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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I haven't played the chapter yet. I am deciding how I want to take this reunion. My SW broke up with Quinn after he betrayed her. But she had already locked in the marriage to him prior to his betrayal (you apparently can't do that anymore). So the game still recognizes their marriage in terms of letters she would receive and the way he speaks to her in cut scenes (particularly during Revan), even though she dumped him then immediately went to Pierce for "comfort" and to hurt Quinn.


While frozen in carbonite Quinn says he is still searching for her and loves her. But she met Theron and although resisted him through the Revan campaign, eventually fell for him. So now she has to make a decision - kill Quinn, accept him back as her husband and dump Theron, or take him back with no romancing.


I think given the personality that I crafted for my SW is that she has moved on with her love life. She was pretty hard-core evil and would have killed Quinn years ago if given that chance. However, Theron (the good boy scout, former spy) has softened her. She has even made some light side choices and chose to lead with less of an iron fist mentality. She killed Koth because he betrayed her and that temporary evil side came out because she was pissed at him. But yet she spared Arcann who imprisoned her.


Yea, I know, my SW is a bit complex :). But I thought sparing Arcann also shows that she is trying to be less like the emperor's wrath because of the betrayals from her own emperor and within the Sith Empire. She bowed to accept Valkorian's power and started to have doubts about him, especially with conversations with Lana. Perplexing...yet I guess I will decide when the choices present itself. Maybe enough time has passed that she can just let Quinn move on, like she has with her life.

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Okay, fellow Quinnmancers I attempted to fix the Iokath storyline with a fanfic. Much of the same dialogue remains, but I added Quinn where I felt they missed an opportunity to do so. And I fixed their initial metting in a way I believe Bioware could easily have done. I hope you like it :)




Edited by Cowoline
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Okay, fellow Quinnmancers I attempted to fix the Iokath storyline with a fanfic. Much of the same dialogue remains, but I added Quinn where I felt they missed an opportunity to do so. And I fixed their initial metting in a way I believe Bioware could easily have done. I hope you like it :)




Yup, much better. I think we should write our companions coming back. At least we'd get what we want. :p

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Okay, fellow Quinnmancers I attempted to fix the Iokath storyline with a fanfic. Much of the same dialogue remains, but I added Quinn where I felt they missed an opportunity to do so. And I fixed their initial metting in a way I believe Bioware could easily have done. I hope you like it :)




I like it :D I'm glad it gave reason to Quinn running off and cutting the reunion short, and that he was by her bedside rather than Lana lingering over her (because I don't even mind Lana being there, but why does she hover over the Outlander? personal space, get out of her bubble, kthnx)


Really, I'm not sure why Lana and Theron thought it would be appropriate to return to the room so quickly. If they knew my warrior at all, they would've had their eyes closed, knocked, and asked if it was okay first. And she would have said, "No." :p


I feel like, in some way, Quinn was at the mercy of what ever Lana and Theron wanted in this storyline. It's probably not how the writers intended it, but he seems to get shoo-shooed out of too many scenes by their presence and it comes across as... weird. It would have felt much more natural if it had played out as you wrote it.

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First time poster but long term lurker here :) Just wanted to say thank you for this thread, it's been refreshing to find so many people who also love my favourite companion :D I think I have terrified a few people on the bus when reading this by bursting out laughing at some of the comments, especially purple Quinn (Always read this in his voice for some reason)


Thanks so much to all those who have posted their videos, as I've not taken my main SW through yet - terrified of bugs and breaking my romance :(


I did notice on my SI who sided with the Empire that Quinn's updated bio mentions that he betrayed the Wrath, but was then forgiven by her, which I thought was a nice touch.


