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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I watched that today too, and it is indeed terrible. :( So evil! And it doesn't make sense to me either...the devs just wanted to make him suffer without much logic. :mad: Quinn already said sorry after the betrayal...

I don't think Quinn would beg either. He didn't do it when the Quinciddent happened, so why would he now? My only guess is that those years in prison broke him a little. :(

Just watched it but couldn't make it to the end of the conversation.


Jeez, his voice will haunt me :(


Guy is prepared to defect for the SW and then this happens...heartless :(

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So, out of curiosity... does the trooper get to kill Elara? Or is it just the warrior and Quinn? .-.


Quinn: That makes even LESS sense! ...both of those, actually. Dorne is - while a sycophantic Republic bootlicker - loyal to the commander of Havoc. There is no reason to kill her. *cough* I would, given the chance, as she IS a defector from the Empire - but not her commanding officer. And if the OTHER option is true, that only I have the option to be...er, offed... *shakes head in dismay*

A'right, where's that recliner, slippers, comfy robe, and a fireplace nearby?

Quinn: Without the akk and the kitten!! Please!!

Akk: Woof.

Kitten: Meow.

Quinn: Oh dear heavens, here we - *achoo* - go again...


Yay purple Quinn! :)


*runs up and tackles him in a hug and kisses him on the cheek* I am so sorry they did that to you....making you beg...that was horrible....did you want some cuddles? ice cream? anything at all to help the bad memories go away?


We are here, we won't let them hurt your here.


Quinn: *achoo* Well, my lord... *hesitates* ...truthfully, your presence alone is helping.


Quinn: ... *rubs his ear* I CAN'T HEAR ANYTHING.



...no, Malavai, I can hear you... *edges away*

Quinn: *facepalm*

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Just watched it but couldn't make it to the end of the conversation.


Jeez, his voice will haunt me :(


Guy is prepared to defect for the SW and then this happens...heartless :(


He even sounds like as if he was close to crying at the end. :(

The voice actor is so convincing, I think they probably gave him a tissue at the end of the recording. XD

Edited by Dylinrae
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So, out of curiosity... does the trooper get to kill Elara? Or is it just the warrior and Quinn? .-.


No one answered me when I asked and I can't find the information anywhere so f it, I'm going to go play my previously light side republic loyal trooper and find out.

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No one answered me when I asked and I can't find the information anywhere so f it, I'm going to go play my previously light side republic loyal trooper and find out.


I hope we can, because she seems to be out of her mind. She became a hysterical b*tch who is being mean to everyone. Crazy writing, again.

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I hope we can, because she seems to be out of her mind. She became a hysterical b*tch who is being mean to everyone. Crazy writing, again.






Elara Dorne. Prim, proper, rules-obsesed Elara Dorne. Hysterical. Being mean to everyone?

...h-how out of touch with the trooper class story do you have to BE to write a character like that??


I...I think my brain broke...

Quinn: ... *pats my head*

Thank you.

Quinn: You're welcome. May I stop now?


Quinn: You didn't write "*stops*".


Quinn: *stops*

Quinn: Thank you.

You're getting used to this.

Quinn: It's either that, sir, or lose my mind and go stark raving mad.

Either way would be cute, I'm sure.

Quinn: Yes, well--*double-take* ......... *facepalm*

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I hope we can, because she seems to be out of her mind. She became a hysterical b*tch who is being mean to everyone. Crazy writing, again.


So far this is true. She was rude to me when I addressed her. Quinn was charming as always. I picked Empire and Malcolm called me a disgrace and then Elara said "forgive me sir" when she threw the smoke bomb.


Then I clicked Quinn and he said "I'll defend the fleet spire with my life. The republic doesn't stand a chance." And so my trooper's fall begins - havoc indeed *cackles madly"


Just have to get through the rest of it, I'll report back soon as I'm done. If I can kill her, I will kill her.


Haha server restart, I'll have to wait a little longer to find out :o

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So far this is true. She was rude to me when I addressed her. Quinn was charming as always. I picked Empire and Malcolm called me a disgrace and then Elara said "forgive me sir" when she threw the smoke bomb.


Well, picking the Empire would make sense for Elara to go a little off-kilter...but before? o.O When your trooper's light-side? That doesn't make sense. Oi.

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I'm so behind on this thread!


My male agent romancing Lana got the line about not having kids as well. It cracked me up since I play him as having a child he doesn't know about.



Grrr. Now my warrior's going to be messed up too. She's still stuck in KOTET, and it's too late since I already locked in the romance with Theron. I just wanted to see the darn break-up scene! I hope it's coming with later content and not that it's a bug or has been forgotten. If they "fix" this and instead my warrior somehow loses her romance with Quinn, I am going to be very unhappy.

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Well, picking the Empire would make sense for Elara to go a little off-kilter...but before? o.O When your trooper's light-side? That doesn't make sense. Oi.


