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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Dorne was hands down the best part of this story, she's grown quite the pair. Love her total verbal arse kicking of the DS Trooper, leaving him so speechless he couldn't bring himself to kill her.


Sorry Quinn, but you really only offered mush and apologies...

Edited by Codedrago
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Indeed. Surely they knew Quinn and the warrior were married (if you did marry him)? Theron spied on the empire -

he must have known. Before KOTFE even the War Ministry knew and sent their congratulations/pressies, so you would think Lana would have known. Given all that they should have immediately summoned our "loyal captain and dutiful husband" to be with us when we woke up and NOT had Lana's snotty nose hovering over my warrior's face.


I'm just hoping for more Quinn appearances as they release more updates (are you reading this devs)?. I do wonder if they made some quick alterations to avoid Quinnmancers getting really angry as some of the things said by Quinn and written in his (rather-lovely-even-though-it-was-a-dev-cop-out) letter have been take right out of this thread.


Now I need to take all my other warriors through IOKATH to see/hear more Quinn. For science.


EDIT: Did anyone else notice how many times Quinn called us "my Lord"? :D


Yeah, this annoys me so much. Mostly Theron or Lana will say 'We/I know you two have a history...blah blah blah' and I'm like...don't you guys know AAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLL about me?? The only one I can see them being surprised about, maybe, is my Agent with Vector since they have/had to keep their marriage a secret, but Trooper/Jorgan, BH/Torian, and SW/Quinn I think the Republic and Empire knew about before Makeb, so why does it always feel like Lana and Theron are surprised we're with our husband/wife or we act all gooey around them?


Theron you're a spy, you know my girls are married. And Lana you're intelligence, you know too. Please quit acting all weird and saying 'we got a history' when we're MARRIED. lol

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LOOOL XD I think he was on Dromund Kaas.

Yes, yes! There MUST be a witch-hunt! Whoever was involved in that shameful, unforgivable act should be killed immediately! :rak_01: *crazy, evil laughter*


MINISTER Lorman (lol) is the one who put Quinn in prison.

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MINISTER Lorman (lol) is the one who put Quinn in prison.


I know but surely there's more people we can kill over this. Yes? Maybe?


One last thought, the new uniform kinda sucks. I put his old one back on immediately. I mean look at those wrinkly pants, Quinn must be mortified. And where are the imperial standard issue steel-toe pub-stomper boots, eh? Where?!

Edited by grania
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Dropping by, I can speak to this. I posted a screenshot earlier of the new and old Quinns standing next to each other:



It didn't work for this like it did in the chapters. First thing I did when I started the mission was check my inventory for Quinn's stuff to show up there but it didn't, and then I checked if I could still summon Quinn, which I could. Because "Malavai Quinn" and Quinn" are two separate entities. (Hey remember the walker scene where we had to fight the other walker bosses? My poor Quinn was still there, healing as hard as he could. He almost died but I saved him :o)


Maybe it was a bug or maybe it was intentional that we would still have access to the old one after the new one was (re?)introduced, I just don't know.


Ah, I didn't understand that picture before but now I do.


This is disappointing and concerning. Feels once again like roughshod work done without proper QA. I'm worried now for all my characters who use customizations on their romance companions. :(

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I'm so glad I shock collared him good on my light side warriors and killed in with pleasure on my dark side ones. Slimy weasily ********!


My girls are all so Light Sided they have white light shining out of their butts. I told Acina to use him as a servant but not collared or dead. My girls don't like slavery or killing unless killing is necessary.


At least for MY Quinn and MY warrior, I felt bad that he was afraid to come to me, thinking I'd hate him or something for some crap he did almost 8 years ago (in game time, since it's been approximately 10 years since our SWs were level 1 newbs)


I married him, and during the Transponder station when I forgave him and he said he would never betray me again after that I believed him. So when I got the email from Theron or Lana (can't remember which one sent it to my Warrior) and it said he and Dorne were somewhere else with witnesses and didn't sabotage me, I felt good that for both Quinn on my SW and Dorne on my Trooper, I told Lana and Theron that I DID trust them to not betray me, and neither had.


Other people may have said they still don't trust Quinn even if they kept him alive or rekindled the relationship, but I get a feel for some characters and I've played certain classes a zillion times, which helps, so I sort of knew neither one would suddenly betray me.


There was talk on Iokath, all trying to figure out who the betrayer is. Alot of people think/thought it's Lana or even Theron, but with EVERYTHING the three of us have been through, I just don't see it at all.

