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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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:eek: They really need to seriously consider adding a Pureblood customisation for Quinn. I would never get bored with that outfit and Quinn's voice. Also, I might never get anything done! Ever again!


I didn't remember giving him Quinn's hair, but I guess I did when I made him a while back lol

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Well, I was going to take a quick screenshot of my Sith Purebloods, but when I got started I decided I should put my guys in some sexier gear. Then it turned into an actual photo-shoot so I only got one done. So here is Auggenurt who has a brother on Star Forge.


Those are some gorgeous screenies. I'm in awe of your ability to pose and get action out of the characters. <3


Also I've noticed were about 200 views away from overtaking the community thread lol. :D

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This is a prime example of how Bioware has the biggest ratio of female gamers, compared to other games.

This thread is popcorn gold. :rak_grin:


When guys make their toons with massive boo.bs and dress them little, it's all cool and normal. When girls do similar with male toons: massive, say, muscles in outfits that show them, it must be mocked.


Yes, that makes perfect sense... NOT :confused:

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When guys make their toons with massive boo.bs and dress them little, it's all cool and normal. When girls do similar with male toons: massive, say, muscles in outfits that show them, it must be mocked.


Yes, that makes perfect sense... NOT :confused:

Except i wasn't mocking.

Edited by Kaedusz
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This is a prime example of how Bioware has the biggest ratio of female gamers, compared to other games.

This thread is popcorn gold. :rak_grin:


Aye, we do exist :D And welcome to the thread. Hope you have fun here. There are a lot of Quinn fans here, female and male too. :)


And congrats everyone, we've overtaken the Introduction/Community Thread in views. We rock.


So, purple Quinn and Silver Theron have anything to say on this momentous occasion? :D

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Well, I was going to take a quick screenshot of my Sith Purebloods, but when I got started I decided I should put my guys in some sexier gear. Then it turned into an actual photo-shoot so I only got one done. So here is Auggenurt who has a brother on Star Forge.


Those are fab! I like the one with him sailing through the air best, with the lightsaber trail behind him.


And congrats everyone, we've overtaken the Introduction/Community Thread in views. We rock.


Wow! We sure can gab xD (Btw, anyone else having probs with posting in the last couple days? Like smilies not working and stuff?)

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When guys make their toons with massive boo.bs and dress them little, it's all cool and normal. When girls do similar with male toons: massive, say, muscles in outfits that show them, it must be mocked.


Yes, that makes perfect sense... NOT :confused:


With more people around in game, I really have been getting harassed more for what I assume is my choice of companion. I have general chat turned off so I never know what anyone is saying but when people do aoes on us, it makes it pretty clear.


I've gotten a couple positive interactions too, a hug out of nowhere and I met a very nice fellow 'mancer. But the negatives have been greater than the positives. I don't know what makes people behave the way they do, but it's making me miss the quieter days.

Edited by grania
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With more people around in game, I really have been getting harassed more for what I assume is my choice of companion. I have general chat turned off so I never know what anyone is saying but when people do aoes on us, it makes it pretty clear.


I've gotten a couple positive interactions too, a hug out of nowhere and I met a very nice fellow 'mancer. But the negatives have been greater than the positives. I don't know what makes people behave the way they do, but it's making me miss the quieter days.


I was on my normally dressed (although incredibly cute) Mirialan Jedi Knight doing the class story the other day. On Tattooine, going from place to place in the open area, placing thingies. Suddenly I realised someone on the speeder followed me. Stopped when I stopped to do my thing, not getting off the speeder, then followed to the next spot, then stopped, followed. It creeped me out. :( I lost them after I QT'd to another location.

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With more people around in game, I really have been getting harassed more for what I assume is my choice of companion. I have general chat turned off so I never know what anyone is saying but when people do aoes on us, it makes it pretty clear.


I've gotten a couple positive interactions too, a hug out of nowhere and I met a very nice fellow 'mancer. But the negatives have been greater than the positives. I don't know what makes people behave the way they do, but it's making me miss the quieter days.


