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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Bah going to bed early ended up just being a nap...well I guess I can get back to writing while I eat some breakfast. Am trying to tackle a partial chapter I have had on the back burner for months and am finding myself erasing entire sections of it...stupid chapter making me all frustrated :(


Also fun note starting to get my stuff videos uploaded to youtube :) It is going to take me forever to get these up, so will share once I am happy with them :)

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Bah going to bed early ended up just being a nap...well I guess I can get back to writing while I eat some breakfast. Am trying to tackle a partial chapter I have had on the back burner for months and am finding myself erasing entire sections of it...stupid chapter making me all frustrated :(


My current chapter is doing the same for me. I had it all planned out yesterday morning, but my husband took over the computer most of the day. By the time I got custody of it, I realized that what I had planned didn't mesh with the timeline where I left off the previous chapter....so I had to completely revamp what I was going to do. Sat at the computer with a blank doc in front of me all evening before I finally gave up and decided to go to bed. Five minutes later, ideas started coming. So, I pounded out a few paragraphs and went back to bed. Been trying to finish it up today, but it's been slow going. :p (Not to mention emotionally draining...you'd think I didn't like Quinn, as much as I abuse him in my stories)

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My current chapter is doing the same for me. I had it all planned out yesterday morning, but my husband took over the computer most of the day. By the time I got custody of it, I realized that what I had planned didn't mesh with the timeline where I left off the previous chapter....so I had to completely revamp what I was going to do. Sat at the computer with a blank doc in front of me all evening before I finally gave up and decided to go to bed. Five minutes later, ideas started coming. So, I pounded out a few paragraphs and went back to bed. Been trying to finish it up today, but it's been slow going. :p (Not to mention emotionally draining...you'd think I didn't like Quinn, as much as I abuse him in my stories)


I've had this one sitting here and last time I even attempted to touch it was in june....just was not happy with how I had this middle section of it... and now am uncertain of how I want to do what I have planned. It does not take place during actual game play but after an event...so it is being cruel to me today :(


I have been known to be mean to mine too sometimes so you are not the only one...but to steal a line from Dragon Age. If you love your characters you put them through hell. Because lets be honest, reading about a day where everything goes to plan and works out right just sounds kind of boring.

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I have been known to be mean to mine too sometimes so you are not the only one...but to steal a line from Dragon Age. If you love your characters you put them through hell. Because lets be honest, reading about a day where everything goes to plan and works out right just sounds kind of boring.


Well, if that's the case, then I must reeaaaallllyy love Quinn alot because I'm putting him through all kinds of hell. This chapter, though short, is a prime example....

The Breaking Point

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True. I shouldn't generalise. Sorry. Sorry to all who care :)


No worries hun, a lot of us spoke up trying to help champion your issue, because well lets face it, if it was not a problem for the Quinn version we like, it probably could be for one of the returning companions we have left. Leaving us in the same boat you are now in. Mine is Corso. I like him as a character... but that hair has got to go...


We Quinnmancers take care of our own :)

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No worries hun, a lot of us spoke up trying to help champion your issue, because well lets face it, if it was not a problem for the Quinn version we like, it probably could be for one of the returning companions we have left. Leaving us in the same boat you are now in. Mine is Corso. I like him as a character... but that hair has got to go...


We Quinnmancers take care of our own :)


^^THIS. While I LOOOVVEE Vanilla Quinn, I do NOT want to get reunited with Vanilla Corso or Vanilla Andronikos. :rod_tongue_p:

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True. I shouldn't generalise. Sorry. Sorry to all who care :)


Quite a few of us stand with you on the customisation issues and the need for it to be fixed, whether we use them ourselves or not. It worked for every other companion return, it should have worked exactly the same for Malavai/Elara.

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Quite a few of us stand with you on the customisation issues and the need for it to be fixed, whether we use them ourselves or not. It worked for every other companion return, it should have worked exactly the same for Malavai/Elara.

I can't see how this is going to be a problem; they managed to change cut scenes to show Koth, Lana & Theron in their costumes now so is it really that hard for them to show our characters in the customisation of our choosing? If they were "experimenting" by taking short-cuts with Quinn and Dorne, then it's only fair that they (a) fix the chapter so people can see "their" versions of Quinn and (b) make it re-playable for those of us who did the chapter with no warning that customisations had been effed up / removed. Several of us have requested this via PM - here's hoping the writers/developers agree.


