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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Not me either.


I figured it was a incident to stay between the two of us. One that I forgave him for and understood what had been done to the poor man. But am also of the mind set that Baras literally forced him to do it to a romanced warrior. How is a force blind officer supposed to protect himself from a powerful sith lords force abilities? Something that he still feels incredibly guilty about to this day, he blames himself for not being able to do more. But that is my opinion of how things went down.


Exactly. This is why I get annoyed at players who go 'omg, he betrayed me!!!! I'm going to kill him/never forgive him/break up with him!!!!' They don't stop to realize that A. he betrayed you ONE time, against his will more than likely and B. he's force blind. He really didn't have much choice.


I mean, did Baras threaten Quinn's mother? Any siblings he might have? Nieces/nephews? His wife (if you did the story years ago and you were already married to him before they changed it)?


The other Sith Wars, mostly men, and some women who I guess never really like Quinn, act like he was sitting there plotting your demise every day, and trying to get you killed.


I like to think maybe at first when Baras sent him off Quinn was all 'yeah, sure I'll go with her, my lord' and then as Quinn and the female warrior got together as friends, boyfriend/girlfriend, and then husband/wife he was probably completely forgot about his reason for joining you in the first place or was hoping Baras would forget or something and boom, Baras' fat *** brings it up again and Quinn's like ****.


Now, if you were the type of Sith Warrior who was a complete ******e to everyone and your companions, then I could see Quinn happily try to kill you. Hell, I think there was somewhere where someone said that if they left the shock collar on Vette this whole time, she's NOT happy to see you and basically cusses you out.


Like people on pub side, cause I figured, screw it I'll take all my people through it and just choose the faction those classes' spouses like so they won't be all pissed at me, were saying that Dorne was a whiney ***** because she broke up or refused to join a Trooper who was either dark side or killed a bunch of Zakuulans and/or killed Jorgan.


I'm like 'look, companions are NOT pets, they are real (real GAME I mean) people who have their own morals and personalities. If you know, let's say, Kira, is NOT into you killing innocent civilians or becoming a dictator or whatever else would piss her off, why choose those options if you wanted her back?'


When we FIRST get released from Carbonite, I could see people in the galaxy not knowing who's doing what where, but as, according to Quinn, it's been ALMOST 7 years since you were frozen (he says 6 years, 8 months, 11 days, I think) I'm pretty sure most left over companions know the Alliance Commander is YOU and people tell stories, hear things, read things, etc about how nice/cruel you are/were.

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Theron doesn't. He knows exactly who Quinn is from the moment he sees them. He also knows the SW history with Quinn too as stated in the end if you don't romance Quinn. I don't think Quinn was accessible to him and not sure if he knew where Quinn had been but he definitely knows him.


Which makes the meetings between my characters and the companions annoying. Neither Theron nor Lana tell my character 'oh hey, we found your husband/old crew mates!' Me: 'Oh?? Who? Is it (my husband)? Or is it (one of my old crew members?)


We get nothing. It's like they know, but want to torture you more. Like 'I know who we're meeeeeeeeeeeeetttttttting, but I'm not teeeeeellllllllling!' Arg. :mad:

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I figured it was a incident to stay between the two of us...


I figured it was a choice... up until Pierce brought it up to my character during one of his Vanilla conversations. I forget which step it is, but if you talk to Pierce before the betrayal, all he does it gripe about Quinn. If you talk to him during this step after the betrayal, he harps on Quinn about his betrayal and basically says he's got to die. One of the possible responses to Pierce's request is something along the lines of, "If you ask me to kill Quinn again, I'll kill you instead." So I figured an "announcement" was made to the crew or perhaps one of the crew overheard Quinn and the Warrior talking about it at some point.... even if my character chose the "keep it between ourselves" option. This was later confirmed in KOTFE with Vette when she makes the "shock collar" crack.


Personally, I don't mind the disclosure, as I would have probably told the crew the next day and put him on the shortest leash possible (Jaesa watching him 24/7, etc.) until I was satisfied I could trust him again. This point is probably after offing Baras and conquering Corellia for my Warrior.


