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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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A'right. I've been hearing horror stories. Things like the reunion's flat, and then

Quinn just vanishes afterward and doesn't play an important part in the story.

That...I hope that doesn't actually happen...please say that's exaggeration.

Should I not get my hopes up? :( No spoilers, please, I just...want to know if I should be looking forward to this or not...


No way. We have seen it with Jorgan, Kaliyo and others. Thats commons for all the companions you can execute. Guess why.

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If you're warrior, you get 2 scenes, each no more than 3 minutes. If you're not a warrior, you get one scene, the first one. The end. :(


And customisations don't work. :(


PS. They didn't return any comps in KOTET because they wanted to give them meaningful return. THIS is a meaningful return????? 5 minutes total of two cutscenes at best?


...shoot... :( That's...really, really disappointing. Thanks for telling me.

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No way. We have seen it with Jorgan, Kaliyo and others. Thats commons for all the companions you can execute. Guess why.


Well at least with those honyocks we got to do the mission together, why was I having all these touching moments with Lanatheron? I felt like I wanted to throw them out the window so I could get on with it. Definitely took too long to go have "the talk" with Quinn.


Mr. Teverson must have been paid like 20 bucks, barely worth showing up for if I were him. Still, terribly thankful he did.

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Uh, the devs were VERY lazy. Guess what? I have just watched a German Inquisitor video where the player sided with the Empire and:



Elara does and says the EXACT SAME thing as Quinn, if you side with the opposite faction! That's just ridiculous!



Speaking of the German version, I have already wanted to remark that Quinn's German voice is pretty cool too. :cool: Ich liebe es! :D

Edited by Dylinrae
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Well, guys - it wasn't the worst-case scenario. Worst-case scenario, it would have been KOTOR-style dialogue, Quinn with a different voice actor, and no recognition that he even knows the Warrior beyond "Good to see you again, my lord."


The dialogue was fully voiced.

Quinn's original actor returned (yay!).

There IS a reunion between the female romanced Warrior and Quinn - albeit not quite what we had hoped.


So...it wasn't the absolute worst it could be. Although I guess that says a lot, when the best thing you can say is, "Well, it could have been worse." We got Quinn back at all; guess we should be grateful. :p (Which, don't get me wrong, I am grateful Quinn's back in the first place. AND he has his original voice actor, hurray!)


And, we have headcanon, to imagine absolutely whatever the heck we want. Start writing your fanfics... because whatever you can come up with will most likely be better than whatever happened in-game. :p


(Edit: And so much for me staying far away from this thread, huh? XD Oh well.)

Edited by Jagaimee
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Well, guys - it wasn't the worst-case scenario. Worst-case scenario, it would have been KOTOR-style dialogue, Quinn with a different voice actor, and no recognition that he even knows the Warrior beyond "Good to see you again, my lord."


The dialogue was fully voiced.

Quinn's original actor returned (yay!).

There IS a reunion between the female romanced Warrior and Quinn - albeit not quite what we had hoped.


So...it wasn't the absolute worst it could be. Although I guess that says a lot, when the best thing you can say is, "Well, it could have been worse." We got Quinn back at all; guess we should be grateful. :p (Which, don't get me wrong, I am grateful Quinn's back in the first place. AND he has his original voice actor, hurray!)


And, we have headcanon, to imagine absolutely whatever the heck we want. Start writing your fanfics... because whatever you can come up with will most likely be better than whatever happened in-game. :p


(Edit: And so much for me staying far away from this thread, huh? XD Oh well.)


I absolutely agree. At least he is back, we have waited so long. Some companions have still not returned (e.g. Zash/Khem Val seems to be lost forever T.T), so...

And it seems he is safe! :)


As for the fanfiction, yes! I have just included the Quinn/Warrior child in my Nox fanfiction. :D

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For me the worst case scenario would be if his betrayal was public knowledge. That would totally ruin my character.


It didn't happen.


I wouldn't even mind little screen time, but the customisation not working is just such a great disappointment. :( One thing I wasn't worried about at all turned out to be the thing. Even worse, the romance scene was sweet, and I'd love to have screenshots and recording of it. Instead, my warrior is with some stranger. :(


I'm really really disappointed by that. Not too little time. By someone else's face. It's kind of like it didn't happen to her... :(

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Yes, I wish there was more to it but I liked what we got. It was a loooong time coming, just to get to talk to Quinn again. I'll take it.