I have been hugging every Quinn I see. Unless I am on my clone. Then I salute them. 😁

Edited by rachetsw
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I don't have any male purebloods but Varvikas is feeling lonely and would like to remind you all about Iridonians, the other red meat :D


He likes long walks on the gold beaches of Corellia, lil baby lambs and making the Empire a better place. :p

(Thank you nightfrogger for motivating me to earn his gree gear cuz now he looks snazzy)


I have been hugging every Quinn I see. Unless I am on my clone. Then I salute them. 😁


I should probably do that too, thanks for the idea! Sometimes I blow them kisses but.. maybe something more platonic would be better :o

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I was on my normally dressed (although incredibly cute) Mirialan Jedi Knight doing the class story the other day. On Tattooine, going from place to place in the open area, placing thingies. Suddenly I realised someone on the speeder followed me. Stopped when I stopped to do my thing, not getting off the speeder, then followed to the next spot, then stopped, followed. It creeped me out. :( I lost them after I QT'd to another location.


Do you have general chat on? I wonder if that would have explained what was going on :/ In any case, I'm keeping mine off, it's better for my mental health.

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Do you have general chat on? I wonder if that would have explained what was going on :/ In any case, I'm keeping mine off, it's better for my mental health.


No, it's off. My default tab has only guild, whispers, group, and ops turned on. General, pvp, trade, and system messages are turned off (I keep general in the secondary chat in case I want to find a group for Ops). I like it clean to see important stuff only. Trash need not apply ;)


Maybe there was some explanation in general. I didn't care enough to know. I just wanted to QT where I couldn't be followed.


As for negative experiences, in my case they stopped with Iokath. I suffered all kinds of aggression, especially on Milivai Quinn, but since Iokath no one bothered me. I guess people found the release in murdering poor Malavai, and stopped taking it on me.


To think of it, maybe that person kept following me, because I had Malavai with me (on a Jedi Knight), and they couldn't believe their eyes :D

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I thought malavai was supposed to liason between us and the Sith empire.

Why can’t we have him in our odessen base to dress him up like he deserves for all to see?


Why indeed! There is only T7, Theron and Beniko in mine. I ran all over it, even found where Broonmark is parked, but no Malavai.

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This is a prime example of how Bioware has the biggest ratio of female gamers, compared to other games.

This thread is popcorn gold. :rak_grin:

This is a great compliment for us Quinnmancers, thanks! Our exploits will continue to entertain you all hopefully for years to come :D Be prepared for this thread to explode if they give Quinn more dialogue before 2018 (hint hint devs ;) ) I think you deserve a signed poster - not many people come out of lurkdom to comment :)

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This is a prime example of how Bioware has the biggest ratio of female gamers, compared to other games.

This thread is popcorn gold. :rak_grin:


Quinn: Yes...by some stroke of fate, I seem to have accrued quite the, ah, fan club.

Theron: We.

Quinn: I-- what?

Theron: ...we have quite the fan club. I'm here, too.

Quinn: *grits his teeth* For six more days.

Theron: Oh, you're, uh, paying attention to the calendar... *sweat drop*

Quinn: Every. Second.

Theron: Right. I'll...be over here! *fast-walks away*

Quinn: *facepalm* Excuse his interruption. It happens...more often than I would like. As I was saying, my lord Kaedusz - yes, this thread has acquired a rather large following. Evidently, many of these people would never have come together if not for the existence of such a thread. Here, they can discuss one of their favorite characters - *blushes and quickly tries to hide it* - in peace, without fear of interruptions from trolls. Any actual trolls are dealt with, combining lethal doses of snark, logic, and a deluge of reporting the post(s). Here, all are united in--

*crunch crunch*

Quinn: ...all are united in--

*crunch munch*

Quinn: Shan. What is that infernal noise.

Theron: Kaedusz was right about the popcorn. :D

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