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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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And there's certainly debate to be had as to the best strategy for dealing with a betrayal by Quinn vs. Senya or SCORPIO or Koth. Would anyone say SCORPIO wasn't a clever strategist? Would anyone argue Quinn isn't interested in self-improvement? Don't you think a case can be made that their betrayals have many similarities? Was Quinn's loyalty to Baras out of respect, or out of fear? Does it even compare to Senya's love for her son? Is it ok to forgive Senya's betrayal because its a mother's love, and not forgive Quinn's betrayal because it was loyalty to a benefactor? Is her betrayal, justifiable or not, forgivable or not, any less dangerous for the security of your operation than Quinn's was at that time?


I certainly have characters for whom ANY kind of betrayal means death, so no, they don't see any difference between Koth, Senya, Scorpio or Quinn.


My DS SW would have killed Quinn, had he been given the opportunity. He did kill Senya. He did kill Koth. And he did kill Scorpio. My DS Agent would have killed Kaliyo. For characters like those, there is no excuse, no reason good enough. My DS SW really is just that kind of an douchebag, but that's why he's DS5 and was DS5 long before the end of the SW story. (The only reason he took Vette's collar off was for meta reasons - Because unless you do, you can't do her story, and sleeping with Vette's sister and then bragging about it to Vette would have been totally IC for him)


OTOH, my LS War is far more forgiving. The conversations with Quinn, post The Incident, I felt were well written, and handled the follow up and Quinn's subsequent prostrations well. I found it easy to accept his reasons and understanding when in that mindset.


But that's roleplaying. Speaking -personally-, as the viewer/audience of a story, I find that I tend to be very protagonist-focused. And whenever a situation like Quinn's happens, I always think "Man, you should have just come to the protag and told 'em right off, and then they would have helped you beat the bad guy, instead of betraying them out of fear or blackmail ro whatever"

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33 - [spoilers] Social Media


this one is my absolute fave. Darth Vow-wow-wow!!


darth ravage is a d***(again)



Yeah that one always makes me laugh, it's a favorite. :cool:


I read all of her comics over dinner tonight. So talented and that last panel was really sad. I could totally see all the scenes she had included in her strip as being stuff that Bioware left out and shouldn't have.

Surprised you hadn't read all of them before! I browse through them every now and then when I'm in a "I miss Quinnnnnn" mood, they're so good. :D


And yes we're promoting love. Lots and lots of love and the only kind of torture will be the enjoyable kind, in the bedroom... ;)

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Yeah that one always makes me laugh, it's a favorite. :cool:



Surprised you hadn't read all of them before! I browse through them every now and then when I'm in a "I miss Quinnnnnn" mood, they're so good. :D


And yes we're promoting love. Lots and lots of love and the only kind of torture will be the enjoyable kind, in the bedroom... ;)


I'd read them in bits and pieces, never in sequence before. I found that I had missed a few a long the way, so it was nice to just go through them all. :)

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But that's roleplaying. Speaking -personally-, as the viewer/audience of a story, I find that I tend to be very protagonist-focused. And whenever a situation like Quinn's happens, I always think "Man, you should have just come to the protag and told 'em right off, and then they would have helped you beat the bad guy, instead of betraying them out of fear or blackmail ro whatever"


I doubt whether Quinn could have felt safe telling the warrior, even a warrior he married. Most sith would have struck him down the moment he said anything. No telling his side. No oaths of fealty. Just dead. The longer he kept his secret the longer he could live. That is the culture of fear and paranoia that the Empire breeds. I can't think of any reason for Quinn to have believed his sith would react differently.

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I thought this line was out of character for both Vette and as a reference to Quinn. Vette never came across as mean against Quinn, even in KOTFE - she just liked to tease him relentlessly. As far as Quinn goes, except for his betrayal, he actually followed orders without question and never had to be threatened to do anything. So, I have no idea where this line comes from and I don't even know if that is an option at some point during SW dialogue to threaten Quinn to do something?


It's this type of writing that makes me really apprehensive about how they write in his return.




