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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I have made and am about to start warrior #4. Trying to power my only male trooper through all of the content to get him ready for patch. After playing this goody-twoshoes character I am looking forward to my warrior. She will be the sithist sith who ever sithed. Am about to never make a single light side choice and am going to shock the ever living hell out of Vette. Will be a first for me, this is going to be hard. I have a hard time playing truely dark characters :(


I'm trying to play a super dark male warrior now so I can romance dark Jaesa (one of only 2 romances I haven't done yet) but I'm stuck on the Vette conversation where she begs to be let out of the collar. I had to quit the conversation and log off completely because I just couldn't take her going on about how she's a shadow of a person now, etc. :( Being evil is hard sometimes.

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I have a light one, a pure neutral (Jaessa's reaction is great to this by the way) and a mostly dark side one - she made a few light side choices like taking of Vette's collar and the stuff with her family. All females all romancing Quinn :) Every single one of them has been nice to Vette, wanted to see how some things play out much later in the game if you never take off the collar. This is going to be hard, I like Vette as a character.
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I have made and am about to start warrior #4. Trying to power my only male trooper through all of the content to get him ready for patch. After playing this goody-twoshoes character I am looking forward to my warrior. She will be the sithist sith who ever sithed. Am about to never make a single light side choice and am going to shock the ever living hell out of Vette. Will be a first for me, this is going to be hard. I have a hard time playing truely dark characters :(


But with all of this still going to tease and Romance Quinn....


Though I may force choke him after the Quinncident and still do the flirt demanding sexual favors afterwards.




I found I liked dark best, though I have trouble with Vette too. It seems my warrior just has a different personality when she deals with her. Doesn't mean I approve of everything Vette does or says but the feeling is mutual :p

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Though I may force choke him after the Quinncident and still do the flirt demanding sexual favors afterwards.


Quinncident is my new favourite word :D

I'm levelling number 5 however I found a level 1 warrior I made ages ago and forgot about - a pureblood sith. It would be rude not to level her! On number five I can't believe I felt sorry for Vette and took her collar off. I'm already regretting it. Still I can still shoot down everything she says.

I wonder if the Devs have been lurking in this thread and putting some of the good ideas to use or removing the "we really don't want that" if there are any? I've still managed to avoid all 5.2 related spoilers so I have no idea what's going to happen (and don't want to know) however they have plenty of time to make revisions and avoid any mob-of-quinnmancers-with-pitch-forks related incidents.

Edited by Sarova
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I wonder if the Devs have been lurking in this thread and putting some of the good ideas to use or removing the "we really don't want that" if there are any? I've still managed to avoid all 5.2 related spoilers so I have no idea what's going to happen (and don't want to know) however they have plenty of time to make revisions and avoid any mob-of-quinnmancers-with-pitch-forks related incidents.


Considering the amount of flack the devs have gotten over some of the writing I wouldn't put it past them to at least skim the forums to try to avoid more of some of the glaring blunders that've happened. I know when I'm writing I hit up ever resource I possibly can to put out solid work and I'd like to think the writers here are up to doing the same and no one can deny staunch fans are certainly a viable reference resource with remembering every little detail and then some.

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I'm afraid I'm a lot more sceptical about this. The story has been written a while ago, coding and VO done, so nothing will be changed, regardless of what's on the forum. We get whatever mess they made, even if now they'd realise it's mess. :(
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I'm so happy I've found this thread! I'm a total Quinn and Empire fanatic, so beware! :D He is my all time favorite companion and love interest. He was one of the main reasons I started playing this game, no kidding! :)

I was already interested in the game, but when I watched the beta videos and saw his conversations with the female Warrior, I thought I MUST play this game, and went straight for the Sith Warrior storyline when the game was launched. :D


It makes me very sad how a lot of people hate him, totally ignoring how difficult his position was when he chose to betray you. :( (interestingly, Kaliyo also betrayed the Agent and even the Empire, but she doesn't get that much hate!)

That's why I'm glad there is a Quinn-loving thread, Quinn fans must unite! :cool:

You couldn't possibly find someone who is more patriot than him in the Empire. I love everything about him, and it was always hilarious when he was afraid of flirting.