Anyways, sorry for the rambling message, and let's keep this on the front page :D


Welcome! :D A new member to our ranks. I trust you've been served a dark side cookie, some blue milk and have had your virtual poster signed? And you've met purple Quinn I see. <3 I hope you have fun :D



Okay, fellow Quinnmancers I attempted to fix the Iokath storyline with a fanfic. Much of the same dialogue remains, but I added Quinn where I felt they missed an opportunity to do so. And I fixed their initial metting in a way I believe Bioware could easily have done. I hope you like it :)




That was lovely, very well done and so much more like we deserved in the game but didn't get. Thanks for sharing it. I left you a comment there on my other name, Feravai. :)

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Can I just say what we did get was super sweet, however it really felt as though compared to other companions we did not get as much with Quinn/Elara, I really thought after we chose what side that that the companion from that side would then come with us.


It saddens me to think this might be it for Quinn, if we look at the recent no shows of previous returned LI's it gives us an example of what might happen to Quinn in the future. :(

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...I was trying to think of a word to describe Chapter Twelve of KOTFE, and I think I found it now. :D Going through that chapter is one big "THE HECK!?" moment for me. Just...whaaaaaaaaaa???? Boy but my warrior is ticked off at Marr... thank goodness for headcanon, because I can have her reply in absolutely any snarky/deadpan/angry way I/she wants to. >_< And also thank goodness for the "angry" replies in dialogue options there. The male knight's voice actor is fantastic at conveying frustration and confusion. *shakes fist at Satele* If I didn't utterly despise you before, I sure do now! There's an option to accuse Marr of corrupting Satele. Pfft. I think it's the other way around...actually, I have another theory.


it's Valkorion trolling the Outlander. Again. "Marr" is Valkorion, who's been visiting Satele these past five years while the Outlander was in carbonite (don't know how that works, but...it's Valkorion. Assume he can make the galaxy spin counter-clockwise if he so wants). And the "Marr" you meet in Chapter Twelve is just Valkorion, again, lying to the Outlander for fun and giggles and twisted amusement. It'd make a heck of a lot more sense than "Oh yeah, Marr's a Jedi brat now, who knew death could really change one's mindset?" ...derp.



...okay, back on topic. Quinn? Quinn. Yes, Quinn. :D

Quinn: *reflexively salutes*

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Also, this doesn't specifically pertain to this version of the video, but whenever Theron says "I almost had to stuff a sock in your mouth," I just... I find it wildly amusing. I'll leave it at that.



Aww he's so cute. When you choose the Empire, though, what he says there is really sad :(

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Oh absolutely, personally, I think Acina wanted Quinn for herself, he's a much Hotterconfidante than Lorman :p




Fixed. Acina is such a terd, trying to steal my man. She shoulda told me IMMEDIATELY that she found my husband in jail.

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I think my biggest /facepalm writing moment was when Lana is like "Oh look commander I found these ASSASSINS. Aren't I such a good girl?" UUUGHHHHH Lana how can you not know that's my husband WWWWTTTTFFFFFF. I swear she's the biggest troll.


Dorne is a close 2nd. I know the first thing I'd do when I'm trying to make a good impression on a deadly sith is to stand right between her and her long lost husband and introduce myself like I'm the most important person in the room -_- I was PISSED i didn't get a neck snapping option after that ****.

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Aww he's so cute. When you choose the Empire, though, what he says there is really sad :(


Eek, you're right, I just watched the Empire scenes. The whole thing is so sad for him! Ahh, people who romanced him and left/leave him for returning companions, at this point... I feel so bad! That's a tough choice. :(

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Aww he's so cute. When you choose the Empire, though, what he says there is really sad :(


Aw. :( Good thing my inquisitor, who romanced him, will be choosing the Republic.

...at this rate, my warrior just might choose the Republic, because she despises Acina...if I can be absolutely sure that won't bug anything for future storylines (imagine if getting Quinn even when you side with the Republic is a bug that will be "fixed" later on! :eek:). I won't take anybody through Iokath - or later story - until I can be sure of the ramifications of supporting either faction further down the line. Why is there no option to go "Um, nope, we take a third option and keep the superweapon for ourselves/destroy it, nobody should have that power"? :/ Maybe there will be in the future.

