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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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*hugs* :D WE'RE TWINS.

On another note, I'm rather glad to know I'm not the only one who does that. Therefore, I'm not quite as crazy as I thought I was. XD


Or we're totally bonkers but at least not alone, and in good company :D

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Whoops didn't post the link will edit my post.


Here it is. It's on the official SWTOR Youtube Channel. Minor spoilers of a convo between the SW and Quinn.


The War for Iokath: Hand of the Wrath =


Truthfully, I thought that was just terrible.


Goes back to being to late imo for that scene to make any sense story wise. After the first betrayal, the SW forgives Quinn one way or the other, even if the player wishes they couldn't.


So, after forgiving him and working with him for all that time, now it's brought back up? Makes no sense. Feels like a forced way to let some SW's kill him now :p

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Truthfully, I thought that was just terrible.


Goes back to being to late imo for that scene to make any sense story wise. After the first betrayal, the SW forgives Quinn one way or the other, even if the player wishes they couldn't.


So, after forgiving him and working with him for all that time, now it's brought back up? Makes no sense. Feels like a forced way to let some SW's kill him now :p


I fully agree with you. Years passed with you being together one way or another (Corellia, Ilum, Makeb, Rishi, Ziost, etc.), and now it's the first thing you bring up? It's just weird.


But whatever. Let them just kill him off, frustration released, and maybe they'll leave Quinnmancers alone finally.

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Or we're totally bonkers but at least not alone, and in good company :D


Very true. :D


Truthfully, I thought that was just terrible.


Goes back to being to late imo for that scene to make any sense story wise. After the first betrayal, the SW forgives Quinn one way or the other, even if the player wishes they couldn't.


So, after forgiving him and working with him for all that time, now it's brought back up? Makes no sense. Feels like a forced way to let some SW's kill him now :p


If there was a mission in the upcoming storyline where Quinn failed in some way, that would be an excuse to kill him for some people. And that would make a lot more sense - THEN the warrior could even bring up "Oh, and this is also for that time you tried to kill me. Remember that? I haven't forgotten. I let you live then, and it was a mistake. [etc.]"

That'd be more natural.

But nope. "Quinn? Oh, it's you! RAWR DIE YOU TRAITOR DIE! ...for something that happened NINE YEARS AGO that I've actually forgiven you for one way or another, but who cares! Die!"

My agent was like that towards Kaliyo...but Kaliyo had a) been actively betraying her FOR YEARS, b) also tried to kill her, c) never apologized, and d) never even attempted to make up for it in any way. Oh, and e) proceeded to become a mass murdering terrorist by trying to blow up a city. Seriously, her last conversation - immediately after her betrayal - with a non-romanced agent is taunting them to their face about how they're stuck with her now, hahaha. Grrrrr.

That, and my agent's a paranoid lunatic by now. Kaliyo's a walking pile of betrayal, as evidenced by *every single former partner she's EVER had*, and she shows no signs of improvement in KOTFE. Quinn screwed up - badly - ONCE. And has done everything in his power to make up for it, as evidenced by the class storyline. :/


Anyway; sorry, not trying to get into "why Quinn is better than Kaliyo" all over again - just pointing out the disparities in their storylines, and why killing one companion makes more sense than killing another.

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... and also will never become a plot point, since he's killable, so they won't waste time on making cutscenes for a character *everybody* killed already.


I hope you're right. I really do. But by this point I have little faith in them. They play favourites with NPCs, and Quinn is not their favourite.

They don't really play favourites with NPC's, they play priority. First comes the story representatives, Theron and Lana, then the romance companions, then everybody else. Quinn being a controversial companion is actually what makes him safe, they won't take any risks with him, they'll just scratch both side's itch. They won't be bias to one side. Because if they were just going to go with the Quinn haters, they wouldn't have the warrior mad about the betrayal; they'd have Quinn replicate it.


Elara, on the other hand, isn't controversial. Without reading spoilers, SHE'S the one people should be paranoid about. Her only defence is that she's a romancable companion

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Anyway; sorry, not trying to get into "why Quinn is better than Kaliyo" all over again - just pointing out the disparities in their storylines, and why killing one companion makes more sense than killing another.


I'd say Kaliyo and Quinn are in the same boat of ''Your character, despite forced, already forgave them. Years later is not the time"

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They don't really play favourites with NPC's, they play priority.


I have to disagree here. A look at Theron: he's absolutely fantastic in KOTET. The romance, the character, it's a pleasure to have him around. He's a baby of KOTET's writer.


