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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Nope, you didn't dream that. :p Purple Quinn was replaced on Iokath by a malfunctioning QuinnBot that Talos, Lokin, Tharan Cedrax, and I forget one other person (?) worked on. It went...catastrophically wrong, hence the very lackluster reunion.

The dancing for money part was a bit later. I think. ...gah, wish I could find that again! D:



no i absolutely did NOT look for the better part of an hour for that post.......


Hahaha! Too bad I was sleeping else I would've found it for you faster since it was in response to this screenshot I took: https://i.imgur.com/67mAavi.jpg

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Nope, you didn't dream that. :p Purple Quinn was replaced on Iokath by a malfunctioning QuinnBot that Talos, Lokin, Tharan Cedrax, and I forget one other person (?) worked on. It went...catastrophically wrong, hence the very lackluster reunion.

The dancing for money part was a bit later. I think. ...gah, wish I could find that again! D:



no i absolutely did NOT look for the better part of an hour for that post.......


How did I miss this?!?

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.. okay never mind the all the absurd ways I tried to imagine you accomplishing this, now I really wish we had a mordenkainen's sword type ability in this game. I can't be bothered to carry my vibrosword in my hand anymore.


Remember that attuned lightsaber you get in Skytrooper Genocide? Jeremy is like that, but good.


He's also powered by my distaste for mustard and related products. That's a LOT of power.

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Quinn: Interviewing a Darth would be my highest honor--

*door opens*

Quinn: *whirls around* !?

???: Hello.

Quinn: ...oh. *sigh* Greetings, Vector.

Vector: Major. *bows his head to Quinn* Are you well?

Quinn: Relatively.

Vector: That is...an unexpected relief.

Quinn: Really? I think I'm the one who's relieved... *mutters* compared to most people, you're downright sane. And that's with the bugs. *out loud* Anyway, what were you saying?

Vector: We sensed discordant harmonies from within the thread. We were concerned.

Quinn: "Discordant harmonies."

Vector: The Song spoke of intense jealousy.

Quinn: ...I wouldn't know anything about that.

Vector: And of mildly homicidal tendencies. Mostly involving anvils, and a certain SIS agent. Hence our concern.

Quinn: No idea what you're talking about.

Vector: Ah. Indeed. *small smile* And then anvil hanging over the door?

Quinn: ......a precautionary measure against rampaging Jaesas. *cough*

Vector: Hopefully against Kaliyo, as well. Although we are not sure even an anvil falling on her head would actually kill her. Perhaps it is best not to try...again.

Quinn: Hmph. Kaliyo's head is so thick it would take several anvils. Plus a few Star Destroyers.

Vector: The nest cautions against overt violence. In truth, we attempted to take out Kaliyo once at the behest of the Agent. *wince* The fingerlings became too excited. Kaliyo caught on to our plan. In retaliation, she forced us to watch holovids of exterminators clearing ant nests.

Quinn: ...

Vector: It was horrifying.

Quinn: ...I take back what I said about your sanity.


No worries, Vector. One lightsaber is enough. Tested successfully by my Darth Nox.

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Nope, you didn't dream that. :p Purple Quinn was replaced on Iokath by a malfunctioning QuinnBot that Talos, Lokin, Tharan Cedrax, and I forget one other person (?) worked on. It went...catastrophically wrong, hence the very lackluster reunion.

The dancing for money part was a bit later. I think. ...gah, wish I could find that again! D:



no i absolutely did NOT look for the better part of an hour for that post.......

That whole thing of alternate scenario was brilliant! For those new or lurking you will need to read Feylyndiira's post to get the context or you will be totally confused :D

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I've thought of a good one. Purple Quinn speaks with the force Ghost of Darth Marr. It might not end well :D Unless of course Malavai*

left the Empire for his beloved wife



*spoiler tags just in case someone hasn't done that yet ;)


Quinn: What! I would never...well, maybe in that circumstance--

Marr: What was that?

