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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Malavai does not show his complete customisation at first scene he arrives in (the looks, change of appearance ones) which prior companion returns did at the moment they joined, big issue. The outfit one is because his return is in default until he becomes a companion and you can change it again. The returned companions are not the exact companion back, in regards to the code. They are a "new" code one/copy so have to dress them up again.


That's what I was thinking the whole time. It doesn't change the fact that my reunion was ruined, I have no screenshots. I re-drew my reunion to have something. It worked for other comps in KOTFE, even though they have changed names, too, and why not here? I consider dropping support for it a very bad decision. And if they continue like that, there's going to be more disappointed people than only me.


Since there isn't really any convo "I'll join you", they could have make them in code join you once you start the story, then leave them there or move them to unavailable. This would allow to apply/use the custom, even if their clothing changes.

I have no idea, but maybe that's how it was done in KOTFE. Why not here? I didn't ask for some guy named "Quinn" to talk to my warrior. I wanted her husband to return!

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That's what I was thinking the whole time. It doesn't change the fact that my reunion was ruined, I have no screenshots. I re-drew my reunion to have something. It worked for other comps in KOTFE, even though they have changed names, too, and why not here? I consider dropping support for it a very bad decision. And if they continue like that, there's going to be more disappointed people than only me.


Since there isn't really any convo "I'll join you", they could have make them in code join you once you start the story, then leave them there or move them to unavailable. This would allow to apply/use the custom, even if their clothing changes.

I have no idea, but maybe that's how it was done in KOTFE. Why not here? I didn't ask for some guy named "Quinn" to talk to my warrior. I wanted her husband to return!


Yeah your posts in here when it released is what told me about the issue, and it is an issue when the KotFE companions came back fine with the customisations but suddenly a couple don't. So I tested it myself on one of my sw story-testing clones, to confirm. I hate this inconsistency. Why for some companions it's all fine until bam, now it's not -.-' . it's far worse then my underwear showing off Jorgan back in his chapter before that got fixed.


"I'm sorry, My Lord. The sith magic you cast to change my looks to something more appealing to you after you recruited me on Balmorra wore off while I was in Imperial prison!"


but in all seriousness, I wish they'd figure out what went wrong, or told us why they did things differently this time.

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"I'm sorry, My Lord. The sith magic you cast to change my looks to something more appealing to you after you recruited me on Balmorra wore off while I was in Imperial prison!"


This actually made me giggle :)


"We have to remedy that immediately... in my chambers..." (said in the same tone she used after his betrayal about making it up to her :D)


I hoped for more content, so that I'd have some new screenies of them looking like them, but that hope evaporated after Charles's explanation. It feels like right now they are merely going to shove the remaining comps in our faces in a rushed way: short, basic, meaningless. They are simply missing the point: we don't want them back to have them by our side in Heroics -- the Impatience terminal can do that -- but to interact with them again.

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but in all seriousness, I wish they'd figure out what went wrong, or told us why they did things differently this time.

I think the Devs & decided that for "resource reasons" they were going all generic with the companions back when they were planning KOTFE. I cannot say for sure that any of my returned companions during KOTFE did actually return customised with regard to their facial features, but none of them had my choice of outfit on. I think they did this for the sake of new players (new money) who they assumed would go straight to the boosted character and have no interest in the class back story. Wrong move. They should have told long-standing players (who have formed attachments to their companions) that they were doing this right from the start but I suspect they avoided this because if people were told the facts, there would have been massive unsubs all in one go and that would look bad on their shareholder stats. It's far better for them to withhold info, letting the hopefuls hang on until they've had enough of waiting or get news that returned companions will be reset to generic. This results in unsubs looking like a trickle over time which would be acceptable on their statistics.

For those with a race preference for a companion, the problem would be solved by allowing Iokath (and future similar content) to be replayed with racial and armour preferences in place. It wouldn't have been an issue if they had done the Iokath story minus our companions; they could have return Quinn and Dorne via a little side quest.


"I'm sorry, My Lord. The sith magic you cast to change my looks to something more appealing to you after you recruited me on Balmorra wore off while I was in Imperial prison!"

