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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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The Quinn uprising must begin.


Now if only I could break into the servers and make Quinn the only available companion. May impact the playerbase somewhat but I can deal.


I have a better idea. Replace every Beniko instance with Quinn. Right from Chapter 2 in KOTFE. She can stay only in cutscenes where she shows incompetence (being fooled by Koth, by Senya, by Theron, etc.)


Omg Quinn is in the cinematic at the end of the Umbara fp, I mean the second time going through, he doesn't go invisible or get swapped or anything, he's actually there! And he looks all serious! I just about fainted I swear. And you all probably knew this already :o Well now I know what I'm going to be doing for the next few weeks - grinding thingadoos for the Umbara stronghold :)


That was such a great surprise! I didn't expect that, and didn't think of recording it when running with my warrior for the purple mount chicken, but was prepared when running with my agent, so I have two angry brothers: https://imgur.com/w8qSKeO


Ran it with guildies vet mode and master mode since, so no screenies with my inquisitor and warrior plus Malavai yet, but I'll get them! :D

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I have a better idea. Replace every Beniko instance with Quinn. Right from Chapter 2 in KOTFE. She can stay only in cutscenes where she shows incompetence (being fooled by Koth, by Senya, by Theron, etc.)


I will throw every like, vote, Euro, whatever at this idea. I've been running through the SoR stuff with my Hyperia clone and I swear, the more I play, the more stalker-creepy Lana seems to me. Everything she says to me, even if I'm blatantly disagreeing with her seems to always have this tone of "I admire you soooo much. You are my...I mean our...last hope. I always look forward to seeing you." etc etc. I mean, she comes off as "I want to be your bestie! Can I be your bestie? Oh, you spoke to me...we're besties now! You know, I really, really like you!". It just icks me out....even moreso when you get into KotFE/ET and she's ALWAYS there, hovering over you, being there for you, etc.

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I will throw every like, vote, Euro, whatever at this idea. I've been running through the SoR stuff with my Hyperia clone and I swear, the more I play, the more stalker-creepy Lana seems to me. Everything she says to me, even if I'm blatantly disagreeing with her seems to always have this tone of "I admire you soooo much. You are my...I mean our...last hope. I always look forward to seeing you." etc etc. I mean, she comes off as "I want to be your bestie! Can I be your bestie? Oh, you spoke to me...we're besties now! You know, I really, really like you!". It just icks me out....even moreso when you get into KotFE/ET and she's ALWAYS there, hovering over you, being there for you, etc.


When playing SoR for the first time -- and later confirmed in my playing of KOTFE -- I got a different impression of her. That impression was the first step in my not liking her: she was constantly bloody patronising, driving me and my characters (especially Inquisitor) crazy. Even when my trooper agreed with her a few times (eg. about Mandalorians in Mando chapter), Beniko still had a snarky, patronising comment at the end. WTH, woman, I just agreed with you, what else do you want from me?!

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so mad :): https://i.imgur.com/bZqkBzN.png


It's funny how such a little thing can mean so much. I don't want to sound like a downer but you know, swtor is like, a lot of anticipation and a little pay off lol :o (I also kinda wonder why our companion doesn't show up for the other cutscenes in the flashpoint. Devs, please allow more of this!)


Also, I'm not sure how to pose this question exactly, but has anyone heard anything about this eternal alliance storyline ending, anytime ever? Is this our eternal expansion now? We just keep adding more and more to it. Cloudcastle's thread made me wonder if we might be able to circumvent the "inferior companion" problem by skipping the kotfe/et stuff entirely, sometime in the future but so far, we never quite get to the future :o (Of course, we're still missing tons of companions, so..)

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Quinn: I believe I'll retire for the night--er, morning--as well.

Theron: Yeah, I'm off to bed. ...wait, do we even have rooms in this thread?

Quinn: Yes.

Theron: Great. Do I have one, or...?

Quinn: At the far end of the hallway. Take a left, then the first right you come to.

Theron: Thanks. See you. *wanders off*

Quinn: :jawa_evil:

Theron: Take a left, and...oh, here's the first right. *opens door* So, it's--AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

Quinn: :eek: THAT wasn't supposed to happen! *runs to investigate* If there's some sort of monster in here, I'd like to--*rounds the corner and promptly gets a giant bucket of water in the face*

Theron: Did you really think I'd fall for the old "bucket of water balanced on the door" trick?

