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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I think, that the problem is that BW put love interests in the game and that does make the difference. Yes, I like to see both strong male and female characters as leaders, however, as a female player I resented Lana being in all nine of the KOTFE chapters. No love interest, no problem, it would not have mattered who they had rescue us, but they did rather mangle the whole Lana show in those chapters.


A nice mix of Theron and Lana would have been nice, and sorry Koth does not count or fit that role, especially after SOR romance options and the fact that he could be such a tool most of the time.


I could be wrong, but it seems that KOTFE rankled a bit with blondie being there all the time.

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I don't care if it affects you or not, I care about it making sense so I don't gain a permanent twitch in my eyebrow when I'm trying to understand your logic.



And you think they push Lana for the men, because...? Hell, you mentioning the slew of female protagonists in recent Star Wars movies present the more logical option as to why.


Throw me a rope, one logical thread as to how you came to this conclusion.



So, you're making your assumption even more unlikely?



[Citation Needed]



This is why I keep breaking my keyboard...




You say this, yet your previous assumption reeks of that particular thread feminism. "In some way, this is catering to a straight male..."




The help are you talking about!? Theron has arguably been shoved down our throats just as much as Lana, but has just had a better reception. He's always the one that accompanies you 90% of the time, he gets more screen time, he's more involved with the plot. He and Lana are equally pushed.



And why is Jorgan so damn special? Or are you ignoring that he got a whole chapter to himself as well to suit your very cherry picked argument? And how Gault got a pretty damn good bit of dedication in his and Vette's chapter considering that he isn't a love interest.


I don't make friends with strangers on the internet...


Glad I saw this line you posted to someone else, cause I thought we were 'friends'-- at least 'forum friends' here anyways, given that you send me spoilers and I encouraged your fan fiction writing. Silly me. I don't understand why you're being so hostile to me.


I stand by what I said and I'm not going to argue about it, because honestly it's just pixels. I'm frankly more upset, because I thought we were friends and you tear me a new *****hole here over a simple discussion. Don't agree? That's cool, but no need to tear me apart.


If this is because I misunderstood yesterday what Xia was saying on FB--and I misspoke about it, I don't know how many times you'd like for me to apologize. I did and I'll do it again for good measure. I'm sorry I misunderstood her. She wanted you to know how funny your writing bit was and for me to tell you, and I thought she was the one that wrote when it was you. I misunderstood. I hoped to clear it up with the edits I made and the apology I pm'd you.


I still think lately there are too many female power figures in this game, and I would like to see some balance.

Theron was not shoved down our throats as much as Lana was/is. Jorgan is another, why should he get a whole chapter for himself. Nothing cherry picked I just forgot about him. And I don't know why you need a 'citation' there was a cut scene with creepy Lana stalking the player character in the bedroom while sleeping.


Honestly I don't know why you're being so nasty to me, I'd always been polite to you. You know what, nvm, I don't care.

Edited by Lunafox
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They also assumed that Lana would be skulking around my bedroom in my headquarters. Why? I suppose if the player is male, it's all cool, cause they're assumed to be involved.


Not cool for me, I don't want anyone in my room skulking about unless it's Malavai, Theron, Vector or Scourge, tyvm

I agree Lana being in my bedroom in headquarters was really odd if you're a female player and have not chosen Lana as a romance option. Didn't that happen more than once during KOTET? It felt strange however there was also Theron in KOTET - if you did not romance Theron then all his smiles and looks also felt really strange. My main has Theron as her LI and the whole thing was great for that character, however on my character who had romanced someone else, Theron started to get a bit creepy in KOTET. I'm guessing they didn't have the resources to do two versions (a romance & non-romanced version) of Theron or Lana for the KOTET storyline so we all got stuck with them as they are.


There are some questionable options that come across anti-female in some of the class stories however the writing has moved away from that and they do seem to be listening to what players want, male or female and trying to accommodate us all within the limited resources they have. Plus they let us bonkers Quinnmancers keep our thread in general, so I can't complain.


