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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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yes thank you so much

My sith beat companion button will get use now.

No hate! I love to beat him it's our little thing

Well at least you changed your post to show a bit more Quinn love, though I'm not sure Quinn would be so submissive as to be your slap slave! Now you need to forgive him his past deeds and treat him nicer :p

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Which armour is that you have on Quinn? It looks familiar but I can't work it out.


Crafted: Defiant Mender Jacket MK-16 with blue/black dye, vulkar swooper pants, secret agent boots with black/blue dye and secret agent bracers, berserker belt.


Pulled from all over to make that one :)

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Crafted: Defiant Mender Jacket MK-16 with blue/black dye, vulkar swooper pants, secret agent boots with black/blue dye and secret agent bracers, berserker belt.


Pulled from all over to make that one :)

Aha - I have defiant mender somewhere in my many banks - very Quinnesce given he is still a great healer.


Damn. Over 4k posts about the wonder that is Malavai Quinn? Going good huh. :p


*grabs her own Malavai to celebrate*

You'd think that amount of posts would get us a response about the lack of customisation issue and an answer to Quinn's messed up return with more Quinn story but no :mad: Guess the Devs really dislike Quinn and his fans :(

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You'd think that amount of posts would get us a response about the lack of customisation issue and an answer to Quinn's messed up return with more Quinn story but no :mad: Guess the Devs really dislike Quinn and his fans :(


I know almost 450 pages and nothing posted by devs here :( feels like we are being neglected :(

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I know almost 450 pages and nothing posted by devs here :( feels like we are being neglected :(


You're absolutely right, it would be nice, if one of them popped in and acknowledged that we exist and that we actually matter.


Here is a thread that suggests lots of nice decorations, but has a glaring lack of Male Dancers as future decorations, and I also brought up the topic of why there is not a Malavai Quinn Commemorative Statue.


If you guys feel up to it and have time, maybe visit this thread and let them know that you'd love to see more male dancers and also Quinn's statue as future deco. Thanks :)http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9340128#post9340128

Edited by Lunafox
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*sulks* well I guess that's it for Quinn, Charle's post in the "how feedback works" thread pretty much states that while people demand their companions back, they also despise the chapter's worth of content with the companions so due to feedback that is not happening anymore...


"2. At least partly due to #1, the companion-focused chapters were not as well-received as the KOTFE ones (although desire to get companions back remained high)."


"D) The end result: the overall storyline was cut down by more than a third so that it would play out more quickly, while simultaneously introducing more choices and consequences. Companion returns had to be put on the backburner to achieve these changes, and my original plan to do entire chapters for each of them just aren't feasible at this point, so we're currently working on plans to get them back as expediently as possible."


It seems that means we're not getting the content anymore that the first few got, just the companions back "asap" instead. so I guess more of the Quinn/Elara return types of companion returns, with just a few sentences and that's it, they're back, is all we can expect now, I'd hoped that wouldn't be the case...


*sulks some more* I hoped Quinn would get more stuff at least.

edit: it is good to hear the actual info though, even if it disappoints me. explains why kotet had no companion returns, and why Elara and Quinn got petty ones compared to the other romances returned in KotET.

Edited by Asmodesu
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*sulks* well I guess that's it for Quinn, Charle's post in the "how feedback works" thread pretty much states that while people demand their companions back, they also despise the chapter's worth of content with the companions so due to feedback that is not happening anymore...


"2. At least partly due to #1, the companion-focused chapters were not as well-received as the KOTFE ones (although desire to get companions back remained high)."


"D) The end result: the overall storyline was cut down by more than a third so that it would play out more quickly, while simultaneously introducing more choices and consequences. Companion returns had to be put on the backburner to achieve these changes, and my original plan to do entire chapters for each of them just aren't feasible at this point, so we're currently working on plans to get them back as expediently as possible."


It seems that means we're not getting the content anymore that the first few got, just the companions back "asap" instead. so I guess more of the Quinn/Elara return types of companion returns, with just a few sentences and that's it, they're back, is all we can expect now, I'd hoped that wouldn't be the case...


*sulks some more* I hoped Quinn would get more stuff at least.

edit: it is good to hear the actual info though, even if it disappoints me. explains why kotet had no companion returns, and why Elara and Quinn got petty ones compared to the other romances returned in KotET.


Read that too, and I'm disappointed terribly. :( If all returns are done this poorly from now on -- a few minutes convo total, no customisation, no interaction, no doing stuff together -- I see a very small chance for anyone else appearing in this "snippets" but Beniko or Theron. I fear that we get our comps back to not see them again.

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*sulks* well I guess that's it for Quinn, Charle's post in the "how feedback works" thread pretty much states that while people demand their companions back, they also despise the chapter's worth of content with the companions so due to feedback that is not happening anymore...


"2. At least partly due to #1, the companion-focused chapters were not as well-received as the KOTFE ones (although desire to get companions back remained high)."


"D) The end result: the overall storyline was cut down by more than a third so that it would play out more quickly, while simultaneously introducing more choices and consequences. Companion returns had to be put on the backburner to achieve these changes, and my original plan to do entire chapters for each of them just aren't feasible at this point, so we're currently working on plans to get them back as expediently as possible."