Quinn: *soaking wet* :mad:


I laughed out loud as soon as I saw that evil jawa face :D

Me too :D Brilliant!

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I will throw every like, vote, Euro, whatever at this idea. I've been running through the SoR stuff with my Hyperia clone and I swear, the more I play, the more stalker-creepy Lana seems to me. Everything she says to me, even if I'm blatantly disagreeing with her seems to always have this tone of "I admire you soooo much. You are my...I mean our...last hope. I always look forward to seeing you." etc etc. I mean, she comes off as "I want to be your bestie! Can I be your bestie? Oh, you spoke to me...we're besties now! You know, I really, really like you!". It just icks me out....even moreso when you get into KotFE/ET and she's ALWAYS there, hovering over you, being there for you, etc.


Wait a minute. Are we talking about Lana still, or Liara T'soni from Mass Effect? o_O Even if you're incredibly rude to her, she's still acting like you're her best friend EVER and your default action when you meet her again in either ME2 or ME3 (never played the game; can't remember) is to hug her. And no matter how you treat her afterwards, she'll STILL be your bestest bestie ever. The Mess Perfect webcomic illustrates this hilariously. XD

...also, she's the only squadmate who cannot die in the main storyline. In the "refusal" ending

(where EVERYBODY IN THE GALAXY DIES), *she's* the one to put together all the bits of information on how to defeat the Reapers and effectively saves the galaxy tens of thousands of years in advance. Oh, sure, it's all about Shepard and how they're the...hero...supposedly, but she's still the one who's heroically compiling all this information for future generations to find, and it's her voice that's talking over the ending montage.


She is a big, BIG reason why I'm hesitant to ever play Mass Effect.


And now I realize you can more or less switch out the situation/genre, and Lana and Liara are basically the same person. o_O Yikes.


I laughed out loud as soon as I saw that evil jawa face :D Nighty nite, Grand Admiral, Purple Quinn and Silver Theron. See you later in the day. It's 6am here and in another hour I get to go to bed lol.

Evil jawa face is probably going to become a thing. :p

Theron: ...silver Theron? *self-consciously checks his hair* Hey...

Frankly, Theron, I'd be surprised if you DIDN'T have any gray hairs.

Quinn: Whereas I--

--DEFINITELY have gray hairs at this point. Your in-game model might not show it, but still. ...but it's not like any of us mind! :D

Quinn: *eye twitch*

Theron: Ha.


so mad :): https://i.imgur.com/bZqkBzN.png


It's funny how such a little thing can mean so much. I don't want to sound like a downer but you know, swtor is like, a lot of anticipation and a little pay off lol :o (I also kinda wonder why our companion doesn't show up for the other cutscenes in the flashpoint. Devs, please allow more of this!)


Also, I'm not sure how to pose this question exactly, but has anyone heard anything about this eternal alliance storyline ending, anytime ever? Is this our eternal expansion now? We just keep adding more and more to it. Cloudcastle's thread made me wonder if we might be able to circumvent the "inferior companion" problem by skipping the kotfe/et stuff entirely, sometime in the future but so far, we never quite get to the future :o (Of course, we're still missing tons of companions, so..)



Aaaagh now I can't wait to get there and have my Quinn arrayed once again in his white trenchcoat, alongside my lady warrior in her black armor... *dreamy sigh* Angry Quinn is beautiful Quinn.


As for the expansion thing... I honestly have no idea. o.O I really hope we can get back to Republic vs. Empire, eight class stories (BWAHAHAHAHA yeah what a dream :(), or at least eight different approaches to the same storyline, instead of this Knights of the Eternal This Is Dragging On A Bit Too Long. And I *like* the storyline so far! Oi.

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Cool! Thank you. :D I want to see how that would look on my inquisitor... (Wow, that's one of the first/only outfit in that style that I've seen that *doesn't* magically change into a sports bra on a female character. o.O)


Is it? I have only the skirt from this one, so no idea.

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Is it? I have only the skirt from this one, so no idea.