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I need to vent so bear with me please. Both me and my significant other are so...depressed right now :(


Two of our favorite companions returned in a non-chapter kind fo way (so no replaying...), got next to nothing in terms of story and we wonder how exactly is this bringing them back in a meaningful way? :(


I swear, Bronnmark had more going on in his rectruitment mission than Quinn and Dorne combined, I'm completely disheartened on both the content we got and the return of a character I waited for so freaking long for :mad:

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And let's not forget Quinn was the only one who didn't give up on the Warrior after they went missing. The other members of the crew quickly left. He even carried on with his search despite being warned not to. He is your most loyal companion. Would the others risk being locked up? No. Maybe only romanced Vette. Edited by Dylinrae
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I need to vent so bear with me please. Both me and my significant other are so...depressed right now :(


Two of our favorite companions returned in a non-chapter kind fo way (so no replaying...), got next to nothing in terms of story and we wonder how exactly is this bringing them back in a meaningful way? :(


I swear, Bronnmark had more going on in his rectruitment mission than Quinn and Dorne combined, I'm completely disheartened on both the content we got and the return of a character I waited for so freaking long for :mad:


Well, they're also not 100% done with the story for Iokath. IF they do what I HOPE they'll do, they'll include Quinn/Dorne on some missions, have them freak out like Jorgan and Torian did DURING KOTFE/KOTET, and you'll get a bit more face time with them like we had with our husbands/wives/lovers during the expansion when you'd walk off to head for fighting and your lover expressed their worry for you and you smooched like they did with Jorgan, Torian and Theron (I don't know about the other romanced companions as I play females).


At least this is what I hope. I also am hoping that other companions from either side, begin to trickle in also since everyone by now should know where you are. We DID make a galaxy wide announcement saying we were either a peacekeeper using the Eternal Fleet, or a dictator using the Eternal Fleet. So as of now, none of the other still remaining companions/spouses should be all surprised you're alive, etc. Hell, they SHOULD be on their happy way to you to go SURPRISE!! and cuddles ensue.

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And let's not forget Quinn was the only one who didn't give up on the Warrior after they went missing. The other members of the crew quickly left. He even carried on with his search despite being warned not to. He is your most loyal companion. Would the others risk being locked up? No. Maybe only romanced Vette.


This is what I loved about Quinn. (To me it makes more sense if he's your spouse then just some dude in your crew). That he spent all this time searching for you, ignored people threatening him and such about letting it go, being sent to PRISON by a douche nozzle because that douche wanted you to remain 'gone' and then when he knows youre on DK, he's afraid to approach you because he doesn't know how you'll react. I told him I love him and always will. But some killed him for something he did years ago and doesn't mean **** anymore. But meh, whatever with them.

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I need to vent so bear with me please. Both me and my significant other are so...depressed right now :(


Two of our favorite companions returned in a non-chapter kind fo way (so no replaying...), got next to nothing in terms of story and we wonder how exactly is this bringing them back in a meaningful way? :(


I swear, Bronnmark had more going on in his rectruitment mission than Quinn and Dorne combined, I'm completely disheartened on both the content we got and the return of a character I waited for so freaking long for :mad:


Doesn't bode well for companions like Kira, Corso, Vector... heck, even Scourge. What are they going to say about him? "He was a former Sith. Yes, he was high up in the ranks, very close to the Emperor himself. Okay, time to go do your quests now, he'll help for all of thirty seconds, see ya."


Seeing all this talk about Quinn (and Dorne!) and his lackluster return is...yeah, disheartening, as you said perfectly, Asheris. :(


It seems like the developers in charge of the story came up with this great plot...and belatedly realized "Wait a sec, we took all the companions away. Oh well, it's okay, nobody will miss them!"

[cue prolonged outcry on the forums where the main concern is returning companions]

"...well shoot, I guess people really WERE attached to those old companions... I wonder why? We have a bunch of new ones for people to get excited about! *sigh* Guess we have to start bringing them back while also letting the story go forwards. Now how do we do that...? Umm...well, the Republic and Empire are at it again, so let's bring back... eeny meeny miny moe...Quinn and Elara. Not Iresso, not Andronikos, not Temple, not any of the Jedi or Sith - we only have room for two. Okay, *technically*, we sure could do a lot more, but we're pressed for time, so...whatever, people won't notice in favor of STORYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!"

