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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I figure I will loose a few of my character names, but with only a couple of exceptions, I don't really care about most of them, a majority are random name generator names anyway. Those I do care about, already have a lot of played time on them, so not to worried. But am tempted to log onto all of the other servers that will be merged with ours to make placeholder characters just in case. Edited by Nightfrogger
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Glad to grab a customisation to make my cousins finally look like family soon.


I'd share screenies, but since they're always ignored, because my Quinn doesn't look default, they won't interest anyone.

Edited by Lammia
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So, how are you guys feeling about the roadmap/changes?

The Good:


I guess for me, plusses are that guild/stronghold/bank/appearance stuff won't get wrecked.

It seems more of us will be on the same server. :)

Maybe we'll get more character slots and the stronghold limit will go up.


The Bad:


-It's possible I might lose names. That would suck.

-I hate crowds, so I'm not overly delighted about being forced to a busier place.

-Barely any new story and will have to wait forever for it and they couldn't have chosen a lamer more boring character to return had they tried.


The Grossly Unfair and Stupid.


-There was supposed to be a male force using companion coming out...and it's like...'here have a Hexid instead' cause maker knows there isn't enough female force using companions. :mad: Even though I have no use for Space Hitler myself, I don't get their reasoning for bestowing another female. I sometimes think the 'male subscription dollar' is all they care about. I would like Scourge, Vowrawn, Ravage, Ghost Marr...or even Relnex or Praven for the Jedi persuasion. Starting to think we'll never get any of them or anyone cool.


-Also Raina Temple being returned? Seriously who gives a crap about her? I'll be fit to be tied if they give that twirp a whole chapter, or if she gets more airtime than our Malavai.


I'm probably going to shuffle characters around a bit before the transfer cut off. Some are on West Coast servers that I'd like to join with my main legacy, and others ended up with alt-code names that I might be able get back to their original alt-code free versions. I might well make some placeholders for future use. I will be well over the limit, so I might as well try to hedge my bets for future alt needs :o


Since they haven't announced an increased limit to strongholds, I think I might grind the currency on a character I'm going to move for name reasons, open up the train there and then have it brought to Star Forge with the merge so I'll have all 7 active.


I also think the story/companion loving players are going to get hosed. If Umbara is any indication, their idea of "story through flashpoints' is going to be dismal.


Glad to grab a customisation to make my cousins finally look like family soon.


I'd share screenies, but since they're always ignored, because my Quinn doesn't look default, they won't interest anyone.


Post them! I enjoy seeing them even if I don't often comment.

Edited by Damask_Rose
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Glad to grab a customisation to make my cousins finally look like family soon.


I'd share screenies, but since they're always ignored, because my Quinn doesn't look default, they won't interest anyone.


I'm pretty sure I've commented on them, even if he's not default. I don't always run the default one either, I like the cyborg one from the security key thing too. I hope you'll share them anyway, I'd love to see them. <3

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I'm probably going to shuffle characters around a bit before the transfer cut off. Some are on West Coast servers that I'd like to join with my main legacy, and others ended up with alt-code names that I might be able get back to their original alt-code free versions. I might well make some placeholders for future use. I will be well over the limit, so I might as well try to hedge my bets for future alt needs :o


Since they haven't announced an increased limit to strongholds, I think I might grind the currency on a character I'm going to move for name reasons, open up the train there and then have it brought to Star Forge with the merge so I'll have all 7 active.


I also think the story/companion loving players are going to get hosed. If Umbara is any indication, their idea of "story through flashpoints' is going to be dismal.




Post them! I enjoy seeing them even if I don't often comment.


I think I'll be doing the same thing, going to go through and bring my 'shoppers' home because I doubt the 90cc transfers will remain after this.


I reckon I'll finish grinding the train currency, so hopefully I'll have that to do, while I wait for more story. :)

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So, how are you guys feeling about the roadmap/changes?


Well I had trouble reading through it at first and realized it's very wordy, um, and I couldn't find much of anything I had an opinion about, lol. I thought I would be more worried about name issues (regarding the server merges) but it turns out I don't really care anymore. My main two characters used to be named Orchid and Miasma. Now I play a characters with names like Ijsje, so how much worse could it get for me? :D


I'm disappointed about not-Vector. But at least he isn't going to be sharing a "chapter" with her, or whatever we're calling these things now.


I dunno, I just don't think much about it. It's not going to change anything about what I do in the game. I'll do the story fp or whatever it said and that's about what I have to look forward to.


Glad to grab a customisation to make my cousins finally look like family soon.


