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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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You guys ever notice that grunt he makes when you say you'll let him leave the ship if he wants to? rofl


This one? https://vid.me/kLUz


I always wondered if it's him or some kind of sound glitch in the recording. Doesn't sound like his voice :confused: so I was annoyed by "broken" recording.


BTW, this option in dialogue confirms for me that he didn't work for Baras from the beginning, otherwise he'd never ask for transfer, because he knew he couldn't do it.

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This one? https://vid.me/kLUz


I always wondered if it's him or some kind of sound glitch in the recording. Doesn't sound like his voice :confused: so I was annoyed by "broken" recording.


BTW, this option in dialogue confirms for me that he didn't work for Baras from the beginning, otherwise he'd never ask for transfer, because he knew he couldn't do it.


Yeah that's it, is it a grunt or a glitch or what? It almost could be like him saying "I" and then stammering but glitchy, yeah. I dunno!


What did Malavai know and when did he know it? I mean I suppose he could have had no intention of leaving even though he asked to, but eh.. that doesn't make the most sense.

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This one? https://vid.me/kLUz


I always wondered if it's him or some kind of sound glitch in the recording. Doesn't sound like his voice :confused: so I was annoyed by "broken" recording.


BTW, this option in dialogue confirms for me that he didn't work for Baras from the beginning, otherwise he'd never ask for transfer, because he knew he couldn't do it.


I always thought it was some kind of weird glitch too, because it doesn't sound at all like him!

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What did Malavai know and when did he know it? I mean I suppose he could have had no intention of leaving even though he asked to, but eh.. that doesn't make the most sense.


I've always felt he didn't know until close to the actual 'event', after Baras' other attempts had failed and he decided "fine, I'll call up the one guy I can force into doing my bidding and who's closest to the SW". So he contacts Quinn, holds their past over his head and orders him to do the thing. Otherwise things make little sense... like, Baras would have known far sooner that his Quesh-boom thing failed because Quinn would have briefed him on the fact we're still alive and working with The Hand. And... I'd like to think the cheek-kiss thing post Draagh is genuine, and that in that moment Quinn's not yet Baras' puppet.

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What did Malavai know and when did he know it? I mean I suppose he could have had no intention of leaving even though he asked to, but eh.. that doesn't make the most sense.


One could argue it was part of his plan to cover his true intentions... but he's not one to play such games. He simply wouldn't bother rather than make up such "leaving" threat as proof of his faithful service. Esp. since they talked about love, and she didn't suspect anything, because why would she?


It just doesn't make sense.


But to each their own. I interpret the events in the game from my story's POV, so to speak. This interpretation works for me.


I've always felt he didn't know until close to the actual 'event', after Baras' other attempts had failed and he decided "fine, I'll call up the one guy I can force into doing my bidding and who's closest to the SW". So he contacts Quinn, holds their past over his head and orders him to do the thing. Otherwise things make little sense... like, Baras would have known far sooner that his Quesh-boom thing failed because Quinn would have briefed him on the fact we're still alive and working with The Hand. And... I'd like to think the cheek-kiss thing post Draagh is genuine, and that in that moment Quinn's not yet Baras' puppet.


This, all of this.


Also Malavai approving when you make Rathari your minion to watch/help you take down Baras.


And that peck on the cheek. C'mon! He could stay his dutiful coldness, but he chose to cheer you up after you were scared he'd been lying dead there!


ETA. Even if Baras planned to use him from the start, I really don't think he'd tell Malavai anything. He was too paranoid to risk it: Malavai could always reveal that to warrior, getting attached, serving them him/her, etc. Baras didn't tell us, a fellow Sith, everything, so a mere Imp would be even more need-to-know basis.

Edited by Lammia
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And that peck on the cheek. C'mon! He could stay his dutiful coldness, but he chose to cheer you up after you were scared he'd been lying dead there!


But what if he was only pretending to be hurt! :eek: He says he's been planning it a long time but how long is long and why won't the devs ever answer any questions like this??


I can't make my mind up about it! So I'm going to post a screenshot of the prettiest place on Dromund Kaas. That's better, very soothing.




I think I just felt an earthquake, in real life o.o

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I like it when you tell him to ignore Vette and he flips out about inflamed rashes :D


I just saw the inflamed rashes bit on my current playthrough and I will now be eternally sad that we can't tease Quinn about why his mind goes to "inflamed rashes," of all things.


BTW, this option in dialogue confirms for me that he didn't work for Baras from the beginning, otherwise he'd never ask for transfer, because he knew he couldn't do it.


ETA. Even if Baras planned to use him from the start, I really don't think he'd tell Malavai anything. He was too paranoid to risk it: Malavai could always reveal that to warrior, getting attached, serving them him/her, etc. Baras didn't tell us, a fellow Sith, everything, so a mere Imp would be even more need-to-know basis.