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I think my biggest /facepalm writing moment was when Lana is like "Oh look commander I found these ASSASSINS. Aren't I such a good girl?" UUUGHHHHH Lana how can you not know that's my husband WWWWTTTTFFFFFF. I swear she's the biggest troll.


LOL She sounds like she's so proud of herself for it, too, like she wants a gold star sticker for it. "Yeah, here's a cookie... and a smack on the head. Thanks for finding my husband and putting him in timeout with some Republic stranger." :rolleyes:

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I've read through the letters you can get from Quinn after finishing Iokath and I noticed something odd, which I put down to lazy writing.


In the letter from a romanced Quinn they assume the fem warrior took the DS choice at the end of KotET and claimed the Eternal Empire as empress. Whereas in the others regardless of Vette being alive or dead they assume the warrior took the LS choice and formed the Eternal Alliance.


That really is lazy writing but what else can we expect?

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I think my biggest /facepalm writing moment was when Lana is like "Oh look commander I found these ASSASSINS. Aren't I such a good girl?" UUUGHHHHH Lana how can you not know that's my husband WWWWTTTTFFFFFF. I swear she's the biggest troll.


I hadn't even thought of that till you mentioned it lol. :p

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Whoever keeps writing the reunions between character and their class and Theron and Lana (the two biggest, nosiest spies/intelligence people I know and we're hanging with) all acting like they have no clue who we married and spent YEARS with, needs to be given the vanilla lore of the story.


Here you go Mr/Ms writer, now be a good writer, read the lore from Vanilla SWTOR and WRITETHEMALLPROPERLYKTHANKS. :mad:


Maybe I'm different since I've been here going on 6 years come December, but it's not hard to figure out who's a romance companion and how to write them where it's NOT A BLOODY SURPRISE to everyone.


Even if I never once saw or read or heard anything about 5.2, I know Quinn's body, front and back, easily. I could see Dorne being an enigma to Lana if you're playing your warrior, or Quinn being one if you're playing your trooper, but seriously. Yo, Lana...Theron...do your job and actually look through my files before acting like these guys are strangers. *cusses like a drunk sailor*

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Whoever keeps writing the reunions between character and their class and Theron and Lana (the two biggest, nosiest spies/intelligence people I know and we're hanging with) all acting like they have no clue who we married and spent YEARS with, needs to be given the vanilla lore of the story.


Here you go Mr/Ms writer, now be a good writer, read the lore from Vanilla SWTOR and WRITETHEMALLPROPERLYKTHANKS. :mad:


Maybe I'm different since I've been here going on 6 years come December, but it's not hard to figure out who's a romance companion and how to write them where it's NOT A BLOODY SURPRISE to everyone.


Even if I never once saw or read or heard anything about 5.2, I know Quinn's body, front and back, easily. I could see Dorne being an enigma to Lana if you're playing your warrior, or Quinn being one if you're playing your trooper, but seriously. Yo, Lana...Theron...do your job and actually look through my files before acting like these guys are strangers. *cusses like a drunk sailor*


Theron doesn't. He knows exactly who Quinn is from the moment he sees them. He also knows the SW history with Quinn too as stated in the end if you don't romance Quinn. I don't think Quinn was accessible to him and not sure if he knew where Quinn had been but he definitely knows him.

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I've read through the letters you can get from Quinn after finishing Iokath and I noticed something odd, which I put down to lazy writing.


In the letter from a romanced Quinn they assume the fem warrior took the DS choice at the end of KotET and claimed the Eternal Empire as empress. Whereas in the others regardless of Vette being alive or dead they assume the warrior took the LS choice and formed the Eternal Alliance.


That really is lazy writing but what else can we expect?


