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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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If you're gonna cry, do it into a cup, we can sell it on the black market as liquid blindness.


I think you're a more disruptive poster than you'll admit to, so I'm just going to stop feeding you for now :)

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Well I don't mean to treat everyone who disagrees like the worst kind of scum who makes personal attacks. But passively accepting certain things that are said isn't my style, I wouldn't respect myself if I kept my head down. I won't be told how to feel. About a story. lol.it.


Where did I even tell you how to feel about a story. My initial response was that my agent would be going to the republic due to what the empire did to her. You then quoted me and asked me what about the republic, I explain by using some of the story why I didn't see it that way and yet you say people are telling you how to feel about a story. Nope, it almost seems the other way around because I have a different way of seeing what the empire did to my agent (notice I said mine) you seem to think people are telling you what to think when it actually seems to be you want people to agree with you instead of respecting that not everyone will agree with that.

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I suppose I can see that. ... I mean, I wish I couldn't, but now it's there in my brain.



Random subject change to remove thoughts of Pierce/Quinn:

I looked through some screenshots I had from the Warrior story and I was reminded that on Tatooine, the warrior can tell Quinn that the Jedi have no idea how "potent" he is. And he approves, because... it's apparently the ultimate compliment (and then the Jedi says it's a bluff, but whatever :rolleyes: ).


Anyway, I'm going to pretend it's an intentional running joke and giggle about it a bunch on the 11th.


Yes, my, the conversation sure took a unique turn~


Oh my gosh, you're right about the potent thing. And I only got that line on my light warrior, for some reason. Some lines and scenes are specific to alignment but I don't know why that one would have been, specifically..

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Where did I even tell you how to feel about a story. My initial response was that my agent would be going to the republic due to what the empire did to her. You then quoted me and asked me what about the republic, I explain by using some of the story why I didn't see it that way and yet you say people are telling you how to feel about a story. Nope, it almost seems the other way around because I have a different way of seeing what the empire did to my agent (notice I said mine) you seem to think people are telling you what to think when it actually seems to be you want people to agree with you instead of respecting that not everyone will agree with that.


I also don't know where I told you that you have to think the same way as me? :confused:

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If you're gonna cry, do it into a cup, we can sell it on the black market as liquid blindness.


LOL you two are just the cutest. Keep it up till Tuesday, at least.


I suppose I can see that. ... I mean, I wish I couldn't, but now it's there in my brain.


Random subject change to remove thoughts of Pierce/Quinn:

I looked through some screenshots I had from the Warrior story and I was reminded that on Tatooine, the warrior can tell Quinn that the Jedi have no idea how "potent" he is. And he approves, because... it's apparently the ultimate compliment (and then the Jedi says it's a bluff, but whatever :rolleyes: ).


Anyway, I'm going to pretend it's an intentional running joke and giggle about it a bunch on the 11th.


Ahhh very well remembered. The male warrior says this, too. :0 There's quite a lot of potent conversation between the m warrior and Quinn, no wonder at all the slash fic. I might roll a new m warrior named Potent for giggles.


Theron: Yeah, and I've been shipped with-- *deep breath*--Jedi knights, Jedi consulars, pirate kings/queens, the commander of Havoc Squad, the Wrath of the Empire, Darth Nox, the Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, AND Cipher Nine, all regardless of gender, so that doubles all...possibilities. That's at least sixteen people. And now you.


lol Poor Theron. Or lucky Theron. :D

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I'm chuckling at how he'd react to the inevitable 'sign the ta-tas' request.


Quinn: ............................no.

Well then.

Quinn: The very idea is simply demeaning, to both myself and the...er, recipient...of such a signature. I would...rather not discuss it further, m-my lords. *turning beet red* If you sh-shall excuse me... *turns, takes a few steps, and promptly passes out from sheer embarrassment*

Edited by Jagaimee
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Quinn: ............................no.

Well then.

Quinn: The very idea is simply demeaning, to both myself and the...er, recipient...of such a signature. I would...rather not discuss it further, m-my lords. *turning beet red*


He hee, the power of the writer indeed! Love it :D I hadn't even considered the tatas yet lol. Dammit, wish I'd thought of that.

I rather enjoy the shift of the text colour lol. :D Poor Malavai *fans him* Someone get a glass of water...we'll revive him yet. :p



Yes, that made me hate the Republic even more, it was a perfect example how hypocrate they can be. Of all SWTOR characters, I despise Ardun Kothe the most, and it was such a relief to finish him off. He even had the cheek to be offended by my self-liberation. What he and his sorrofwul bunch did was just lower than low, even if they said it was self-defense. They enjoyed that, hmpf.


It was only the Darths who wanted you brainwashed for self-defense too, and Keeper tried to help you. Your colleagues were also nice to you. I'm only mad at the Darths.

They didn't make fun of you either. My Agents would rather be dead than to join the Republic.


My agents think like that too. They hate the Republic and Ardun Kothe was probably the most satisfying kill in the whole thing. Hunter actually just became sort of pathetic. I have one agent that I play as a Republic spy within the Empire and having to make nice with Ardun and the Republic felt...unnatural. And I hated being an ***** to Keeper/MoI I love him. :eek:

Edited by Lunafox
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Quinn: ............................no.

Well then.