Quinn: :eek: *flattens himself on the floor* D-Darth Marr! My lord, it's an honor to...............er, you're transparent.

Marr: That is the usual reaction. You would think, after nearly seven years, I would be used to it. In truth: it's as annoying as it ever was. I get it all the time. From everyone. Satele Shan - [high-pitched voice] "Oh, like, golly gee, Marr! What happened to you? You're all, like, blue and stuff! What was in that rootleaf stew!?"

Quinn: . . . she said that?

Marr: [normal voice] Among other things, which convinced me that her mental faculties were slightly...dilapidated. Comparable to post-apocalyptic Taris, in fact.

Quinn: You said she was your equal?

Marr: Because if I did not - and it has happened before - she would promptly subject me to a binding ritual, from which I could not escape, and force me to... *growl* ...watch Barney and Friends while she had a tea party with imaginary guests.

Quinn: ...........well, that explains a lot of the Jedi Order's behaviour.

Marr: Dying didn't hurt as much as that did. Now, what was that spoiler'd out section?

Quinn: Ah! Uh, nothing! Nothing at all! My lord. Nothing! *sweat drop*

Marr: ...really. Because I could swear I heard you say


"leave the Empire for [your] beloved wife."

Quinn: That--I never said that. I might have actually done that, but I never SAID it. That was, in fact, a fangirl.

Marr: A fangirl.

Quinn: An invisible one. They watch over all.

Marr: An invisible fangirl.

Quinn: One of them makes me write in purple.

Marr: And I in dusky red?

Quinn: Yes, I--wait, you're aware of that?

Marr: I am a Force-ghost.

Quinn: ...forgive me, my lord, but that raises more questions than it answers.

Marr: As an incorporeal presence, bound only to the Force itself, I have looked into the depths of time and seen countless births, deaths, lives crossing in between. I can reach to touch the farthest star, and affect the smallest atom. The universe unfolds like an opening rose in the full power of the Force. ...so yes, I'm aware of being written as dialogue on a computer screen.

Quinn: ....... *fidgets* Er...what--whatever you say, my lord... o___O

Marr: To mangle a popular quote: When a Force-ghost you become, a good grip on sanity you will not have!


(Read: I have no idea how to faithfully depict Marr's character, and went with the "rule of funny." :p)

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Quinn: What! I would never...well, maybe in that circumstance--

Marr: What was that?

Quinn: :eek: *flattens himself on the floor* D-Darth Marr! My lord, it's an honor to...............er, you're transparent.

Marr: That is the usual reaction. You would think, after nearly seven years, I would be used to it. In truth: it's as annoying as it ever was. I get it all the time. From everyone. Satele Shan - [high-pitched voice] "Oh, like, golly gee, Marr! What happened to you? You're all, like, blue and stuff! What was in that rootleaf stew!?"

Quinn: . . . she said that?

Marr: [normal voice] Among other things, which convinced me that her mental faculties were slightly...dilapidated. Comparable to post-apocalyptic Taris, in fact.

Quinn: You said she was your equal?

Marr: Because if I did not - and it has happened before - she would promptly subject me to a binding ritual, from which I could not escape, and force me to... *growl* ...watch Barney and Friends while she had a tea party with imaginary guests.

Quinn: ...........well, that explains a lot of the Jedi Order's behaviour.

Marr: Dying didn't hurt as much as that did. Now, what was that spoiler'd out section?

Quinn: Ah! Uh, nothing! Nothing at all! My lord. Nothing! *sweat drop*

Marr: ...really. Because I could swear I heard you say


"leave the Empire for [your] beloved wife."

Quinn: That--I never said that. I might have actually done that, but I never SAID it. That was, in fact, a fangirl.

Marr: A fangirl.

Quinn: An invisible one. They watch over all.

Marr: An invisible fangirl.

Quinn: One of them makes me write in purple.

Marr: And I in dusky red?

Quinn: Yes, I--wait, you're aware of that?

Marr: I am a Force-ghost.

