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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Here is something for the Quinnmancers to chew on. What are the chances/probability of Quinn and the SW having a child or children who are force sensitive like their mother? And if they are how strong would they be?


The reason I ask is that myself and a friend got talking about this very topic the only real difference being it was in regards to my SW and Captain Piett having kids.


So let the speculation commence :D


I assumed it could be passed down the family tree. Our warriors are pretty powerful, so when I made a toon that is their kid, I made him a Juggernaut (she's Marauder). So my RP speculation is clear: the kid is a very strong Sith after mummy, making daddy super proud :)


But I also assume it's no guarantee, so the kid could be a regular Imp without any magic Force powers. So randomness (could be or could not be), but if is -- the strength is somehow inherited, so the kid is as powerful like his mother, not a wimp like those she cuts to pieces.

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I'm starting to cozy to the idea that Quinn and (my) warrior will never have children. Their lives are epically chaotic, plus the idea of my warrior waddling around for several months.. absolutely not, especially considering her current circumstances. Perhaps someday, if they both live long enough to wash their hands of the whole damn galaxy, hm.. that's a tempting thought.


That's what surrogates are for!

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My sith, even if in canon she 'comes from a powerful sith heritage' is from a sith father and regular old mother. Her sisters are mostly regular people like my Trooper, My Bounty Hunter and my Chiss Sniper (adopted). Her only sith sister is my Inquisitor.


So, the children I create for my SW and Quinn are a mix. Their eldest daughter, my smuggler, isn't force sensitive. Once Quinn comes back in 5.2, they'll have two more children, fraternal twins, only one of which will be force sensitive.


I have it where my characters, force sensitive or not, doesn't care if their children are also. They love their spouse and any children they have. My Inquisitor, married to Andronikos, has a daughter, my Operative, who isn't force sensitive. I see it as genetics. Since the force sensitives hook up with non force sensitives, I play the 50/50 game of genetics. Could be a boy, could be a girl, could be sensitive, or not.


Most of my characters are either human, cyborg or chiss. My jedi knight is a chiss, her parents my Sniper and Vector.


I just play around with the genetic wheely and go 'okay this child will be sensitive, that one won't be.'


My consular, has two kids. One with Tharan Cedrax, who produced my male smuggler, and one with Iresso, who produced my Sorc.


I do pretend they all have a tiny bit of force abilities due in part to the Heroic moment items.

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Sith Purebloods are left-handed!

...well, most of them. Like how most of the human population of today is right-handed, with a small percentage being lefties. It's reversed for Purebloods: most of their population is left-handed, with a small percentage being right-handed.

Aaaaaand that is your fun fact of the day. :p


Edit: ...ralei. No. Bad. We don't SPEAK of those things. No no no no no no. THEY DO NOT EXIST. >_< (Kidding, of course... I'd really like to know what George Lucas was thinking when he came up with that brilliant ide...a...nope, can't even type that with a straight face. Oi. *facepalm*)


Then Lord Scourge must be a rarity...he's right handed. He wears his lightsaber over his left hip, you draw your weapon across the body...so left hip = right hand. :D




As to ODNZ's question, I think it's quite possible for a couple like SW and Malavai to have a Force using child. In my mind, my SW and Quinn have had 4 kids...2 with Force, 2 without and it's hard for the one child, because she looks like a Pureblood, but has no Force.

Edited by Lunafox
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That's what surrogates are for!


I just assume that in a galaxy that has light speed space travel and droids, a brilliant woman would have invented a way for droids to be surrogates. That way, if you were rich enough/sith enough, you could have kids whenever without the inconvenience/ pain of pregnancy / childbirth. If you were so inclined. Which I definitely would be. :eek:


Also, I imagine that no one has to worry about birth control cause they just put that **** in the water and no one has periods. Of course, there's no side effects from this and completely reversible if you wanted to reproduce.


This is all my head canon. Along with eating perfectly balanced pills for nutrition and pooping tiny little nuggets. :D

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I just assume that in a galaxy that has light speed space travel and droids, a brilliant woman would have invented a way for droids to be surrogates. That way, if you were rich enough/sith enough, you could have kids whenever without the inconvenience/ pain of pregnancy / childbirth. If you were so inclined. Which I definitely would be. :eek:


Also, I imagine that no one has to worry about birth control cause they just put that **** in the water and no one has periods. Of course, there's no side effects from this and completely reversible if you wanted to reproduce.


This is all my head canon. Along with eating perfectly balanced pills for nutrition and pooping tiny little nuggets. :D


Whatever they're eating to stay in shape, I want it too :p


btw is it april yet? ho hum..