[cue another prolonged outcry on the forums about lackluster companion returns]

"WHAT IS WITH THESE PEOPLE!? We're giving them story! Isn't that what they want!? What the--oh, they're mad about companions. ...again!? Why!?!? It doesn't make SENSE! What's so special about these OLD companions!? We have SHINY NEW ONES! ...guys!? GUUUYS!!??"


It's most likely not what they're actually doing behind the scenes... sometimes, though, it feels like it. :/ Yes, we do want story - and meaningful companion returns. Meaningful, in this case, means "more than thirty seconds of 'Oh hey how ya doin'?' before it's off to the races--I mean, story quests--and companions never figure into the story again."

Edited by Jagaimee
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Well, they're also not 100% done with the story for Iokath. IF they do what I HOPE they'll do, they'll include Quinn/Dorne on some missions, have them freak out like Jorgan and Torian did DURING KOTFE/KOTET, and you'll get a bit more face time with them like we had with our husbands/wives/lovers during the expansion when you'd walk off to head for fighting and your lover expressed their worry for you and you smooched like they did with Jorgan, Torian and Theron (I don't know about the other romanced companions as I play females).


At least this is what I hope. I also am hoping that other companions from either side, begin to trickle in also since everyone by now should know where you are. We DID make a galaxy wide announcement saying we were either a peacekeeper using the Eternal Fleet, or a dictator using the Eternal Fleet. So as of now, none of the other still remaining companions/spouses should be all surprised you're alive, etc. Hell, they SHOULD be on their happy way to you to go SURPRISE!! and cuddles ensue.

I hope so. I mean, I was so hopeful, every romancable companion so far was brought is a decent manner. Torian got a bit of a shaft but at least we still got to DO something story-centered with him.


And what the hell happened here?


'Not now my lord"

"Oh, ok..."

We go do the 15min content of the story (ok, it was nice, it was also nice to see Theron got a bit of more attention then Lana this time too!), return in hopes to get the usual one-on-one but it turns out to be a 1min monologue ended with a kiss and...that's it? End of story? :(


And I can't even replay it ffs...

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Doesn't bode well for companions like Kira, Corso, Vector... heck, even Scourge. What are they going to say about him? "He was a former Sith. Yes, he was high up in the ranks, very close to the Emperor himself. Okay, time to go do your quests now, he'll help for all of thirty seconds, see ya."


Seeing all this talk about Quinn (and Dorne!) and his lackluster return is...yeah, disheartening, as you said perfectly, Asheris. :(


It seems like the developers in charge of the story came up with this great plot...and belatedly realized "Wait a sec, we took all the companions away. Oh well, it's okay, nobody will miss them!"

[cue prolonged outcry on the forums where the main concern is returning companions]

"...well shoot, I guess people really WERE attached to those old companions... I wonder why? We have a bunch of new ones for people to get excited about! *sigh* Guess we have to start bringing them back while also letting the story go forwards. Now how do we do that...? Umm...well, the Republic and Empire are at it again, so let's bring back... eeny meeny miny moe...Quinn and Elara. Not Iresso, not Andronikos, not Temple, not any of the Jedi or Sith - we only have room for two. Okay, *technically*, we sure could do a lot more, but we're pressed for time, so...whatever, people won't notice in favor of STORYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!"

[cue another prolonged outcry on the forums about lackluster companion returns]

"WHAT IS WITH THESE PEOPLE!? We're giving them story! Isn't that what they want!? What the--oh, they're mad about companions. ...again!? Why!?!? It doesn't make SENSE! What's so special about these OLD companions!? We have SHINY NEW ONES! ...guys!? GUUUYS!!??"


It's most likely not what they're actually doing behind the scenes... sometimes, though, it feels like it. :/ Yes, we do want story - and meaningful companion returns. Meaningful, in this case, means "more than thirty seconds of 'Oh hey how ya doin'?' before it's off to the races--I mean, story quests--and companions never figure into the story again."


I get a feeling this is exactly how things are behind the scenes...how dare some poeple not like the new cast, outrage!


Perhaps it was silly of me to think that the most hated romancable companion and the other one everyone seemed to forget about will get some much needed spotlight, just for the sake of fanservice if nothing else.


I'm just sad, so very, very sad :(

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I get a feeling this is exactly how things are behind the scenes...how dare some poeple not like the new cast, outrage!


Perhaps it was silly of me to think that the most hated romancable companion and the other one everyone seemed to forget about will get some much needed spotlight, just for the sake of fanservice if nothing else.


