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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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And I second the sentiment that customisations should be available cross-faction, now that the comps are. I use one and Quinn just doesn't look right in his default look (which, sorry, but I find completely unattractive :o).


Now I'm waiting for Vector and Andronikos...


A lot of people have been requesting the customizations be cross faction available ever since KotFT, but no love's being shown on that front. Would be nice if they get around to it eventually.


And after this, it'll be the wait for Andronikos, Iresso, Doc and Akaavi for my roster.

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Yesterday I saw a youtube of the repaired dialogue SW has with Mal at the beginning of Rishi...the scene where SW is talking to Vette about her vision, and Vette goes...'you look like that time Jaesa tried exoboar soup...' and then Mal shows up...


It was borked before and he'd say 'my lord' to all the SW's even the loved ones...but I saw a fixed version of it, where he said 'my love'.


Can anyone post that or point me to it? For the life of me I can't recall the poster or where I saw it...it's on this forum...somewhere. I want to show MishaCantu. Please and thanks ^^

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Yesterday I saw a youtube of the repaired dialogue SW has with Mal at the beginning of Rishi...the scene where SW is talking to Vette about her vision, and Vette goes...'you look like that time Jaesa tried exoboar soup...' and then Mal shows up...


It was borked before and he'd say 'my lord' to all the SW's even the loved ones...but I saw a fixed version of it, where he said 'my love'.


Can anyone post that or point me to it? For the life of me I can't recall the poster or where I saw it...it's on this forum...somewhere. I want to show MishaCantu. Please and thanks ^^


Edit: Thanks Jenny. Appreciate it!

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I wonder what a romanced Quinn will say to a warrior that chooses the Republic. I'm not doing it, but I hope somebody does just to see his reaction, heh


That'd be... interesting.


I'm wondering what my romanced Quinn will say to Nat once he realizes she's been snogging Lana on a regular basis :eek: Poor bugger can't get a break.


Though I do have an... interesting fic idea in my head depending on how the reunion with Quinn plays out.

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At your service Darth Luna Fox!


He hee. Pity we can't change our forum names, I'd totally change it to that. Hey...powers that be...make me Darth Lunafox? :o It was worth a try.


I'd be a bit too afraid to try Grania's idea either. Maybe in time...maybe one of my alts, or maybe I'll make one for the express purpose of finding out. :D It'll be hard though...I love Quinn that much lol.


And ODNZ, I say go for it! Write it up. :)

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He hee. Pity we can't change our forum names, I'd totally change it to that. Hey...powers that be...make me Darth Lunafox? :o It was worth a try.



It's gotta be possible somehow. Venn_Dras in the FF section was h_weber, like their 'search threads created' in profile links to threads created under their old name so... there's gotta be a way lol.

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It's gotta be possible somehow. Venn_Dras in the FF section was h_weber, like their 'search threads created' in profile links to threads created under their old name so... there's gotta be a way lol.


Well, suffice it to say, I'd be shocked as hell lol. But it would be cool lol.

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I wonder what a romanced Quinn will say to a warrior that chooses the Republic. I'm not doing it, but I hope somebody does just to see his reaction, heh


That's partly why I'm going to wait a few days after it goes live to play it. Give people time to get the cutscenes up on Youtube.

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I wonder what a romanced Quinn will say to a warrior that chooses the Republic. I'm not doing it, but I hope somebody does just to see his reaction, heh


it's reasons like this that my fav characters story-wise have a doppelganger copy for story testing before my main story characters even dare to touch new content. My number 1 main is a sith warrior, she has 3 "doppelgangers" checking out story variations , she hasn't even started KotET yet, herself, because some decisions are starting to impact later so gonna see all variations of the Iokath stuff so I can.. plan appropriately xD.

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you would.. put a mohawk.. on Quinn? *blink*


Sry didn't know how to call that hairstyle. I was talking about this customisation:




It looks soooooo cute on him, especially since it leaves his face untouched and just gives him a more rebelish but still kinda military look. I really love that one.

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Sry didn't know how to call that hairstyle. I was talking about this customisation:




It looks soooooo cute on him, especially since it leaves his face untouched and just gives him a more rebelish but still kinda military look. I really love that one.


