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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Well I'll be doing Lana's breakup as Nat has always wanted her hubby back. Lana was a nice distraction and helped ease the burden of having Valkorion kocking about in her head... but Nat wants her Quinn back. Come the 11th she can :D


I almost feel sorry for Lana...


I wouldn't be at all surprised if fanfic is spawned as well....

My sorc cheated on ashara (well he assumed she was dead) and fell for Lana. He isn't leaving Lana when Ashara eventually returns..

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Oh god.. yes. Theron dumped me when torian came back. I tired to console him.. "I really do love you" but he pushed me away. I kinda wish I had a do over... torian so reunion was so... lackluster. (I felt so bad I made a brand new bh just for theron..)


If you want to see kissies or flirties from now on, you gotta go with Lana or Theron. Good thing Theron's so darn cute. It has become a very hard choice for me between he and Quinn. It's been so long since we had any interaction with Quinn, I'll have to see if he can manage to move my cold heart in his direction. :D I'm about 70% team Theron at this point, but that might change the instant Quinn starts speaking lol.


And when Tuesday hits, I'm gonna be avoiding this forum like the plague. I'll probably avoid it till I'm able to do both warriors in two different ways. Hell I might even do three, assuming they give us enough choice.

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I am happy to have new readers for my (mostly all) Quinn/SW fics. The main fic is WIP, but I'm 75K words into it and updating it soon with a huge new section, and hope to update the final act (Part Three) on a more regular basis.


I have a bunch of one-shots and a KotFE AU I started before we knew Quinn was returning.


Main fic is here


List of them all here.


Kudos are loved and comments are appreciated and questions are answered.


I'd post in the fic forums here, but I guess I am worried the community there is as toxic as everywhere else. :(

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I am happy to have new readers for my (mostly all) Quinn/SW fics. The main fic is WIP, but I'm 75K words into it and updating it soon with a huge new section, and hope to update the final act (Part Three) on a more regular basis.


I have a bunch of one-shots and a KotFE AU I started before we knew Quinn was returning.


Main fic is here


List of them all here.


Kudos are loved and comments are appreciated and questions are answered.


I'd post in the fic forums here, but I guess I am worried the community there is as toxic as everywhere else. :(


Actually the fanfic section here is probably the most welcoming of all the forums. We don't judge and really have nothing to kvetch about, we leave all that to the other forums. The Fanfic forums have been a bit dead of late and many of us do post elsewhere, but, yeah, any new stories are welcome. :D

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Actually the fanfic section here is probably the most welcoming of all the forums. We don't judge and really have nothing to kvetch about, we leave all that to the other forums. The Fanfic forums have been a bit dead of late and many of us do post elsewhere, but, yeah, any new stories are welcome. :D


What Misha said! The more the merrier!

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Wow we almost made it to 200 pages and 2000 posts, lets keep it up ladies :)


At this rate, we are definitely going to beat the Theron Shan fangirl thread. :p

Quinn: ...that is worrisome.

Theron: Tell me about it.

Quinn: You share these reservations about your fangirls, too?

Theron: Considering I'm unofficially paired with literally everyone, regardless of faction, allegiance, morals, or even gender - I'd say you have it easy. *shakes his head* Can't believe I'm envying an Imp...

Hey, in my headcanon, you *romanced* an Imp.

Theron: ...point.

Also a lot of female warriors romanced you when Quinn wasn't there.

Quinn: WHAT!?

Theron: Oh bad idea bad idea--


Theron: o_o She approached me! I didn't know she was married!

Quinn: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

...hey fellow fangirls, anyone want popcorn? (Or if you're intolerant to corn as I am [i think], popped sorghum? It's incredibly like popcorn, except much smaller and a little sweeter.)


Actually the fanfic section here is probably the most welcoming of all the forums. We don't judge and really have nothing to kvetch about, we leave all that to the other forums. The Fanfic forums have been a bit dead of late and many of us do post elsewhere, but, yeah, any new stories are welcome. :D


Oh, I echo this. The fanfic section is the most approachable, relaxed, welcoming, and kind community on all the forums right now. And there are so many amazing authors, too - you'd be extremely welcome there, Anisa. :D

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At this rate, we are definitely going to beat the Theron Shan fangirl thread. :p

Quinn: ...that is worrisome.

Theron: Tell me about it.

Quinn: You share these reservations about your fangirls, too?

Theron: Considering I'm unofficially paired with literally everyone, regardless of faction, allegiance, morals, or even gender - I'd say you have it easy. *shakes his head* Can't believe I'm envying an Imp...

Hey, in my headcanon, you *romanced* an Imp.

Theron: ...point.

Also a lot of female warriors romanced you when Quinn wasn't there.

Quinn: WHAT!?

Theron: Oh bad idea bad idea--


Theron: o_o She approached me! I didn't know she was married!

Quinn: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

...hey fellow fangirls, anyone want popcorn? (Or if you're intolerant to corn as I am [i think], popped sorghum? It's incredibly like popcorn, except much smaller and a little sweeter.)


This is fantastic, normally am a popcorn sort of person but am am curious as to the popped sorghum.


Theron: o_o She approached me! I didn't know she was married!

And as for this....poor Theron...poor showing for the SIS agent, I thought they new the dirt on everybody....even what the wrath had for breakfast on any given day last year. Some spy he is lol

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My version of the A better man part of his romance with what I think happens in the fade to black part.



got-damn girl. That was hot. *all the thumbs up*

Edited by Ralei
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And as for this....poor Theron...poor showing for the SIS agent, I thought they new the dirt on everybody....even what the wrath had for breakfast on any given day last year. Some spy he is lol

He probably didn't realize Quinn was anyone important given that he's just stood in the background for years without any lines or anything. :p

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uh. what is this Theron thread you speak of? where? when? why wasn't i informed? so many questions.