Speaking of the KOTFE shock collar joke, I haven't yet tried this personally, it looks like Vette can say something regarding Pierce if you banged him and didn't romance Quinn during this scene. It's something along the lines of, "did you dream of a certain muscle-bound Lieutenant?" and the Warrior responds with something about how he was good for keeping her warm during those cold nights. :eek:

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Which makes the meetings between my characters and the companions annoying. Neither Theron nor Lana tell my character 'oh hey, we found your husband/old crew mates!' Me: 'Oh?? Who? Is it (my husband)? Or is it (one of my old crew members?)


We get nothing. It's like they know, but want to torture you more. Like 'I know who we're meeeeeeeeeeeeetttttttting, but I'm not teeeeeellllllllling!' Arg. :mad:

One of the most annoying things about reuniting with Quinn in Iokath is that the Devs force you to speak to Elara Dorne first completely ignoring the fact that the Warrior would recognise Quinns backside/reverse side from 20 miles away if she married him. There is no way that any Warrior who loved Quinn that much would not recognise his distinctive profile from behind and then ignore him completely to speak to some unknown republic lackey. This is something they did well with the reunion between Aric Jorgan and the Trooper when they meet for the first time and I am certain given Quinn's KOTFE letter to his wife, Quinn would not have been able to refrain from even the smallest of hugs straight away. Even in SoR he made the my lov....lord slip up, so after 6 years of being focused on nothing but reuniting with her, the Devs should have allowed them a small moment together upon meeting & made it clear to both Theron and Lana (worst spies in the universe) that Quinn and the Warrior were in love & married and not merely "have history". Did the Devs really underestimate how many players went the marriage route with Quinn so thought what they gave us would suffice? You got it wrong Devs.


And I agree Vette should not have been allowed to speak about the warrior's relationship with Quinn unless the player went down the Quinn hate route. On my warriors I kept the betrayal between the two of us so she should not have known and on one of my Warriors it's clear Quinn hates Vette. This is yet another reason I was happy to choose to save Torian over her.

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Warrior: ...frozen in carbonite for five years with nothing but my dreams for company.

Vette: *mischievously* Were they good dreams? Maybe a certain someone waiting on your hand and foot, grovelling at your every word, maybe wearing a shock collar?

Warrior: [looks puzzled]

Vette: ...Quinn. I'm talking about Quinn.

Warrior: [in an indignant tone] I forgave him long ago!

Vette: Oh, I know, but that doesn't mean you can't take a little guilty pleasure in it.

Warrior: -_-

Me: [not sure whether to laugh, lightly whack Vette upside the head, or just go "...hold on, when did Vette know about the betrayal?"].


Just to show what kind of mind I have, I always took what she said as my SW having kinky fantasy dreams about Quinn, not revenge payback dreams. :-P

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Just to show what kind of mind I have, I always took what she said as my SW having kinky fantasy dreams about Quinn, not revenge payback dreams. :-P


I know it is like...Vette,sweetie, what Quinn and I did recreationally with your old shock collar is none of your business....we shall leave it at that......


*devious smile and a laugh*

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Can someone show this to me? I can't find it on Youtube. I guess it's a romanced Theron conversation?


Oh, and one more thing: can we customize Theron now?


I don't think it has anything to do with whether you're in a romance. It's just one line.



He says "Your dreams sounded almost as bad as mine." Cause he had just watched his father die in a horrible way. :(


And this may just be me being extra paranoid, but I think he's got something to do with the traitor, whether he just knows something and didn't say anything or whether he's the actual traitor? I really hope all my dark decisions don't come back to bite me in the form of a treacherous Theron. :eek:


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I don't think it has anything to do with whether you're in a romance. It's just one line.



He says "Your dreams sounded almost as bad as mine." Cause he had just watched his father die in a horrible way. :(


And this may just be me being extra paranoid, but I think he's got something to do with the traitor, whether he just knows something and didn't say anything or whether he's the actual traitor? I really hope all my dark decisions don't come back to bite me in the form of a treacherous Theron. :eek:


Iokath spoilery stuff ahead:




The thing with the betrayer is ... I think it will depend on your choices/alignment.


1. It's unlikely to be any companions returned through story chapters. With the exceptions of Gault and T7, any of them could be dead and I don't see BioWare jumping through hoops to choose alternate betrayers in the instance where one could be dead or alive.


2. It's unlikely to be any companions returned through alliance alerts as they're entirely optional and who would BioWare choose in the case of someone who didn't do ANY of the alerts?