I didn't mean to give you a hard time, that's a perfectly fine hairstyle, very sexy irl. I hope you'll get it someday :)

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Sry didn't know how to call that hairstyle. I was talking about this customisation:




It looks soooooo cute on him, especially since it leaves his face untouched and just gives him a more rebelish but still kinda military look. I really love that one.


I wouldn't call that a mohawk since I tend to think the more traditional punk rocker style mohawk. That's more the SWTOR version of a military crew cut. I've used that one on some of my Troopers. For a rebelling type look on Quinn, I stick with putting him in an Imperial Practice jersey or the Unfettered Trenchcoat.

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I wonder what a romanced Quinn will say to a warrior that chooses the Republic. I'm not doing it, but I hope somebody does just to see his reaction, heh

I imagine if I try this out of curiosity my escape button will get smashed to bits!

You guys ever have people emoting at your Quinn/companion? So annoying. Emote at your own companions, weirdos :mad:

That actually made me laugh out loud :D I'm in a thread swooning over a pixel-ated companion's return and yet I agree with your post! We're all weirdos. It's SW - all is good :cool:


News of Malavai's return has made me completely forget about the GC/CXP hell. All is forgiven. For the moment.


Like others I've been levelling another warrior (very dark this time) so I can run through his return with different options; I've also been making sure that while levelling I run through a of lot zones and named areas unmounted with Malavai - never knew he had so much to say!

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That actually made me laugh out loud I'm in a thread swooning over a pixel-ated companion's return and yet I agree with your post! We're all weirdos. It's SW - all is good


Lol well it's just the mean ones that annoy me. It's like, who asked for your opinion, rando? :p

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You guys ever have people emoting at your Quinn/companion? So annoying. Emote at your own companions, weirdos :mad:


Only the husb has emoted at Quinn and I let him duel me once just to kill him (I'm a dutiful wife.) However, I've had some random dude on fleet take the time out of his day to unload the blasters on his mount into him. There's some hate out there!


News of Malavai's return has made me completely forget about the GC/CXP hell. All is forgiven. For the moment.!


When Quinn and Dorne were announced, I'd already moved on from the CXP/RNG fustercluck and had unsubbed, and was already working on another SW going through vanilla as Preferred. I was going to stop at the end of SoR, but now I hope to have this alt all the way through KOTET (the doppelganger idea someone mentioned earlier) so that I can play with the 5.2 dialogue options. Going through KOTFE and KOTET was pretty brutal for me for some reason, as I was really over taking any more characters through KOTFE/ET after my main. I think maybe it was just hard to enjoy the expansions with no light (Quinn) at the end of the tunnel. :D

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Only the husb has emoted at Quinn and I let him duel me once just to kill him (I'm a dutiful wife.) However, I've had some random dude on fleet take the time out of his day to unload the blasters on his mount into him. There's some hate out there!


I dueled my husband once and lets just say he had a hard time with my Quinn.. He sure doesn't like losing duels, *chuckle*

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You guys ever have people emoting at your Quinn/companion? So annoying. Emote at your own companions, weirdos :mad:


Yes. On the fleet, or even in my own stronghold a guildmate I invited slapped him and spit at him :mad:


My agent is his "brother" with a similar name. People on the fleet stop and emote at ME. People actually take time to stop, click me, and choose an emote to "hurt" me. How pathetic is that? :cool:

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You guys ever have people emoting at your Quinn/companion? So annoying. Emote at your own companions, weirdos :mad:


Nope, never had this happen. I was going to say how it was such an off the wall thing to happen, but once I started thinking about some of the attitudes of the playerbase, yeah, really doesn't surprise me when I think on it.

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Yes. On the fleet, or even in my own stronghold a guildmate I invited slapped him and spit at him :mad:


My agent is his "brother" with a similar name. People on the fleet stop and emote at ME. People actually take time to stop, click me, and choose an emote to "hurt" me. How pathetic is that? :cool:


Wow really? I can understand some folks not liking Quinn but that type of behavior is just pathetic. Why are people so darn immature? :rolleyes:

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My agent is his "brother" with a similar name. People on the fleet stop and emote at ME.


Lame. At least I've never personally been harassed.


Speaking of other people's companions, this one time I went to Quesh and was waiting for the elevator with another sw/Quinn standing next to me. The OTHER Quinn turned to me and started talking about Quesh, it was so surreal. :D

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