I played through warrior storyline exploring a lot of options (except for being purely mean to him, because I can't make myself do it and don't want to), and never encountered anything that would justify this line. You say "walk on your hands" and he says "yes, my lord".

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My Malavai and my warrior do: my juggerrnaut :D;) Not the same, but close enough


Yasssss I'm not the only one with that head canon...though mine's possibly crazier >_>; He and my Mara had twin boys - one's my Immortal Jugg the other my Guard - and a daughter - one of my sorcs - which made KotFE kind of trippy tbh. Influenced their playthroughs of the chapters as well, as they could relate to Valk's fam.


But ugh! Just so glad to have him back ♥_♥ I deleted FB ages ago but I've done my part on Twitter

Edited by gaelicvixen
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Yasssss I'm not the only one with that head canon...though mine's possibly crazier >_>; He and my Mara had twin boys - one's my Immortal Jugg the other my Guard - and a daughter - one of my sorcs - which made KotFE kind of trippy tbh. Influenced their playthroughs of the chapters as well, as they could relate to Valk's fam.


But ugh! Just so glad to have him back ♥_♥ I deleted FB ages ago but I've done my part on Twitter


I don't think that's crazy at all. He and my jugg had 4 kids--one son, three daughters. The boy is my main marauder and the girls are Sorc, Agent and BH (so two had the force, two didn't). I love the family tree feature, it's fun to try and sort out how everyone is related to everyone else, cause I have like 42 toons lol. :o

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Here's my thoughts on Quinn's betrayal but I'll give from my SW's point of view.


The first time Nathrrya met Baras on Korriban she just knew he'd try and stab her in the back at some point. Nat never expected it would be her future lover Quinn that would be doing the stabbing in said back though the signs are there. Perhaps she just didn't want to believe it possible after all love is blind.


However she never blamed Quinn for what he did Nat blamed Baras and it gave her a very personal reason to see the tub of lard dead and not just because he was a traitor to the empire. The betrayal pretty much destroyed Nat's trust in Quinn but she never stopped loving him. It also killed any ideas Nat had about having a family with Quinn.


Then the galaxy goes to the dogs and Nat ends up taking strength from Lana. Now what Quinn will make of that arrangement is anyone's guess :D

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Does anyone know who created and wrote Quinn?


Hmm no but while looking online, I did find this interesting bit.



Malavai Quinn's name is a subtle bit of foreshadowing, meaning 'Go Bad' in Latin, and hinting at his later betrayal. (Mala 'Bad', Vai 'Go', with Latin having a reversed syntax to English.)


Nifty! I mean maybe others already knew but I didn't so, cool. :D

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WELL I ASSUME NEIL POLIN ..oh gosh I'm so drunk, I assume Neil Poliner? Wrote the warrior story, so he would have written the companions too, yes? What I can't figure out is if he still works with Biowart. Ware. I hope so!


So I was wondering if someone might ask the devs with a tweet if that writer still works there? Devs respond to tweets yes? I've really got to stop posting now, btw. Fingers numb. :)

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omg how do I delete posts?


Ah heck since I can't delete this I might a swell make it about something. You know that heroic toxic boms? that mission is never dull, is it? I got pushed out onto one of those big vats today, barely made it except that I managed to keep my balance until i interceded over onto Quinn, but only after he killed off the last dude and walked over to me. I had to wait around with toxic waste poring onto my head, hoping not to fall into the vat joker style

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WELL I ASSUME NEIL POLIN ..oh gosh I'm so drunk, I assume Neil Poliner? Wrote the warrior story, so he would have written the companions too, yes? What I can't figure out is if he still works with Biowart. Ware. I hope so!


lol girl... its TUESDAY. :D


and Yep, you're right I found this on Linkedin (haha)



BioWare Austin

June 2006 – June 2010 (4 years 1 month)

Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO. Created and owned the stories, characters, quests and dialogue for the entire Sith Warrior class experience. Oversaw the efforts of junior writers on two of the Warrior's companion character storylines, acting as editor and mentor. Worked closely with the level design and cinematic departments to bring the Sith Warrior narrative to fruition. Designed and wrote Republic and Imperial open world multiplayer quests. Contributed many other written components of the game's design, such as codex entries and combat and space barks. Was part of the initial team that developed the lore, worlds and overall narrative design of the game, and collaborated closely with the other members of the large writing team to flesh out the stories, characters, and quests for the other seven class arcs.