That and Potent Combatant, it would seem. Scroll down a bit to the "similarity" section on the TOR Fashion page and there are a lot of similar-looking chest pieces. Pretty much every single one of them is fully clothed on a male, sports bra on a female. *eye twitch*

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Evil jawa face is probably going to become a thing. :p

Theron: ...silver Theron? *self-consciously checks his hair* Hey...

Frankly, Theron, I'd be surprised if you DIDN'T have any gray hairs.

Quinn: Whereas I--

--DEFINITELY have gray hairs at this point. Your in-game model might not show it, but still. ...but it's not like any of us mind! :D

Quinn: *eye twitch*

Theron: Ha.



You know, I think it will become a thing, I love it to bits :D I may have to include it in my siggy -- sort of a secret sign of belonging to the Quinnmancer Army :D


On some of the cutscenes, especially when the Outlander sees Theron for the first time after being thawed, he looks like he has a wee bit of silver at the temples. It could also be my eyes too, cause I see silver as lavender lol. I like it though. And my Quinn, well, on my main SW he's a silver haired fox. :D


Edit: Behold the addition to the siggy! :D

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You know, I think it will become a thing, I love it to bits :D I may have to include it in my siggy -- sort of a secret sign of belonging to the Quinnmancer Army :D


On some of the cutscenes, especially when the Outlander sees Theron for the first time after being thawed, he looks like he has a wee bit of silver at the temples. It could also be my eyes too, cause I see silver as lavender lol. I like it though. And my Quinn, well, on my main SW he's a silver haired fox. :D


*applauds signature* ...oooh I'm going to have to find a way to put that evil jawa face in my signature, too. XD (Edit: There. It's squished, but it works.)

Quinn: I am honored and flattered to be represented by a deranged jawa.

Was that sarcasm?

Quinn: *utterly deadpan expression* No.

Right, then...


Theron *does* have gray hair. :D In SOR, it looks like a lighter shade than his normal dark brown hair, but in KOTFE and onward, it's definitely gray.

...which makes my inquisitor a hilarious hypocrite. One of the main reasons she didn't want to get involved with Andronikos was because he was way older than she was (she met him when she was about nineteen/twenty ish...she's not entirely sure how old she is...and Andronikos has got to be in his late thirties or early forties). Then she fell for Theron Shan. Who is definitely in his late thirties or early forties by now, and she's still about twenty-five. Oi. Even without the five-year timeskip, he'd still be about a decade older than she is. XD


Quinn ages quite well. :jawa_evil: Wish I could use that customization, but I don't like the sunglasses/cybernetics... I have to be able to see the character's eyes. :o I can tolerate using a helmet for characters/companions when just out and about killing things on missions, but for cutscenes...just doesn't work for me.

Edited by Jagaimee
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Siggies updated. Had some problems with finding the right Jawa, but I managed.


My Malavai definitely has grey temples. I wrote it in my now defuct story if his return. While it's defunct after Iokath, that detail remained. My Atti probably teases him that soon he's hair is going to be as white as hers (she's near albino with completely white hair).

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*applauds signature* ...oooh I'm going to have to find a way to put that evil jawa face in my signature, too. XD (Edit: There. It's squished, but it works.)

Quinn: I am honored and flattered to be represented by a deranged jawa.

Was that sarcasm?

Quinn: *utterly deadpan expression* No.

Right, then...


Theron *does* have gray hair. :D In SOR, it looks like a lighter shade than his normal dark brown hair, but in KOTFE and onward, it's definitely gray.

...which makes my inquisitor a hilarious hypocrite. One of the main reasons she didn't want to get involved with Andronikos was because he was way older than she was (she met him when she was about nineteen/twenty ish...she's not entirely sure how old she is...and Andronikos has got to be in his late thirties or early forties). Then she fell for Theron Shan. Who is definitely in his late thirties or early forties by now, and she's still about twenty-five. Oi. Even without the five-year timeskip, he'd still be about a decade older than she is. XD


Quinn ages quite well. :jawa_evil: Wish I could use that customization, but I don't like the sunglasses/cybernetics... I have to be able to see the character's eyes. :o I can tolerate using a helmet for characters/companions when just out and about killing things on missions, but for cutscenes...just doesn't work for me.


*high fives* Siggy looks awesome :D


Major, an honour is an honour--what's that old saying again? Never look a gift jawa in the mouth.