Priceless! :D

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I think the Devs & decided that for "resource reasons" they were going all generic with the companions back when they were planning KOTFE. I cannot say for sure that any of my returned companions during KOTFE did actually return customised with regard to their facial features, but none of them had my choice of outfit on. I think they did this for the sake of new players (new money) who they assumed would go straight to the boosted character and have no interest in the class back story. Wrong move. They should have told long-standing players (who have formed attachments to their companions) that they were doing this right from the start but I suspect they avoided this because if people were told the facts, there would have been massive unsubs all in one go and that would look bad on their shareholder stats. It's far better for them to withhold info, letting the hopefuls hang on until they've had enough of waiting or get news that returned companions will be reset to generic. This results in unsubs looking like a trickle over time which would be acceptable on their statistics.

For those with a race preference for a companion, the problem would be solved by allowing Iokath (and future similar content) to be replayed with racial and armour preferences in place. It wouldn't have been an issue if they had done the Iokath story minus our companions; they could have return Quinn and Dorne via a little side quest.



Priceless! :D


For the features customizations, I personally had customized Aric, Vette, Pierce and Kaliyo return absolutely fine, still looking like they did through my class stories of my various characters (the looks customization). I also did little youtube search and a few other companions I spotted came back looking like their customizations for other players too. Elara and Quinn did not, That's why I was a bit miffed about it, still am. Also why I'd like to know if they're continuing this change, and maybe the why as well. The outfit change was by design, they all got a new outfit, but I was able to reclaim their old ones the moment they got removed from my active companion list so I expected that, and the outfit change after 5 years didn't bother me.


This actually made me giggle :)


"We have to remedy that immediately... in my chambers..." (said in the same tone she used after his betrayal about making it up to her :D)


Priceless! :D


:D , hehe couldn't help myself.

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For the features customizations, I personally had customized Aric, Vette, Pierce and Kaliyo return absolutely fine, still looking like they did through my class stories of my various characters (the looks customization). I also did little youtube search and a few other companions I spotted came back looking like their customizations for other players too. Elara and Quinn did not, That's why I was a bit miffed about it, still am. Also why I'd like to know if they're continuing this change, and maybe the why as well. The outfit change was by design, they all got a new outfit, but I was able to reclaim their old ones the moment they got removed from my active companion list so I expected that, and the outfit change after 5 years didn't bother me.

It's so long since I did the chapters originally that I didn't really remember. That actually makes his excuse worse. I'll make the effort and reply to his post in that thread.

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I was just figuring if you can change Theron for these scenes then what is the hold up for Quinn and Dorn for customizations? I was able terminal them both right before my trooper even accepted the quest to go back to iokath, and when they are pulled out of the terminal they come out as post iokath versions...I don't see why the customizations did not stick.
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I was just figuring if you can change Theron for these scenes then what is the hold up for Quinn and Dorn for customizations? I was able terminal them both right before my trooper even accepted the quest to go back to iokath, and when they are pulled out of the terminal they come out as post iokath versions...I don't see why the customizations did not stick.


Because the outfits going to a new default are by design until the companion is your companion again, where you can change them to what you want.

The customization we are talking about is not the outfits. This is the one I used that Quinn decided to ditch for his default face features, they change skin tone, hairstyle and over all facial features.

Theron doesn't have any of this type of customization, you can only change his outfit and it makes sense for his custom outfit to show as he has joined as a companion well before Iokath. Quinn can wear his new uniform before he rejoins me, no worries there... but can't he look the same as he did back when I did my class story :p (facial features). xD


This has all been mentioned a lot in the past in-thread, I know. I'm always late to the party xD *blames Charles*

Started a new warrior today, I have far too many but don't really care :p I like all but one companion, makes the class story worth it.

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I was just figuring if you can change Theron for these scenes then what is the hold up for Quinn and Dorn for customizations? I was able terminal them both right before my trooper even accepted the quest to go back to iokath, and when they are pulled out of the terminal they come out as post iokath versions...I don't see why the customizations did not stick.


It's simple. The Quinn you talk to in Iokath is not your class companion. It's an NPC. You can still summon your class Quinn outside the cutscenes: wearing what he was wearing and with custom.


Once you finish Iokath, the NPC joins you, replacing your class companion. Now you don't have access to your class companion - he becomes an NPC, which is obvious when you replay KOTFE chapter 2. The class Quinn is not customised and wears default captain uniform, because you moved your customisation to the new Iokath Quinn.


Now I have the default Quinn in any content post-Ziost. He appears twice (KOTFE Ch 2 and Iokath), and in both cases he's not customised.


Before I did Iokath, KOTFE Quinn was customised.


That had given me hope he'd be customised in any new content that could come in the future, and somewhat make up for Iokath, but since then I stopped believing our LIs will get any screen time, unless they're Beniko or Theron, the hope is gone.