To tell the truth, I hate KOTFE, so I still only play the old content (I have 14 characters, so I'm quite busy LOL), and I seriously hope they won't ruin Quinn's new story. I will probably start KOTFE with one of my Warriors because of him. :)

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I'm so happy I've found this thread! I'm a total Quinn and Empire fanatic, so beware! :D He is my all time favorite companion and love interest. He was one of the main reasons I started playing this game, no kidding! :)

I was already interested in the game, but when I watched the beta videos and saw his conversations with the female Warrior, I thought I MUST play this game, and went straight for the Sith Warrior storyline when the game was launched. :D


It makes me very sad how a lot of people hate him, totally ignoring how difficult his position was when he chose to betray you. :( (interestingly, Kaliyo also betrayed the Agent and even the Empire, but she doesn't get that much hate!)

That's why I'm glad there is a Quinn-loving thread, Quinn fans must unite! :cool:

You couldn't possibly find someone who is more patriot than him in the Empire. I love everything about him, and it was always hilarious when he was afraid of flirting.


To tell the truth, I hate KOTFE, so I still only play the old content (I have 14 characters, so I'm quite busy LOL), and I seriously hope they won't ruin Quinn's new story. I will probably start KOTFE with one of my Warriors because of him. :)



Welcome! Yay! Another Quinnmancer. ^^


I agree, Kaliyo isn't treated with anywhere near the hate that Malavai is, it's not fair. But we're not here about her, we're here for Malavai! :D


You should run the new stuff, now that Malavai's return is on the horizon. ^^

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I'm so happy I've found this thread! I'm a total Quinn and Empire fanatic, so beware!


Haha, you too :)


I for one am trying to stay as busy as I can until 5.2 comes out. As anxious as I am about it, that it might not be perfect, I still wouldn't dream of missing it. And now that I've got a squad of warriors to run it with I'll take a less important one through first just in case it all goes horribly wrong, heh.


(The question being though, which warrior is less important? I kinda love them all)

Edited by grania
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Do you have a favorite Quinn line? :D

Mine is when he says 'Sorry my lov--my lord, I didn't mean to eavesdrop.' in the Shadow of Revan intro. It was so funny and adorable! :D


By the way, I always take screenshots while playing, mainly of character conversations (of all classes). Needless to say, I have tons of pictures of Quinn, literally of everything he has said. :D Obsession lvl 100. :D

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My favorite is the second convo on the ship if your warrior tells him to loosen up. He get's really confused and says "Is that an order?". :D:D Quinn in a nutshell. And then if you say it is, he say's "I'll try to - loosen up" with such disdain it's hilarious. The animators did a good job with Quinn. He's always wrinkling his nose up at something. Edited by Ralei
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Do you have a favorite Quinn line? :D

Mine is when he says 'Sorry my lov--my lord, I didn't mean to eavesdrop.' in the Shadow of Revan intro. It was so funny and adorable! :D


By the way, I always take screenshots while playing, mainly of character conversations (of all classes). Needless to say, I have tons of pictures of Quinn, literally of everything he has said. :D Obsession lvl 100. :D


Someone used to have that soundbite on repeat so they could hear it over and over but I can't seem to find it anymore. It's a great line :D


He says a lot of things I like, his romance lines, his uptight unintentionally funny lines, I don't know how to pick just one. I like when he says "I can resist you no longer" when you tell him you won't die for him :o I like it when you tell him to ignore Vette and he flips out about inflamed rashes :D I like the whole sand demon conversation, the way they just stand there trying to decide what to do.



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- "I have no idea what that is."


Quinn's response to Moff Broysc when the Moff accused "Admiral Malcontent" of sabotaging the Glory Space Station. I legitimately lol'd.


I loved this bit :D Quinn sounds like he's really trying to keep his cool here and almost failing. I also like the bit where they have a minute to key in a code before being blown up - brilliant (deliberately left out the conversation because spoilers).

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I can't choose just one favourite line! I love those adorable, those shy, those bold ("You'll find that I'm far from squeamish now" with that smirk and naughty look of squinted eyes!), those dead-pan humour funny... I love the whole package, can't choose only one! Edited by Lammia
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Alright, this is going to sound weird, but one of the lines that cracks me up the most is when Quinn says, "The body has been disposed of, my lord."


