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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I haven't been on forums recently, but I'm really shocked to see this go 588 pages.


My fem-SW married Quinn. A lot of this has to do with RP and background. My Sith Inquisitor is my main, and all my other Imp characters are in some way subservient to her. The background for my Juggernaut, is that my Sorcerer arranged for her to be enslaved, tortured and broken until that Passion unleashed her potential to use the Force. Consequently, my SW has some horrible scars... but she understands what being subject to someone else's control feels like. She could empathize with Quinn, and that made it easier for her to forgive him.


...and my Inquisitor sits back and wonders... "if I take him away from her, will that make her even more powerful?" and, also, worries... "if I make her too powerful, what happens if she ever finds out that I am the cause of virtually every horrible thing that has ever happened in her life?"


The one cause I have of trepidation... I couldn't imagine not journeying through SWTOR as my SW without Quinn in attendance. Once given the option, I recovered Quinn from the Companion Finder. Now, what happens to my "fake" Quinn when I reunite my Juggernaut with her "real" Quinn???


I haven't started Iokath, for fear of the answer...

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I haven't been on forums recently, but I'm really shocked to see this go 588 pages.


My fem-SW married Quinn. A lot of this has to do with RP and background. My Sith Inquisitor is my main, and all my other Imp characters are in some way subservient to her. The background for my Juggernaut, is that my Sorcerer arranged for her to be enslaved, tortured and broken until that Passion unleashed her potential to use the Force. Consequently, my SW has some horrible scars... but she understands what being subject to someone else's control feels like. She could empathize with Quinn, and that made it easier for her to forgive him.


...and my Inquisitor sits back and wonders... "if I take him away from her, will that make her even more powerful?" and, also, worries... "if I make her too powerful, what happens if she ever finds out that I am the cause of virtually every horrible thing that has ever happened in her life?"


The one cause I have of trepidation... I couldn't imagine not journeying through SWTOR as my SW without Quinn in attendance. Once given the option, I recovered Quinn from the Companion Finder. Now, what happens to my "fake" Quinn when I reunite my Juggernaut with her "real" Quinn???


I haven't started Iokath, for fear of the answer...


Welcome to the thread! :D That's an interesting back story you have for your characters. I feel a bit sorry for your SW and hope she learns the truth and the cruel SI get's theirs lol.


I was the same way, I didn't want to be without my Quinn on my adventures. The thing with the story is that it 'forces' you to run with certain characters, like Lana or Theron, depending on what needs to be done, so Quinn will automatically be put away and be in your companion list. When you get him back on Iokath, he just appears in the story, you don't actually get to run the content with him, so when you're done, you'll have him in your companion list...but I forget which section he'll be under.


The only problem you might encounter like some here did, was if you used a customization rather than default Malavai. I don't think the customizations show up in the cutscenes unless it's been fixed (which I somehow doubt). But other than that, I think that's about it. I hope that helps you :D


Where's purple Quinn? :D I think we need to have another virtual poster autographed. Have a dark side cookie while you wait :D

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Is that the same elegant dress as the one in collections? I have the collections version.


I wasn't logged in when I answered, but they are called Elegant Pants. Sadly it is not the same as the Elegant Dress that you can unlock in collections. :(

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Where's purple Quinn? :D I think we need to have another virtual poster autographed. Have a dark side cookie while you wait :D


Purple Quinn was watching The Ghost Breakers. Utterly hilarious 1940 Bob Hope movie...with zombies! :D ....Quinn, you can stop hiding behind the couch now. Which is frankly a miracle, because our couch is shoved up against the wall...

Quinn: *inching out from behind the couch* I was not hiding. >_> I was...checking for dust bunnies. I hear the Quinn and Shan detective agency has a problem with those.


Quinn: *dusts himself off* aHEM. I hear we have another poster to be signed? -_- *signs poster* My lord...LordFell. Darth LordFell?

(Welcome to the Quinnmancers, LordFell! :D)


@rachetsw: Wish I could read your fanfiction, but I haven't gotten to Umbara yet... :( Sorry!

Edited by Jagaimee
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@rachetsw: Wish I could read your fanfiction, but I haven't gotten to Umbara yet... :( Sorry!


No worries, read it when you can. I hope that it won't cause Silver Theron, or Purple Quinn too much discomfort. I took some...liberties with them. :p

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I haven't healed an op in so long. :(


Oh well, more time to level my clone so I can get to Rishi for some SoR screenies, for my latest chapter.


Healing is an art I can't master. Way too busy for me to perform in.


Tankies or deepies for me.

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I didn't feel like playing last night so I figured it was a good time to catch up on reading. I don't know if I should put my comments in spoiler tags but I guess I will just to be safe.




I got to read your Alderaan chapter and it was perfect, I loved how they had their scene in adjoining rooms, much better than on the ship like it always is. Wish it had happened that way in the game :o




And Feylindra

I read yours too where Quinn first joins the crew GAH it really was Baras all along, can't say I disagree with that possibility. Of course Quinn is too perfect, of course Baras would realize it. /sigh



And ratchetsw I'm anxious to read yours too but I'm already pushing it with reading two different stories at once, I don't want to get everone's stuff mixed up, so I'll let you know when I've started :)


Lunafox you have lots for me to read too, I'll never have to buy a book again!

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Healing is an art I can't master. Way too busy for me to perform in.


Tankies or deepies for me.


I can't tank. I tried with my SI a long long time ago, but I had a hard time managing taunts. The tank that was teaching me was a brilliant tank, not a good teacher. So for a long time I played nothing but dps. Then we lost a healer in our progression group. So I switched my merc to heals and never looked back. :)

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I didn't feel like playing last night so I figured it was a good time to catch up on reading. I don't know if I should put my comments in spoiler tags but I guess I will just to be safe.


Lunafox you have lots for me to read too, I'll never have to buy a book again!


Well, I hope you enjoy it when you get to it. :) There is an order to the stories, so that things make sense...The Well of Undying, The Foundation of All Desire, Spy Vs. Spy, Marr and The Sanctuary of Regret. :)

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Also looking at the news of the server mergers, this means more of us will be on the same servers then :)


Hey that's true :) Btw we should really do section x again, I need to impress you with how much better I know the map now, I practiced :o

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So, how are you guys feeling about the roadmap/changes?

The Good:


I guess for me, plusses are that guild/stronghold/bank/appearance stuff won't get wrecked.

It seems more of us will be on the same server. :)

Maybe we'll get more character slots and the stronghold limit will go up.


The Bad:


-It's possible I might lose names. That would suck.

-I hate crowds, so I'm not overly delighted about being forced to a busier place.

-Barely any new story and will have to wait forever for it and they couldn't have chosen a lamer more boring character to return had they tried.


The Grossly Unfair and Stupid.


-There was supposed to be a male force using companion coming out...and it's like...'here have a Hexid instead' cause maker knows there isn't enough female force using companions. :mad: Even though I have no use for Space Hitler myself, I don't get their reasoning for bestowing another female. I sometimes think the 'male subscription dollar' is all they care about. I would like Scourge, Vowrawn, Ravage, Ghost Marr...or even Relnex or Praven for the Jedi persuasion. Starting to think we'll never get any of them or anyone cool.


-Also Raina Temple being returned? Seriously who gives a crap about her? I'll be fit to be tied if they give that twirp a whole chapter, or if she gets more airtime than our Malavai.

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