Quinn: ...forgive me, my lord, but that raises more questions than it answers.

Marr: As an incorporeal presence, bound only to the Force itself, I have looked into the depths of time and seen countless births, deaths, lives crossing in between. I can reach to touch the farthest star, and affect the smallest atom. The universe unfolds like an opening rose in the full power of the Force. ...so yes, I'm aware of being written as dialogue on a computer screen.

Quinn: ....... *fidgets* Er...what--whatever you say, my lord... o___O

Marr: To mangle a popular quote: When a Force-ghost you become, a good grip on sanity you will not have!


(Read: I have no idea how to faithfully depict Marr's character, and went with the "rule of funny." :p)


Oh my god! I just want to snuggle this forever!!!11111! Can I? My beloved Marr and my beloved Quinn together in one joyful bit of dialogue. You've made my day. And you did a lovely job with my beloved Marr. Best part? Marr mocking Satele's scrawny wretched voice. And she is nuttier than a hunk of chocolate walnut bark on Life Day. So...may I ask...in all his forcely awareness, is Ghost Marr of the dusky red aware of me? :o Oh, I must know.


Also think I'm onto something here...The Force is not mini floridians or whatever, it's fan girls...the Force is fan girls. :D Mind blown yet? Tee heeee heee.

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Quinn: What! I would never...well, maybe in that circumstance--

Marr: What was that?

Quinn: :eek: *flattens himself on the floor* D-Darth Marr! My lord, it's an honor to...............er, you're transparent.

Marr: That is the usual reaction. You would think, after nearly seven years, I would be used to it. In truth: it's as annoying as it ever was. I get it all the time. From everyone. Satele Shan - [high-pitched voice] "Oh, like, golly gee, Marr! What happened to you? You're all, like, blue and stuff! What was in that rootleaf stew!?"

Quinn: . . . she said that?

Marr: [normal voice] Among other things, which convinced me that her mental faculties were slightly...dilapidated. Comparable to post-apocalyptic Taris, in fact.

Quinn: You said she was your equal?

Marr: Because if I did not - and it has happened before - she would promptly subject me to a binding ritual, from which I could not escape, and force me to... *growl* ...watch Barney and Friends while she had a tea party with imaginary guests.

Quinn: ...........well, that explains a lot of the Jedi Order's behaviour.

Marr: Dying didn't hurt as much as that did. Now, what was that spoiler'd out section?

Quinn: Ah! Uh, nothing! Nothing at all! My lord. Nothing! *sweat drop*

Marr: ...really. Because I could swear I heard you say


"leave the Empire for [your] beloved wife."

Quinn: That--I never said that. I might have actually done that, but I never SAID it. That was, in fact, a fangirl.

Marr: A fangirl.

Quinn: An invisible one. They watch over all.

Marr: An invisible fangirl.

Quinn: One of them makes me write in purple.

Marr: And I in dusky red?

Quinn: Yes, I--wait, you're aware of that?

Marr: I am a Force-ghost.

Quinn: ...forgive me, my lord, but that raises more questions than it answers.

Marr: As an incorporeal presence, bound only to the Force itself, I have looked into the depths of time and seen countless births, deaths, lives crossing in between. I can reach to touch the farthest star, and affect the smallest atom. The universe unfolds like an opening rose in the full power of the Force. ...so yes, I'm aware of being written as dialogue on a computer screen.

Quinn: ....... *fidgets* Er...what--whatever you say, my lord... o___O

Marr: To mangle a popular quote: When a Force-ghost you become, a good grip on sanity you will not have!


(Read: I have no idea how to faithfully depict Marr's character, and went with the "rule of funny." :p)

Utter genius!!! You're so talented :D There needs to be more parts to this please, please, please!

