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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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You do realize HK-51 is capable of adjusting his voice modulators to sound like ANYONE, don't you? But I suspect that if you would FORCE him to sound like Quinn he might actually assassinate you!


I give up. This thread is messing with my masculinity. I'm going to watch a couple of BEER advertisements and retreat to my MAN-CAVE now.


Hadn't really considered it...why would I get the droid to impersonate dear Malavai, when I can listen to the real deal :D


Enjoy your time in your man cave and we will continue to enjoy and share in the pixel love that is Malavai Quinn. Happy Star Wars day to you. May the fourth be with you, always. :)

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Hadn't really considered it...why would I get the droid to impersonate dear Malavai, when I can listen to the real deal :D


Enjoy your time in your man cave and we will continue to enjoy and share in the pixel love that is Malavai Quinn. Happy Star Wars day to you. May the fourth be with you, always. :)


I think a HK droid impersonating his voice would probably earn a purple Quinn face palm...and it would make me laugh lol


And yes, May the fourth be with you....but being Quinn wives on this thread we are also probably looking forward to the revenge of the sixth ;)

Edited by Nightfrogger
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I'm still leveling my first male character, and I find it funny that he's so big that Quinn has to crane his neck up to talk to me and peek around from behind me to watch the cutscene conversations. It's making for some priceless screenshots.


I think I'm starting to see why my husband always rolls that really big body type, I mean aside from the "lollipop head" problem that the smaller body types have sometimes. I definitely feel like the star of the story, being that I now take up the entire screen. :D

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Could only bring myself to make one toon with that body type and that is my male trooper, keep on trying to resist the urge to make him type two...but it is difficult...I just don't like the big muscular guys. Probably why I never even took up Pierce on his flirtations....ever. Never even considered it.
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I just don't like the big muscular guys.


Me neither, not in rl, but in the game I find it funny. My warrior looks like such a lummox but he's so nice! How does one even get into that kind of shape from petting lambs and chasing butterflies? :)

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Me neither, not in rl, but in the game I find it funny. My warrior looks like such a lummox but he's so nice! How does one even get into that kind of shape from petting lambs and chasing butterflies? :)


I have a guy friend who prefers playing females in games. Not even to put them in skimpy outfits either, he hates the slave girl look and dresses his chars in actual armor/clothes - he just prefers playing females in games. He did make a male char and he said if he was going to make a male char he was going to make it the biggest, beefiest guy with the biggest gun he could find - so yeah, male, body type hulk, commando.


I have a difficult time playing guy characters, hard for me to relate I guess? So all of my warriors are female. My last warrior, I tried not to flirt with Malavai. Yes, they're married now. So that went well. :p

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I have a difficult time playing guy characters, hard for me to relate I guess? So all of my warriors are female. My last warrior, I tried not to flirt with Malavai. Yes, they're married now. So that went well. :p


Lol I wouldn't be able to resist :o


I definitely feel like a woman trapped in a man's body, but it's worth it hearing dialogue that the female warrior doesn't get. Like all the lines he says to Quinn in place of flirts for example, conversations that take the place of the romance ones.


And, for the male warrior, a lot of Quinn's conversations are just "My lord, such and such is happening and I have to go take care of it! By myself!" So I can kind of see why guys might think Quinn is a bit dull for a companion, though we know otherwise ;)


Oh well, male warrior plus Quinn is constant ear candy so I can't complain.

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Currently leveling my Quinn look alike agent....just to have Quinn with Quinn companion...Quinncepton....it will be awesome lol But hey, who wouldn't want to save the galaxy with their twin brother? :)


Marcas + Malavai the Empire shall be victorious once again

Edited by Nightfrogger
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I have a guy friend who prefers playing females in games.


When I'm playing Imperial I only play females. I don't know, they just look and sound more evil for some reason? I also think their facial expressions get angrier because of their eyes and eyebrows. I don't dress them up like barbies either. I'm not THAT desperate.


I'm not a woman but I can imagine having HEAPS of fun exerting my aggression by embodying the biggest, bulkiest male I could possibly create. It's a game and you can be ANYTHING you like. It's great!

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Nothing wrong with dressing up female toons like barbies....as I like to joke around this game is my story driven Barbie simulator...with lightsabers... Let me have my dress up fun lol. If I want a toon to run around in a tanking bikini then she will and I will love it :) Just depends on my mood and the character I am playing, but is all part of the fun :)
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Nothing wrong with dressing up female toons like barbies....as I like to joke around this game is my story driven Barbie simulator...with lightsabers... Let me have my dress up fun lol. If I want a toon to run around in a tanking bikini then she will and I will love it :) Just depends on my mood and the character I am playing, but is all part of the fun :)


Of course! We all have different opinions and tastes. Personally I think it's a bit lame to walk around in a BIKINI on a planet like HOTH or ILUM. It's a bit COLD. But whatever floats your Roche Ice Cat! For as long as you're having fun I'm cool!