3. It's unlikely to be Senya or Arcann. They could both be dead as well.


4. We know it's not Malavai or Elara.


5. We know it's not Acina or Malcom. Either of them could die and also Tyth implied that it was someone close to us, someone we trusted. We'd only met Acina once before and we may or may not have met Malcom depending on if you're a Republic player who did the bonus series on Alderaan.


6. I don't see any of the alliance specialists being the betrayer either. Sure, we trust them but I (personally) fail to see much motivation for any of them.


7. It's unlikely to be Shae Visla. For one, Shae Visla is a Mandalorian and they're much more in your face - or as Theron said, they're not likely to stab you in the back rather they'd shoot you in the face. Also, companion-wise, Shae was a subscriber reward.


Unless anyone can think of other people our characters would be close enough to trust then that leaves ... Lana and Theron. Theron isn't full light side but he's much more light than dark and if you're an Alliance Commander (as opposed to Emperor/Empress) and you're helping people, I see no reason for Theron to want to betray you - and I especially don't see him continuing with the betrayal if you side with the Republic on Iokath. Lana actually seems more complicated to me ... she's not fully dark, she's just very pragmatic - but she's also against needless destruction. Personally I don't see her having a problem with an Alliance Commander who helps people nor do I see her having a problem with an Emperor/Empress. So I'm really only seeing a motivation for Theron when there's an Emperor/Empress who's killed a lot of people along the way - otherwise even Theron doesn't make sense to me.





Ok, that was long and very off topic. If anyone wants to continue that discussion they're free to PM me as opposed to cluttering up this thread.

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Iokath spoilery stuff ahead:





Unless anyone can think of other people our characters would be close enough to trust then that leaves ... Lana and Theron. Theron isn't full light side but he's much more light than dark and if you're an Alliance Commander (as opposed to Emperor/Empress) and you're helping people, I see no reason for Theron to want to betray you - and I especially don't see him continuing with the betrayal if you side with the Republic on Iokath. Lana actually seems more complicated to me ... she's not fully dark, she's just very pragmatic - but she's also against needless destruction. Personally I don't see her having a problem with an Alliance Commander who helps people nor do I see her having a problem with an Emperor/Empress. So I'm really only seeing a motivation for Theron when there's an Emperor/Empress who's killed a lot of people along the way - otherwise even Theron doesn't make sense to me.





Ok, that was long and very off topic. If anyone wants to continue that discussion they're free to PM me as opposed to cluttering up this thread.


I posted sort of the same thoughts in this thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=919371&page=5

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Iokath spoilery stuff ahead:




The thing with the betrayer is ... I think it will depend on your choices/alignment.


1. It's unlikely to be any companions returned through story chapters. With the exceptions of Gault and T7, any of them could be dead and I don't see BioWare jumping through hoops to choose alternate betrayers in the instance where one could be dead or alive.


2. It's unlikely to be any companions returned through alliance alerts as they're entirely optional and who would BioWare choose in the case of someone who didn't do ANY of the alerts?


3. It's unlikely to be Senya or Arcann. They could both be dead as well.


4. We know it's not Malavai or Elara.


5. We know it's not Acina or Malcom. Either of them could die and also Tyth implied that it was someone close to us, someone we trusted. We'd only met Acina once before and we may or may not have met Malcom depending on if you're a Republic player who did the bonus series on Alderaan.


6. I don't see any of the alliance specialists being the betrayer either. Sure, we trust them but I (personally) fail to see much motivation for any of them.


7. It's unlikely to be Shae Visla. For one, Shae Visla is a Mandalorian and they're much more in your face - or as Theron said, they're not likely to stab you in the back rather they'd shoot you in the face. Also, companion-wise, Shae was a subscriber reward.


Unless anyone can think of other people our characters would be close enough to trust then that leaves ... Lana and Theron. Theron isn't full light side but he's much more light than dark and if you're an Alliance Commander (as opposed to Emperor/Empress) and you're helping people, I see no reason for Theron to want to betray you - and I especially don't see him continuing with the betrayal if you side with the Republic on Iokath. Lana actually seems more complicated to me ... she's not fully dark, she's just very pragmatic - but she's also against needless destruction. Personally I don't see her having a problem with an Alliance Commander who helps people nor do I see her having a problem with an Emperor/Empress. So I'm really only seeing a motivation for Theron when there's an Emperor/Empress who's killed a lot of people along the way - otherwise even Theron doesn't make sense to me.





