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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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And I don't get the Talos thing. He comes across as completely asexual to me lol. *


He comes across as average for a good many of the guys I know in the Archaeology department at college. Just really focused on his field that you have to be a bit glaringly obvious to get their attention on something not a relic.

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He comes across as average for a good many of the guys I know in the Archaeology department at college. Just really focused on his field that you have to be a bit glaringly obvious to get their attention on something not a relic.


Yes, he is definitely relicsexual.


But it's also his mannerisms and appearance. His customizations are all body type 1, which I take for either young or underdeveloped. But then he has the speech pattern of an elderly gentleman. Not unlike many men in my cs field. I mean, they're probably not asexual, but it's clear their sexuality is lower on their list of daily priorities. :o

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Yes, he is definitely relicsexual.


But it's also his mannerisms and appearance. His customizations are all body type 1, which I take for either young or underdeveloped. But then he has the speech pattern of an elderly gentleman. Not unlike many men in my cs field. I mean, they're probably not asexual, but it's clear their sexuality is lower on their list of daily priorities. :o


:( Not everyone who is skinny or short is childlike or asexual (I mean look at East Asian countries) and next to body type 2 and 3, most real men are "underdeveloped." Besides, I would much rather have a character with a more developed life and interests than a perv like Theran or Doc.

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:( Not everyone who is skinny or short is childlike or asexual (I mean look at East Asian countries) and next to body type 2 and 3, most real men are "underdeveloped." Besides, I would much rather have a character with a more developed life and interests than a perv like Theran or Doc.


Tharan is just as interested in his work as Telos with a developed life. Where exactly do you get the idea he's a perv? Because his interest in Holiday, who is an advanced AI? Seeing as how there's likely nothing sexual actually going on (being a hologram) it's like Tharan is attracted to personality over physical pursuit (not that he doesn't like the physical).


That said, I agree. Telos isn't childlike or asexual, he's just a nerd who loves his work :p

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I don't know how you "fix" someone screwed up enough to prefer his own program to a real person. That is layers upon layers of disorder. The correct way to deal with that is "run away". Even jedi have their limits ;)


I wouldn't touch him with a pole but there certainly are Jedi who like him and would like a challenge.;)

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I dunno I just figured Talos was gay but then again I never played a male inq, do they get that flirt too?


Nope... but I'm not sure there wasn't one option available somewhere in the comp convo (to leave him adorably "Quinn-style" flustered) for both male and female Inq or only female... I could be misremembering something, but he certainly isn't available for guys either.


A waste, tbh. I'm sure he'd be a good match to many Inqs.

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Nope... but I'm not sure there wasn't one option available somewhere in the comp convo (to leave him adorably "Quinn-style" flustered) for both male and female Inq or only female... I could be misremembering something, but he certainly isn't available for guys either.


A waste, tbh. I'm sure he'd be a good match to many Inqs.


I'm not an Andronikos girl myself, but I was content being Talos's *** hag. Of course that was just *my* interpretation of the characters and their relationship. Clearly there is interest in the community for more x)


I'm very sentimental about Talos but not romantically, he's confusing in that he looks and sounds like a much older man than he's supposed to be, as I understand it. I really think they should have added that one flirt for the male inquisitors too. Lost opportunity there if you ask me, even if it didn't lead anywhere.


Anyway, as one of my projects to fill the time until April, I'm answering the question of what it's like romancing Vector as a dark agent. I predict it's going to be awkward as heck. I might even do fe/et if I'm up to it because I'd love to hear what Quinn would have to say to an imperial similar to himself - someone who's been under the constant thumb of the sith. I saw another Quinn this morning with the scariest looking female warrior I've ever seen and thought "that Quinn isn't going to make it, I can tell"

Edited by grania
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:( Not everyone who is skinny or short is childlike or asexual (I mean look at East Asian countries) and next to body type 2 and 3, most real men are "underdeveloped." Besides, I would much rather have a character with a more developed life and interests than a perv like Theran or Doc.


You're right. That probably came off way more judgmental than I intended. I've been attracted to many smaller, slender men, so it isn't just that alone. Talos, however, is just not it.