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I'm gay irl (I'll let you figure out precisely how :p), so Quinn was never, to me, a viable romance option for my SWs. One of the greatest things against this game for me will always be straight-only romance for 1-50, so all my female chars who undertook 1-50 were 100% celibate. And the way I've heard the Quinn romance go, it's incredibly twisted; and not even in a good way... :p So I've never treated Quinn, or any other male companion the way I'd treat Akaavi Spar, for instance. ;) If only the game let us...


Talos Drellik? If he was open to it, he and I would be life-long friends. He's just that fun to be around... :)


Quinn would be next on my list, but I really do find it hard to get over the fact that, notwithstanding his reasons for betraying the SW, he felt he had to behave like a really arrogant jerk at that empty facility. At least, I seem to recall that with one of my SWs. But I also remember that if you treat him reasonably, he responds in kind, with regret at having to do what he's doing. And besides, despite what he says, does he really think that a pair of augmented combat droids would be any match for the SW? I think not, I think Baras was setting Quinn up for a fall, but that he went along with it due to feeling as though there was no other way, and that there was still a chance, however slim, that the droids could win the day.


As it stands though, there are SWs of mine who will fillet him quite readily; but quite a few of my SWs wouldn't, and outside that class, no-one has any reason, so far as they're ICly aware, to want him dead.


Yes, his VO actor is wonderful. :) But the fact remains, I'm gay, my chars are also gay, so romancing him or his male compatriots is definitely not an option, if I did like guys, I'd want Talos Drellik. :) However, I'm sure my DS Outlander will be pleased to meet Quinn again :) (My LS/Grey Outlander has never met him...), and perhaps appoint him Grand Constable or Grand Marshal of the Eternal Alliance or something. :p Some exalted military position befitting his experience and expertise, anyway. I know that I, for one, would be a friend of his, if he let me, and definitely try to understand his reasons for doing anything against me.


He's a likable fellow is Quinn, treat him right and he'll see you right; and remember ofc that Baras is dead or otherwise neutralised now, there's absolutely no-one who has any hold over him.

Edited by sentientomega
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I'm gay irl (I'll let you figure out precisely how :p), so Quinn was never, to me, a viable romance option for my SWs. One of the greatest things against this game for me will always be straight-only romance for 1-50, so all my female chars who undertook 1-50 were 100% celibate. And the way I've heard the Quinn romance go, it's incredibly twisted; and not even in a good way... :p So I've never treated Quinn, or any other male companion the way I'd treat Akaavi Spar, for instance. ;) If only the game let us...


Talos Drellik? If he was open to it, he and I would be life-long friends. He's just that fun to be around... :)


Quinn would be next on my list, but I really do find it hard to get over the fact that, notwithstanding his reasons for betraying the SW, he felt he had to behave like a really arrogant jerk at that empty facility. At least, I seem to recall that with one of my SWs. But I also remember that if you treat him reasonably, he responds in kind, with regret at having to do what he's doing. And besides, despite what he says, does he really think that a pair of augmented combat droids would be any match for the SW? I think not, I think Baras was setting Quinn up for a fall, but that he went along with it due to feeling as though there was no other way, and that there was still a chance, however slim, that the droids could win the day.


As it stands though, there are SWs of mine who will fillet him quite readily; but quite a few of my SWs wouldn't, and outside that class, no-one has any reason, so far as they're ICly aware, to want him dead.


Yes, his VO actor is wonderful. :) But the fact remains, I'm gay, my chars are also gay, so romancing him or his male compatriots is definitely not an option, if I did like guys, I'd want Talos Drellik. :) However, I'm sure my DS Outlander will be pleased to meet Quinn again :) (My LS/Grey Outlander has never met him...), and perhaps appoint him Grand Constable or Grand Marshal of the Eternal Alliance or something. :p Some exalted military position befitting his experience and expertise, anyway. I know that I, for one, would be a friend of his, if he let me, and definitely try to understand his reasons for doing anything against me.


He's a likable fellow is Quinn, treat him right and he'll see you right; and remember ofc that Baras is dead or otherwise neutralised now, there's absolutely no-one who has any hold over him.


Talos is a great character (I liked the ginger mod), but for my Sorc, it was all about Khem lol. Twisted, I know. :D I think with Quinn though, especially if he was romanced by the SW, the droid thing and the attitude was almost a cry for help...he figured she would kill him, on the off chance that his droids actually succeeded, cause I don't believe that he really believed they'd work either. And then, with what we know about the brainwashing from the Agent story, I wouldn't be surprised that that was a part of it too. I also think his attitude depended on who you brought with you to the story, if you came alone, or brought him, he was more remorseful, because I think the game would interpret that you're closer to him, if you did that.