A look at Koth: you can't be really nice to him even if you are LS, and never chased him away. I was quite shocked not having any friendly responses on my agent in one of chapters. All 3 responses were to some degree mean. :confused:

At least Koth romance was lovely. But outside of that, I feel he was treated really badly by writers. Written to be a victim of players' dislike of him.


Quinn being a controversial companion is actually what makes him safe, they won't take any risks with him, they'll just scratch both side's itch. They won't be bias to one side. Because if they were just going to go with the Quinn haters, they wouldn't have the warrior mad about the betrayal; they'd have Quinn replicate it.


Elara, on the other hand, isn't controversial. Without reading spoilers, SHE'S the one people should be paranoid about. Her only defence is that she's a romancable companion


I'm not sure what you mean here. I don't understand what you mean by "safe". Safe how? People can kill him. That we already know for sure, right? How is this safe?

Looking at other companions who could be killed, they play little to no role in the story, so I don't see how his fate could be any different. He'd get an expendable, meaningless line here or there, but that'll be all. More substance would mean no content/gaps for those who killed him, which is probably the majority of players.


They won't be bias to one side. Because if they were just going to go with the Quinn haters, they wouldn't have the warrior mad about the betrayal; they'd have Quinn replicate it.


I honestly don't know what you mean. (not a barb or sarcasm, I really don't). Why wouldn't warrior be mad with betrayal if they catered to haters. Isn't that exactly what it should be? They're mad, so they get to kill him. Haters wants to kill him.


Replicate it? As in make him betray you again and then finally kill him?


Elara, on the other hand, isn't controversial. Without reading spoilers, SHE'S the one people should be paranoid about. Her only defence is that she's a romancable companion


As with that above, I'd need some elaboration to understand. I have no idea if she's killable, but I suspect she isn't (he is because they do it for players who demand it; not sure anyone wants her dead with the same passion to be noticed and catered to). But that's another matter. Why should people worry about her? She's not hated, so people don't ask for the possibility to kill her. She's safer than Quinn. He's not safe at all. He's killable 100%, I think that's obvious from that short film posted today.

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Broonie! :D I like that, sounds like the name of a big teddy bear. :D

Hmm, you're right, he probably likes him because of this. And yes, I guess he wasn't too pushy with Broonmark when it came to protocol. :D


Quinn: "Broonmark, you really should clean and tidy your quarters. We take hygiene seriously.

*Broonmark growls threateningly*

Quinn:"...alright, I will come back later then."

Quinn thinking after leaving: "That thing is sure creepy!"


That's probably it, Quinn would likely look at him as a necessary evil lol. :D My SW seemed to like Broonmark, so 'Broonie' became a thing around here. :D She also tries to encourage grooming. "One must take pride in one's appearance to show pride in Sith clan."


Yeah really. I just never really got into it. For me the JC story line suffered the safe fate. The Prologue and Chapter One of both were good, after that they just seemed to lose direction. I'm not sure if it was just me or just the way the story was told.


My favorites are the JK, SW, SI, BH and Smuggler stories. Trooper isn't bad.


SI and BH are good too, I loved SI, that's my second choice after my tied for #1. JC and Trooper, for me, were like slow torture.


I let Ardun Kothe live as just another source of information and also to rub the black codex in his face, something he wanted and can never have. Never did the double agent thing, preferred to be neither beholden to Empire or Republic after what they did.


I was also rather sad that we could not romance Keeper, married or not, he was rather sexy in that older male way. The IA story had a few more twists and turns than the others and of course there is Vector, so it is probably my favorite, followed closely by SW and JK. Oddly, I have more troopers than anything, go figure.


My very first agent chose to keep the BC for herself and be a ghost, but still kept the Imperial leanings, she's my main agent, I have two guy agents, the latest of which is the double agent. His name would explain a lot ;D


Vector is awesome, and I do hope he comes back soon. ^^

Edited by Lunafox
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I fully agree with you. Years passed with you being together one way or another (Corellia, Ilum, Makeb, Rishi, Ziost, etc.), and now it's the first thing you bring up? It's just weird.


But whatever. Let them just kill him off, frustration released, and maybe they'll leave Quinnmancers alone finally.


I agree with you and SithKoriandr that it makes no sense to go back right to that betrayal, too much time has passed. It would have made more sense that if the SW was antagonistic to Malavai, that he be blamed for betrayal in a new scenario, and then they could harken back to the past and then do that which I don't wish to speak of in this thread cause it makes me sad.