And (in spoilers just in case)

companion Malavai may have left the Empire for his beloved (if you chose to ally with the republic) but that does not mean he has given up the darker side. One of my DS warriors refused to align with a faction that kept Quinn locked up rather than let him know the truth. I don't think a man as tenacious as Malavai would be embarrassed to admit to Darth Marr that he left the rot of the Empire for his wifey, especially after languishing in jail for so long. And as his wife is way more powerful than Marr. In theory. And in Quinn's eyes.

I bet he didn't see any "potency" in Marr :D


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I finally managed to get my Expert Outlaw set...so here is Expert Outlaw Malavai! :D





Looks amazing! :D


Also - thanks, guys, for your kind comments. Had kind of a bad day, and you cheered me up. :) Glad you liked Quinn and Marr! They--

Quinn: --will hopefully be leaving soon?

What, you didn't like meeting Ghosty!Marr?

Quinn: As a matter of fact, I-- *double-take* ..."Ghosty"...right, never mind. *facepalm* It's just that, you seem to take your pleasure nowadays from pitting me against various...strange people...and seeing how I react. Frankly, sir, I am not sure how that could possibly be amusing.

Marr: Fangirls are a paradox.

Quinn: *jumps* GAH!

Marr: ...they empower and imprison, they destroy characterization and unite themselves under a common cause, they bind the fandoms together and tear people apart. They have a will, but need an object of their affections.

Quinn: What? They don't imprison or destroy or tear people apart.

Marr: ...

Quinn: ...I MEAN, I--I'M SO SORRY, MY LORD MARR :eek: I didn't mean to contradict you. Sir. M-my lord.

Marr: Then what did you mean?

Quinn: I... *deep breath* Will all due respect, my lord - these fangirls are a strange lot, yes. To spend so much time devoted to one character speaks of intense loyalty, however. And, to be honest, despite putting me in various...awkward...situations, they mean nothing but good intentions. They are, at their hearts, just a group of people who enjoy a character and want to share that enjoyment with others. I see nothing wrong with that.

Marr: You would defend them?

Quinn: ... Yes, my lord. I would.

Marr: Hm.

Quinn: *glances at the unseen fangirls* ...on a different note - *lowers his voice* Darth Marr appears to be acting...strangely. I of course do not know the ways of Sith - at least in certain areas - but even from our last conversation not a few hours ago he seems different.

Marr: *clears throat* I'm not acting different.

Quinn: No offense, my lord, but...you actually are. For another matter, your text color is off. Just subtly, but...off.

Marr: *clears throat again - it sounds like he swallowed helium or something; his voice is odd* Of course it's not. I am Darth Marr.

Quinn: ...right.

Marr: I--uh, how dare you accuse--


Fake!Marr: AUGH! *jumps out of his skin. ... literally. Ghost!Marr fades away, and in his place is a very short human woman with graying hair, crooked teeth, and constant oxygen deprivation [or one would assume so, due to her perpetually blue lips]* I--I--c-can explain!

Marr: *draws ghostly lightsaber* Satele Shan. I knew long ago our alliance should come to an end, but I did not foresee this end. Your Order trusted you to lead them, and this is how you repay everyone? By deception and treachery? You are a conniving--

Satele: He started it! *points at Quinn*

Quinn: I did no such thing. But I can tell you what I will do.

Satele: What?

Quinn: Finish it.


Satele: ...purple! *falls over with a tranquilizer dart in her neck*

Marr: *sheathes saber* If I were still alive, I would recommend you for a promotion and medal, Major. But, disregarding that inconvenient fact of my incorporeal state, I am recommending you anyway. Darth Lunafox, I believe, would be happy to give you a medal. *sees Quinn's wide-eyed stare* Yes, I am aware of her. Her talent for weaving stories is legendary.

Quinn: I...w-will tell her you said so, my lord... *bows and blushes with a rather proud smile* :o


Theron: *wanders into the thread -- immediate double-take* . . . what the heck did I MISS!? :eek:


Edited by Jagaimee
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Quinn: What! I would never...well, maybe in that circumstance--

Marr: What was that?

