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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Oh, I have just remembered something. I don't know if you are familiar with this Imperial song. I don't know this show, but the song is great. I love it, and I think the lyrics match Quinn's personality. :D:D:D


(the shouting part is annoying though! XD)



"When the other kids were slouching I would stand at attention." :D I can totally imagine Quinn's childhood was something like this. ;)


I like her little rant in the middle of the song, reminds me about our Pierce discussion from earlier, hee.


Btw, who cares if he's a good guy or bad guy when he writes a letter like this?



Subject: I remain your loyal servant.


My lord, it's likely I'm prattling to no one. Still, I had to sent something.


You're not one for minced words, so I'll be blunt: The Empire needs you. More than that-- I need you. Discord reigns in Drommund Kaas. Without your leadership, the crew disbanded, and I have received little assistance from the Dark Council or Imperial military. No one will grant me an audience, much less answer my inquiries.


I should have come with you aboard Darth Marr's ship-- stood in my rightful place by your side. I know I've made mistakes, but I thought I had a lifetime to make up for my betrayal. Now I'm faced with the possibility of never seeing you again... and it makes me ill. I cannot accept it.


The shame of my past actions and my love for you will fuel me for eternity. No matter what anyone says-- I know you're alive, and I will find you. Even if it kills me.




Edited by grania
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I like her little rant in the middle of the song, reminds me about our Pierce discussion from earlier, hee.

Haha, Pierce. :D What she says is funny and sadly true (*cough* Darth Zhorrid), my only problem is the shouting. Sometimes, when playing Imperial characters, I tend to get carried away and listen to the Imperial march (remix and rock versions, yeah) or this song. And her screaming in my headphones is not a pleasant thing, LOL.


Btw, who cares if he's a good guy or bad guy when he writes a letter like this?



Oh, yes! It melts my heart completely. And the

but I thought I had a lifetime to make up for my betrayal. Now I'm faced with the possibility of never seeing you again... and it makes me ill. I cannot accept it.

part has a great effect on me, I just want to hug him. :(

Edited by Dylinrae
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Oh, yes! It melts my heart completely. And the

but I thought I had a lifetime to make up for my betrayal. Now I'm faced with the possibility of never seeing you again... and it makes me ill. I cannot accept it.

part has a great effect on me, I just want to hug him. :(


Quinn hates loose ends and something this important to him, would truly make him ill. I feel he needs to resolve this completely, his betrayal, his love of the warrior, making up for his past, all of it, and seeing it slip through his fingers would drive a man like Quinn slightly bonkers. And yes, it makes me want to go all snuggle bunny with him.

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I've found yet another Quinn bit I have never seen before. So as not to spoil the class story for new Quinnmancers I'm putting it in spoiler tags:

I decided to take Pierce to Corellia since he's always going on about it. When Darth Vowrawn in on your ship and Shadow reports there has been an attack you are then to rendevouz at Vowrawn's safehouse. Vowrawn then tells you how magnificent Quinn was in protecting him. Quinn joins the conversation and says "I am making up for a past indiscretion. My commitment to my Lord is unassailable now" If you choose the reply "water under the bridge" you say to Quinn "You have nothing to be ashamed of. It is forgotten" Quinn replies: "regardless, I am yours my Lord"

<3 <3 <3 Pierce has his uses :D


Quinn hates loose ends and something this important to him, would truly make him ill. I feel he needs to resolve this completely, his betrayal, his love of the warrior, making up for his past, all of it, and seeing it slip through his fingers would drive a man like Quinn slightly bonkers. And yes, it makes me want to go all snuggle bunny with him.

I demand a Quinn bonus chapter to find out what happened in the five years!

Edited by Sarova
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I demand a Quinn bonus chapter to find out what happened in the five years!


I want a chapter just playing as different companions. Just a short, dungeon crawler session where you just play as a companion who makes their own quips in reaction to the level.

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I already said that on Twitter, but I'll say it here again:


So many teasers, and I have yet to see one with Malavai Quinn speaking!




Did they release ANOTHER teaser? Or is it still just the two?

If worst comes to worst... flock to the livestream this Thursday and flood the chat with Quinn questions. WE DEMAND QUINN!! :D (Sadly, I won't be able to make it.)