Quinn: The very idea is simply demeaning, to both myself and the...er, recipient...of such a signature. I would...rather not discuss it further, m-my lords. *turning beet red* If you sh-shall excuse me... *turns, takes a few steps, and promptly passes out from sheer embarrassment*


I'm screaming with laughter. :D "The recipient" XDD Quinn is having a bad day.

Edited by Dylinrae
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Am torn on how I am going to do this on my raiding agent. He is pissed at both sides and took the screw both you option and killed the Jedi. But he is married to Temple and not sure how she would respond to him switching sides. But if he had his way he would tell both sides to die in a fire. My raiding smuggler is kind of similar situation and is married to Corso but would not mind joining the Empire. Am going to have to give both much thought, or wait and see.
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My agents think like that too. They hate the Republic and Ardun Kothe was probably the most satisfying kill in the whole thing. Hunter actually just became sort of pathetic. I have one agent that I play as a Republic spy within the Empire and having to make nice with Ardun and the Republic felt...unnatural. And I hated being an ***** to Keeper/MoI I love him. :eek:

His death was too swift for my liking, though. :p He really pissed me off, he shouldn't have messed with an angry Cathar. :p I wanted to introduce him to my interrogation droid pet. :p

Oh, and one of my favorite Agent lines is: "My name isn't Legate, and I don't take orders from the Republic."

Yes, Keeper is a nice boss, I like him, and the other colleagues as well. It was fun working with them. :)

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Am torn on how I am going to do this on my raiding agent. He is pissed at both sides and took the screw both you option and killed the Jedi. But he is married to Temple and not sure how she would respond to him switching sides. But if he had his way he would tell both sides to die in a fire. My raiding smuggler is kind of similar situation and is married to Corso but would not mind joining the Empire. Am going to have to give both much thought, or wait and see.


I know my Warriors and Inquisitors are going to stick with the Empire without question since they've been dedicated to reforming the Empire because the crazy Sith are a detriment and an Empire focused on duty and loyalty's the only way to flourish. My Agents will likely stay loyal to the Empire since while, yeah a lot of approvals had to go through for what happened it was still the Sith who pushed it through. After all, who's going to dare tell a Sith 'no you can't do this'.


My Smugglers are going to go Empire, my Consular romancing Iresso and my Trooper who's romancing Dorne'll go Republic. My Pureblood Jedi Knight'll go Empire. The rest, I'm still not sure on. I might keep them to class faction but might go opposite just to see what differences happen.

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Back to Quinn, I am surprised he gets along with Broonmark well. No offense to Broonmark, I like him (I just call him "the Yeti"), but he is a savage. :o He didn't cause any trouble in the crew, though.

I brought this up, because when he joins you, Quinn approves, and says this in a friendly voice: "Welcome to the ranks, Broonmark." :) I love how nice he is here. :)

Edited by Dylinrae
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Never liked the Agent story line at all. It's my least favorite


Wow, really? It's tied for first for me along with JK and SW. Learn something everyday...


Then again my hubby didn't quite see the allure of the agent story either. :confused:


His death was too swift for my liking, though. :p He really pissed me off, he shouldn't have messed with an angry Cathar. :p I wanted to introduce him to my interrogation droid pet. :p

Oh, and one of my favorite Agent lines is: "My name isn't Legate, and I don't take orders from the Republic."

Yes, Keeper is a nice boss, I like him, and the other colleagues as well. It was fun working with them. :)


That's a great line. And yes, I would have loved to make Kothe suffer way more than he did.

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Back to Quinn, I am surprised he gets along with Broonmark well. No offense to Broonmark, I like him (I just call him "the Yeti"), but he is a savage. :o He didn't cause any trouble in the crew, though.

I brought this up, because when he joins you, Quinn approves, and says this in a friendly voice: "Welcome to the ranks, Broonmark." :) I love how nice he is here. :)



I think Quinn respects the power and in many ways Broonie's peeps are like the Sith. I loved how nice and welcoming he was to Broonie too. Shows how smart Quinn is...not to get on Broonie's bad side lol. :)

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I think Quinn respects the power and in many ways Broonie's peeps are like the Sith. I loved how nice and welcoming he was to Broonie too. Shows how smart Quinn is...not to get on Broonie's bad side lol. :)


Broonie! :D I like that, sounds like the name of a big teddy bear. :D

Hmm, you're right, he probably likes him because of this. And yes, I guess he wasn't too pushy with Broonmark when it came to protocol. :D


Quinn: "Broonmark, you really should clean and tidy your quarters. We take hygiene seriously.

*Broonmark growls threateningly*

Quinn:"...alright, I will come back later then."

Quinn thinking after leaving: "That thing is sure creepy!"

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Just keep on trying to picture how the romanced reunion will go, am not going to seek out spoilers and plan on turning off all chats until I see it myself the day it goes live. But here is hoping it is more touching then Jorgan's is :) Edited by Nightfrogger
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Wow, really? It's tied for first for me along with JK and SW. Learn something everyday...


Then again my hubby didn't quite see the allure of the agent story either. :confused:


Yeah really. I just never really got into it. For me the JC story line suffered the safe fate. The Prologue and Chapter One of both were good, after that they just seemed to lose direction. I'm not sure if it was just me or just the way the story was told.


My favorites are the JK, SW, SI, BH and Smuggler stories. Trooper isn't bad.

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