It is lazy and odd, but that is one lazy, odd detail that works for me! I was put off that choosing to rule as Empress was automatically considered a definite darkside choice. So, I went Peacekeeper or whatever it's called, but my Wrath isn't really all about the hand holding and kumbayayas. I just didn't want the story to assume she must be oppressive or Vaylin/Arcann-like. But there was no in-between option given (until 5.2, I guess, where you can make one LS choice regarding one Empress decision, it looks like; though the opening is still pretty grim and dark seeming). :(


SO, I kept wanting to hear someone refer to my warrior as Empress despite technically being "Peacekeeper," and I'm happy it was Quinn doing so. She's his Empress and everyone else can deal. :D

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Warrior: ...frozen in carbonite for five years with nothing but my dreams for company.

Vette: *mischievously* Were they good dreams? Maybe a certain someone waiting on your hand and foot, grovelling at your every word, maybe wearing a shock collar?

Warrior: [looks puzzled]

Vette: ...Quinn. I'm talking about Quinn.

Warrior: [in an indignant tone] I forgave him long ago!

Vette: Oh, I know, but that doesn't mean you can't take a little guilty pleasure in it.

Warrior: -_-

Me: [not sure whether to laugh, lightly whack Vette upside the head, or just go "...hold on, when did Vette know about the betrayal?"]


Quinn: ...she doesn't really think that way, does she?

Which "she"?

Quinn: [Warrior]. If she forgave me...er...does she think that way?

Show of hands, Eternal Quinnmancers! Anyone think that way? I'm going to guess it'll be a hearty "NOPE!" but you never know...

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Warrior: ...frozen in carbonite for five years with nothing but my dreams for company.

Vette: *mischievously* Were they good dreams? Maybe a certain someone waiting on your hand and foot, grovelling at your every word, maybe wearing a shock collar?

Warrior: [looks puzzled]

Vette: ...Quinn. I'm talking about Quinn.

Warrior: [in an indignant tone] I forgave him long ago!

Vette: Oh, I know, but that doesn't mean you can't take a little guilty pleasure in it.

Warrior: -_-

Me: [not sure whether to laugh, lightly whack Vette upside the head, or just go "...hold on, when did Vette know about the betrayal?"]


Quinn: ...she doesn't really think that way, does she?

Which "she"?

Quinn: [Warrior]. If she forgave me...er...does she think that way?

Show of hands, Eternal Quinnmancers! Anyone think that way? I'm going to guess it'll be a hearty "NOPE!" but you never know...


Nope, not me :D


That was one thing that always rankled me about the story, I vowed to keep what happened between Malavai and myself between us, it was our secret and yet everyone knew. I didn't tell anyone lol. I didn't want anyone to know.

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Aww he's so cute. When you choose the Empire, though, what he says there is really sad :(


Can someone show this to me? I can't find it on Youtube. I guess it's a romanced Theron conversation?


Oh, and one more thing: can we customize Theron now?

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Warrior: ...frozen in carbonite for five years with nothing but my dreams for company.

Vette: *mischievously* Were they good dreams? Maybe a certain someone waiting on your hand and foot, grovelling at your every word, maybe wearing a shock collar?

Warrior: [looks puzzled]

Vette: ...Quinn. I'm talking about Quinn.

Warrior: [in an indignant tone] I forgave him long ago!

Vette: Oh, I know, but that doesn't mean you can't take a little guilty pleasure in it.

Warrior: -_-

Me: [not sure whether to laugh, lightly whack Vette upside the head, or just go "...hold on, when did Vette know about the betrayal?"]


Quinn: ...she doesn't really think that way, does she?

Which "she"?

Quinn: [Warrior]. If she forgave me...er...does she think that way?

Show of hands, Eternal Quinnmancers! Anyone think that way? I'm going to guess it'll be a hearty "NOPE!" but you never know...


Not me either.


I figured it was a incident to stay between the two of us. One that I forgave him for and understood what had been done to the poor man. But am also of the mind set that Baras literally forced him to do it to a romanced warrior. How is a force blind officer supposed to protect himself from a powerful sith lords force abilities? Something that he still feels incredibly guilty about to this day, he blames himself for not being able to do more. But that is my opinion of how things went down.

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