The way he says it...it's like he's using his sexy voice for this line, which under normal circumstances would be completely inappropriate and probably downright creepy, but in the SW's case, it could very well be a weird kind of come-on. :D For my SW it represented a big moment when Quinn truly let his passions free. She had been telling him all along to use his rage constructively and DO something. So when he finally took her advice and took care of business, she was like, <swoon.> (I played a dark leaning warrior.)


The other thing that makes me laugh is I wonder if this sort of line is common in Sith households, perhaps the equivalent of, "Oh btw honey, I took out the garbage today." "Thanks so much dear, that latest body was starting to get ripe."


Ok, so I might be a little weird. :o


Edit: Here is the sound clip I mean. I hope this works. I've never tried this site before.


"Body has been disposed of"

Edited by CloudCastle
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- "I have no idea what that is."


Quinn's response to Moff Broysc when the Moff accused "Admiral Malcontent" of sabotaging the Glory Space Station. I legitimately lol'd.


And judging by the way Quinn speaks very rapidly and almost ashamedly - he DOES know whatever that is, but he's not telling.

I wonder... :eek: Quinn? Enlightenment?

Quinn: No.


Quinn: No.

You're telling a group of Sith Lords and a few high-ranking Imperial officers - YOUR SUPERIORS - "no."

Quinn: If what you say is true, I am, and I quote, "a bunch of pixels on the screen." There is, therefore, nothing you can do to punish me.

I can give you to the Quinn-haters...


Okay then! I can just delete you.

Quinn: Wha


Quinn: I


Quinn: If y

Not until you tell us what happened with Broysc...!

Quinn: N

Guess not.



As for favorite Quinn lines, I like the teasing that goes on when he proposes.


Quinn: *something about "Perhaps now you can call me Malavai instead of my last name all the time"*

Warrior: Maybe I'll call you "husband."

Quinn: ...please don't.

Warrior: *absolutely wicked smile* Or hubby.

Quinn: *facepalm* I...I know better than to take you seriously. I should get back to my word. [a small pause, and then he turns back to the warrior with an adorably boyish smirk] Wife.


I sat there in shock for a few minutes. "...QUINN...Malavai Quinn...just made a JOKE!? ...*heart melts*"

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Alright, this is going to sound weird, but one of the lines that cracks me up the most is when Quinn says, "The body has been disposed of, my lord."


The way he says it...it's like he's using his sexy voice for this line, which under normal circumstances would be completely inappropriate and probably downright creepy, but in the SW's case, it could very well be a weird kind of com-on. :D For my SW it represented a big moment when Quinn truly let his passions free. She had been telling him all along to use his rage constructively and DO something. So when he finally took her advice and took care of business, she was like, <swoon.> (I played a dark leaning warrior.)


The other thing that makes me laugh is I wonder if this sort of line is common in Sith households, perhaps the equivalent of, "Oh btw honey, I took out the garbage today." "Thanks so much dear, that latest body was starting to get ripe."


Ok, so I might be a little weird. :o


Edit: Here is the sound clip I mean. I hope this works. I've never tried this site before.


"Body has been disposed of"


LOL, this made my day. :D You are not the only one with that trash thing. Every time, when I send Quinn away to sell the junk items, this comes to my mind:


Early morning, Quinn with a sleepy and unshaven face, wearing a hoddie, sweatpants and rubber slippers, going down the stairs (in a Dromund Kaas apartment or something,like that XD), carrying a big trash bag and throwing the trash out. XDDD

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As for favorite Quinn lines, I like the teasing that goes on when he proposes.


Quinn: *something about "Perhaps now you can call me Malavai instead of my last name all the time"*

Warrior: Maybe I'll call you "husband."

Quinn: ...please don't.

Warrior: *absolutely wicked smile* Or hubby.

Quinn: *facepalm* I...I know better than to take you seriously. I should get back to my word. [a small pause, and then he turns back to the warrior with an adorably boyish smirk] Wife.


I sat there in shock for a few minutes. "...QUINN...Malavai Quinn...just made a JOKE!? ...*heart melts*"

YES! That one gets me every single time! :o A lot of it's been tense teasing and sudden passion... but then with this you get this unexpected humor, that adorable look on his face and *melts* That, along with the kiss on the cheek thing and everything else just really makes Quinn such an amazing romance. ♥

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