The only video I saw where she has her former, nice personality is with the LS romanced Trooper. Aside from that, she is terrible. The biggest tantrum was with the DS romanced (!) Trooper. Someone should really give her a Xanax.

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Server is back up and now I'm at the part where I'm supposed to have a walker but I don't have it anymore. So now Jorgan and I are very slowly going through it on foot :| I will get to the bottom of this, just gonna take some time :o


If they "fix" this and instead my warrior somehow loses her romance with Quinn, I am going to be very unhappy.


*nods* :(

Edited by grania
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The only video I saw where she has her former, nice personality is with the LS romanced Trooper. Aside from that, she is terrible. The biggest tantrum was with the DS romanced (!) Trooper. Someone should really give her a Xanax.




Elara: ...I taste purple. *falls over*

Theron: What the heck!?

Trooper: *lowers tranquilizer gun* She was seriously scaring me.

Theron: ...you have tranquilizer darts that make the subject THAT loopy?

Trooper: Didn't think that would work, honestly.


Quinn: *lowers his own tranquilizer gun* I had to hope.


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So after picking Empire on my trooper I got to talk to a holo Dorne at the end and I told her if I saw her again I'd kill her. I wonder what would have happened if I'd picked republic.


It sounds like.. and I don't want to get anyone's hopes up.. but it sounds like there's going to be more, with Dorne at least where I'll see her again and kill her. Maybe more Quinn too..?


Anyway I shudder to think if Jorgan comes back in the story. Would he stand by his wife who's clearly cracked? Who knows :)

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So after picking Empire on my trooper I got to talk to a holo Dorne at the end and I told her if I saw her again I'd kill her. I wonder what would have happened if I'd picked republic.


...but if the warrior picks Republic, we still get a scene where we can kill Quinn? o_O

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...but if the warrior picks Republic, we still get a scene where we can kill Quinn? o_O


It actually makes me think there'll be more with Dorne but not Quinn because Quinn's dead already (not my Quinn, ever) but I didn't really want to say it because I'm trying to stay hopeful. Plus, how long will it take to bring more companions back if they hang around with these two any longer?


This whole thing has kinda put me on edge. :confused: Oh look, it's really nice outside~

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It actually makes me think there'll be more with Dorne but not Quinn because Quinn's dead already (not my Quinn, ever) but I didn't really want to say it because I'm trying to stay hopeful. Plus, how long will it take to bring more companions back if they hang around with these two any longer?


This whole thing has kinda put me on edge. :confused: Oh look, it's really nice outside~


I hadn't even thought of that because we know characters/companions that can be killed are pretty much removed from the story and Quinn could be killed :eek:. I will be so angry if Elara makes further appearances down the track but not Quinn. :mad:

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Quinn is still alive and an active companion for about half the games population actually, only Warriors get the choice to kill/refuse him should they desire it. So I figure he has more story.


What? And force the writers to develop two separate storylines (amounting to less than two minutes' worth of dialogue) for those who killed Quinn and those who kept him!? :eek: And, possibly, those who actually ROMANCED HIM!? :eek: :eek: THE AMOUNT OF WORK...! *gasp, faint, die*


...I am reeeeeeeeeeeeeally hoping that's just me being cynical.

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Quinn is still alive and an active companion for about half the games population actually, only Warriors get the choice to kill/refuse him should they desire it. So I figure he has more story.


That's a good point, thanks (:


I hadn't even thought of that because we know characters/companions that can be killed are pretty much removed from the story and Quinn could be killed :eek:. I will be so angry if Elara makes further appearances down the track but not Quinn. :mad:


But not immediately removed, my trooper still got to smooch Jorgan at the end of kotet, Koth still existed for awhile for my ls characters. I'm crossing my fingers we'll get just a bit more. After that though, *shrug*


:eek: :eek: THE AMOUNT OF WORK...! *gasp, faint, die*


Lol :o

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So far, I have been unsure whether to defect to the Empire with my DS Trooper or not (if I ever get her through KOTFE), but now I definitely will, after Elara's "warm" welcome. Nice diplomatic skills she has! Just get me an Imperial trooper armor and I'm ready to go. :cool::p
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I hadn't even thought of that because we know characters/companions that can be killed are pretty much removed from the story and Quinn could be killed :eek:. I will be so angry if Elara makes further appearances down the track but not Quinn. :mad:

Have hope - Aric makes an appearance or two in the story for a bit of romance (and has a nice chat option on Iokath) after the point where players can choose to kill or keep him.

The Devs really need to put the preferences of players (read: CUSTOMERS/QUINNMANCERS) who like Quinn before their own feelings of hate towards him. Send a bit of love for the ladies (and the few gents) who really like Quinn and add him into NEAR future story updates please. It would be nice to be able to CHOOSE* to take at least one of our romanced/favourite companions with us for the entirety of an Iokath story...



*give us the option to choose to take Quinn/Aric/Theron/Lana/Vette/Torian/Kaliyo/Koth/Arcann (or any other living main character already back or returning) on at least one future mission based on player preference like we could with a class story. Surely it can't be that complicated to arrange.