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I'd say Kaliyo and Quinn are in the same boat of ''Your character, despite forced, already forgave them. Years later is not the time"


True. The difference is that she actually does something in KOTFE, so it's recent. If you choose to punish her whichever way you choose, there's an immediate reason for it. You don't say "oh, btw, years ago you did this and that". No, it's "you disobeyed my direct orders. People died now. I can't risk it again."


Here, with Quinn, it is "years ago you did this thing. I didn't do anything to you back then, and worked with you for years, but now after my 5 years in carbonite and months killing Valkorions, you'll pay for all that!"

Edited by Lammia
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I'd say Kaliyo and Quinn are in the same boat of ''Your character, despite forced, already forgave them. Years later is not the time"

True. The difference is that she actually does something in KOTFE, so it's recent. If you choose to punish her whichever way you choose, there's an immediate reason for it. You don't say "oh, btw, years ago you did this and that". No, it's "you disobeyed my direct orders. People died now. I can risk it again."


Here, with Quinn, it is "years ago you did this thing. I didn't do anything to you back then, and worked with you for years, but now after my 5 years in carbonite and months killing Valkorions, you'll pay for all that!"


Yes; that's what I meant when I said that Kaliyo shows no signs of improvement in KOTFE or anywhere else. Kaliyo continues to be her treacherous, backstabby (...that is a word now, yes :p) self and shows no remorse for it whatsoever. She's a liability to the entire Alliance, beyond whatever personal grudge the agent might have against her.

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Truthfully, I thought that was just terrible.


Goes back to being to late imo for that scene to make any sense story wise. After the first betrayal, the SW forgives Quinn one way or the other, even if the player wishes they couldn't.


So, after forgiving him and working with him for all that time, now it's brought back up? Makes no sense. Feels like a forced way to let some SW's kill him now :p


I just figured that the whole presentation was fan service to the players who want to off Quinn. I also feel like there might be available dialogue options that weren't displayed in the clip, as I can't imagine starting off a conversation with Quinn like that, after all this time, with the choices I made on my SW.

Edited by Edyn
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I have to disagree here. A look at Theron: he's absolutely fantastic in KOTET. The romance, the character, it's a pleasure to have him around. He's a baby of KOTET's writer.


A look at Koth: you can't be really nice to him even if you are LS, and never chased him away. I was quite shocked not having any friendly responses on my agent in one of chapters. All 3 responses were to some degree mean. :confused:

At least Koth romance was lovely. But outside of that, I feel he was treated really badly by writers. Written to be a victim of players' dislike of him.


Koth was treated fairly well, even if he failed at the job the writers wanted him to do (As in, being the guy that called you out on being an arse). He was even given a pretty good death, instead of being the coward people lke to say he is, he dies making sure his friends and comrades got out alive.


I'm not sure what you mean here. I don't understand what you mean by "safe". Safe how? People can kill him. That we already know for sure, right? How is this safe?

Looking at other companions who could be killed, they play little to no role in the story, so I don't see how his fate could be any different. He'd get an expendable, meaningless line here or there, but that'll be all. More substance would mean no content/gaps for those who killed him, which is probably the majority of players.

Safe in terms of writing. None of the pre-kofte companions are safe from not being used. But, ones like Quinn won't humiliate his character or make him act out of character to satisfy the haters, but this also means he won't do anything else noteworthy aside from making the fangirls squee. They use him 'safely', because he's their marketing ploy. And because he's a love interest, he'll get his extra lines when it comes to the story's ''This could be it'' mission.


I honestly don't know what you mean. (not a barb or sarcasm, I really don't). Why wouldn't warrior be mad with betrayal if they catered to haters. Isn't that exactly what it should be? They're mad, so they get to kill him. Haters wants to kill him.

Bringing up the betrayal is simply a small and rather unnoticable bone thrown to balance the sides. If they REALLY wanted to cater to Haters, they would do far, far worse. And having him repeat the betrayal in a more humiliating context.


As with that above, I'd need some elaboration to understand. I have no idea if she's killable, but I suspect she isn't (he is because they do it for players who demand it; not sure anyone wants her dead with the same passion to be noticed and catered to). But that's another matter. Why should people worry about her? She's not hated, so people don't ask for the possibility to kill her. She's safer than Quinn. He's not safe at all. He's killable 100%, I think that's obvious from that short film posted today.

She's killable. Her and Quinn are their to serve interchangeable roles in the storyline, if Quinn's killable, then she's killable. And as she's not the controversial character, she looses her worth in usage. Compared to Quinn, she doesn't matter, so the writing with her has a chance to screw her over much more than with Quinn. Because with Quinn, they have to keep it balanced.

