shadow of Revan so you would miss all of that. The only romance option that would be "complete" would be Koth given the way KOTFE/KOTET plays out it's nowhere near as good as getting Malavai as a romance through all of the class story line.


Can't wait for the 11th - need to hurry up and finish my two most recent warriors & hope that I won't be needing a shiny new pitch fork and my best rage-quit rants.


Alright who did I see on the fleet this morning picking up heroics, femwarrior with Quinn out and last name "Quinn"? Had to be one of you :D

:D:D:D hahahaha out of all my warriors I have 4 (maybe 5, I lost track) warriors that are [insertfirstname] Quinn. I have them on Red Eclipse, Harbinger and Progenitor so if it was any of those could have been me. But then I have seen A LOT of Quinn wives running around the SWTOR universe lately.

Edited by Sarova
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But then I have seen A LOT of Quinn wives running around the SWTOR universe lately.


Come to think of it, I've been seeing a lot of Quinns around too. Not as many as when he was the only healer, but still.


Remember when we were talking about what we do when we see someone else with Quinn? I still need a protocol to follow for that situation. Perhaps a /wink would do. ;) Now if only companions could react to emotes..

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Strange, I'm on the Red Eclipse but haven't seen other Quinns around lately. Only one, to be specific. And no one winked at or hugged my Quinn either. XD I hang around the trade market a lot, pay attention to me LOL. :) Edited by Dylinrae
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Strange, I'm on the Red Eclipse but haven't seen other Quinns around lately. Only one, to be specific. And no one winked at or hugged my Quinn either. XD I hang around the trade market a lot, pay attention to me LOL. :)


If you were on my server I would :o Apparently Shadowlands is the boondocks of swtor~


I imagine Quinn would start running...


If he knows what's best for him, though I'm not convinced he does :D

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Maybe you should try both. Kill him and then love him, for example.


I dig ;) your example, but I would tweak the order of things just a tad.


Spoiler'd for length here, and for anybody who doesn't want to read dashed-off relationship advice in a pixel-man love thread.



The only place one should seek romantic advice, really. See above. And below.



As for us who find Quinn attractive, it's partly because of his looks, I'll admit, but also - more importantly - because of his character.


I'm gonna have to go with about 90% looks for me (76% of which includes the tight-*** uniform), 8% cause he's so easy to troll, and 2% cause he had the balls to attack me. A recipe for true love.

Edited by Ralei
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I'm gonna have to go with about 90% looks for me (76% of which includes the tight-*** uniform), 8% cause he's so easy to troll, and 2% cause he had the balls to attack me. A recipe for true love.


I first noticed Quinn - wayyyyyyyyy before I even started playing the game, actually - because of his looks, I'll admit. So I was curious about him. Then I got a warrior to Balmorra, and Quinn's first scene is coldly telling off a subordinate in a measured, even tone...even as he's threatening to shoot the guy if he (the subordinate) doesn't pick up the slack.

And right then was when character trumped looks and my warrior fell for him so hard there was a crater in the floor. :p And I was sitting there with my eyebrows raised going "...now THAT is how you pull off an establishing character moment. :eek:"

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I just realized he's probably going to call my inquisitor "my lord". I hope his voice catches, at least :o

They've been lurking in this thread long enough to know that we want to hear a "My Love" moment at least once. And if I hear "commander" come out of his mouth for any reason there will be force choking. Ok, mild force choking unless they do

what you can do when a romanced Torian says it and pick a "don't you commander me" option leading to a big romanc-y response


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Maybe you should try both. Kill him and then love him, for example.


You are right. Even zombie Quinn is worth loving. :rak_04:


But then I have seen A LOT of Quinn wives running around the SWTOR universe lately.


I've seen Quinn family members for years, so I'm not sure if there are more or not. Now that we can do spaces in names it's much less of a commitment than back in the day when a last name had to be a legacy name.


Alright who did I see on the fleet this morning picking up heroics, femwarrior with Quinn out and last name "Quinn"? Had to be one of you :D


I'm on Shadowlands too, but it wasn't me. Though I am tempted to dress Quinn up in some BDSM armor and hang around fleet for kicks. We are 50 Shades of Quinn after all :rolleyes:

Edited by Damask_Rose
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They've been lurking in this thread long enough to know that we want to hear a "My Love" moment at least once. And if I hear "commander" come out of his mouth for any reason there will be force choking. Ok, mild force choking unless they do

what you can do when a romanced Torian says it and pick a "don't you commander me" option leading to a big romanc-y response


Oh, yes! I'm fully expecting something along those lines :D It's just that I sort of hope he doesn't call my sorcerer "my lord" because now I consider it practically a pet name for the warrior. Inq can be "Commander" and warrior can be "My love.. lord". <3


I'm on Shadowlands too, but it wasn't me. Though I am tempted to dress Quinn up in some BDSM armor and hang around fleet for kicks. We are 50 Shades of Quinn after all


Oh please do! I'd fall off my speeder if I saw that. :D


One more thing, anyone ever do companion missions in their stronghold?




I'm trying to come up with the perfect background scene but all I've come up with so far is Theron looking real grumpy and glaring at us lol.

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Alright who did I see on the fleet this morning picking up heroics, femwarrior with Quinn out and last name "Quinn"? Had to be one of you :D


Sadly, I plead not guilty. :p My warrior's on Begeren Colony. (If you see a built-like-a-tank female Sith Warrior with a heavily armored Pierce in tow - that's me. XD)


And there had BETTER BE a Quinn line of "my love--*cough* my lord." Are you listening, BioWare? ARE YOU LISTENING?? :D ...they didn't listen on other issues with other games...I just hope they listen to this tiny little request.

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One more thing, anyone ever do companion missions in their stronghold?




I'm trying to come up with the perfect background scene but all I've come up with so far is Theron looking real grumpy and glaring at us lol.


...that's beautiful. XDD THERON'S JEALOUS. For some reason. How did you get Theron as a companion and are still doing Quinn's conversations?

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...that's beautiful. XDD THERON'S JEALOUS. For some reason. How did you get Theron as a companion and are still doing Quinn's conversations?


Oh, I already had put Theron there on some other character, someone who has him. I just rotated him around a little (on my lowbie) when I realized he was always going to be in the scene. I'm thinking of putting Treek there because the idea of Treek standing with us makes me laugh :)


(Shoot, Treek doesn't show up for some reason. Hm.)

Edited by grania
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One more thing, anyone ever do companion missions in their stronghold?




I'm trying to come up with the perfect background scene but all I've come up with so far is Theron looking real grumpy and glaring at us lol.


LOL I didn't even know you can have conversations there. :o But I haven't cared about my strongholds much, I still consider my ship my home. XDD

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LOL I didn't even know you can have conversations there. :o But I haven't cared about my strongholds much, I still consider my ship my home. XDD


Mine looked like a warehouse until recently. But I've been sick for over a week and turns out that moving pretend furniture around is good for killing time :o

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Mine looked like a warehouse until recently. But I've been sick for over a week and turns out that moving pretend furniture around is good for killing time :o


Haha, I guess. :)


I'm interested in the Tatooine stronghold, but can't afford it. Poor Quinn doesn't even suspect that is my favorite planet. I would like to see his face when I tell him that. :D 'It will be a pleasure to put this overheated sandbox behind us.' He really hates that place. ;)

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