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And I don't think it's surprising in the least the way he acts.Totally in character. The very first time we meet him, he's right up in someone's face, threatening to murder them. He's not some noble romantic hero, despite the accent :)


Due to his outwardly gentle demeanour, soft voice, and being so submissive to warrior, people seem to forget he's a brutal, ruthless Imperial officer. I caught myself forgetting it sometimes. But he's quite piece of work, when you hang out with him, and do nasty stuff. He likes your nasty stuff too.


That scene is the first indicator of that.


That's why he's perfect for my dark warrior. :D


I still say he didn't work for Baras from the beginning. Even if Baras placed him by your side, he was too paranoid to reveal everything to Quinn himself. The risk of Quinn revealing Baras's true intention was just too great in Baras's eyes.

So at worst Quinn didn't know his true role.


But I doubt Baras did it. He wouldn't bother sending Draagh after you, but just tell Quinn to kill you. AND on Quesh, when Draagh tries to bomb you, and you have Quinn with you (I always do), he'd kill his mole. Makes no sense.


He also approves when you make Rathari your minion to support you against Baras. He wouldn't if he worked for Baras.


"Quite some time" would fit it too. You defeat Draagh before Voss. Baras contacts Quinn to force him to turn against you. Voss takes months, so quite some time to prepare his silly droids.


He doesn't rant at me, and he does say things like he's sorry and he had no choice yadda yadda. He can apparently react in different ways.


He's reactions ARE different, depending on how you played your warrior up to that point. Some reasoning is added (or missing), or it's different.



What I still can't understand is why people (in-character) would still be harping on the betrayal. FFS, it happened YEARS ago, water under the bridge. So many things happened after that, and you suddenly are super angry again because he betrayed you 7 or 8 years go? Geez... Let it go already.... :rolleyes:


Did they release ANOTHER teaser? Or is it still just the two?

If worst comes to worst... flock to the livestream this Thursday and flood the chat with Quinn questions. WE DEMAND QUINN!! :D (Sadly, I won't be able to make it.)


Some stuff with the new daily area and the new operation. Watched it today. It's on YT.


I won't watch the stream. The closer 11th is, the more haters crawl out, and I don't want to see the char full of that stuff. Besides, knowing them, they're going to reveal massive amount of spoilers. No, thanks.


I've found yet another Quinn bit I have never seen before. So as not to spoil the class story for new Quinnmancers I'm putting it in spoiler tags:

I decided to take Pierce to Corellia since he's always going on about it. When Darth Vowrawn in on your ship and Shadow reports there has been an attack you are then to rendevouz at Vowrawn's safehouse. Vowrawn then tells you how magnificent Quinn was in protecting him. Quinn joins the conversation and says "I am making up for a past indiscretion. My commitment to my Lord is unassailable now" If you choose the reply "water under the bridge" you say to Quinn "You have nothing to be ashamed of. It is forgotten" Quinn replies: "regardless, I am yours my Lord"

<3 <3 <3 Pierce has his uses :D


This works with whoever you bring with you, not only Pierce. I had my creature comp to hear this piece. Also, if you choose another option (No. 3, IIRC), he calls you "my friend" not "my lord". I found it so touching. Finally he started opening! (It's whether you romance him or not, also on male warriors.)

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Did they release ANOTHER teaser? Or is it still just the two?

If worst comes to worst... flock to the livestream this Thursday and flood the chat with Quinn questions. WE DEMAND QUINN!! :D (Sadly, I won't be able to make it.)


Just the two. The new teaser shows piloting a walker. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggghhhhhhhhhh:mad: Dear god I hope that's not a daily.

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This works with whoever you bring with you, not only Pierce. I had my creature comp to hear this piece. Also, if you choose another option (No. 3, IIRC), he calls you "my friend" not "my lord". I found it so touching. Finally he started opening! (It's whether you romance him or not, also on male warriors.)

Well it's still worth doing minus Quinn. Before then I had only done Corellia with Quinn, so it was a nice surprise doing it with Pierce and having Quinn show up.

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I still say he didn't work for Baras from the beginning. Even if Baras placed him by your side, he was too paranoid to reveal everything to Quinn himself. The risk of Quinn revealing Baras's true intention was just too great in Baras's eyes.

So at worst Quinn didn't know his true role.