Finally because it felt like there was a little hostility a few posts ago

Calm restored. Here's hoping maintenance goes well tomorrow (well, later today since I'm on Brit time) so we get to hear lots of that lovely Quinn voice. Edited by Sarova
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There are some questionable options that come across anti-female in some of the class stories however the writing has moved away from that and they do seem to be listening to what players want, male or female and trying to accommodate us all within the limited resources they have. Plus they let us bonkers Quinnmancers keep our thread in general, so I can't complain.



AGREED <3 <3 <3


Finally because it felt like there was a little hostility a few posts ago

Calm restored. Here's hoping maintenance goes well tomorrow (well, later today since I'm on Brit time) so we get to here lots of that lovely Quinn voice.








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I agree Lana being in my bedroom in headquarters was really odd if you're a female player and have not chosen Lana as a romance option. Didn't that happen more than once during KOTET? It felt strange however there was also Theron in KOTET - if you did not romance Theron then all his smiles and looks also felt really strange. My main has Theron as her LI and the whole thing was great for that character, however on my character who had romanced someone else, Theron started to get a bit creepy in KOTET. I'm guessing they didn't have the resources to do two versions (a romance & non-romanced version) of Theron or Lana for the KOTET storyline so we all got stuck with them as they are.


There are some questionable options that come across anti-female in some of the class stories however the writing has moved away from that and they do seem to be listening to what players want, male or female and trying to accommodate us all within the limited resources they have. Plus they let us bonkers Quinnmancers keep our thread in general, so I can't complain.


Finally because it felt like there was a little hostility a few posts ago

Calm restored. Here's hoping maintenance goes well tomorrow (well, later today since I'm on Brit time) so we get to here lots of that lovely Quinn voice.


Well you do bring up some good points there. It would be a lot less creepy if the player is romancing her. I for one hadn't noticed the creepiness with Theron, because two out of my three mains for that are involved with him, my SW remained true to Quinn, so that that was a bit lost on me.


Like you say resources probably had a part to play in this and the reason why some things seem odd or out of place.


For a long time I was kind of annoyed because it felt like male players got the option to flirt more than female player characters did, but as you say they seem to be making the effort to at least try to even it out.


I am pretty amazed that we've managed to stay here in General for as long as we have. I hope it continues because for the most part it's been fun and I've gotten to talk to a lot of nice people, I hadn't talked to before. Nice to have something in common. ^^


I hope maintenance goes well too. I am excited for tomorrow! :)

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I miss the purple posts again...has he left us? :(


Quinn: I was unaware there was anything that required my presence, my lord.

We always need your presence, Quinn.

Quinn: ...ah.

So, anything witty to say this time?

Quinn: On the current subject of perceived gender inequality? Not entirely. Not without a) going out of character, and b) sounding indistinguishable from Jagaimee's ranting/arguing.


Quinn: On other subjects? Perhaps.

Enlighten us.

Quinn: *completely straight face* *opens mouth*


Quinn: *closes mouth* *facepalm*


As for the whole "perceived gender inequality" (that awkward moment when something a fictional character says is better than anything you can come up with purely in your own voice...) issue... well. I just think it's like I said earlier: it's BioWare, therefore they push "diversity" to the point of being intensely obnoxious. They think they need "strong" female characters (who all wind up being incredibly generic)? The entire galaxy ends up being run by women, with the guys taking a backseat role (see: Theron, Jorgan, Marr, etc.).

Now imagine if it was Theron or Koth standing in your character's room when they woke up - and that was the default option, not if they were your love interest. Cue cries of creepy stalker men who see women as weak and must be protected, ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!1! (How die-hard feminists didn't have a gigantic meltdown over Corso Riggs, I'll never know.) But Lana? Oh, well that's okay, because she's a woman and therefore somehow less creepy, and besides she's the "hawt" love interest that everybody's romancing, or SHOULD be romancing (you ARE romancing her, aren't you!?), so it's totally okay, guys, that she's randomly standing in your room at night, YOU SHOULD BE OKAY WITH IT... (Heck, honestly, even my character who romanced her would find Lana standing in his room in the middle of the night incredibly creepy. He's in love with her, that doesn't automatically mean he's sleeping with her...or that he even wants to, for that matter.)

So...yeah. Diversity gone haywire to the irritation of everyone save BioWare, who...double down on it.