It seems that means we're not getting the content anymore that the first few got, just the companions back "asap" instead. so I guess more of the Quinn/Elara return types of companion returns, with just a few sentences and that's it, they're back, is all we can expect now, I'd hoped that wouldn't be the case...


*sulks some more* I hoped Quinn would get more stuff at least.

edit: it is good to hear the actual info though, even if it disappoints me. explains why kotet had no companion returns, and why Elara and Quinn got petty ones compared to the other romances returned in KotET.


I hoped we would get more too, it didn't seem finished. What a let down. I suppose with this revelation there goes any hope that Scourge will actually get any worthy story either. I'm very disappointed. :(

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I hoped we would get more too, it didn't seem finished. What a let down. I suppose with this revelation there goes any hope that Scourge will actually get any worthy story either. I'm very disappointed. :(


We will have to wait and see :( Patience may be a virtue, but it is afraid not one of mine....But, alas I will wait and still be hopefull

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If you (collective you) haven't posted your displeasure with the Quinn/Dorne return on the feedback thread, I think you should. If they are keeping an eye on that thread we need to make it very clear that many of us are very unhappy with the shoddy return Quinn & Dorne got and even if they don't make it better they really need to do a better job on future companion returns. Vector's future depends on it!


On a brighter note, with all of the posts highlighting dressing Quinn, I realized I should use him as a model more. A lot of sets are bop or on a server where I don't have a Quinn, so I won't be able to use him exclusively, but enjoy Nightlife Socialite Quinn :)

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I think I posted there, harping on lack of customisation in Iokath cutscenes (what else, huh? ;)).


I'd forgive them a lot, even 6 minutes of reunion, but I won't forgive them that, because it rendered my reunion a total of 0 minutes.:(

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I was planning on doing some testing by bring another of my warriors through the chapters and getting the Quinn reunion completed again. Wanted to test a few things out myself since a few patches have been made. Was going to customize Theron and Quinn and see if anything changes, but that was going to be Sunday's project. Will let you guys know my results.


I have only done Iokath on 3 characters because I wanted to see how my choices there are going to mess with reunions of other characters, so am hesitant on most characters to advance them due to Dorne's reaction on player choices.

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I was planning on doing some testing by bring another of my warriors through the chapters and getting the Quinn reunion back. Wanted to test a few things out myself since a few patches have been made. Was going to customize Theron and Quinn and see if anything changes, but that was going to be Sunday's project. Will let you guys know my results.


I have only done Iokath on 3 characters because I wanted to see how my choices there are going to mess with reunions of other characters, so am hesitant on most characters to advance them.


I've done similar. I have 5 "story testers" characters that are my only ones to have progressed past SoR, only 3 of which finished Iokath up to the Operation, but not the operation while the others wait for any more patches (likely the next big one they'll go through). My main characters are still waiting at end of Ziost, waiting to see what's going to happen and what certain choices might do to future companions returns, like Elara is a finicky thing in that regard for a trooper. I cloned them for the story testers so played and look exactly the same as my main story characters but aren't important to have stuff perfect the way i want, they are there to test the waters and see what's up each time we get some content. Kind of glad I did too, seeing as one of my main warriors has a Malavai customisation, as such so does her story testing clone, and I know it doesn't show in his return so I haven't ruined my main's story stuff yet and know to wait and hope they fix it before bringing her through. Stuff like that.

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Other than changing outfits I use standard Quinn, mainly wanted to throw on the customization to see if they changed anything for those of you who do use them. Was going to pull Quinn out of the terminal on this warrior and have him customized and such see if it changes anything. Out of my 5 female warriors only one has completed everything, I have another in the middle of the chapters and need to catch her up, the others are in various stages of play throughout the story...I have been slacking I know :(


But the scientist in me wants to test this out :)

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*sulks* well I guess that's it for Quinn, Charle's post in the "how feedback works" thread pretty much states that while people demand their companions back, they also despise the chapter's worth of content with the companions so due to feedback that is not happening anymore...


"2. At least partly due to #1, the companion-focused chapters were not as well-received as the KOTFE ones (although desire to get companions back remained high)."


"D) The end result: the overall storyline was cut down by more than a third so that it would play out more quickly, while simultaneously introducing more choices and consequences. Companion returns had to be put on the backburner to achieve these changes, and my original plan to do entire chapters for each of them just aren't feasible at this point, so we're currently working on plans to get them back as expediently as possible."


It seems that means we're not getting the content anymore that the first few got, just the companions back "asap" instead. so I guess more of the Quinn/Elara return types of companion returns, with just a few sentences and that's it, they're back, is all we can expect now, I'd hoped that wouldn't be the case...


*sulks some more* I hoped Quinn would get more stuff at least.

edit: it is good to hear the actual info though, even if it disappoints me. explains why kotet had no companion returns, and why Elara and Quinn got petty ones compared to the other romances returned in KotET.

His comments confirm my view (and thread posts) that they shortened KOTET and will bring be bringing companions back quickly.