I think there's plenty of evidence there if you want to think he was in it from the start. My Quinn definitely was, but yours wasn't I guess :p



What I still can't understand is why people (in-character) would still be harping on the betrayal. FFS, it happened YEARS ago, water under the bridge. So many things happened after that, and you suddenly are super angry again because he betrayed you 7 or 8 years go? Geez... Let it go already.... :rolleyes:


THEY'VE BEEN ANGRY THIS WHOLE TIME!!! REEEEEEEE! lol Seriously, people hold grudges and don't trust someone in the same way for far less than ATTEMPTED MURDER. It makes no sense to me why you'd forget about someone trying to kill you! Even if you forgive someone for cheating/lying/farlessthanmurder, you're not going to trust them at 100% ever again. You can forget to be angry, but you don't forget everything, especially if he apparently disappears into thin air when you need him most. :confused: You'd probably remember your anger at that point.

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I think there's plenty of evidence there if you want to think he was in it from the start.


Maybe. With some many plot holes, interpretation is necessary, if you care to fill in the spot to make story whole. I choose to interpret my story this way.


I keep mine as a reluctant betrayer against his will. I'll stick to my version for my gameplay. You have in yours whatever you like :)



THEY'VE BEEN ANGRY THIS WHOLE TIME!!! REEEEEEEE! lol Seriously, people hold grudges and don't trust someone in the same way for far less than ATTEMPTED MURDER. It makes no sense to me why you'd forget about someone trying to kill you! Even if you forgive someone for cheating/lying/farlessthanmurder, you're not going to trust them at 100% ever again. You can forget to be angry, but you don't forget everything, especially if he apparently disappears into thin air when you need him most. :confused: You'd probably remember your anger at that point.


Someone can be furious with the same level for so many years? Time doesn't soften it? This is what I don't get. Feelings fade. You may not trust him, you may not like him any more, you may not want to see him ever again. But the same high level of fury as back then on the transponder ship??? :confused:



Just the two. The new teaser shows piloting a walker. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggghhhhhhhhhh:mad: Dear god I hope that's not a daily.


There are 4 teasers in total now. None of them have speaking Quinn. 2 of them have speaking Dorne.

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After releasing him from his service on Balmorra, I had the impression that Baras basically told Quinn that his debt wasn't entirely fulfilled and to just be ready to be ready for when Baras needed him, or something along those lines. I don't think Baras even contacted Quinn until Baras' attempt to assassinate the SW using Draahg on the orbital station (Hoth, the second time, I believe?) had failed, and then Quinn used the time that the SW took on Voss to plan his betrayal.
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In regards to where Quinn has been..


I was bad and found out ahead of time. I know where he has been.













It makes my killing of a certain scheming minister all the more satisfying.




Edited by Aranelaa
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In regards to where Quinn has been..


I was bad and found out ahead of time. I know where he has been.


- le spoiler -


Might want to edit that out of your post; some of us don't want *any* spoilers, no matter how minor. :)

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Might want to edit that out of your post; some of us don't want *any* spoilers, no matter how minor. :)


I am trying but I didn't see a place to put a cut :( I am on mobile so I am not sure if that is the reason


Edit: finally figured it out

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I wrote a Quinn thing.

...in about an hour. I am not very coherent right now (it's late, been a long day, aaaaaand I forgot to eat dinner, whoops...). But I hope the Quinn thing is okay. :D On another note, the

is fantastic for writing stuff like this. My warrior's name is Virne Azhak. I constantly get her last name backwards: is it Azhak or Ahzak? I'm not sure what I originally wrote down, but it's Azhak now. XD


Warning: Spoilers for the Quinncident, of course. Also for Imperial Ilum and the Sith Warrior story on Voss. And a title the Inquisitor gets at the end of *their* story, as well as one blink-and-you'll-miss-it reference to the end boss of said Inquisitor's story. Thou hast been warned.



Virne sat on the edge of her bed. Just her bed now, as it had been for some months. It still felt cold in the middle of the night. She deliberately pushed all such thoughts out of her mind and resumed working on a report to the Dark Council. It had been a month since Ilum, but the Empire as whole was still dealing with the fallout from Malgus’s coup. Virne herself had volunteered to route out the last insurgents. Nudge them back into the Empire’s fold was what she’d actually been doing. What Malgus had done was wrong, no one doubted that – but his ideas of uniting all races under the Imperial banner…that had more merit than anyone save Darth Marr, Darth Nox, and Virne herself seemed to realize.


