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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Glad you liked :) That is the Polar Exploration Set that has been dyed Deep Gray/Pale Brown. I was not dragging him out in that cold without being bundled up first.


You're too kind to protect his fine behind ;) The armor set itself fits him quite well too, I might add! :o

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I decided to, since my brain has started to slow down on fanfic writing (I blame it on the power being out all day yesterday, so I had to occupy myself with actually cleaning house), drag Quinn back to Tatooine for a tour of the Rakghoul tunnels. I don't think he liked it (can't blame him..neither did I)....



Edited by feylyndiira
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Wait when did he do that? He replied on your private message or outside the forums now?

I received a reply to my PMs


It is indeed! He takes communication with us, the players, very seriously. :) I'm also impressed how bravely he takes the ************ some players show here on forums.

Glad to hear that it was addressed about how honestly disappointing the Quinn/Elara return was, if this helps make returning companions in the future to be so much better than that's a plus. More Quinn (and Elara) in upcoming story content to make this up? :i_angel:


Quinn is one of my favourite romances and I still have 2 of my favourites yet to return (Vector/Iresso), if this means that upcoming LI's will avoid such lacklustre returns then I'm happy.

You'll both be pleased to hear that I followed up on his reply and asked about:

  1. Replaying Iokath with the companion customisations fixed for cutscenes so those of us with customised Quinns/Dornes can play/replay Iokath
  2. More content for Quinn/Dorne given their lacklustre return.

Keith sent me a reply which said both questions are being passed to Charles (who is the companion maestro now) and Keith said he will let me know what he says. We may not get either but the fact that they have taken note of concerns is great.


Now you have me curious if you do not mind, could you forward this to me? :cool:

I've made an attempt to forward this but I have no idea if it's worked!

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So pretty...I need to take mine a bit further on Makeb now ;)


It's a well hidden place. Even with a mission marker I had problems with finding how to get there :rolleyes: But it's worth it, really lovely. Most of animals are not aggressive except for purple vrakes and flying bat things.

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It's a well hidden place. Even with a mission marker I had problems with finding how to get there :rolleyes: But it's worth it, really lovely. Most of animals are not aggressive except for purple vrakes and flying bat things.


Taking break from writing new chapter...must take pictures ;)

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No....I need to feed off of your chapters! I am having a horrible time with mine right now! :-P


I just got back to mine, with luck will have it done by tomorrow...maybe sooner, I have tomorrow off too :) Glad mine help with yours, granted I jump all over the place in the story in mine. Eventually I will get it all ;)

Edited by Nightfrogger
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I feel almost privileged that I see your screenies on dA first, then here :D "Early preview edition".


I have to post them up somewhere first before I can share ;) Was not sure how that following thing works...sorry for probably bombarding you with posts over the last week lol

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I just got back to mine, with luck will have it done by tomorrow...maybe sooner, I have tomorrow off too :) Glad mine help with yours, granted I jump all over the place in the story in mine. Eventually I will get it all ;)


I'm trying my best to go in order...aside from my parallel stories of vanilla and KotFE...and Tatooine is kicking my butt right now. It's like my mojo just died...I've written like two sentences in the past two hours. Of course, I keep telling myself that if I want inspiration for Tatooine, all I need to do is walk outside since it's like 37°C outside right now. :csw_tattooine::csw_crawler: I have ideas...it's just getting from where I am to the point in the story my ideas fall into and either filling things in between and/or transitioning smoothly.

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I'm trying my best to go in order...aside from my parallel stories of vanilla and KotFE...and Tatooine is kicking my butt right now. It's like my mojo just died...I've written like two sentences in the past two hours. Of course, I keep telling myself that if I want inspiration for Tatooine, all I need to do is walk outside since it's like 37°C outside right now. :csw_tattooine::csw_crawler: I have ideas...it's just getting from where I am to the point in the story my ideas fall into and either filling things in between and/or transitioning smoothly.


Your last chapter made me want to go back and start up Nar Shaddaa ;) Got my writing music on, lets do this :)

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I have to post them up somewhere first before I can share ;) Was not sure how that following thing works...sorry for probably bombarding you with posts over the last week lol


Hey, don't apologise for bombarding me with good stuff :D

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Oh yes more Quinn (and Elara) content pretty please! :i_biggrin:

I really hope so. I think their admission that his return was "lacklustre" might help. It seemed those who wanted to be rid of him did much better out of his return then those who wanted to keep their original romance going with their version of Quinn. A replay of Iokath would be really good and I've often said a little warrior only side quest with romance options for those who keep Quinn would be a great compromise. If both those happen, I will throw my annual income at bioware!

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Bah I forgot just how much dialog is on Nar Shaddaa...this is going to be longer than expected...I need more coffee :(


Hehe....yeah, that's why I glossed over a lot of it in my chapters. Same with Tatooine...which I finished the chapter on the most of it last night...but I'm saving the encounter with Master Yonlach for next chapter because I have lots of head-canon to supplement it. Will probably try to get that out today.

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Hehe....yeah, that's why I glossed over a lot of it in my chapters. Same with Tatooine...which I finished the chapter on the most of it last night...but I'm saving the encounter with Master Yonlach for next chapter because I have lots of head-canon to supplement it. Will probably try to get that out today.


The page count so far is rather high, but being a dialog heavy chapter tends to do that. But almost done with where I consider the end of this planet :) So almost there hun :) Also came to the realization that I did a lot more light side choices on this planet than I remember, playing lawful evil is hard sometimes lol

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