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Yes; that's what I meant when I said that Kaliyo shows no signs of improvement in KOTFE or anywhere else. Kaliyo continues to be her treacherous, backstabby (...that is a word now, yes :p) self and shows no remorse for it whatsoever. She's a liability to the entire Alliance, beyond whatever personal grudge the agent might have against her.


My point is that they are in the same boat in regards to the context of their deaths. Kaliyo's is her getting your people killed, with Quinn it's simply a byproduct of you being opposite sides of a war.

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Koth was treated fairly well, even if he failed at the job the writers wanted him to do (As in, being the guy that called you out on being an arse). He was even given a pretty good death, instead of being the coward people lke to say he is, he dies making sure his friends and comrades got out alive.


Koth was written as an idiot who almost bombed his own ship to give you pretext to kill him (stealing the ship wasn't enough?) or even punch him, if he didn't steal your ship. Then you have almost 0 options to say anything to him without a barb.


But, ones like Quinn won't humiliate his character or make him act out of character to satisfy the haters,


I can't say I agree here. They'd do whatever they'd wanted to do with him, and if it means blood, they couldn't care less about those few who don't want to kill him.


IMO, they catered to haters with Koth. 100%. Quinn is hated to the same degree. I see no reason to think his fate would be different, if they chose to cater again. (Maybe they did, we'll know on Tuesday.)


Bringing up the betrayal is simply a small and rather unnoticable bone thrown to balance the sides. If they REALLY wanted to cater to Haters, they would do far, far worse. And having him repeat the betrayal in a more humiliating context.


Far worse... any example? Not spoiler, if you know something, but something that shows what you have in mind.


She's killable. Her and Quinn are their to serve interchangeable roles in the storyline, if Quinn's killable, then she's killable. And as she's not the controversial character, she looses her worth in usage. Compared to Quinn, she doesn't matter, so the writing with her has a chance to screw her over much more than with Quinn. Because with Quinn, they have to keep it balanced.


How come she doesn't matter? Because she doesn't have as many fans? Or as many as vocal?


I understand your logic better now, but I can't say I agree with it. Our love is not enough to keep him safe from catering to haters. Their choice of "teaser" is proof enough. They could choose anything. They chose "I'll kill you now" option. Nothing balanced here. (what's worse, they made it look like default option, not a wheel choice).


I don't think he is safer than anyone else. He's killable the moment you meet him, within first 5 minutes or so, apparently. No one else was eliminated so quickly in the story so far. Well, maybe Vik Tanno, if you choose so.

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Also, I just want to shed some light on the context of that scene when meeting Quinn


That is literally the ONLY time the warrior references the betrayal, and even Theron points out how long it's been since said betrayal



I'm glad someone in game brings up how long it's been. :p


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Also, I just want to shed some light on the context of that scene when meeting Quinn


That is literally the ONLY time the warrior references the betrayal, and even Theron points out how long it's been since said betrayal



The thing is my warrior wouldn't bring it up *at all*. She mentions it only when they're alone, and as a harmless tease. She'd never say anything in presence of other people (it's their secret, she promised him that), and certainly not so nonsensically without any reason.


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We're getting a bit close to (and veering into at times) spoiler territory now... should we just let anticipation/confusion stew until Tuesday? :o (Or later, for some. *kicks self* GO FINISH KOTFE AND KOTET, DANG YOU. Argh.)
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No, he is not!


He isn't? It sounds like the warrior wants him dead and kills him immediately after finishing speaking. But if I'm wrong here, then I'm wrong. It was an assumption based only on that hostile clip.


Bottom line is: I don't want any of that catering to haters forced into my warrior's mouth. Or I'll have to spacebar this BS, and pretend it never happened. Not a reunion I hope for, seeing how lovely Torian, Vette, and even grumpy cat Jorgan were.

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The thing is my warrior wouldn't bring it up *at all*. She mentions it only when they're alone, and as a harmless tease. She'd never say anything in presence of other people (it's their secret, she promised him that), and certainly not so nonsensically without any reason.


It's a choice, no angry words are put in your mouth in the story.

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We're getting a bit close to (and veering into at times) spoiler territory now... should we just let anticipation/confusion stew until Tuesday? :o (Or later, for some. *kicks self* GO FINISH KOTFE AND KOTET, DANG YOU. Argh.)


Sorry. I didn't think KOTET story was unknown to anyone at this point (even if not played by themselves), so didn't think about putting it into spoilers.


All my other ramblings are a mix of this "I'll kill you" clip for haters with my really bad mood since yesterday.:o

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