So, good job Neil!:cool:

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WELL I ASSUME NEIL POLIN ..oh gosh I'm so drunk, I assume Neil Poliner? Wrote the warrior story, so he would have written the companions too, yes? What I can't figure out is if he still works with Biowart. Ware. I hope so!


So I was wondering if someone might ask the devs with a tweet if that writer still works there? Devs respond to tweets yes? I've really got to stop posting now, btw. Fingers numb. :)




Lmao I put Neil Poliner into Google and Google's like "Did you mean nail polisher?" :rolleyes: (and it's Pollner not Poliner, now I feel drunk too!)


Uhm I don't see him credited for any of the SWTOR titles past the classic game. He didn't work on Hutt, Revan and FE/ET so I dunno, maybe they brought him back recently for Quinn but I'm kinda doubting. He does still work for BW according to LinkedIn/Twitter but on ME, not SWTOR.


PS: I tweeted Charles & Eric for you!

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I'm still trying to decide on my favorite Quinn moment but then my mind gets lost in a lot of awesome Quinn moments and I grin like a goof and forget what I was trying to think of in the first place. :o


I love the part on Balmorra before you even recruit him where the jedi you smacked down is like "you're too late I already transmitted the data" and then Quinn walks in like "lolno" having blocked her and totally rubbing his brilliance in her face.

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I love the part on Balmorra before you even recruit him where the jedi you smacked down is like "you're too late I already transmitted the data" and then Quinn walks in like "lolno" having blocked her and totally rubbing his brilliance in her face.


Oh yah! Quinn...I could kiss you!!


I loved that moment too. I forgot about that one initially and yet whenever I run it, I always say, 'oh this is my favorite part' LOL. :D #drunkTuesday (but I'm not drunk cause I don't drink, but I may as well be for my lack of memory lol)

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I love the part on Balmorra before you even recruit him where the jedi you smacked down is like "you're too late I already transmitted the data" and then Quinn walks in like "lolno" having blocked her and totally rubbing his brilliance in her face.


Ooh I do love that one! It's when he first starts stealing little pieces of my heart. :o Of course nowadays I get giddy the moment yet another SW alt even meets him in Sobrik. :rolleyes:

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Oh this reminded me! One of my other fave Quinn moments is definitely shortly after you meet him, while you're still and Balmorra and you have those options to flirt with him, and he is so cute and awkward. I love most of all how if you tell him you'll let him off the hook, he says "I appreciate your mercy and grace, my Lord." So cute!
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Uhhhg I tried doing heroics but I can only drunken master for so long :o


Neil POLLner sorry about that! Let us know if you hear anything :) I'd prefer if the new stuff was written by the same guy but that may be asking more than they can give, I dunno.

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I'm curious how they'll play out the romance continuation...

I'm with JennyFlynn - I'm also wondering how they will play out the romance. Malavai's romance return had better be swoonworthy (as good or better than Aric Jorgan's return) or the forums will explode. They also better come up with best explanation for his absence ever.


I can't believe I've missed this thread. I'm so pleased Quinn is returning - money will continue to be thrown at my SWTOR sub for a very long time now (yes, they got me).


Edit: I admit to being so happy to hear of Quinn's return that I made another warrior....and gave her the last name Quinn :o

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Edit: I admit to being so happy to hear of Quinn's return that I made another warrior....and gave her the last name Quinn :o


That's adorable, never even thought of it x) Yeah if it's like Jorgan's, I'll be :D . If it's like Torian's, I'll be :jawa_mad:

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If we're sharing some of our favorite Quinn moments, one of mine's from SoR when you head out on Yavin and Quinn comments not only about his Sith ancestry but wanting to be an Imperial Guard when he was little. It gave me the mental image of him as a kid playing Guard like how we play astronaut.
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