I, like many others, absolutely despised being forced to play whole chapters alongside certain (hated) class companions (primarily KALIYO) and then be forced to have them in my alliance. Class companions should have remained primarily class only with their own return stories that should have played out alongside the main KOTFE storyline. We should have been given the option to take our companions with us after their return through some areas of the KOTFE/KOTET story (with them being given their own lines and comments). The only class companion that was central to the story (and made sense to be included as a "main character") was Scorpio (I mean, who the heck wanted or needed T7-01 or Vette)? But then, that's all "should-land".


The reality is to remember that whilst we are huge fans of Quinn, there are many, many others who are not. Based on the questionnaires they sent out when the game went bad I suspect many did not want to run a whole chapter dedicated to playing alongside Quinn/Vector and any others waiting to return (I know I gave feedback about the whole companion chapter issue in my questionnaire).


Charles has acknowledged that the whole companion affair did not go so well, however, he has also acknowledged that companions are important to players, and is personally apologetic for all the issues, so this does not mean that there won't be companion related content in the future. I'm therefore hopeful for some more Quinn and other companion content at some point. The length of and interest in this thread alone must indicate that there are many subs that are wanting this to happen.

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The thing is that all companions have someone that wants them back and loves them. So there will always be someone who is not happy with a shoddy return. I'm sure Kaliyo lovers loved having her back in Ch10. I couldn't care less.


At this point I'm only jealous of those lucky players, how got their comps in a nice way in KOTFE. Working customs, lots of dialogue, a bit more of their presence later in KOTFE/KOTET. Apparently, this won't be happening again. I completely lost hope to see Quinn again. To talk to him. To kiss him looking into his brown eyes.

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Whoa crap...I have to try this out....I have a trooper who has done all of the chapters but has not done iokath...I just went to the terminal to pull out Elara...it also said I could pull out Quinn even though I have not done Iokath....I am pulling both out and going to try to customize them both see if it does anything.


Also on that other warrior of mine, changed Theron's outfit. It changed it for the Chapter X cut scenes. Will let you guys know.

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The thing is that all companions have someone that wants them back and loves them. So there will always be someone who is not happy with a shoddy return. I'm sure Kaliyo lovers loved having her back in Ch10. I couldn't care less.


At this point I'm only jealous of those lucky players, how got their comps in a nice way in KOTFE. Working customs, lots of dialogue, a bit more of their presence later in KOTFE/KOTET. Apparently, this won't be happening again. I completely lost hope to see Quinn again. To talk to him. To kiss him looking into his brown eyes.


I think they are going to get all the companions back and then give us a lot more companion related content that's relevant to our characters, maybe in 6.0 as it will take time to come up with good stories for them. I fed that back in my questionnaire (and in the thread others did too) so fingers crossed for that. Don't give up hope! Plus I think they bite give each of our romanced companions, including Quinn a few sentences here and there in the current storyline.


There is a lot of love for Quinn - earlier this week I switched on general chat to see if there were any groups for the big droid on Iokath. Someone put in chat that they had just done the kill Quinn bit and was glad to get rid of him. Before I'd even had a chance to finish typing a response, at least half-a-dozen people replied how much they liked Quinn or forgave him! That was good to see :) Of all the companions, Quinn's is the story that seems to have affected people the most.

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Okay so far Theron changed for Iokath cut scene...not to Quinn yet, will try to get a screen shot if I can. And nope neither customization nor change of clothes go through.


But was able to get this screen shot on my trooper...

Trooper + Quinn Twins

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Okay so far Theron changed for Iokath cut scene...not to Quinn yet, will try to get a screen shot if I can. And nope neither customization nor change of clothes go through.


But was able to get this screen shot on my trooper...

Trooper + Quinn Twins


Changing Theron's outfits works from the moment of KotFE story where he officially becomes a companion (so not when he first arrives or cantina scene etc in chapter 9, but after the game officially sticks him in your companion list, then your customised clothing works. That's from me replaying KotFE from chapter 9 to see when the clothes I put him in on Iokath start showing up on him in story.


Malavai does not show his complete customisation at first scene he arrives in (the looks, change of appearance ones) which prior companion returns did at the moment they joined, big issue. The outfit one is because his return is in default until he becomes a companion and you can change it again. The returned companions are not the exact companion back, in regards to the code. They are a "new" code one/copy so have to dress them up again.

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Changing Theron's outfits works from the moment of KotFE story where he officially becomes a companion (so not when he first arrives or cantina scene etc in chapter 9, but after the game officially sticks him in your companion list, then your customised clothing works. That's from me replaying KotFE from chapter 9 to see when the clothes I put him in on Iokath start showing up on him in story.


Malavai does not show his complete customisation at first scene he arrives in (the looks, change of appearance ones) which prior companion returns did at the moment they joined, big issue. The outfit one is because his return is in default until he becomes a companion and you can change it again. The returned companions are not the exact companion back, in regards to the code. They are a "new" code one/copy so have to dress them up again.


I was hoping with a few patches and the changes to Theron that something code wise might have changed, wanted to test it out.

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