It makes me wonder, do they even have mouths...strange saying, but no matter, the sentiment is there all the same, Quinn.Take comfort in the knowledge that atleast we haven't dedicated a Jawa to Silver Theron...yet.


Ehehe hee love that reasoning and Theron is reason enough, age is but a number. There's no expiry date on hawtness lol. Funny thing, is that I don't get anymore cutscenes with my main Malavai, so it's just eye candy. When he was coming up, I'd use the default. I love both...I just rationalize it as he got older...and my wild SW turned that hair white lol. :D I like being able to see a character's eyes too, but I loved that cyborg customization so much I had to have it. The little rectangular glasses are kind of cool.

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Siggies updated. Had some problems with finding the right Jawa, but I managed.


My Malavai definitely has grey temples. I wrote it in my now defuct story if his return. While it's defunct after Iokath, that detail remained. My Atti probably teases him that soon he's hair is going to be as white as hers (she's near albino with completely white hair).


Sweet! *high fives* I love it :D I had to spend some time looking for that jawa too lol. I think that look works for him, it makes sense.


He hee, they'll be a matching pair if that happens. :D

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"Quinnmancers. Taking over the forums one fangirl at a time. :jawa_evil:"


... *ahem*


Theron: Lucky you.

Quinn: Why?

Theron: You get a jawa.

Quinn: A deranged jawa.

Theron: It could be a chiss jawa.

Quinn: ...that doesn't exist.

Theron: Well, when a chiss and a jawa love each other very much--


Theron: Why don't I have a jawa?

Quinn: Here's yours. No, actually, here's a squad of jawas. :jawa_mad::jawa_confused::jawa_tongue::jawa_redface::jawa_frown:

Theron: Should've known I'd get the bedraggled bunch. Oh, I like the one with the sunglasses.

Quinn: ...there are no jawas with sunglasses.

Theron: No, it's right there. *points*

Quinn: *leans closer to inspect the jawas*

Theron: :jawa_evil:

Quinn: That's my look. You stole my--wait. ...oh no.


Jawa crew: UTINI!!! *all leap on Quinn and start tickling him*


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"Quinnmancers. Taking over the forums one fangirl at a time. :jawa_evil:"


... *ahem*


Theron: Lucky you.

Quinn: Why?

Theron: You get a jawa.

Quinn: A deranged jawa.

Theron: It could be a chiss jawa.

Quinn: ...that doesn't exist.

Theron: Well, when a chiss and a jawa love each other very much--


Theron: Why don't I have a jawa?

Quinn: Here's yours. No, actually, here's a squad of jawas. :jawa_mad::jawa_confused::jawa_tongue::jawa_redface::jawa_frown:

Theron: Should've known I'd get the bedraggled bunch. Oh, I like the one with the sunglasses.

Quinn: ...there are no jawas with sunglasses.

Theron: No, it's right there. *points*

Quinn: *leans closer to inspect the jawas*

Theron: :jawa_evil:

Quinn: That's my look. You stole my--wait. ...oh no.


Jawa crew: UTINI!!! *all leap on Quinn and start tickling him*



Haha poor purple Quinn, it's like he got the bratty little brother he always never wanted :D


Meanwhile, I'm decorating my entire base with umbara tentacles. More and more of them, every time I do this instance, it's another tentacle bouquet..

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"Quinnmancers. Taking over the forums one fangirl at a time. :jawa_evil:"


... *ahem*


Theron: Lucky you.

Quinn: Why?

Theron: You get a jawa.

Quinn: A deranged jawa.

Theron: It could be a chiss jawa.

Quinn: ...that doesn't exist.

Theron: Well, when a chiss and a jawa love each other very much--


Theron: Why don't I have a jawa?

Quinn: Here's yours. No, actually, here's a squad of jawas. :jawa_mad::jawa_confused::jawa_tongue::jawa_redface::jawa_frown:

Theron: Should've known I'd get the bedraggled bunch. Oh, I like the one with the sunglasses.

Quinn: ...there are no jawas with sunglasses.

Theron: No, it's right there. *points*

Quinn: *leans closer to inspect the jawas*

Theron: :jawa_evil:

Quinn: That's my look. You stole my--wait. ...oh no.