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Tharan is just as interested in his work as Telos with a developed life. Where exactly do you get the idea he's a perv? Because his interest in Holiday, who is an advanced AI? Seeing as how there's likely nothing sexual actually going on (being a hologram) it's like Tharan is attracted to personality over physical pursuit (not that he doesn't like the physical).


err I think you're supposed to understand that he *is* sexually into Holiday. She's programmed to emulate a 1950's housewife to fawn all over him, stroke his ego and get mad when women flirt with him. He ends the thing with the Consular because he's obsessed with it. >.>

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err I think you're supposed to understand that he *is* sexually into Holiday. She's programmed to emulate a 1950's housewife to fawn all over him, stroke his ego and get mad when women flirt with him. He ends the thing with the Consular because he's obsessed with it. >.>


What's worse, I believe HE programmed her to be like that. That's why he creeps me out so much. He made himself a "perfect woman". Brrrrr...

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He just reminds me of someone that is shy and unsure of himself. Being shy myself I have been called aloof and other things because I am shy.


I don't see that either. He doesn't seem shy to me in the least in that he wont shut up when you first meet him lol. Oh well, he's just not my cup of tea.

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::Blinks:: And here I thought this was the Quinnmancer thread.... :D


::runs away::


Well, it is interesting to hear perspectives since we all agree on Quinn but differ on all the other companions.


Case in point, there's plenty on the forums who can't stand Tanno Vik, Gault and Doc, but I don't mind them since I've either got family like that or know people like that who're positively harmless.

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I would have loved to romance Talos :D I would never romance Theran, he's such a sleazeball if there were a second option for the Consular I'd want Zenith :p

I wondered if Theran was afraid of holiday or rather what she could do to him given her AI is pretty much superior to everyone/everything else. You can do a mini romance with Theran and he says that he only has to break it off because of Holiday. It's all very weird. Talos would have been too passive to be a romance I think - he would always agree with every murder you did or selfish sith decision you made regardless of whether it was justified or not. There'd be no conflict.

Why Zenith wasn't a romance option is beyond me - his character is so brilliantly written. It would have been great to see him turn from a bitter resistance fighter to a more forgiving husband/fighting partner for the Jedi. I wonder what they will do with his return? Zenith would also have made a good Quinn-style betrayer because he would not tolerate mercy for oppressors and a light side Jedi would be far too forgiving for his liking. His morals would make him secretly plot to kill us.


Back to Quinn - what's the likelihood that he's been promoted in 5.2? No spoilers please, just thoughts. Also in his last letter to us he said

Now I am faced with the possibility of never seeing you again...and it makes me ill. I cannot accept it


I've been wondering if to handle this Quinn

deliberately had the memories of his warrior wife erased so he could be a more effective operative? If he did, this means he may well be with someone else. Even Acina!


I really, really hope not :eek: I can feel my rage-quit trigger finger itching...

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Why Zenith wasn't a romance option is beyond me - his character is so brilliantly written. It would have been great to see him turn from a bitter resistance fighter to a more forgiving husband/fighting partner for the Jedi. I wonder what they will do with his return? Zenith would also have made a good Quinn-style betrayer because he would not tolerate mercy for oppressors and a light side Jedi would be far too forgiving for his liking. His morals would make him secretly plot to kill us.


From my understanding they did have Zenith return in an Alliance Alert but something with it bugged out too bad for live release. Granted I heard this second and third hand so I'm not sure how legit it is.


I've been wondering if to handle this Quinn

deliberately had the memories of his warrior wife erased so he could be a more effective operative? If he did, this means he may well be with someone else. Even Acina!


I really, really hope not :eek: I can feel my rage-quit trigger finger itching...


In one of the past threads musing where are the MIA companions now, someone was speculating Quinn possibly hooking up with Jaesa as a moving on thing. Still makes no sense to me.

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In one of the past threads musing where are the MIA companions now, someone was speculating Quinn possibly hooking up with Jaesa as a moving on thing. Still makes no sense to me.


That's just WRONG on so many levels. For one Jaesa could even be younger than the fem Warrior depending on how you want to head canon their relative ages then she could be LS or DS and I can't see ether hooking up with Quinn. ::shudders::

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The idea of Quinn bed-hopping.. I can barely contain my amusement at this idea :D I MEAN RAWR I'll skin his unfaithful hide.. hm nope I just can't muster the rage.


No seriously I don't even think enough time has passed for someone else to get to third base with Quinn, he's not "easy" you know? I hope somebody has though, surely some LI tried to move on, yes? I just doubt it's Quinn, doesn't fit his profile.

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Back to Quinn - what's the likelihood that he's been promoted in 5.2? No spoilers please, just thoughts. Also in his last letter to us he said

Now I am faced with the possibility of never seeing you again...and it makes me ill. I cannot accept it


I've been wondering if to handle this Quinn

deliberately had the memories of his warrior wife erased so he could be a more effective operative? If he did, this means he may well be with someone else. Even Acina!