I'd share screenies, but since they're always ignored, because my Quinn doesn't look default, they won't interest anyone.


I hope you'll post your screenshots too. I get a kick out of all your clones and family members and that one guy Mike lol.


You sound the most down of any of us Lammia. I wish we had gotten something more hopeful from that roadmap.

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Well I had trouble reading through it at first and realized it's very wordy, um, and I couldn't find much of anything I had an opinion about, lol. I thought I would be more worried about name issues (regarding the server merges) but it turns out I don't really care anymore. My main two characters used to be named Orchid and Miasma. Now I play a characters with names like Ijsje, so how much worse could it get for me? :D


I'm disappointed about not-Vector. But at least he isn't going to be sharing a "chapter" with her, or whatever we're calling these things now.


I dunno, I just don't think much about it. It's not going to change anything about what I do in the game. I'll do the story fp or whatever it said and that's about what I have to look forward to.



You sound the most down of any of us Lammia. I wish we had gotten something more hopeful from that roadmap.


It was a long slog of mostly wordy stuff to obscure how little there is...


I agree, we need some Purple Quinn and Silver Theron to cheer our dear Darth Lammia. <3

I hope you'll post your screenshots too. I get a kick out of all your clones and family members and that one guy Mike lol.

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So, how are you guys feeling about the roadmap/changes?

I'm...cautiously optimistic. Most of my main characters are on Begeren Colony, which is being merged into Hot Prospect...with Harbinger. *gack* So... server transfers to Ebon Hawk/Prophecy of Five/whatever other server that's being merged into Star Forge. .-. And hope and pray I don't lose my characters' names. For a majority of them, it'll be okay, since I can stick a surname onto them and accept that, but for two in particular...they don't have surnames, and I'm not changing their names to something else/similar. :/


...unfortunately, my warrior's currently on Begeren Colony. And, because I didn't ever think I'd need to move servers again, I was stupid with a black/black dye in an outfit designer slot. I stamped it to the *slot*, not the *piece of clothing* itself.

Bottom line: I'm losing that dye/outfit with the server transfer, and I cannot afford another one. Actually, none are being sold in BC at the moment. I got lucky with that one with a cantina crate... Oi. Hopefully, with the increase of people on the new server, prices on the GTN might drop! :D


I think we should make East Coast and West Coast Quinnmancer guilds so we can all tuck in a warrior or two. I would love to get together with you guys once in a while!


I'd love to take part in a Quinnmancers guild!! Ooh, now we need to think up names...


<Knights of Eternal Quinnmancing>


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I will be on Star Forge after the merge and I am sure I can throw one of my 7 warriors in to a Quinnmancer guild. <3


Lammia I would love to see your screenies. I use custom 3, which I don't see used very often either. But then it makes my Quinn more mine.

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I'm...cautiously optimistic. Most of my main characters are on Begeren Colony, which is being merged into Hot Prospect...with Harbinger. *gack* So... server transfers to Ebon Hawk/Prophecy of Five/whatever other server that's being merged into Star Forge. .-. And hope and pray I don't lose my characters' names. For a majority of them, it'll be okay, since I can stick a surname onto them and accept that, but for two in particular...they don't have surnames, and I'm not changing their names to something else/similar. :/


...unfortunately, my warrior's currently on Begeren Colony. And, because I didn't ever think I'd need to move servers again, I was stupid with a black/black dye in an outfit designer slot. I stamped it to the *slot*, not the *piece of clothing* itself.

Bottom line: I'm losing that dye/outfit with the server transfer, and I cannot afford another one. Actually, none are being sold in BC at the moment. I got lucky with that one with a cantina crate... Oi. Hopefully, with the increase of people on the new server, prices on the GTN might drop! :D




I'd love to take part in a Quinnmancers guild!! Ooh, now we need to think up names...


<Knights of Eternal Quinnmancing>




Apparently, I was reading that 'stamped' clothing won't be ruined. You'll retain your dye. You'll be fine, your outfit will be fine too. It's in the QA Blog here http://www.swtor.com/info/news/news-article/20171002


It specifically says: Appearance Designer “Stamped” Appearances

Your stamped appearances will not be affected by the United Forces update. All of your appearances will remain in place following the update.


Quinnmancers is great, call us for what we are lol. :D

Edited by Lunafox
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We also need to figure out who will start them, we need four people on at once yes? Maybe it would be better to do after the merges though. I guess I'm going to Star Forge?