The Theron Shan fangirl thread. Going since June of 2015. :eek: It started as a question. "Is Theron going to be in KOTFE?" And snowballed from there. It's buried in the Story and Lore section as of right now, having died down a bit since KOTET ended...but it's still there.

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The Theron Shan fangirl thread. Going since June of 2015. :eek: It started as a question. "Is Theron going to be in KOTFE?" And snowballed from there. It's buried in the Story and Lore section as of right now, having died down a bit since KOTET ended...but it's still there.


I never venture too far down the forum rabbit hole, but that thread is definitely my new destination, thanks! :D

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Well, since every server now has a PVP and PVE instance, you can technically be on a former PVP-designated server (Harbinger, I think?) and still not run into any open-world PVP. But...I've heard Harbinger's...uh, not very nice. To anybody. e_e Most populated server, yes, but the community is apparently crud. Anyway; Ebon Hawk's got its fair share of trolls, can't really avoid those on any server you go to, but it's still pretty nice. :)

(And oi vey I hear you about the PVP paranoia... I used to be on Jung Ma when it actually was a PVP server. Before level sync. :eek: Questing on my own in some remote corner of Tatooine on a low-level character - up comes a level 55 fully-geared opposite-faction character and starts beating me into the ground with no warning. Thank goodness that was on an assassin...I hurriedly stealthed out, watched the other guy wander around for a bit looking for me, and then he ran off. That and many other instances were what motivated me to migrate to Begeren Colony and Ebon Hawk. XD).


I like highly populated servers, but if the community is that bad...Hmm, I don't know. I'm on the Red Eclipse which is good I think, although since they merged the servers a lot of trolls has appeared. I usually turn the chat off while being on the Fleet. :p And I'm mostly a lone wolf, rarely participate in community things, I like to wander around, trying out different conv. options,etc. The PVP, yeah, I know how that feels. It's such a relief I can play wherever and whenever I want without constantly having to watch my back. :) I remember the first time I met a Republic player, he was a Jedi, I was a Sith and we were in the same lift, and it was a long way down. We were both embarassed and stood next to each other at attention, not moving at all. :D When the lift arrived we quickly parted ways and I was happy I didn't have to anticipate an ambush. :p PVE is good for my nerves. :D

Edited by Dylinrae
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I have no intention of watching any YouTubes where Quinn dies - IO shall try an look at alternatives with my finger on the ESC button. The trauma :(

Same here, I just can't stand the thought of him dying. :eek: It was already a trauma seeing Jorgan die, and he is not even among my favorite companions.


My hope it once that frustration (finally murdering him) is released, haters will become calmer and finally leave us, fans, alone and stop attacking us for not hating him. Too much to hope for? :o

Could happen. But it could just add more fuel to the fire. :( I hope they will move along, it is getting old too. :p


Well if they 'trickle' into this thread, security will escort them out soon enough and point them in their desired direction. :)

I want to be part of the security then. :D *activates lightsaber + evil laughter*


As much as it will hurt me, I will be breaking up with Theron on many characters once their husbands return. I did make a few characters just to romance the 3 characters without previous attachments so on 3 of my characters their romance will be intact....I feel horrible for what I am going to bring myself to do.

That is the reason I won't romance Theron with my Warrior, to avoid heartbreaks and drama. But it's going to be so hard, trying to resist and ignore those flirt options. :o That's torture. :o


I mean people attacking me personally (e.g. on Twitter) or my toons (ruining a PvP match to make us lose because my toon's name is Milivan Quinn and 2 in my team hate him; telling my Attira Quinn in another PvP match that her surname is not welcome; emote slapping and/or spitting on my active companion Quinn next to me on the Fleet or even in my own stronghold).

My Quinn has also been harassed a few times. Your stronghold story...that was rude beyond belief. :eek: I'm positive most players who do things like this are children...

By the way, I have been in your stronghold and I liked it very much, it's special. :cool:


Wow we almost made it to 200 pages and 2000 posts, lets keep it up ladies :)

*opens a champagne* Yay! :D:cool:

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My Quinn has also been harassed a few times. Your stronghold story...that was rude beyond belief. :eek: I'm positive most players who do things like this are children...


The sad this is it was a guildie. A very new member of the guild. A guild I am one of founders of, and expected to feel safe in :mad:


By the way, I have been in your stronghold and I liked it very much, it's special. :cool:


Which one, I have 5 LOL. Some of them are nothing special, filled in jsut for conquest bonus. Tattoine and Yavin 4 are prob nicest. Then NS. DK and Coruscant are mostly filled with rubbish. I'll fix that later, when I have more decos than space, but for now conquest bonus takes priority ;)



My warrior never cheated on Malavai, so my Theron is safe with my Inq, who was available for taking. Well, unless they bring back Cytharat as LI. Then it could get... interesting :D

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Understatement right there, I thought it was great :)

You inspired me to finish my own and post it. Look if you dare ;) My version of the A better man part of his romance with what I think happens in the fade to black part.


Be warned not kid friendly, very graphic so +18 only


Here it is



I haven't gotten through the whole thing yet but the part where they go to the room with the bunk beds first made me laugh :D


Alright back to reading~

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