Quinn: :eek: *flattens himself on the floor* D-Darth Marr! My lord, it's an honor to...............er, you're transparent.

Marr: That is the usual reaction. You would think, after nearly seven years, I would be used to it. In truth: it's as annoying as it ever was. I get it all the time. From everyone. Satele Shan - [high-pitched voice] "Oh, like, golly gee, Marr! What happened to you? You're all, like, blue and stuff! What was in that rootleaf stew!?"

Quinn: . . . she said that?

Marr: [normal voice] Among other things, which convinced me that her mental faculties were slightly...dilapidated. Comparable to post-apocalyptic Taris, in fact.

Quinn: You said she was your equal?

Marr: Because if I did not - and it has happened before - she would promptly subject me to a binding ritual, from which I could not escape, and force me to... *growl* ...watch Barney and Friends while she had a tea party with imaginary guests.

Quinn: ...........well, that explains a lot of the Jedi Order's behaviour.

Marr: Dying didn't hurt as much as that did. Now, what was that spoiler'd out section?

Quinn: Ah! Uh, nothing! Nothing at all! My lord. Nothing! *sweat drop*

Marr: ...really. Because I could swear I heard you say


"leave the Empire for [your] beloved wife."

Quinn: That--I never said that. I might have actually done that, but I never SAID it. That was, in fact, a fangirl.

Marr: A fangirl.

Quinn: An invisible one. They watch over all.

Marr: An invisible fangirl.

Quinn: One of them makes me write in purple.

Marr: And I in dusky red?

Quinn: Yes, I--wait, you're aware of that?

Marr: I am a Force-ghost.

Quinn: ...forgive me, my lord, but that raises more questions than it answers.

Marr: As an incorporeal presence, bound only to the Force itself, I have looked into the depths of time and seen countless births, deaths, lives crossing in between. I can reach to touch the farthest star, and affect the smallest atom. The universe unfolds like an opening rose in the full power of the Force. ...so yes, I'm aware of being written as dialogue on a computer screen.

Quinn: ....... *fidgets* Er...what--whatever you say, my lord... o___O

Marr: To mangle a popular quote: When a Force-ghost you become, a good grip on sanity you will not have!


(Read: I have no idea how to faithfully depict Marr's character, and went with the "rule of funny." :p)


Dark Lord Marr, all gossips about Major Quinn betraying the Empire are false. He could not follow me to some Republic, because *I* never betrayed the Empire. We're both still faithful Imperial servants.


I vow to find and execute whoever spreads those vile lies!


Yours sincerely,

Empire's Wrath

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Looks amazing! :D


Also - thanks, guys, for your kind comments. Had kind of a bad day, and you cheered me up. :) Glad you liked Quinn and Marr! They--

Quinn: --will hopefully be leaving soon?

What, you didn't like meeting Ghosty!Marr?

Quinn: As a matter of fact, I-- *double-take* ..."Ghosty"...right, never mind. *facepalm* It's just that, you seem to take your pleasure nowadays from pitting me against various...strange people...and seeing how I react. Frankly, sir, I am not sure how that could possibly be amusing.

Marr: Fangirls are a paradox.

Quinn: *jumps* GAH!

Marr: ...they empower and imprison, they destroy characterization and unite themselves under a common cause, they bind the fandoms together and tear people apart. They have a will, but need an object of their affections.

Quinn: What? They don't imprison or destroy or tear people apart.

Marr: ...

Quinn: ...I MEAN, I--I'M SO SORRY, MY LORD MARR :eek: I didn't mean to contradict you. Sir. M-my lord.

Marr: Then what did you mean?

Quinn: I... *deep breath* Will all due respect, my lord - these fangirls are a strange lot, yes. To spend so much time devoted to one character speaks of intense loyalty, however. And, to be honest, despite putting me in various...awkward...situations, they mean nothing but good intentions. They are, at their hearts, just a group of people who enjoy a character and want to share that enjoyment with others. I see nothing wrong with that.

Marr: You would defend them?