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Just watched it but couldn't make it to the end of the conversation.


Jeez, his voice will haunt me :(


Guy is prepared to defect for the SW and then this happens...heartless :(


I can understand some not liking the character, and I can understand Bioware choosing to let people make that sort of choice. But I don't understand why they would make it downright cruel- at the very least, one would think that would calm those who have been calling for violence this whole time, but it really only seems to be stoking the flames.


I only returned to the game in the past few months, and I never got very far when I played at launch, so a lot of the story was new to me. I read about the betrayal before I actually experienced it- not in detail, because I didn't want any major spoilers, but I knew it was coming, and I was bracing for the absolute worst because people made it out to be this awful, terrible thing..

But when it actually happened, I was sort of left feeling like, "That was it? That was the big nasty betrayal that everyone got their respective undergarments in a twist over?"


Honestly, it was fairly standard story fare, given how loyal he was to Darth Baras. And considering how Baras had handled other "loose ends", I can safely say that I would not want to be in Quinn's position. Even outside of his loyalty to Baras, he had ample reason not to disobey if he wanted to continue living.

It's easy to say that he should have put his faith in the Warrior, but one has to remember that he's not a Sith. He has no lightsaber, no Force abilities- heck, he doesn't even have a lot of friends like the Warrior does. He's just a dude- he survives because he obeys his superiors and does what he's told.

The fact that he reacted the way that he did because he was afraid just means he's not perfect- he has flaws, and he may not be the bravest character. In fact, he may even be a little cowardly at times, but flaws are what make a character interesting. And if we can claim that Quinn is anything, he's an interesting character. He grabbed all of our attentions, didn't he?

And, to me, the fact that he overcame his flaw by abandoning Baras and joining the Warrior is development. If you were actually friendly to him (as in not making him fear for his life on an hourly basis), he does express sincere regret over the whole ordeal. And if you actually forgive him, he's genuinely astonished.. And then genuinely grateful.

As far as I'm concerned, you simply had to earn his loyalty and devotion the same way Baras did- and if you do so using kindness, what incentive would he ever have to leave or betray you again? Absolutely none.


He clearly was not happy working for Baras, rightfully so, and I was more than happy to provide him with protection. Truthfully, I really pity all Imperials- because this sort of situation is not uncommon, and it's all too easy for any officer to find themselves with a choice between life and severe regret.. As was quite poignantly illustrated in the Agent story, multiple times. We would all like to think that we could make that choice, but the truth is, not everyone is strong enough. I personally don't think any less of Quinn for cracking under that kind of pressure.

He was trapped in a bad situation and reacted in a very human way. Maybe I'm just not a vindictive person, but I forgave him immediately, and I really can't understand why after all of these years, people can't just let it go. Especially now that you actually can make a choice on his life.

It really wasn't that bad, and in the end, it's all just a fictional story anyway- holding such an intense grudge toward a person who doesn't even exist for years in real time can't be indicative of a very healthy mentality to have. By all means, get invested in the story, but don't take it so seriously that you legitimately can't let it go.


To clarify, I'm not interested in any romance options with anyone, female or male, in-game or irl. I say this because I want it to be abundantly clear that I did not spare Quinn because I have any romantic inclinations. His romance story capability means jack diddly squat to me, and 90% of my characters, my Warrior included, are male anyway. So it really wouldn't matter in the first place.

I just can't understand why there's such an intense amount of hatred floating around- or why it seems to have permeated Bioware as well.


For the most devoted of those calling for blood, go- have it. Your grudge can now be canonically fulfilled.. Whether that's really a good thing or not. But the ongoing witch hunt is obnoxious and distasteful, and I think it needs to stop. If nothing else, we should respect our fellow players, who are real people, and some of them don't want to hear about the horrible things you'd do to a character they happen to like.

Edited by SourOrange
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<snipped> but everything you said

Very well put! Bioware should give you a job as their companion adviser. I know this is basically a thread of mad Quinnmancers however you have very eloquently given an account of the thoughts of most people in here.


Also, welcome! :D Though I'm sure you won't be needing a signed poster!

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Very well said. While both the husb and I clash on Quinn - he wanted his revenge now because he couldn't get it years go - it's all still in good fun... which is really why we're all here - to have fun! The fact that a character can cause two people who've been together for over 16 years, two people who agree on virtually everything, to be completely divided down the line on how to deal with a fictional character tells me Quinn is an amazingly written and well executed (no pun intended :D) character.


I want everyone to have fun with all aspects of the game, whether it's offing Companions, neglecting them, tolerating them or romancing them. If someone has fun with Companions or really any aspect of the game, not for one second do I believe I'm entitled to tell them whether or not they're having fun in the appropriate fashion as to mold to my personal beliefs. (That still doesn't stop me from giving the husb crap for saving Arcann.) :p


I can only theorize as to why so much attention was given to the begging and execution of Quinn rather than the romance. Without any real data, all I can say to that is: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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