Ok, that was long and very off topic. If anyone wants to continue that discussion they're free to PM me as opposed to cluttering up this thread.


Short reply to this:


These two are the devs favorites, so I really doubt either of them is the traitor. It can't be Theron, because we know it's a woman (you can clearly she its the number 2 woman body option). The most likely candidate this far is Satele Shan - which makes the future possibly horrible for Theron.



Now back to Quinn.

Thank you all for the reponse on my fanfiction. It was awesome to get such positive feedback.

You realise fixing his return with fan-fic does not give the Devs any incentive to do it properly :p Unless they choose to steal one of your fics and put it into game...

I don't think anyone expects it to have any impact on the devs one way or another. I would also add that the likelihood of them adding things to the story we already got is never going to happen. It would be nice if they would look at it as a form of feedback, but since not even a single dev seems to care what goes on in this AWESOME thread (thanks you guys for the Quinn love) Iød say no way in hell.


But if you are being optimistic there might be a 0.000001% chance that I get a private message about hiring me to write companions returns and a new letter from our romances each time something new is released :p :p


Also I am a little worried that since Quinn can be dead in two possible outcomes that we will only see him like we did Jorgan and Kaliyo in KOTET. That would be disappointing. Also kinda worried that with the next one they will introduce Vector in a similar insignificant way because maybe you can squeeze in a diplomat in this scenario.

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Also kinda worried that with the next one they will introduce Vector in a similar insignificant way because maybe you can squeeze in a diplomat in this scenario.


Now I'm worried that future returning companions will be out of character or just shuffled off to the side. Vector...oh, he's a bug-guy, right? Hivemind. Okay, we'll take a cursory glance at his speech patterns to get those "right" and then have him be a hippie so lost in the killik hivemind that he's near-incomprehensible. We'll throw in an option to kill him, because there can't possibly be any female agents who actually fell in love with the guy, right? And also if we keep him in the story, that means we actually have to write him into further story incidents, and that's too much work. Pffft, forget THAT.

Corso - well, we gotta appease the SJW's who will no doubt be crying bloody murder about his "sexism" in respecting women, so we'll just give people a way to kill off the obnoxious dumb backwoods hick (while introducing him as such, making him so annoying everyone will naturally want to kill him). Everybody's happy that way! :D ...wait, what do you mean, there are female smugglers who romanced and married him? WHAT!? That...has to be a lie! *gasp of politically correct horror*

Kira - oh geez. Oh geez. Guys, GUYS, she's a female force-using love interest!! We can't have her conflict with Lana!! D: AAAAGH how do we deal with this!? Um...ummm...oh, okay, we just won't bring her back. We'll leave little cryptic hints about somebody wandering the galaxy, and never actually resolve those hints, because of COURSE every male knight ever went for Lana. Male!Knight/Lana OTP!!1!

Mako - Ugh, another cute female love interest. Back to the Kira dustbin you go! Same goes for Risha, Akaavi, Jaesa (both sides), Nadia, Temple, and anybody else I'm missing.



So, there's my worst-case scenario. :/

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I just keep on waiting for the announcement for the next live stream, figure then we can be given more info on the story of iokath, which to me just seems like ziost 2.0.


Also tossing around ideas for my return fic too, just no time to sit down and write until next week....this week has been an insane number of work hours, so doing my best to not pull my hair out. This thread has helped so keep it up :)


Any encouragement from purple Quinn would be awesome lol

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I just keep on waiting for the announcement for the next live stream, figure then we can be given more info on the story of iokath, which to me just seems like ziost 2.0.


Also tossing around ideas for my return fic too, just no time to sit down and write until next week....this week has been an insane number of work hours, so doing my best to not pull my hair out. This thread has helped so keep it up :)


Any encouragement from purple Quinn would be awesome lol


Quinn: I...er... *quiet ahem* My lord Nightfrogger, I am honestly not sure where to start. I will apologize, however, for my lackluster return, my awkward dialogue, my disappearance from the story proper even when it would have made sense for me to be there. I don't know how I could have done any better, given the circumstances. It was like I was being controlled by some distant...writer...

*innocent whistling*

Quinn: ......did YOU have anything to do with it?

Wha? No! I'm as disappointed as anybody. I posited a theory about a Quinn-bot, but--

Quinn: My lord Beniko, would you care to comment?