Which was what Virne was writing about in her report. If the Empire is to grow past its struggles, she wrote, following some of Malgus’s ideals would not be our death. Rather, it would be – to use the traitor’s terminology, if you’ll forgive me – our rebirth. At its current rate the Empire will stagnate, wither, and fade if we do nothing. You have seen the merits of so-called “alien” races: consider Darth Nox, as one shining example.


“Shining” was probably the wrong word to use, given Nox’s…darker…tendencies.


She alone has proven that a mere “alien” is more than a match for a human many years and experiences her senior. If anyone has—


There was a knock on the door.


Virne instinctively glanced up, even though the motion was unnecessary. The person’s sense radiated through the Force: not Vette’s bubbly presence, or Pierce’s gruff, mildly sleazy demeanor. And as 2V-R8 didn’t have a presence in the Force…


She set her jaw. She would not show weakness. “Come in, Captain.”


The door slid aside, and Malavai Quinn entered. His eyes were downcast, but they flicked up to Virne for a brief instant as if gauging her reaction. From his sense in the Force, he was…contrite. Ashamed. Malavai Quinn was not one to let his emotions color his body language – but here he did. He almost seemed to shrink right into the air, as if he expected Virne to backhand him just for showing his face. His posture was rigid, but shy. Virne’s eyebrow twitched upwards. Why the remorse now? They had…talked about the incident. Many times. Why was now different?


…resignation settled a heavy weight in her heart.


Had something else happened…?


“My lord,” Quinn began. His jaw worked, as though he was trying to say something else, but no sound came out.


“What has happened now?” Virne forced herself to ask. She set aside the datapad and watched him. It was painful to realize her own wariness.


“…I…came to say that…”


“That…what?” Virne prompted, when Quinn again fell silent. Something had happened, hadn’t it? She steeled herself. He’d say he wanted a divorce. He’d say but now I have to kill you for even briefly thinking like that traitor Malgus. Or worse: he’d beg and plead to be let back into her life on a more intimate basis, instead of the cold-but-professional relationship they’d kept up these past few months. Then again…knowing Quinn (did she know him? Even that thought was like a knife in her heart), he wouldn’t lower himself to grovel. He was…many things. A sycophantic boot-licker was not one of them.


Not to her face, at least…


“…that I’m sorry,” Quinn finally said, words rushing out, tumbling on top of one another. He looked up to meet her eyes, and she finally saw his face clearly: it was shadowed and haunted. “For everything, my lov—my lord. For everything I’ve done to you, for the—incident, as we call it—“ He gritted his teeth, both hands gripping his forehead and small fistfuls of his hair. “We call it that, don’t we,” he went on, in a low tone. “The incident. As if it’s just a mildly unpleasant bump in the road we both would rather forget. But we cannot forget – and I know full well your feelings on the subject. I know why you distrust me. And you are right to do so. After that, how could you trust me again? I was a fool. I was a stubborn, prideful, arrogant, naïve fool to ever think Baras could be trusted above you. How could I--!?” He angrily cut himself off.


Not even the Moff Broysc situation had gotten Quinn so worked up.


“Whatever you think of me is well-deserved,” Quinn went on, pained eyes steady on Virne. “Whatever—whatever punishment you wish to give, I accept it. If I’m to beg like a dog at your feet to gain your trust again, so be it – I’ll gladly do it. Whatever you would have me do, I will do it. I…” He was silent a moment. “…I hate this distance between us,” he said, just whispering now. “I despise it. And I know it is my fault, every moment of it. Whatever I can do to bridge this gap, whatever I can do to atone for my mistake, I will do it. I lo—“


“Stop,” Virne whispered, holding up a hand. It was shaking. She stilled it and forced herself to speak past the lump in her throat. “Just…stop. Don’t…don’t go there, not yet.” She couldn’t hear it yet. It was too painful.


Quinn looked like she’d taken her lightsaber and stabbed him through the heart.


They were silent, just watching each other. Virne clenched her jaw again to stop the trembling. She wouldn’t cry. She never cried. The bed she sat on didn’t feel comfortable anymore, but rather like a slab of cement, the coldness sending jagged spikes all the way up her spine. “What…you can do, Captain,” she finally said, unable to speak above a murmur, “what I would want…are answers.” She swallowed hard. “We’ve never talked about the answers, have we?”


“Answers? …my lord?”


Why?” she hissed, and in that one word her fists clenched and the bookshelves around her room shuddered. “Why? Why would you choose Baras’s word over mine? Why would you default to him, instead of me?”