Quinn: ... Yes, my lord. I would.

Marr: Hm.

Quinn: *glances at the unseen fangirls* ...on a different note - *lowers his voice* Darth Marr appears to be acting...strangely. I of course do not know the ways of Sith - at least in certain areas - but even from our last conversation not a few hours ago he seems different.

Marr: *clears throat* I'm not acting different.

Quinn: No offense, my lord, but...you actually are. For another matter, your text color is off. Just subtly, but...off.

Marr: *clears throat again - it sounds like he swallowed helium or something; his voice is odd* Of course it's not. I am Darth Marr.

Quinn: ...right.

Marr: I--uh, how dare you accuse--


Fake!Marr: AUGH! *jumps out of his skin. ... literally. Ghost!Marr fades away, and in his place is a very short human woman with graying hair, crooked teeth, and constant oxygen deprivation [or one would assume so, due to her perpetually blue lips]* I--I--c-can explain!

Marr: *draws ghostly lightsaber* Satele Shan. I knew long ago our alliance should come to an end, but I did not foresee this end. Your Order trusted you to lead them, and this is how you repay everyone? By deception and treachery? You are a conniving--

Satele: He started it! *points at Quinn*

Quinn: I did no such thing. But I can tell you what I will do.

Satele: What?

Quinn: Finish it.


Satele: ...purple! *falls over with a tranquilizer dart in her neck*

Marr: *sheathes saber* If I were still alive, I would recommend you for a promotion and medal, Major. But, disregarding that inconvenient fact of my incorporeal state, I am recommending you anyway. Darth Lunafox, I believe, would be happy to give you a medal. *sees Quinn's wide-eyed stare* Yes, I am aware of her. Her talent for weaving stories is legendary.

Quinn: I...w-will tell her you said so, my lord... *bows and blushes with a rather proud smile* :o


Theron: *wanders into the thread -- immediate double-take* . . . what the heck did I MISS!? :eek:


Thank you! I think he looks so awesome. So awesome in fact I gave my Jedi knight's Theron the same outfit! :D


*grins proudly and is all chuffed up* :p:D


*Darth Lunafox wanders in stretching and blinking* Mmm, must have tea! Oh! And I just had the most glorious dream--I dreamt Quinn and Darth Marr were conversing...and as my alter ego said, I'm rather chuffed up over it. Darth Marr knows I exist! And he thinks I'm legendary! :p *does a fangirl squeeee* Nobody saw that. Nobody. *shifty eyes* Anyway, it appears that our beloved Purple Malavai has something to say...Or am I still suffering from a lack of a proper English Breakfast Tea? Quinn? Oh and there's Theron. What a wonderful thing to find. So, what is it you gentlemen have to say for yourselves?

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I finally managed to get my Expert Outlaw set...so here is Expert Outlaw Malavai! :D




Ahh the real deal, stubble and.. other facial features.. and all <3 He looks fab. I'm jealous :)


I'm sorry I've just been splitting my time between two clones lately, and you know how it is, you can never get the proper eyebrows and the stubble at the same time *punts character creator* I guess this is why it makes sense to have them be children of your other toons.


Quinn: As a matter of fact, I-- *double-take* ..."Ghosty"...right, never mind. *facepalm* It's just that, you seem to take your pleasure nowadays from pitting me against various...strange people...and seeing how I react. Frankly, sir, I am not sure how that could possibly be amusing.

Marr: Fangirls are a paradox.


I love these things, but there's always that one part in all of them that makes me blow bubbles in my coffee. The part where I have to stop reading and tell you how enjoyable these are to read :)


Welp, back to the grind. I finally broke down and transferred a character to another server so I could have tons more character slots, best decision I ever made, now no one has to be deleted ever again! Ps if anyone thought it might be strange to hear the warrior or agent voice coming out of Quinn's mouth, you should try hearing the jedi knight's voice o_o

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Marr: Fangirls are a paradox.