My bigger concern right now is about Lana and Theron. It's not that I dislike them, it's that I'm bored to death of them. I don't know how much more I can endure.

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My cliff's notes...


"Hi, Quinn!"

"Oh... main story time? Bye, Quinn..."

"Hi, Theron..."

[Main Story with Theron as Companion]

[Token creepy scene of Lana staring at you as you wake up]

[Main story wrapped up]

"Hi, Quinn!"


[End 5.2]


Albeit short, I liked when my Wrath got a moment alone with Quinn at the end and hope they will patch in some sexy-time in the future. :D As far as my RL husband goes, he was satisfied with his kill scene even though it seems to come from out of the blue (he'd fully romanced Quinn before the betrayal.) The kill itself, I thought was well done lol - I bet they'll please a lot of players with that. :eek: Also, I love that they used Ogurrobb's voice for Tyth, lmfao... I couldn't take him seriously.



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Well I got my Quinn back, eased his puppy dog eyes and rekindled the relationship, but at the end


When Lana and Theron asked if she can trust him, she just had to say no. Guess she has forgiven but not forgotten and the scene when she said that :(


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Ahh, I haven't been able to run my warrior through KOTET yet, so my only option is my consular at the moment. I intended to wake up early and run through stuff, but busy real life decided to be busy and real. :( Though I play on Harbinger so it sounds like I would've faced some issues even if I'd had the time. :rolleyes:


I'm a little sad to hear about the minimal amount of screen time for the returning companions. My hope was that if you choose the opposing faction, there would be enough screen time to make either Quinn or Elara seem kind of villainous, or something -- something impactful in some way. People worth opposing, I guess. They deserved that much with their return, and being lumped in with powerful people such as Malcom and Acina, I expected they would leave enough of an impression for people to care about them one way or the other.






From: Malavai Quinn

Subject: A few sentiments


My lord,


When we expressed our feelings to each other, I thought my embarrassing, boyish admiration of you would finally end. But seeing the empire you've built without me, I find myself awestruck once more. You are still the fierce, powerful warrior I fell in love with - and now you are an empress. I'm so proud to stand with you again.


I spent more than six years chasing the intoxicating passion I felt while serving you. Now, in your presence, I've finally tasted it again. My love for you burns as strongly now as it did all those years ago. With your permission, I will follow you to the ends of the galaxy. All I ask in return is that you allow me to remain by your side, as your faithful ally, and loving partner.


I love you, my lord. I always will.





1) You are wonderful.

2) Oh, that is gooey. That is gooey chocolate cake filled with even more gooey chocolate. Empress, damn straight.

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...2) Oh, that is gooey. That is gooey chocolate cake filled with even more gooey chocolate. Empress, damn straight.

I also got called, "empress," in my letter from Quinn, but I didn't take the throne. :confused:

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You're his Empress. ;);)


Quinn definitely seems a lot mushier than he used to be and I am not complaining. It's like he's finally saying all the things he couldn't spit out before. (Or perhaps whoever writing him is just a big old romantic, but either way!) I like gooey Quinn :)

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One of my warriors might need to defect. According to Reddit


"Quinn can be recruited by a sith warrior that sides with the Republic, but Elara will refuse to join a trooper that sides with the Empire (you'll still have her terminal version, I guess). So as a sith warrior, siding with the Republic can get you both (provided you don't choose to kill/exile/imprison Quinn, of course)"


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Quinn definitely seems a lot mushier than he used to be and I am not complaining. It's like he's finally saying all the things he couldn't spit out before. (Or perhaps whoever writing him is just a big old romantic, but either way!) I like gooey Quinn :)


Any comments, Purple Quinn?

Quinn: ...

...uhhh, seems we're having technical difficulties over on his end...

Quinn: No difficulties. I'm only still "concerned" over various fanfictions. Such as yours...

The one where your daughter falls in love with a Jedi?

Quinn: Yes, that. When my daughter is actually born, remind me to ground her for the rest of eternity. And it made me realize...now that I'm back - how many more fanfictions do I have to deal with?

Be prepared for an unholy amount of kids with your equally unholy amount of wives.

Quinn: That sounds so wrong...

And exploring this newfound gooey side of you... Gooey is good. We like mushy. :D

Quinn: ...I was finally finding the courage to express my true feelings, and yet now...now I'm rather frightened to do so. Will the fangirl army relent if I do?

NOPE. All this insanity before you returned? It was only the beginning, my dear.

Quinn: *facepalm* Here we go again...