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I almost forgot!


Needless to say, I love Quinn and I have one character who's been waiting to reunite; however, my husband hates Quinn and he can't wait to kill him on his approximately 20 characters. So... tomorrow Quinn returns, and tomorrow also happens to be our RL wedding anniversary. We both agree it's going to be a good day. :cool:

Edited by Edyn
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(How die-hard feminists didn't have a gigantic meltdown over Corso Riggs, I'll never know.)


My meltdown over Corso was second only to my meltdown over Doc ;)


But Lana? Oh, well that's okay, because she's a woman and therefore somehow less creepy, and besides she's the "hawt" love interest that everybody's romancing, or SHOULD be romancing (you ARE romancing her, aren't you!?), so it's totally okay, guys, that she's randomly standing in your room at night, YOU SHOULD BE OKAY WITH IT... (Heck, honestly, even my character who romanced her would find Lana standing in his room in the middle of the night incredibly creepy. He's in love with her, that doesn't automatically mean he's sleeping with her...or that he even wants to, for that matter.)


I feel like this paragraph directly contradicts your previous one, but w/e - I guess I'm cool with someone on the internet disagreeing with me today, though tomorrow will be a different story. Good thing it's patch day :cool:

Edited by Ralei
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I almost forgot!


Needless to say, I love Quinn and I have one character who's been waiting to reunite; however, my husband hates Quinn and he can't wait to kill him on his approximately 20 characters. So... tomorrow Quinn returns, and tomorrow also happens to be our RL wedding anniversary. We both agree it's going to be a good day. :cool:




It's so nice when both partners are gamers.

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I believe this sums up my opinion on his original look.


LOL, yes. Base Corso is rekt.



It's so nice when both partners are gamers.

Thanks! And that might be a true statement. We actually met in an archaic MMO, Asheron's Call, back in 2000 and have been gaming before and ever since. We're so old... :o

Edited by Edyn
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I feel like this paragraph directly contradicts your previous one, but w/e - I guess I'm cool with someone on the internet disagreeing with me today, though tomorrow will be a different story. Good thing it's patch day :cool:


Sorry, I was rambling a lot and tend to get mixed up in what I want to say. :o I was attempting to be sarcastic - the second paragraph was meant to be BioWare's perspective on things.


And - can I give you a virtual hug over the internet for NOT blowing up when someone disagrees with you...? I recently lost a friend of four years over a similar argument, and it still stings. It's incredibly refreshing to see someone just choosing to go "Eh...I think differently, but whatever; 'tis cool." Thank you. :)

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Best to continue this over PM. It's getting way off topic and is probably off putting to the other members


I got your message, and I've really no interest to pursue anything further. You go your way, I will go mine, you made your points and I made mine.


I have no hard feelings. I just don't have the energy. Take care.

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But there we go, got one of my warriors ready to run this tomorrow, she has all chat turned off and as hard as it will be I will not be checking anything until I get home from work. This will be a challenge :( Why did I have to work tomorrow :(


My sympathies :( for having to work that his.

Edited by MishaCantu
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Quinn: I was unaware there was anything that required my presence, my lord.

We always need your presence, Quinn.

Quinn: ...ah.

So, anything witty to say this time?

Quinn: On the current subject of perceived gender inequality? Not entirely. Not without a) going out of character, and b) sounding indistinguishable from Jagaimee's ranting/arguing.


Quinn: On other subjects? Perhaps.

Enlighten us.

Quinn: *completely straight face* *opens mouth*


Quinn: *closes mouth* *facepalm*



I'm so glad purple Quinn is back. Gucci, by Gucci never gets old. <3


*jumps around almost throttling Quinn* Malavai! The big day is almost here! Yay!

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I almost forgot!


Needless to say, I love Quinn and I have one character who's been waiting to reunite; however, my husband hates Quinn and he can't wait to kill him on his approximately 20 characters. So... tomorrow Quinn returns, and tomorrow also happens to be our RL wedding anniversary. We both agree it's going to be a good day. :cool:


Btw, Happy anniversary to you! :D Nice to know you'll be doing something you both enjoy. :D I hope it's a good day.

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