I'm just sad, so very, very sad :(


At least there's always headcanon and fanfiction. Whatever you don't like, you can go "Nope, didn't happen - it happened like this." It's just...kind of frustrating we actually have to resort to that. :/


I like Lana and Theron, I really, really do. Theron's one of my favorite characters, and Lana's slowly grown on me. But I truly do wish the Lana & Theron show could be pushed out of the way at times to make room for the beloved returning companions. If my knight meets up with Kira, and they're all set to have a beautiful happy embrace after not seeing each other for - at the rate this is going - six and a half years... and then Lana butts in and says "Commander, we have to go, time's short" and Kira nonchalantly walks off... I'm sorry, but I can't be held responsible for Lana's sudden and extreme death by lightsaber impalement. :p

Theron: *to Lana's corpse* ...you really should've seen that one coming.

Edited by Jagaimee
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It seems like the developers in charge of the story came up with this great plot...and belatedly realized "Wait a sec, we took all the companions away. Oh well, it's okay, nobody will miss them!"

[cue prolonged outcry on the forums where the main concern is returning companions]

"...well shoot, I guess people really WERE attached to those old companions... I wonder why? We have a bunch of new ones for people to get excited about! *sigh* Guess we have to start bringing them back while also letting the story go forwards. Now how do we do that...? Umm...well, the Republic and Empire are at it again, so let's bring back... eeny meeny miny moe...Quinn and Elara. Not Iresso, not Andronikos, not Temple, not any of the Jedi or Sith - we only have room for two. Okay, *technically*, we sure could do a lot more, but we're pressed for time, so...whatever, people won't notice in favor of STORYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!"

[cue another prolonged outcry on the forums about lackluster companion returns]

"WHAT IS WITH THESE PEOPLE!? We're giving them story! Isn't that what they want!? What the--oh, they're mad about companions. ...again!? Why!?!? It doesn't make SENSE! What's so special about these OLD companions!? We have SHINY NEW ONES! ...guys!? GUUUYS!!??"


It's most likely not what they're actually doing behind the scenes... sometimes, though, it feels like it. :/ Yes, we do want story - and meaningful companion returns. Meaningful, in this case, means "more than thirty seconds of 'Oh hey how ya doin'?' before it's off to the races--I mean, story quests--and companions never figure into the story again."


Yeah, that about sums it up. :( My running theory is that this Iokath story was originally intended to be another chapter in KOTET. Then the doo hit the fan and it was pulled out in favor of a "streamlined KOTET." Now we are going to gradually see those missing chapters as periodic updates. My newest theory though is that the two companions were shoehorned in at the last minute to appease the playerbase and were never intended to be in the chapter at all.

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At least there's always headcanon and fanfiction. Whatever you don't like, you can go "Nope, didn't happen - it happened like this." It's just...kind of frustrating we actually have to resort to that. :/

The saddest part is that I am doing this for so long I'm so sick of it, especially that I had to literally make up my own story throughout KotFE and KotET because nothing made sense there for 7 out of 8 main characters I have...


And now I have to embarce insanity once more and pretend to see what was not there again.

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At least there's always headcanon and fanfiction. Whatever you don't like, you can go "Nope, didn't happen - it happened like this." It's just...kind of frustrating we actually have to resort to that. :/


I pretty much wrote out an entire chapter or three of head canon fanfic in my head after i read the data-mined convos. Just haven't had the time to write it all down. And it was pretty much a HUGE divergence from the actual game.....mainly less "Eternal Empress playing 'run around Iokath, killing droids and flipping switches" and more "Eternal Empress delegating all the legwork to her underlings while she and her husband play 'getting caught up on the past 6 years'"....oh and "force-choking anyone who even looks like they're going to prevent that".


I like Lana and Theron, I really, really do. Theron's one of my favorite characters, and Lana's slowly grown on me. But I truly do wish the Lana & Theron show could be pushed out of the way at times to make room for the beloved returning companions.


I'm the other way around. I initially liked them, but now I'm really getting tired of seeing them all the time and SWTOR turning into the "Lana and Theron Show". It's gotten to the point where they're the main movers and shakers of the story and our characters are just the grunts who do the legwork for them and make the occasional decision on issues they bring up.