If, however, they are going to (Nightfrogger use CONTROL!!! Don't you dare click :p)

bring back our companions via alliance alerts (as per the info we're not supposed to know about) using the screen text options and no voice acting or interaction between our character and love interest then we are screwed


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Nope not clicking, not as sleep deprived as I have been the last few weeks...I will do my best to resist the spoiler tag :)


Not going to be able to get much writing done between now and Sunday I am afraid, so probably no new chapter for me until after then :(

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Years ago I decided I'd only collect armor that Quinn looked good in. But Quinn looks good in everything, so I've resorted to collecting everything. Thanks to direct sales I'm getting some of my white whales. Voila! Darth Mal!


Quinn: *raises arms* FEAR MY...er...powers of...ah...PAPERWORK. DARTH MAL, LORD OF OFFICE SUPPLIES.

Really, Quinn?

Quinn: *lowers arms* I'm not Force-sensitive, admiral. To put it colloquially: duh.

I'd...pay money to actually hear you say "duh." But I digress. :D Darth Mal, Dark Lord of...captaining!

Quinn: *facepalm*

Dark Lord of The Only Companion to Make Notoriously-Clueless-About-Looks Jagaimee Sit Up and Take Notice?

Quinn: Dark Lord of the what now?

Like I said: I'm clueless about what's supposed to be attractive or not, both in real life and in fiction. You hold the distinction of being the only companion in all of SWTOR to actually make me do a double-take and go "...ooh, he looks nice."

Quinn: *slowly edging away* That's...nice.

Dark Lord of Adorkableness?

Quinn: That is not very intimidating.

Do the scary Darth thing again.

Quinn: *raises arms with a -_- expression* ....Boo.



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Years ago I decided I'd only collect armor that Quinn looked good in. But Quinn looks good in everything, so I've resorted to collecting everything. Thanks to direct sales I'm getting some of my white whales. Voila! Darth Mal!


I'm tempted to put mine in Bold Hellion jacket. 😇

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Quinn: *raises arms* FEAR MY...er...powers of...ah...PAPERWORK. DARTH MAL, LORD OF OFFICE SUPPLIES.

Really, Quinn?

Quinn: *lowers arms* I'm not Force-sensitive, admiral. To put it colloquially: duh.

I'd...pay money to actually hear you say "duh." But I digress. :D Darth Mal, Dark Lord of...captaining!

Quinn: *facepalm*

Dark Lord of The Only Companion to Make Notoriously-Clueless-About-Looks Jagaimee Sit Up and Take Notice?

Quinn: Dark Lord of the what now?

Like I said: I'm clueless about what's supposed to be attractive or not, both in real life and in fiction. You hold the distinction of being the only companion in all of SWTOR to actually make me do a double-take and go "...ooh, he looks nice."

Quinn: *slowly edging away* That's...nice.

Dark Lord of Adorkableness?

Quinn: That is not very intimidating.

Do the scary Darth thing again.

Quinn: *raises arms with a -_- expression* ....Boo.




Darth Mal Lord of the Facepalm ;)

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Years ago I decided I'd only collect armor that Quinn looked good in. But Quinn looks good in everything, so I've resorted to collecting everything. Thanks to direct sales I'm getting some of my white whales. Voila! Darth Mal!


Am with you there hun...OCD collecter of way to many things in this game. The direct sales have helped me with a few of mine as well :D

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I was thinking about it while working last night, we should give him a birthday :). If anyone buys into that horoscope stuff I say he's got Virgo written all over him...which would mean his birthday is soon :D


Well unless he has one documented somewhere and I missed it that is.

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I was thinking about it while working last night, we should give him a birthday :). If anyone buys into that horoscope stuff I say he's got Virgo written all over him...which would mean his birthday is soon :D


Well unless he has one documented somewhere and I missed it that is.


...and then there's me, going "...................Virgo? Horoscope?" :p I have only the vaguest idea what that even is...

Quinn: I do have a birthday, in fact.

So when is it?

Quinn: It's-- *truck drives past*

Quinn: ...that would happen.

Sorry, didn't hear that...?

Quinn: It's-- *foghorn*

Quinn: *eye twitch*

One more time.

Quinn: IT'S-- *Death Star vaporizes Alderaan*

Quinn: WOULD YOU STOP--wait, what!?

Still didn't get that birthday.

Quinn: :eek:

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