Lana: Er...I don't think I'd be safe stepping foot into a nest of fangirls. They're rather dangerous beings, you know. Capable of analyzing every milisecond of interaction between themselves and their virtual loved ones, tearing apart any weaknesses, and voraciously devouring every second of cutscenes.

Quinn: Yes, I've found that out firsthand...

Lana: Also, I'm supposed to be the love interest. Not you.

Quinn: *sudden glare*

Lana: *oblivious* I'm supposed to be the one that EVERYONE is paired with! I don't understand why they'd choose YOU when obviously they have me!

Quinn: *deadpan* Perhaps because some of them are a) previously married to me, and/or b, are straight?

Lana: Uuugh, then they have THERON. Even though he pales in comparison to me. (And of course there's Koth, but...wait, on second thought, who's Koth?) You know I'm the descendant of Leiliana and Liara, right?

We were starting to suspect that.

Lana: Therefore, I'm SPECIAL! I should get all the spotlight! It's only natural that I'm the one hovering over the Outlander(s) when they wake up, even though their love interest(s) have returned by then! It's only FAIR!

Scanners are picking up some odd form of...the heck is this, Quinn?

Quinn: *inspects scanner* I'm not sure. Radio waves? No, the frequency isn't right... brain waves.

Lana; That is not how brain waves work--

Quinn: --and they're originating from Lana and going to a distant source...THE WRITERS. :eek: Lana brainwashed the writers.

...that makes a scary amount of sense.

Lana: It's only fair! I'm the love interest! I should be--*CLOBBER* *and Lana falls over backwards, having been slugged in the face, and is now unconscious*

Quinn: *standing nearby, impassively watching her* My lord, I do hope you'll forgive me. Ordinarily, I would never even consider such a thing. But you, my lord Beniko, have kept me away from my wife. *kneels next to her* When I find out the extent of such a thing, there will not be a safe haven in the galaxy where you can hide from me. *straightens up* Now. I have a to-do list. First off, find my wife and explain all this, and have an ACTUAL reunion. Second off... *glances down at Lana* ...Vette's old shock collar shall go to a far more deserving owner.

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I just keep on waiting for the announcement for the next live stream, figure then we can be given more info on the story of iokath, which to me just seems like ziost 2.0.


Also tossing around ideas for my return fic too, just no time to sit down and write until next week....this week has been an insane number of work hours, so doing my best to not pull my hair out. This thread has helped so keep it up :)


Any encouragement from purple Quinn would be awesome lol


When will the next livestream be?

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Quinn: I...er... *quiet ahem* My lord Nightfrogger, I am honestly not sure where to start. I will apologize, however, for my lackluster return, my awkward dialogue, my disappearance from the story proper even when it would have made sense for me to be there. I don't know how I could have done any better, given the circumstances. It was like I was being controlled by some distant...writer...

*innocent whistling*

Quinn: ......did YOU have anything to do with it?

Wha? No! I'm as disappointed as anybody. I posited a theory about a Quinn-bot, but--

Quinn: My lord Beniko, would you care to comment?

Lana: Er...I don't think I'd be safe stepping foot into a nest of fangirls. They're rather dangerous beings, you know. Capable of analyzing every milisecond of interaction between themselves and their virtual loved ones, tearing apart any weaknesses, and voraciously devouring every second of cutscenes.

Quinn: Yes, I've found that out firsthand...

Lana: Also, I'm supposed to be the love interest. Not you.

Quinn: *sudden glare*

Lana: *oblivious* I'm supposed to be the one that EVERYONE is paired with! I don't understand why they'd choose YOU when obviously they have me!

Quinn: *deadpan* Perhaps because some of them are a) previously married to me, and/or b, are straight?

Lana: Uuugh, then they have THERON. Even though he pales in comparison to me. (And of course there's Koth, but...wait, on second thought, who's Koth?) You know I'm the descendant of Leiliana and Liara, right?

We were starting to suspect that.

Lana: Therefore, I'm SPECIAL! I should get all the spotlight! It's only natural that I'm the one hovering over the Outlander(s) when they wake up, even though their love interest(s) have returned by then! It's only FAIR!

Scanners are picking up some odd form of...the heck is this, Quinn?