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Of course! We all have different opinions and tastes. Personally I think it's a bit lame to walk around in a BIKINI on a planet like HOTH or ILUM. It's a bit COLD. But whatever floats your Roche Ice Cat! For as long as you're having fun I'm cool!


I do switch outfits to something a little bit less cold on those planets normally ;) Love being able to have multiple outfits :)

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Currently leveling my Quinn look alike agent....just to have Quinn with Quinn companion...Quinncepton....it will be awesome lol But hey, who wouldn't want to save the galaxy with their twin brother? :)


Marcas + Malavai the Empire shall be victorious once again


My Quinn brothers rock the galaxy!





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Nice :) I approve....I just have a feeling it will take me a while to get my Quinn on this character, I refuse to start the chapters without doing all of the revan chain first....this will be an undertaking...why do I have to be so stubborn some times lol


I seriously considered making mine a bounty hunter just so he could use pistols...but it would just be wrong to not have him with the British accent...so agent he is :) Well that and I need a back up ops healer for when my main raider gets saved to something :) Have way to much raid gear waiting for this guy now lol

Edited by Nightfrogger
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Nice :) I approve....I just have a feeling it will take me a while to get my Quinn on this character, I refuse to start the chapters without doing all of the revan chain first....this will be an undertaking...why do I have to be so stubborn some times lol


A long awaited prize tastes even sweeter! :D

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I wish I could recreate the white-haired cyborg Quinn, that's my favorite one I think. But the face is missing. Wait a minute. I just realized the first miri..mal..kula.. mask is really similar to those cybernetics, hm..
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I am worried. I mean, you all love QUINN.

I give up. This thread is messing with my masculinity. I'm going to watch a couple of BEER advertisements and retreat to my MAN-CAVE now.

I hope the Devs are reading this - they might finally give up their hatred and be persuaded to give us more Quinn! There's no arguing with a Quinnmancer :D



Of course! We all have different opinions and tastes. Personally I think it's a bit lame to walk around in a BIKINI on a planet like HOTH or ILUM. It's a bit COLD. But whatever floats your Roche Ice Cat! For as long as you're having fun I'm cool!

My friend calls me a failed warrior because all of mine are in pretty dresses/outfits in pretty colours :D Also, even though Quinn hates Hoth I always take him as my companion dressed in this outfit.

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My friend calls me a failed warrior because all of mine are in pretty dresses/outfits in pretty colours :D Also, even though Quinn hates Hoth I always take him as my companion dressed in this outfit.


okay that is adorable....I am going to have to barrow your idea :)

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I think a HK droid impersonating his voice would probably earn a purple Quinn face palm...and it would make me laugh lol


Quinn: Impersonating my voice? That, my lord Nightfrogger, is a crime. Quite literally. Impersonating an Imperial officer is punishable by law.

HK-51: Theory: We shall test that.

Quinn: *glare* By all means. I'd love to see you try. *needless to mention the sarcasm here...*

HK-51: Declaration: Stuffiness protocol engaged.

Quinn: What.

HK-51: Declaration: I am Malavai Quinn. Human, male, age indeterminate except speculated on by fangirls. Note: I have somehow managed to escape the ravages of age so common to meatba--*ahem* organics. Addendum: I am the very model of a modern major Imperial. Confused addition: For some reason, my "charm" and stuffiness have attracted a large gathering of fangirls. Note to self: Must investigate. Clarification: I have been accused of being spineless; this is entirely untrue. It merely goes missing at convenient moments--

*EMP grenade goes off*

Quinn: *facepalm* ...that...was disturbing.

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I decided for reasons of science that my main - a sith inq needed to ditch Theron and run around the Ilum flashpoints with Malavai for a bit. 3 million worth of gifts to influence 50 and a new outfit later...too mid life crisis? Yes I am aware the shadows in my stronghold make Mr Quinn in pic 2 look a bit more risque than he should :eek:
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Quinn: Impersonating my voice? That, my lord Nightfrogger, is a crime. Quite literally. Impersonating an Imperial officer is punishable by law.

HK-51: Theory: We shall test that.

Quinn: *glare* By all means. I'd love to see you try. *needless to mention the sarcasm here...*

HK-51: Declaration: Stuffiness protocol engaged.

Quinn: What.

HK-51: Declaration: I am Malavai Quinn. Human, male, age indeterminate except speculated on by fangirls. Note: I have somehow managed to escape the ravages of age so common to meatba--*ahem* organics. Addendum: I am the very model of a modern major Imperial. Confused addition: For some reason, my "charm" and stuffiness have attracted a large gathering of fangirls. Note to self: Must investigate. Clarification: I have been accused of being spineless; this is entirely untrue. It merely goes missing at convenient moments--

*EMP grenade goes off*

Quinn: *facepalm* ...that...was disturbing.


I could just totally pull a Darth Zhorrid here and tell HK to go execute himself. I wonder if he would...it's an order after all lol. :D

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