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I did find it funny that they would let me terminal him on my trooper before I started the Iokath quest, it even gave me the note in my compaion tab that he joined my alliance. It also placed Dorne there with the same coment, both in a special section on the compaion list.
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It's simple. The Quinn you talk to in Iokath is not your class companion. It's an NPC. You can still summon your class Quinn outside the cutscenes: wearing what he was wearing and with custom.


Once you finish Iokath, the NPC joins you, replacing your class companion. Now you don't have access to your class companion - he becomes an NPC, which is obvious when you replay KOTFE chapter 2. The class Quinn is not customised and wears default captain uniform, because you moved your customisation to the new Iokath Quinn.


Now I have the default Quinn in any content post-Ziost. He appears twice (KOTFE Ch 2 and Iokath), and in both cases he's not customised.


Before I did Iokath, KOTFE Quinn was customised.


That had given me hope he'd be customised in any new content that could come in the future, and somewhat make up for Iokath, but since then I stopped believing our LIs will get any screen time, unless they're Beniko or Theron, the hope is gone.

What's most disappointing about this is that neither Keith or Charles will confirm any of this, nor will they suggest what might happen with companions in the future. I thought they would have learned something from the feedback players have given that information about undocumented changes really matters to us. They really ought to know that many players value their original class companions and Lana/Theron are not our main focus. What they did with Quinn/Dorne in Iokath showed contempt for a large proportion of subscribers. Dorne was never such an annoying cow and Quinn should never have been changed to random NPC status.


I wonder if the Vectorites read this thread? At the moment many of them are like us anticipating Vector's return with excitement, but I have a feeling they will end up disappointed. I've only run two of my warriors through Iokath and Quinn's return. I'm considering deleting the others unless they fix Quinn to be a companion with his full facial customisation and alter the Iokath storyline to reflect this. They seem to spend a lot of resources on things we don't want or need (Senya's new face and the Senya/Valyin video). If they want us to keep subbing, give us what we want!

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I wonder if the Vectorites read this thread? At the moment many of them are like us anticipating Vector's return with excitement, but I have a feeling they will end up disappointed.


Aye, we read this thread. :) Or, if some of us don't, we at least know not to get our expectations too high.

I'm still hoping beyond hope that Iokath was a one-time-only flop, and that their story quality going forward will be much better, but another part of me is starting to accept what might be reality: that it doesn't seem likely.

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Aye, we read this thread. :) Or, if some of us don't, we at least know not to get our expectations too high.

I'm still hoping beyond hope that Iokath was a one-time-only flop, and that their story quality going forward will be much better, but another part of me is starting to accept what might be reality: that it doesn't seem likely.


You know, I'd be really angry if the one time they flubbed up was when it came to returning Quinn. They did ok before and because we bished, they'll do ok after, so you can bet St. Mako, St Kira and them well be returned with epic flawless grandeur, and we Quinnmancers will still be screwed.


So, I hope they do improve the stories and reunions for companions because I have hope for Scourge and Vector, but at the same time, I'll be angry that they effed us over about Quinn. :(

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You know, I'd be really angry if the one time they flubbed up was when it came to returning Quinn. They did ok before and because we bished, they'll do ok after, so you can bet St. Mako, St Kira and them well be returned with epic flawless grandeur, and we Quinnmancers will still be screwed.


So, I hope they do improve the stories and reunions for companions because I have hope for Scourge and Vector, but at the same time, I'll be angry that they effed us over about Quinn. :(


90% of me doesn't care anymore, but 10% is like whispering *The story of Iokath isn't over yet. Anything could happen* :sul_angel:

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Well those funny ideas I had a few days ago...I was finally able to get them to words I am content with. So without further ado.


Here is the absolutely silly, smutty, shenanigans I woke up to last week that made me laugh for about 30 minutes.


Adult filter is on, due to nature of its content.




Time to see how bad I can make purple Quinn blush lol

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Well those funny ideas I had a few days ago...I was finally able to get them to words I am content with. So without further ado.


Here is the absolutely silly, smutty, shenanigans I woke up to last week that made me laugh for about 30 minutes.


Adult filter is on, due to nature of its content.




Time to see how bad I can make purple Quinn blush lol


Unfortunately, Purple Quinn and his writer have the adult filters turned on. :o

Quinn: ...

...oh, too late. He's already blushing even thinking about it.

Quinn: I am NOT.