Anyways, I'll never understand for the life of me, why they just don't make all the comps available to everyone romantically, it's not really that big of a deal, the dialogue doesn't really change all that much I don't think, it's just a matter of letting them be with who they want, and that way everyone gets what they want.


And you're right about his VA, Richard Teverson's voice is dreamy. <3

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Considering how wild some of the Appreciation threads I've seen can get, we're positively tame...so far.


That's true...but the discussions are good. Should we liven it up? Make it the thread to be in? :eek::D


I've no clue how to do that though lol.

Edited by Lunafox
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Quinn would be next on my list, but I really do find it hard to get over the fact that, notwithstanding his reasons for betraying the SW, he felt he had to behave like a really arrogant jerk at that empty facility. At least, I seem to recall that with one of my SWs. But I also remember that if you treat him reasonably, he responds in kind, with regret at having to do what he's doing. And besides, despite what he says, does he really think that a pair of augmented combat droids would be any match for the SW? I think not, I think Baras was setting Quinn up for a fall, but that he went along with it due to feeling as though there was no other way, and that there was still a chance, however slim, that the droids could win the day.


The thing is, he behaves like a "jerk" only if you treated him like a jerk yourself. His reaction is understandable, since you were mean to him all that time, and he's probably happy to rid himself of you. Your mean treatment of him makes it also personal for him, so his hatred comes out.


I never could be mean to him, but my friend's toon was, and she uploaded it to YT so that I could see that reaction, since I'd never get it on any of my toons.


If you are not a jerk to him, he's full of regret and almost having tears in his eyes. It's obvious he doesn't want to do it.



What I find really hilarious when those players who hate him (I mean players, not toons, since one can choose to play a hateful toon without disliking him, it's RP after all) are mean to him in every convo, and then scream murder, when he tries to kill them, and hate him even more. You're an arse to him, you're surprise the guy wants you dead? :rak_02: You reap what you sow, buddy :D

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That's true...but the discussions are good. Should we liven it up? Make it the thread to be in? :eek::D


I've no clue how to do that though lol.


We'll have a lot to talk about once the reunion drops! In the meantime I'm just making sure all my warriors are ready and finding other projects to pass the time.


The only thing I have to say at the moment is how much I <3 my rl husband. The fact I have such a crush on Quinn makes my husband actually like him more. Delightfully pervy, he is :D

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I And the way I've heard the Quinn romance go, it's incredibly twisted; and not even in a good way... :p



To be honest and I say this with all love, when looking at any Bioware romance with a critically analytical eye they all pretty much come out like "Sexual Harassment: The RPG". Even got parodied in Saint's Row IV with your Boss character going up to their crew asking "DTF?" and going off for a fade to black. First time I played that, I laughed so hard it hurt and startled both the cats.


With that said though, for as much as it's often said here in the forums that 'choices don't matter', they actually do in a more subtle way. I came back to the game with 4.0 and decided to go on a mad unlock all the things binge because I'm a cheap wench and figured to make the most of it by taking the dialog choices and romance choices I don't often do, just to see how things played out. There was clearly some variety in character interactions. Being always annoyed and salty with Corso ended up with him grumbling often about whether he joined the right side or that he didn't have to worry about getting a swelled head with this crew, but being his buddy he's like 'we're big dang heroes!!'. Nadia seemed pretty quietly seething over my Councelor's shutting down her crush on him to where I wouldn't've been surprised if he came back on the ship and found out she boiled his pet gizka in a pot, while on another Councelor who encouraged her, she was all giggly bouncy. Vette can be miserable and resigned, or a confident equal in the relationship to where she'll have the Warrior snap to for some intimate time. With Quinn, he can love you madly, respect you deeply, or hate you with the passion of a thousand suns.


Case in point, I remember when Vette returned in KotFE, people were grouching here on the forums over her not being talkative to them while others had a great conversation. Turned out those who got the not so talkative version had kept her in the slave collar and had been consistently mean to her.


So, I guess the point I'm attempting to make through the happy fuzz of my cold medicine kicking in is that depending the dialog options taken, we can see a variety of flavors within the companions.

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That's true...but the discussions are good. Should we liven it up? Make it the thread to be in? :eek::D


I've no clue how to do that though lol.


I'm going to offer up the subject of Quinnshiping. Over the years I've read many fanfics that have Wraths that either neglect or abuse their Quinns, so in my head I make up an alternate story that moves their Quinn into a more appreciative situation. I'm very excited to get Quinn on other classes, even though I'm sure they won't be able to flirt with him.


I think Quinn would be a good fit with the Inquisitor's more intellectual crew. He and Talos would surely be good friends, and I'm sure he would love to talk with Khem about Yn and Chabosh.