I think I'm getting the consensus that Star Forge is where it's at for most. And like you say probably better to wait until the merges are done and the dust settles. :)


Here is the blog that will answer any concerns: http://www.swtor.com/info/news/news-article/20171002

Edited by Lunafox
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Apparently, I was reading that 'stamped' clothing won't be ruined. You'll retain your dye. You'll be fine, your outfit will be fine too. It's in the QA Blog here http://www.swtor.com/info/news/news-article/20171002


It specifically says: Appearance Designer “Stamped” Appearances

Your stamped appearances will not be affected by the United Forces update. All of your appearances will remain in place following the update.


Quinnmancers is great, call us for what we are lol. :D


Server merges don't affect outfit slots. Server transfers still do. I'm moving my warrior-with-the-stamped-dye-outfit from Begeren Colony to one of the East Coast servers, so she can be eventually merged into the Star Forge server.


So it looks like a fair number of us will be on Star Forge? EEEEEE can't wait :D

Quinn: And I shall prepare to face an army of Sith Warriors, all of whom I'm married to in some way or another...

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Server merges don't affect outfit slots. Server transfers still do. I'm moving my warrior-with-the-stamped-dye-outfit from Begeren Colony to one of the East Coast servers, so she can be eventually merged into the Star Forge server.


So it looks like a fair number of us will be on Star Forge? EEEEEE can't wait :D

Quinn: And I shall prepare to face an army of Sith Warriors, all of whom I'm married to in some way or another...


Or make a new warrior?

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Server merges don't affect outfit slots. Server transfers still do. I'm moving my warrior-with-the-stamped-dye-outfit from Begeren Colony to one of the East Coast servers, so she can be eventually merged into the Star Forge server.


So it looks like a fair number of us will be on Star Forge? EEEEEE can't wait :D

Quinn: And I shall prepare to face an army of Sith Warriors, all of whom I'm married to in some way or another...


Tell you what hun, after the server merges happen I will be on the east coast servers :) I have a black/black dye I am not using you can have once the mergers go active.


Unless you feel like transfering her to shadowlands soon, then could hook you up sooner ;)

Edited by Nightfrogger
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Fellow Quinmancers, help! I don't know what I have done! I started a chapter from Quinn's POV and now I can't get out of his head! :eek:


I am imagining a rewrite of my warrior story but told all from his POV instead of hers.


That...sounds awesome :D Honestly, I can think of worse places to be, than trapped inside Quinn's mind. It happened to me once and I ended up cleaning my entire house...because "the denizens of this sorry stronghold are messy, to say the least. How can I be expected to work in such an environment? It's inefficient and problematic. And there is no droid, where one is desperately needed."

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Server merges don't affect outfit slots. Server transfers still do. I'm moving my warrior-with-the-stamped-dye-outfit from Begeren Colony to one of the East Coast servers, so she can be eventually merged into the Star Forge server.


So it looks like a fair number of us will be on Star Forge? EEEEEE can't wait :D

Quinn: And I shall prepare to face an army of Sith Warriors, all of whom I'm married to in some way or another...


:( Aw crap. I'd really hoped that would be the answer for you.

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That...sounds awesome :D Honestly, I can think of worse places to be, than trapped inside Quinn's mind. It happened to me once and I ended up cleaning my entire house...because "the denizens of this sorry stronghold are messy, to say the least. How can I be expected to work in such an environment? It's inefficient and problematic. And there is no droid, where one is desperately needed."


It isn't so bad here, he has a way with words. <3


Hahaha, I just cleaned my kitchen. For the same reason. I wish I had a droid.

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Tell you what hun, after the server merges happen I will be on the east coast servers :) I have a black/black dye I am not using you can have once the mergers go active.


Unless you feel like transfering her to shadowlands soon, then could hook you up sooner ;)


You... you are an angel. :eek: Oh my gosh...aaaaahhh thank you so much!!


I have a few things to square away before I transfer her to a server (it'll probably be to Shadowlands - guess it doesn't matter in the end, just *a* East Coast server), but I'll let you know when that happens. Again, thank you so much, Nightfrogger! :D [Purple Quinn sends a bouquet of roses and a hug]

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You... you are an angel. :eek: Oh my gosh...aaaaahhh thank you so much!!


I have a few things to square away before I transfer her to a server (it'll probably be to Shadowlands - guess it doesn't matter in the end, just *a* East Coast server), but I'll let you know when that happens. Again, thank you so much, Nightfrogger! :D [Purple Quinn sends a bouquet of roses and a hug]


If you want to do the trade sooner shoot me a pm with a holder toon I can trade it to to be certain it is on the sever before the transfer happens, I know it is not a cheap dye. Let me know and we can arange this, right now I work some crazy hours so we can get this scheduled.

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