Quinn: *inspects scanner* I'm not sure. Radio waves? No, the frequency isn't right... brain waves.

Lana; That is not how brain waves work--

Quinn: --and they're originating from Lana and going to a distant source...THE WRITERS. :eek: Lana brainwashed the writers.

...that makes a scary amount of sense.

Lana: It's only fair! I'm the love interest! I should be--*CLOBBER* *and Lana falls over backwards, having been slugged in the face, and is now unconscious*

Quinn: *standing nearby, impassively watching her* My lord, I do hope you'll forgive me. Ordinarily, I would never even consider such a thing. But you, my lord Beniko, have kept me away from my wife. *kneels next to her* When I find out the extent of such a thing, there will not be a safe haven in the galaxy where you can hide from me. *straightens up* Now. I have a to-do list. First off, find my wife and explain all this, and have an ACTUAL reunion. Second off... *glances down at Lana* ...Vette's old shock collar shall go to a far more deserving owner.


Purple Quinn, I want to kiss you.... scratch that: I order you to kiss me! NOW!:p

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Quinn: I...er... *quiet ahem* My lord Nightfrogger, I am honestly not sure where to start. I will apologize, however, for my lackluster return, my awkward dialogue, my disappearance from the story proper even when it would have made sense for me to be there. I don't know how I could have done any better, given the circumstances. It was like I was being controlled by some distant...writer...

*innocent whistling*

Quinn: ......did YOU have anything to do with it?

Wha? No! I'm as disappointed as anybody. I posited a theory about a Quinn-bot, but--

Quinn: My lord Beniko, would you care to comment?

Lana: Er...I don't think I'd be safe stepping foot into a nest of fangirls. They're rather dangerous beings, you know. Capable of analyzing every milisecond of interaction between themselves and their virtual loved ones, tearing apart any weaknesses, and voraciously devouring every second of cutscenes.

Quinn: Yes, I've found that out firsthand...

Lana: Also, I'm supposed to be the love interest. Not you.

Quinn: *sudden glare*

Lana: *oblivious* I'm supposed to be the one that EVERYONE is paired with! I don't understand why they'd choose YOU when obviously they have me!

Quinn: *deadpan* Perhaps because some of them are a) previously married to me, and/or b, are straight?

Lana: Uuugh, then they have THERON. Even though he pales in comparison to me. (And of course there's Koth, but...wait, on second thought, who's Koth?) You know I'm the descendant of Leiliana and Liara, right?

We were starting to suspect that.

Lana: Therefore, I'm SPECIAL! I should get all the spotlight! It's only natural that I'm the one hovering over the Outlander(s) when they wake up, even though their love interest(s) have returned by then! It's only FAIR!

Scanners are picking up some odd form of...the heck is this, Quinn?

Quinn: *inspects scanner* I'm not sure. Radio waves? No, the frequency isn't right... brain waves.

Lana; That is not how brain waves work--

Quinn: --and they're originating from Lana and going to a distant source...THE WRITERS. :eek: Lana brainwashed the writers.

...that makes a scary amount of sense.

Lana: It's only fair! I'm the love interest! I should be--*CLOBBER* *and Lana falls over backwards, having been slugged in the face, and is now unconscious*

Quinn: *standing nearby, impassively watching her* My lord, I do hope you'll forgive me. Ordinarily, I would never even consider such a thing. But you, my lord Beniko, have kept me away from my wife. *kneels next to her* When I find out the extent of such a thing, there will not be a safe haven in the galaxy where you can hide from me. *straightens up* Now. I have a to-do list. First off, find my wife and explain all this, and have an ACTUAL reunion. Second off... *glances down at Lana* ...Vette's old shock collar shall go to a far more deserving owner.


Haha! I can just see is now Lana wakes up to find a shock collar around her neck and not to far away are Quinn and Vette discussing who gets to use the remote first :D while the fem warrior is casually leaning against a wall just watching :D

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I am so incredibly happy to finally have Quinn back. I didn't even realize how much I missed him until he turned around and spoke to me. I just wish he had gotten more attention and time. But still *hugs Quinn close to her and never lets go again* Keep away from him BioWare! :p


And thanks for this thread <3

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Like people on pub side, cause I figured, screw it I'll take all my people through it and just choose the faction those classes' spouses like so they won't be all pissed at me, were saying that Dorne was a whiney ***** because she broke up or refused to join a Trooper who was either dark side or killed a bunch of Zakuulans and/or killed Jorgan.