He would make a fantastic recruit for Sith Intelligence and he surely would do everyone a favor and kill Kaliyo for being the traitor that she is. Again, I think he, Vector & Lokin could easily become friends, and he would enjoy talking with Scorpio. Or he could go undercover as a Republic smuggler. The down side of that is having to have Quinn use a Pub accent...


If he chose to run away, his skill set would allow him to be a top notch bounty hunter. I don't see him being particularly friendly with any of the crew, but he would enjoy hunting down the miscreants much like he did with Voloren.


I have also shipped him with many and diverse NPCs, but I can save those for later. April is a long way away.

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The thing is, he behaves like a "jerk" only if you treated him like a jerk yourself. His reaction is understandable, since you were mean to him all that time, and he's probably happy to rid himself of you. Your mean treatment of him makes it also personal for him, so his hatred comes out.


I never could be mean to him, but my friend's toon was, and she uploaded it to YT so that I could see that reaction, since I'd never get it on any of my toons.


If you are not a jerk to him, he's full of regret and almost having tears in his eyes. It's obvious he doesn't want to do it.



What I find really hilarious when those players who hate him (I mean players, not toons, since one can choose to play a hateful toon without disliking him, it's RP after all) are mean to him in every convo, and then scream murder, when he tries to kill them, and hate him even more. You're an arse to him, you're surprise the guy wants you dead? :rak_02: You reap what you sow, buddy :D


My main 8 characters (the first toons I made in 2011 and 2012 when we could only HAVE 8) have always been respectful, kind, and helpful to their companions. Even in KOTFE and KOTET, I have tried to give my companions respect and kindness. Especially since they're fighting as my subordinates for a greater overall good (ridding the galaxy of Arcann and then Vaylin, etc)


If the wheel pops up to do so, I may joke with my companions, or try to tell them why I chose the dialogue/choice on the wheel that I did to try to keep the peace. My companions in KOTFE and KOTET are not my slaves, they're not my *****es, or anything else people seem to keep thinking they are just because their character is in charge of the Alliance.


I always see it like this. They're voluntarily working for me to keep the galaxy safe. Whether that for personal gain, to try to make the galaxy like it used to be, or they lost personal loved ones or family. If Lana, Theron or the others give me their opinion, I take that into consideration because I just pick an option on the wheel. I know some decisions I make will piss off some of them, and others won't, but I try to make intelligent decisions, even when I'm rping, because at least with KOTFE and KOTET every single thing we do or don't do DOES have consequences. Especially as I've seen spoilers for 5.2, and let's say, I'm VERY happy I went the light side 5, 100,000 LS points way, cause going dark? :eek:


Anyway, so I know when Quinn had to make those dumb droids go and attack his own wife (I finished her story before 2012) that he was deeply deeply regretful and really didn't want to actually do it. And by then I think it was more to say 'here, fatass (Baras), I did what you wanted, now **** off'


I've never been cruel to my companions so I've no idea how they'd react to me being cruel.

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My main 8 characters (the first toons I made in 2011 and 2012 when we could only HAVE 8) have always been respectful, kind, and helpful to their companions. Even in KOTFE and KOTET, I have tried to give my companions respect and kindness. Especially since they're fighting as my subordinates for a greater overall good (ridding the galaxy of Arcann and then Vaylin, etc)


If the wheel pops up to do so, I may joke with my companions, or try to tell them why I chose the dialogue/choice on the wheel that I did to try to keep the peace. My companions in KOTFE and KOTET are not my slaves, they're not my *****es, or anything else people seem to keep thinking they are just because their character is in charge of the Alliance.


I always see it like this. They're voluntarily working for me to keep the galaxy safe. Whether that for personal gain, to try to make the galaxy like it used to be, or they lost personal loved ones or family. If Lana, Theron or the others give me their opinion, I take that into consideration because I just pick an option on the wheel. I know some decisions I make will piss off some of them, and others won't, but I try to make intelligent decisions, even when I'm rping, because at least with KOTFE and KOTET every single thing we do or don't do DOES have consequences. Especially as I've seen spoilers for 5.2, and let's say, I'm VERY happy I went the light side 5, 100,000 LS points way, cause going dark? :eek:


Anyway, so I know when Quinn had to make those dumb droids go and attack his own wife (I finished her story before 2012) that he was deeply deeply regretful and really didn't want to actually do it. And by then I think it was more to say 'here, fatass (Baras), I did what you wanted, now **** off'


I've never been cruel to my companions so I've no idea how they'd react to me being cruel.


Most of my characters are the same. Even my incredibly manipulative somewhat-omnicidal Sith Inquisitor, who is very dark side, treats his/her allies well. It only strengthens his powerbase; there's no tactical sense in alienating or abusing those who dedicate themselves to helping him. He's evil, but he's pragmatic.

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