Welcome back. :)

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BE WARNED - BIG FAT SPOILERS FOLLOW easy click forum code has stopped working for me and I may forget to manually type the tags!


PS. They didn't return any comps in KOTET because they wanted to give them meaningful return. THIS is a meaningful return????? 5 minutes total of two cutscenes at best?

I really feel that the pitchforks need to be sharpened. They'd better have more meaningful appearances by Malavai Quinn planned in future releases because his romance return was as big a let down as Torian's. Did they not get the hint in this thread that Quinn's return needed to be bigger & better than Aric's? And that sending a letter to make up for the lack of "meaningful return" like they did with Torian was too much of a cop-out? Given all of that if they go to make Quinn the


I will smash the game into little pieces...somehow.

I think we need to petition for a Quinn chapter! I hope they listened to my earlier hint about a Quinn bonus chapter. One positive thing - I believe I said earlier in this thread that the reason for his absence should be

either he turned into a recluse or was in prison

I got my wish :)

Hopefully the fan-fic writers will save the day.

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To be fair:

I guess when you choose to help the Republic it will be the other way round.

Elara then most likely will have almost no screen time but Quinn should have some more.

The companion of the faction you refuse to help obviously gets more screen time and the companion of the faction you ally with gets almost no screen time at all.

This is exactly how it happens. (Took a non-warrior who sided with the Republic through the story first.)


After taking my consular first through the Zakuul story, I promised myself I wouldn't take any others from my "original eight" through the story until their LIs returned, so now it's finally time to play KotFE and KotET with my warrior. But gosh, the brevity of this return really has me feeling down about the other LIs who have yet to come back. :( Kept telling myself it would be worth it when the time came, but now I am not so sure. Considering that the ones returning post-KotET had a longer wait, I would've expected a better reintroduction.

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SW: it's not that I'm not happy to have you back, but...

Quinn: But, my Lord?

SW: But, I would have liked a bit more face time with you, hubby.

Quinn: Please, not the hubby thing again. But you do realize we were in a war time situation, my Lord.

SW: when the hell have we NOT been in a wartime situation? And evidently, you are even banned from appearing on the ship for all of eternity.

Quinn: Ah, I do see the dilemma. I would ask you to come to my quarters, but I don't know where those are any more. Perhaps someone will enlighten me at some point in the future.

SW: don't hold your breath, dear, you are already a deep shade of purple

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...Given all of that if they go to make Quinn the


I will smash the game into little pieces...somehow.

Eh, I really doubt it. I don't see how they could make him the traitor because players have the opportunity to off him. How would they write that in later? I mean, have two different traitors - one person for players who killed Quinn and a different person (Quinn) who let him live? Nah... Besides, what possible motivation could Quinn have to start a galactic war? Absolutely none I can think of.

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One of my warriors might need to defect. According to Reddit


"Quinn can be recruited by a sith warrior that sides with the Republic, but Elara will refuse to join a trooper that sides with the Empire (you'll still have her terminal version, I guess). So as a sith warrior, siding with the Republic can get you both (provided you don't choose to kill/exile/imprison Quinn, of course)"


That is mostly true. The only exception being:


If you don't want to continue the romance with Quinn (for WHATEVER reason), you will not be able to recruit him if you side with the Republic. Your only options are:

1. Continue Romance -- this will get Quinn as a comp, and end any other active romance(s)

2. Throw Quinn in Prison

3. Kill Quinn.



So be warned...

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Eh, I really doubt it. I don't see how they could make him the traitor because players have the opportunity to off him. How would they write that in later? I mean, have two different traitors - one person for players who killed Quinn and a different person (Quinn) who let him live? Nah... Besides, what possible motivation could Quinn have to start a galactic war? Absolutely none I can think of.





After you finish the story, you get a letter from Theron (or Lana? either way...) saying that both Elara and Quinn were cleared of being the betrayer, and both had verifiable alibis at the time the throne was being sabotaged.


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That is mostly true. The only exception being:


If you don't want to continue the romance with Quinn (for WHATEVER reason), you will not be able to recruit him if you side with the Republic. Your only options are:

1. Continue Romance -- this will get Quinn as a comp, and end any other active romance(s)

2. Throw Quinn in Prison

3. Kill Quinn.



So be warned...

I continued the romance with Quinn, however my pre-existing romance with Lana didn't end. No breakup scene or anything.


I didn't do any of the "orange" quests after Iokath (the ones leading up to the operation). Do I need to do that first (or at least meet up with the Scions?)

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