I've always felt like, yeah, he either wasn't (knowingly) working for Baras at that point, or was just starting to suspect Baras wanted him there for more nefarious ulterior motives than he originally agreed to. Either way, I'm not sure Baras would've been like, "Oh, you transferred? That's cool. You do you, bro. What ever you want. Sounds good."


I definitely think Quinn had genuine feels, regardless.


And I totally agree, Baras would have been way too paranoid to clue Quinn in. He didn't even want him knowing the full details of the Balmorra mission, even though it would've been more helpful for him to be in-the-know about the extent of the mission the entire time.

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I just saw the inflamed rashes bit on my current playthrough and I will now be eternally sad that we can't tease Quinn about why his mind goes to "inflamed rashes," of all things.


I think I missed that on all my 6 playthouroughs, because I don't remember any "rashes" in that convo about Vette. :confused:

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You are not the only one with that trash thing. Every time, when I send Quinn away to sell the junk items, this comes to my mind:


Early morning, Quinn with a sleepy and unshaven face, wearing a hoddie, sweatpants and rubber slippers, going down the stairs (in a Dromund Kaas apartment or something,like that XD), carrying a big trash bag and throwing the trash out. XDDD


Quinn: http://i.imgur.com/QEmoaXC.gifv

Edited by Tamyn
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Yeah that's it, is it a grunt or a glitch or what? It almost could be like him saying "I" and then stammering but glitchy, yeah. I dunno!


I thought he was just stammering...which is, in and of itself, so uncharacteristic that it's adorable. :p


There's a dialogue right after the end of Act I, in which Quinn asks the warrior what they're going to do now. One option is, paraphrased, "Baras had better watch his back, because now I'm coming for him...eventually." Quinn approves.

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I think I missed that on all my 6 playthouroughs, because I don't remember any "rashes" in that convo about Vette. :confused:


I don't have the clip, which is unfortunate because so much of the humor is in the delivery. The warrior gives this calm and reasonable suggestion and Quinn's reaction escalates so quickly to woah, no no no, gross, impossible, she'slikeafrigginrash, do you have any idea what you're suggesting?!


Like, his rash is clearly bothering him. Er, I mean, Vette. Vette is bothering him. Mmhm.


Here's a screenshot (hopefully it works!) http://i.imgur.com/jqcaLX0.jpg

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I don't have the clip, which is unfortunate because so much of the humor is in the delivery. The warrior gives this calm and reasonable suggestion and Quinn's reaction escalates so quickly to woah, no no no, gross, impossible, she'slikeafrigginrash, do you have any idea what you're suggesting?!


Like, his rash is clearly bothering him. Er, I mean, Vette. Vette is bothering him. Mmhm.


Here's a screenshot (hopefully it works!) http://i.imgur.com/jqcaLX0.jpg


I definitely didn't get that one :eek:


Warrior No. 7 coming right up! :D I want the dialogue where he promises to try to smile for her, so that's two reasons to roll another one :D

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There's a dialogue right after the end of Act I, in which Quinn asks the warrior what they're going to do now. One option is, paraphrased, "Baras had better watch his back, because now I'm coming for him...eventually." Quinn approves.


I'm glad you mention this actually, I always tell him to mind his own business because at this point I don't know if he's on my side or not. But when I decide to play it again I'll say the Baras thing instead. And it might be funny to have an eitire page of the character select screen nothing but level 70 warriors! (Skew BWs metrics much? Muhaha)


Heck I made another warrior when I realized he approved of the part where you won't say a dopey speech on Taris. Kinda wish none of my warriors made a speech. I hate speeches :mad:

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Just ran my 4th warrior through Corellia and:



I used Shae during the part where Vowrawn goes to our ship and the crew gets attacked. Quinn does show up when Vowrawn says he should get a reward, and Quinn mentions that he was "Making up for past indiscretions" you can either choose "water under the bridge" or "You're still on thin ice" I chose "water" and didn't hit escape fast enough to use the 'thin ice' one, not sure what that would do to the later ship, marriage, children dialogue, if anything.



There are so many different dialogues that can be had from Quinn, but, jeez, to reroll for each line is exhausting. I need to get quicker on that escape button.



Also, during the marriage proposal where you can get that 'hubby' cuteness, if you take 'not in public' he says "Your Captain will resume his duties, Malavai will see you later", so much promise in that statement.


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Speaking of Quinn vs Vette, I also love this dialogue:


Warrior: She wants to get to know you, Quinn. It wouldn't kill you to make friends.

Quinn: With her? My lord, please.



I love how insulted, irritated and disgusted he sounds LOL. :D

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