I really, really hope not :eek: I can feel my rage-quit trigger finger itching...

Well RIP Acina if that happens :p. I liked you gurl but ***** no, you die.

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I saw Talos as being either asexual or gay, but that's mostly impression than any fact I may/may not have.


Doc doesn't really creep me out and I get plenty creeped out by men hitting on me in real life (mostly because it's usually men I wouldn't touch if they and I were the last people on earth and we needed to repopulate). He just comes across as a lady's man who REALLY is into the ladies. Which isn't a bad thing to me.


Tharan comes across as metrosexual as like to manscape alot. lol He probably did program Holiday's personality, but the way he was going, he really wanted my consular, who agreed, until Holiday tossed a fit. I like to think he's more into intelligence and probably assumes Holiday is a tad more intelligent than the consular.


The ones I always wonder how anyone could find attractive, and it's my own opinion and not fact, are the ones who want to romance Zenith or Pierce or Scourge or even Talos. They're fine as companions, but trying to picture my character with any one of them just doesn't mesh with the personalities I have in my head for them. But as I said, that's MY opinion and I'm not saying people who like them are wrong, I just don't get the attraction. I know Zenith's voice actor is the same one for Theron, but I LIKE Theron cause of his personality more than who voiced him.


Lana's VA voiced the chick you escort on Balmorra who her husband wants you to kill for cheating on him. And the Sith Pureblood next to the scrawny officer on Nar Shaddaa part of the bonus series.

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The idea of Quinn bed-hopping.. I can barely contain my amusement at this idea :D I MEAN RAWR I'll skin his unfaithful hide.. hm nope I just can't muster the rage.


No seriously I don't even think enough time has passed for someone else to get to third base with Quinn, he's not "easy" you know? I hope somebody has though, surely some LI tried to move on, yes? I just doubt it's Quinn, doesn't fit his profile.


Sheee-it. When I first did the Quinn romance I was like 'what gives, this man must not like chicks or something?' But no, he's just REALLY proper and probably is wtfing at the idea that a seemingly powerful Sith woman, wants into his undies and to live happily ever after with 2.5 kids and a picket fence on DK somewhere.


I can just HEAR the blush radiating off of him on Balmorra, especially if you flirt hard core with the poor man. He tells you it's not appropriate and you're like 'what? your bedroom isn't the right place? *winkwinknudgenudge*


Poor man.

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From my understanding they did have Zenith return in an Alliance Alert but something with it bugged out too bad for live release. Granted I heard this second and third hand so I'm not sure how legit it is.




In one of the past threads musing where are the MIA companions now, someone was speculating Quinn possibly hooking up with Jaesa as a moving on thing. Still makes no sense to me.


Eeeew. Granted, my Jaesa is Light Side, but I highly doubt she'd hook up with Quinn and Quinn definitely wouldn't. Sure, there are fanfiction out there about them, even if it's a booty call, but in real life gaming experience, I just don't see it.

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I wondered if Theran was afraid of holiday or rather what she could do to him given her AI is pretty much superior to everyone/everything else. You can do a mini romance with Theran and he says that he only has to break it off because of Holiday. It's all very weird. Talos would have been too passive to be a romance I think - he would always agree with every murder you did or selfish sith decision you made regardless of whether it was justified or not. There'd be no conflict.

Why Zenith wasn't a romance option is beyond me - his character is so brilliantly written. It would have been great to see him turn from a bitter resistance fighter to a more forgiving husband/fighting partner for the Jedi. I wonder what they will do with his return? Zenith would also have made a good Quinn-style betrayer because he would not tolerate mercy for oppressors and a light side Jedi would be far too forgiving for his liking. His morals would make him secretly plot to kill us.


Back to Quinn - what's the likelihood that he's been promoted in 5.2? No spoilers please, just thoughts. Also in his last letter to us he said

Now I am faced with the possibility of never seeing you again...and it makes me ill. I cannot accept it


I've been wondering if to handle this Quinn

deliberately had the memories of his warrior wife erased so he could be a more effective operative? If he did, this means he may well be with someone else. Even Acina!


I really, really hope not :eek: I can feel my rage-quit trigger finger itching...


Why he has been promoted! His new title is Mr. Awesomepants and he sits in bed every night tossing tantrums that he didn't get giggy with his wife sooner for more adventures of the bedroom kind. So now, there he sits, weeping over pictures of his wife with a box of tissues and hand lotion, crying about how life sucks. lol

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