Mad respect for Elara. I'm happy they put that in, but perhaps bringing back two companions with strong personalities and actual opinions in one patch was just too much for some people. :rolleyes: Must be spoiled by Lana and Theron, who will never leave the Outlander ever, ever, ever. (I know they have opinions, but it's like Outlander > their thoughts and dreams; that really can't possibly make for a healthy relationship.)


I figured it was a choice... up until Pierce brought it up to my character during one of his Vanilla conversations. I forget which step it is, but if you talk to Pierce before the betrayal, all he does it gripe about Quinn. If you talk to him during this step after the betrayal, he harps on Quinn about his betrayal and basically says he's got to die.

[ ...]


Speaking of the KOTFE shock collar joke, I haven't yet tried this personally, it looks like Vette can say something regarding Pierce if you banged him and didn't romance Quinn during this scene. It's something along the lines of, "did you dream of a certain muscle-bound Lieutenant?" and the Warrior responds with something about how he was good for keeping her warm during those cold nights. :eek:


Uhm, you are blowing my mind with these Pierce snippets! :eek:


I figured my warrior would have confided in Vette and/or Jaesa at some point, if only to the extent of vague details. Maybe not "Yeah, Quinn tried to kill me." Probably more like, "Quinn gave Baras some information at one point and it caused a problem with our mission."


Vette's joke caught me off guard but I've always thought it was funny and a cute nod to Quinn at a time when we didn't have any info on his return. At the time, it was like a surprise gift that they even remembered he exists. But I've always had a soft spot for Vette; I think she and my warrior were adorable nuisances together (well... still are. Sorry Torian! :().


Just to show what kind of mind I have, I always took what she said as my SW having kinky fantasy dreams about Quinn, not revenge payback dreams. :-P


It definitely was treading the waters of kink!


Now I'm worried that future returning companions will be out of character or just shuffled off to the side. Vector...oh, he's a bug-guy, right? Hivemind. Okay, we'll take a cursory glance at his speech patterns to get those "right" and then have him be a hippie so lost in the killik hivemind that he's near-incomprehensible. We'll throw in an option to kill him, because there can't possibly be any female agents who actually fell in love with the guy, right? And also if we keep him in the story, that means we actually have to write him into further story incidents, and that's too much work. Pffft, forget THAT.

[ ... ]

So, there's my worst-case scenario. :/


I will be completely livid if they screw up Vector. He's such a perfect blend of bizarre and poetry and charm. As the agent refers to him, he is a brave, strange protector and they really need to embody that. Also, his KOTFE letter was so perfectly perfect and heart wrenching; the writer responsible for that one really set the standards high for his return and dialogue and I hope the writers can live up to it. I do think there's some amount of hope due to the favoritism of the Agent in general, even if the Vector!Lovers crowd is a quieter fanbase.


Quinn's letter was great as well, and I feel like it's maybe why parts of his return feel lackluster. A little less "Let's save all affection for 100% privacy // I worried you'd fallen out of love with me" and a little more "More than that -- I need you [...] faced with the possibility of never seeing you again... and it makes me ill. I cannot accept it. [...] my love for you will fuel me for eternity [...] and I will find you. Even if it kills me."

I appreciate the mush for the sweet slice of cake that it is, but I wanted that passion topping.


Several other letters stand out to me but I think those particular characters will be easier to write.

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Well one thing I have noticed is that a lot of the women I have seen on this thread are also fans of Vector. He is also one of my favorties, but Quinn takes my number one spot :D


I dislike Vector as a romance. I've played through the agent story as a female ages ago and just couldn't romance him. He's nice enough but it's the whole Killik thing that turns me right off (possibly why I find the agent story a chore too many Killiks!) I like Vector as a companion just don't want to romance him. I guess you either like creepy half-possessed bug boys or you don't.

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I am so incredibly happy to finally have Quinn back. I didn't even realize how much I missed him until he turned around and spoke to me. I just wish he had gotten more attention and time. But still *hugs Quinn close to her and never lets go again* Keep away from him BioWare! :p


And thanks for this thread <3


You're welcome! :) I'm very happy to have him back too. Just hearing his voice again...*swoon* And like you and just about everyone else here, I wish we'd gotten more time and interaction with him too.

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