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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Hey now nothing wrong with the two large freckles on your cheek like that....


I have two like that myself... but mine are under my right eye instead of my left.


I didn't say there was anything wrong. On the contrary, I expected some "awwww, so cute", maybe because I adore all lil' imperfections on my toons' faces myself. Also, I meant all the other markings, which are visible only in high details setting, not his moles.


I am the only person for whom the default Quinn look doesn't work. So I shared the little gem with those, who, I thought, would appreciate it more than I can.


Sorry I said anything. :confused:

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I didn't say there was anything wrong. On the contrary, I expected some "awwww, so cute", maybe because I adore all lil' imperfections on my toons' faces myself. Also, I meant all the other markings, which are visible only in high details setting, not his moles.


I am the only person for whom the default Quinn look doesn't work. So I shared the little gem with those, who, I thought, would appreciate it more than I can.


Sorry I said anything. :confused:


When I first saw your Quinn's customization, I have to admit I didn't really like it. I couldn't match Quinn's voice to any other appearance. Now, though? I think he's just as drop-dead handsome as default!Quinn. :D


...now I'm curious: does anyone use customizations for Quinn other than the default, the white-haired cyborg, or #5 here (Lammia's Quinn)?


Also - glad you're feeling better, Darth Lunafox! :D *hugs*

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I didn't say there was anything wrong. On the contrary, I expected some "awwww, so cute", maybe because I adore all lil' imperfections on my toons' faces myself. Also, I meant all the other markings, which are visible only in high details setting, not his moles.


I am the only person for whom the default Quinn look doesn't work. So I shared the little gem with those, who, I thought, would appreciate it more than I can.


Sorry I said anything. :confused:


Oh I'm just so tickled by Lieutenant Freckles I want to call him that now. :o That's definitely the Quinn I know and <3 :o


(They really should give us a proper heart smiley, don't you think? They should have known a game with romances in it would need one.)

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I didn't say there was anything wrong. On the contrary, I expected some "awwww, so cute", maybe because I adore all lil' imperfections on my toons' faces myself. Also, I meant all the other markings, which are visible only in high details setting, not his moles.


I am the only person for whom the default Quinn look doesn't work. So I shared the little gem with those, who, I thought, would appreciate it more than I can.


Sorry I said anything. :confused:


I'm pretty sure Nightfrogger wasn't actually upset and was just messing with you. I'm also pretty sure there are quite a few others who prefer other Malavai customisations, or so I've seen from the (justifiable) anger at the lack of customisation for Iokath.


This does bring to mind a conversation I had with one of my friends. I'm not sure how the convo started but at one point he said he found the spots on Malavai's face disgusting as he didn't like moles. And here I am saying, "You've met me IRL and I have obvious moles on my face." Poor guy kinda floundered after that but I let him off the hook lol.

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When I first saw your Quinn's customization, I have to admit I didn't really like it. I couldn't match Quinn's voice to any other appearance. Now, though? I think he's just as drop-dead handsome as default!Quinn. :D


...now I'm curious: does anyone use customizations for Quinn other than the default, the white-haired cyborg, or #5 here (Lammia's Quinn)?


Also - glad you're feeling better, Darth Lunafox! :D *hugs*


I mostly use default Quinn, but I also have blond Quinn & white-haired cyborg Quinn. I like Asian Quinn #2 and will probably use that one soon.

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When I first saw your Quinn's customization, I have to admit I didn't really like it. I couldn't match Quinn's voice to any other appearance. Now, though? I think he's just as drop-dead handsome as default!Quinn. :D


...now I'm curious: does anyone use customizations for Quinn other than the default, the white-haired cyborg, or #5 here (Lammia's Quinn)?


Also - glad you're feeling better, Darth Lunafox! :D *hugs*


*hugs* Thanks GA!


As for other customizations used...well, I use the default and the Cyborg (#8) myself. My hubby uses #1 for his SW's Quinn. I've thought about trying the others, but I'm just so fond of the ones I use, that I can't bring myself to do it lol.

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I didn't say there was anything wrong. On the contrary, I expected some "awwww, so cute", maybe because I adore all lil' imperfections on my toons' faces myself. Also, I meant all the other markings, which are visible only in high details setting, not his moles.


I am the only person for whom the default Quinn look doesn't work. So I shared the little gem with those, who, I thought, would appreciate it more than I can.


Sorry I said anything. :confused:


I wasn’t hurt or anything no worries hun was just trying to be silly, but it is so hard to judge a persons tone over a typed message, so sorry about that *hugs all around*


You will probably laugh why I do not prefer the Quinn you use truth be told lol... he reminds me of my little brother.


Was meaning to respond much sooner but my partner called in sick today so I have to run the lab by myself tonight :( they brought in 2 hours worth of samples right as you replied :(

Edited by Nightfrogger
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...now I'm curious: does anyone use customizations for Quinn other than the default, the white-haired cyborg, or #5 here (Lammia's Quinn)?


Also - glad you're feeling better, Darth Lunafox! :D *hugs*

I have default Quinn for all my warriors as their LI, however on my Sith Inq I have cyborg Quinn :) I really love that look for him, but due to Iokath ruining it for everyone who likes a different look for their Quinns/Dornes I currently won't have it on any of my warriors.

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This does bring to mind a conversation I had with one of my friends. I'm not sure how the convo started but at one point he said he found the spots on Malavai's face disgusting as he didn't like moles. And here I am saying, "You've met me IRL and I have obvious moles on my face." Poor guy kinda floundered after that but I let him off the hook lol.


*laughs* It's not a very good excuse to dislike someone, is it? A lot of us have them :o


You will probably laugh why I do not prefer the Quinn you use truth be told lol... he reminds me of my little brother.


I have that problem with Corso. He resembles my brother just a tad too much. My brother doesn't have the scars and dreads but he does have the dark skin tone, long dark hair and similar facial features. Um, personality-wise, he couldn't be much more different than they already are though, lol.


*shiver* I would tell Corso I have a gun and know how to use it, if I could.

Edited by grania
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My brother has the same nose as Customization 5 Quinn. Brown eyes, very dark brown hair he keeps longer. He scored all of the native american genes that skipped the rest of us kids and is tanner then I can ever be and he used to wear eye liner in high school. So I look at this customization and go oh my god is my brother lol. Edited by Nightfrogger
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My brother has the same nose as Customization 5 Quinn. Brown eyes, very dark brown hair he keeps longer. He scored all of the native american genes that skipped the rest of us kids and is tanner then I can ever be and he used to wear eye liner in high school. So I look at this customization and go oh my god is my brother lol.


Are you me? I'm confused now :o

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As promised Quinn Sight Seeing Lammia Edition ;)




More Ilum

Maelstorm Prison


Rakata Prime

More Rakata Prime

Yavin 4

Yavin 4 Waterfall Edition

Yavin 4 Spelunking Edition


Sorry my Trooper borrowed him again...


I love the Lammia edition! Great shots. :D So many gorgeous scenes. You know what amazes me, they always say what a stinkhole Quesh is, but it makes for some lovely screenshots. :)

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Thanks :):) I just realized that after I saw yesterdays Ilum pictures I got excited and forgot to look at the rest. I like Quesh too, the lighting there is unique and I especially love the spongey things on the ground :)

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