If my knight meets up with Kira, and they're all set to have a beautiful happy embrace after not seeing each other for - at the rate this is going - six and a half years... and then Lana butts in and says "Commander, we have to go, time's short" and Kira nonchalantly walks off... I'm sorry, but I can't be held responsible for Lana's sudden and extreme death by lightsaber impalement. :p

Theron: *to Lana's corpse* ...you really should've seen that one coming.


That's pretty much how my head canon goes with my SW's reunion with Quinn.

Lana: Here's the assassins I captured.

Elara: I told you, I'm no ------URGKH! *drops dead from a force-choke*

Quinn: My Lord, you're.....UMMPHH *gets tackled by a very enthusastic SW*

*lots of PDA ensues*

Lana: Umm....Commander.....shouldn't we....?

SW: Shut.....up. Whatever it is, handle it. Your Empress needs to do a lot of catching up with her husband.

*grabs Quinn by the cute little rank rope on his uniform and pulls him out of the room*

SW: If anyone disturbs us for anything less than total planetary annihilation, their death will be painful!

(FTB....end of chapter) ;-)

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That's pretty much how my head canon goes with my SW's reunion with Quinn.

Lana: Here's the assassins I captured.

Elara: I told you, I'm no ------URGKH! *drops dead from a force-choke*

Quinn: My Lord, you're.....UMMPHH *gets tackled by a very enthusastic SW*

*lots of PDA ensues*

Lana: Umm....Commander.....shouldn't we....?

SW: Shut.....up. Whatever it is, handle it. Your Empress needs to do a lot of catching up with her husband.

*grabs Quinn by the cute little rank rope on his uniform and pulls him out of the room*

SW: If anyone disturbs us for anything less than total planetary annihilation, their death will be painful!

(FTB....end of chapter) ;-)


Haha, same here. :D

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It seems that almost all of us are of the same opinion about Malavai Quinn's return. Given that we have a 300+ page thread that has stayed on the front page I hope that the new producer and the devs will take another look in here and have a think about how they are going to improve the warrior & Quinn's romance for the future.

I just did the Iokath story on my sith inq (my main) after completing it on my warrior first and Quinn's conversation responses were much better with my sith inq (though still too short) than they were for the conversations with his wife!

They could have returned a non-romanced characters in the Iokath chapter (like Zenith) and left Quinn/Dorne for a much bigger & better return. I have a bad feeling that this is all we're going to get when it comes to Quinn since the devs hate him and so many wanted to kill him. Doesn't give them much incentive to give us a little more story with him OR any kind of repeatable content like we got with Aric and Torian :(

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It seems that almost all of us are of the same opinion about Malavai Quinn's return. Given that we have a 300+ page thread that has stayed on the front page I hope that the new producer and the devs will take another look in here and have a think about how they are going to improve the warrior & Quinn's romance for the future.

I just did the Iokath story on my sith inq (my main) after completing it on my warrior first and Quinn's conversation responses were much better with my sith inq (though still too short) than they were for the conversations with his wife!

They could have returned a non-romanced characters in the Iokath chapter (like Zenith) and left Quinn/Dorne for a much bigger & better return. I have a bad feeling that this is all we're going to get when it comes to Quinn since the devs hate him and so many wanted to kill him. Doesn't give them much incentive to give us a little more story with him OR any kind of repeatable content like we got with Aric and Torian :(


Chances are not high, I think. But we did all we could. :o

Edited by Dylinrae
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So, I now know, "meaningful return" is more subjective than I previously thought. I really thought Quinn would have a much bigger role in the story other than messenger boy and then base defending off-camera for the remainder of the story. And base defending - whatever that entails - I mean, come on, he's a tactician, not a grunt standing behind blockade waiting for an attack - that's Pierce's job.


Then, I found out what happened to him, which is good, and had a few romance lines with the generic kiss action and then he said to let him know if he can serve me again... and then just turned around LEFT without my character saying anything. :confused::confused::confused: Why did he leave? To ensure that we end the story with me looking out the window with the two biggest dingleberries in SWTOR that I can't seem to shake no matter how much I drag my *** on the ground. I wasn't even fully aware Quinn was my Companion again until I checked my Companions and Contacts.


This leaves me with questions... is he still serving Acina, but just hanging around Iokath? Did he stay in the military and just get reassigned to me like Pierce did? Is he even still with the Empire?


Don't get me wrong, I love that Quinn is back in the story and I loved hearing his VA do so well, but if this is considered a "meaningful" return, throw "meaningful" in with "thrilling," "exciting" and "soon" - words that BW has decided to essentially redefine.

Edited by Edyn
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