Theron: *wanders into the thread -- immediate double-take* . . . what the heck did I MISS!? :eek:


These 2 parts made me lol louder than almost anything else I've seen in this thread :D The exception being Gucci Quinn.

Loved Quinn and Darth Marr and the spoiler :)

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Ahh the real deal, stubble and.. other facial features.. and all <3 He looks fab. I'm jealous :)


I'm sorry I've just been splitting my time between two clones lately, and you know how it is, you can never get the proper eyebrows and the stubble at the same time *punts character creator* I guess this is why it makes sense to have them be children of your other toons.



Thanks :D I was so happy to get that set...but 15 million and a server transfer to get it. Urgh. :(


I know! That always drives me nuts too, that some things you don't get separate sliders for. I'll never understand why 'five o'clock shadow' doesn't get it's own slider, so you can make it lighter and darker as you please...heck, I'd settle for generic five o'clock shadow so long as I can choose which eyebrows to go with it. Twi'lek creation bugs me for that too, I can never seem to get the make up and stripes/spots I want, as they double them up.


One of the nicest things they could ever do for us as players is separate this stuff, so that we can be a bit more creative.

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Thanks :D I was so happy to get that set...but 15 million and a server transfer to get it. Urgh. :(


I know! That always drives me nuts too, that some things you don't get separate sliders for. I'll never understand why 'five o'clock shadow' doesn't get it's own slider, so you can make it lighter and darker as you please...heck, I'd settle for generic five o'clock shadow so long as I can choose which eyebrows to go with it. Twi'lek creation bugs me for that too, I can never seem to get the make up and stripes/spots I want, as they double them up.


One of the nicest things they could ever do for us as players is separate this stuff, so that we can be a bit more creative.


Uhg don't even get me started on twileks, that's a sore subject for me, that's one of the few things in this game that make me honest to god furious. Zombie companions, and, I don't know how to sum it up - crummy twilek customization? Excuse me while I take some deep breaths for moment..


Anyway! The lengths we'll go for our man, huh? :)

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Uhg don't even get me started on twileks, that's a sore subject for me, that's one of the few things in this game that make me honest to god furious. Zombie companions, and, I don't know how to sum it up - crummy twilek customization? Excuse me while I take some deep breaths for moment..


Anyway! The lengths we'll go for our man, huh? :)


I feel the same way. *breathes* Our dear Malavai...he's worth it. <3


Fellow Quinnmancers and lurking Theronites/Theronmancers. Question of the day: Who Did It Better? I can't decide :D


*breathes heavily* I was supposed to be relaxing lol. That's not going to happen now lol. Wow, they look delicious. I don't think I'm capable of stringing together the words. I'll just go with Yummy. I'll take one of each. :p

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I'm afraid I can't answer your query

incapable of coherent thought


*breathes heavily* I was supposed to be relaxing lol. That's not going to happen now lol. Wow, they look delicious. I don't think I'm capable of stringing together the words. I'll just go with Yummy. I'll take one of each. :p


Imagine if holodecks existed or if both of them were real - they'd need 24hr body-guarding :D "incapable of coherent thought" and "yummy"? My work here is done!**




**though I suspect there may be more outfit comparisons incoming ;)

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Imagine if holodecks existed or if both of them were real - they'd need 24hr body-guarding :D "incapable of coherent thought" and "yummy"? My work here is done!**




**though I suspect there may be more outfit comparisons incoming ;)


If holodecks were a thing, no one would ever see or hear from me again lol. I'd be with my men! :D

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When Lord Scourge heard Darth Lunafox was voting on a "who wears it best" contest, he wanted in on the action, but he insisted on choosing the outfit. (Sadly default Scourge is still bugged :mad: )


Oh my my. I think I see why Lord Scourge chose that...he totally owns that and it flatters his skin tone too. Very hawt. *fans self* Scourge wins this round. :D (and I wish they'd fix default Scourge too. :( )


I need to acquire more skimpy armour! What set is that btw? I don't remember.

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