Jawa crew: UTINI!!! *all leap on Quinn and start tickling him*



That's awesome :D Like Grania said, its' like Quinn suddenly came into a younger bro. I think this works for Theron's Jawa :D:jawa_cool:


Theron, not to be left out, I have chosen a jawa :jawa_cool: for you--equally deranged as our dear Major and reflective of your beginnings in that puny Republic you came from. Better than anything the SIS gave you, no?

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Haha poor purple Quinn, it's like he got the bratty little brother he always never wanted :D

Theron, not to be left out, I have chosen a jawa :jawa_cool: for you--equally deranged as our dear Major and reflective of your beginnings in that puny Republic you came from. Better than anything the SIS gave you, no?


I maaaaaaaaaay be taking some of Theron's characterization here from Samuel Drake in Uncharted 4 (same voice actor...which is bizarre to listen to; Nathan Drake is voiced by, of course, Nolan North. So we have the male consular and Theron Shan gallivanting around the world in search of pirate treasures and generally being hilarious goofballs together). :D I dunno; Theron always seems like he's so stressed all of the time in-game. It's nice to have him relax a little.

Theron: My own jawa. Aw, you shouldn't have. :jawa_cool: Oh yes, FAR better than anything the SIS gave me. Hey, Major, I have my own jawa now.

Quinn: :jawa_mad:

Theron: Is that better or worse than deranged jawa?

Quinn: Worse. For you, that is. Attack, minions!

Theron: WHAT!?

Jawa crew: *cheerfully bundle onto Theron and tackle him to the floor with loud obnoxious screeches*

Theron: WHY

Quinn: I bribed them with the dismantled parts of 2V-R8.

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Meanwhile, I'm decorating my entire base with umbara tentacles. More and more of them, every time I do this instance, it's another tentacle bouquet..

How do you know this stuff? I did that instance umpteen times for the stronghold and didn't get one tentacle! Help me!


Also - I have complied with the obligatory new Quinnmancer signature! As chief of thread security it would be heresy not to :cool:


Question: who was it way back in this thread that said they imagine Quinn being played by Benedict Cumberbatch and I was against it? After watching Dr Strange I have changed my mind :eek: I 100% agree now :D It was the tiny grey hair streaks that did it.

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How do you know this stuff? I did that instance umpteen times for the stronghold and didn't get one tentacle! Help me!



Well you see when Quinn and I get to the end of the instance I say "Don't forget to pick some Umbaran tentacles for the base." And he says "Yes, my Lord. ..Ijsje, you are aware that Lord Beniko is allergic to Umbaran tentacles, yes?" And I stare at him blankly for several moments, and then he says "Right."


So, these are rp tentacle bouquets and I have them everywhere because they are beautiful. :D

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Well you see when Quinn and I get to the end of the instance I say "Don't forget to pick some Umbaran tentacles for the base." And he says "Yes, my Lord. ..Ijsje, you are aware that Lord Beniko is allergic to Umbaran tentacles, yes?" And I stare at him blankly for several moments, and then he says "Right."


So, these are rp tentacle bouquets and I have them everywhere because they are beautiful. :D

I am completely confused :confused: Summon my Quinn medic immediately! You're saying they are imaginary?

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Question: who was it way back in this thread that said they imagine Quinn being played by Benedict Cumberbatch and I was against it? After watching Dr Strange I have changed my mind :eek: I 100% agree now :D It was the tiny grey hair streaks that did it.


I have no idea who originally said that, but that seems to be a pretty popular opinion.

(link to someone's Quinn romance conversations/story), and a few people seem to think that Benedict Cumberbatch would make a good Quinn.

...I...guess I can see the resemblance? But the voice throws me off. .-. Quinn with a very deep voice is just...eep, no.


Well you see when Quinn and I get to the end of the instance I say "Don't forget to pick some Umbaran tentacles for the base." And he says "Yes, my Lord. ..Ijsje, you are aware that Lord Beniko is allergic to Umbaran tentacles, yes?" And I stare at him blankly for several moments, and then he says "Right."


So, these are rp tentacle bouquets and I have them everywhere because they are beautiful. :D


This. This deserves an army of evil Quinn jawas. Each delivering a hand-picked bouquet of Umbaran tentacles directly to Lana. :jawa_evil:

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