Then you're sunburnt. Fair skin like that burns easily. Were you on Tatooine recently?

Quinn: I do not burn. I tan.

You WISH. *death glare at my own pasty white skin* ...*I* wish. :p

Quinn: Regardless, I am not blushing. Can you prove it? I think not, sir. :)

I write you and I can make you do whatever I want.

Quinn: ..........you cannot make me read that story.

Of course I can! ...wait, that means I have to read it, too. Um...wh...oh.....ohhhh........

Quinn: *smug grin*

. . . DANG IT!

Quinn: :cool: Sir, could I get that in writing? To mark the occasion of the only time I've actually won at our little contests of wit and willpower.

You may NOT. >_<

Quinn: Or may I chauffeur you to your imminent therapy appointment? Losing an argument with a figment of your own imagination must be debilitating.

You infuriating adorable arrogant little--*blue streak*

Quinn: *facepalm* NOW who needs an adult filter!? I think I need to air out my brain to get rid of those words...

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Unfortunately, Purple Quinn and his writer have the adult filters turned on. :o

Quinn: ...

...oh, too late. He's already blushing even thinking about it.

Quinn: I am NOT.

Then you're sunburnt. Fair skin like that burns easily. Were you on Tatooine recently?

Quinn: I do not burn. I tan.

You WISH. *death glare at my own pasty white skin* ...*I* wish. :p

Quinn: Regardless, I am not blushing. Can you prove it? I think not, sir. :)

I write you and I can make you do whatever I want.

Quinn: ..........you cannot make me read that story.

Of course I can! ...wait, that means I have to read it, too. Um...wh...oh.....ohhhh........

Quinn: *smug grin*

. . . DANG IT!

Quinn: :cool: Sir, could I get that in writing? To mark the occasion of the only time I've actually won at our little contests of wit and willpower.

You may NOT. >_<

Quinn: Or may I chauffeur you to your imminent therapy appointment? Losing an argument with a figment of your own imagination must be debilitating.

You infuriating adorable arrogant little--*blue streak*

Quinn: *facepalm* NOW who needs an adult filter!? I think I need to air out my brain to get rid of those words...


This was a great way to wake up this morning coffee and laughing brought on by our favorite Purple Major ;) Thank you.

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Well those funny ideas I had a few days ago...I was finally able to get them to words I am content with. So without further ado.


Here is the absolutely silly, smutty, shenanigans I woke up to last week that made me laugh for about 30 minutes.


Adult filter is on, due to nature of its content.




Time to see how bad I can make purple Quinn blush lol

This reminded me of a brilliant Farscape episode. Without spoiling Nightfrogger's story, it would be great to see a

body swap

story line with Quinn and his warrior-wife in the game (minus the adult content of course - fade to black will suffice), just to see what Quinn's personality and force powers would be like.

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Well those funny ideas I had a few days ago...I was finally able to get them to words I am content with. So without further ado.


Here is the absolutely silly, smutty, shenanigans I woke up to last week that made me laugh for about 30 minutes.


Adult filter is on, due to nature of its content.




Time to see how bad I can make purple Quinn blush lol


Mmmm, very nice chapter indeed. And I see you succeeded in flushing out purple Quinn :D

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Quinn: *smug grin*

. . . DANG IT!

Quinn: :cool: Sir, could I get that in writing? To mark the occasion of the only time I've actually won at our little contests of wit and willpower.

You may NOT. >_<

Our dearest Purple Quinn, I believe the forums counts as "in writing!" Enjoy this moment - it may be the first and only time that you win :p

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Our dearest Purple Quinn, I believe the forums counts as "in writing!" Enjoy this moment - it may be the first and only time that you win :p


I was always a fan of screen shot it or it didn't happen...but I think you may be right...I think he might need to print out the conversation and frame it ;)

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Good job purple Quinn. I didn't think I'd see the Grand Admiral bested. :eek::D


I, uh, I...I let him win!

Quinn: Mm-hmm.

Yeah! No, I totally let it happen. It wouldn't have happened normally!

Quinn: Ri-ight.


Quinn: "Major." Not mister. And, if I may say so, sir, I believe it suits me just fine.

Name one time when you were actually sarcastic in the class story!

Quinn: Cornering the Jedi on Balmorra. Moff Broysc. Snarking at Vette and Pierce. A few romance dialogues. I--

Okay, okay, okay... .-. I'm losing my edge.

Quinn: *eyeing a few marbles rolling under the chair* That's not all you're losing, sir.


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