Quinn remained rigid. It took him a long while to answer: “…blind loyalty.”


“It must have been blind indeed, to trust the Sith who helped you a decade ago over your own wife,” Virne said in a low tone, bitterness edging her words. Everything in her ached to know the truth. Was that it, then? Just blind, stupid loyalty? “Why did you do it? Why did you listen to him? What did he threaten you with? My death?” She scoffed softly. “Yes, clearly, that was it. What a threat.”


“Not yours.”


“Your own?”


Quinn’s lip twitched. Pure shame filtered through the Force.


“…you couldn’t come to me?” Virne asked, abject pain in her tone. She fought to keep that pain in check. She couldn’t be so vulnerable… “You couldn’t have trusted me for protection?”


“My lord,” Quinn protested, “I wanted what was best for the Empire. You said you knew one way to do it. Baras said he knew another. You are Sith Lords – I am a worm caught struggling between two titans in comparison. The machinations of the Sith are far, far beyond anything I can comprehend. For the briefest moment, there…there was doubt…” To his credit, he didn’t hang his head. His gaze, blurry with unshed tears now, was still steady. “And I acted in that moment. I put the Empire before anything else. And…I realize my folly now, when it is far too late.”


“You were there when the Hands contacted me. You knew of them, you knew what I was doing, you were on Voss, you saw the Emperor’s Voice!” Virne was hardly aware of her own voice rising – and her rising from the bed to stand in front of Quinn – until the last few words. It was an effort to calm down. She took a deep, shaking breath. “And yet you still doubted me?” she asked. Her voice sounded…young. Like a child’s. It was another thing entirely to show this level of openness. “Did our love mean nothing in that moment of doubt? I am your wife, Malavai Quinn! Did that mean nothing to you? Our marriage vows – to honor, to cherish until the end of our days – did that never cross your mind? Did you never think to trust me?”


“I didn’t know! I didn’t—“ Quinn shivered, his teeth grinding together as he squeezed his eyes shut. “I didn’t know,” he whispered again.


Virne was silent. She’d run out of things to say. All their past discussions about the incident – the betrayal – had never gone beyond I’m sorry, my lord; I swear to make it up to you and our relationship will take time to repair and I forgive you, but I’m not ready to let you back into my life just yet. This was…deeper. Everything had been brought to the light now, everything was in the open.


So it hadn’t been that he secretly hated her. It hadn’t been that he was a sociopath at heart, cleverly concealing it from even her skilled senses. It hadn’t been that he was just that much of a coward.


It had been…simple fear, and doubt. A worm caught between titans, as he’d said.


Sith locked in power struggles devastated those under their command, often without a care for the lives they so casually destroyed. To them, non-Force-sensitives were pawns, were tools to be used, discarded, and broken outright if it suited their needs.


Not to Virne.


Quinn hadn’t known that? For three years, they had been working together – for two, they had been romantically involved – for a few blissful weeks, they had been married. All that time, and he had never known that Virne wouldn’t throw him to the wolves when it pleased her? That she wasn’t interested in fulfilling her own power fantasies, but was instead devoted to the Empire as a whole?


He hadn’t known that…?


“As…I said before, my lord…” Quinn didn’t meet her eyes now. He didn’t dare. “Whatever punishment for my folly you think is best…I will accept, and carry it out. If that means divorce, I…understand entirely.” He gave a nod. It seemed like it was more to convince himself than to convince her. “I will even draw up the papers, if you so wish. Or if…there is a more…permenant sentence…” His gaze strayed to her lightsaber, resting on the table next to the bed.


Virne followed his gaze. Other Sith would do so in a heartbeat. Passion made them strong, but love made them weak, they would claim. Of course they couldn’t have a traitor among their crew. But Virne…she was not other Sith.


If Quinn had indeed not known that…now he would.


“I don’t want revenge,” she murmured. She drew closer to Quinn, who looked up, an almost startled expression on his shadowed face. “What I would want, Malavai,” she whispered, putting one hand gently on the back of his head and leaning towards him, “…is trust.”


He hesitated for the briefest second. His aura in the Force flared with sudden hope. Then he rested his forehead against hers, eyes closed.


They held each other silently, far into the starless night.


Edited by Jagaimee
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I wrote a Quinn thing.

...in about an hour. I am not very coherent right now (it's late, been a long day, aaaaaand I forgot to eat dinner, whoops...). But I hope the Quinn thing is okay. :D On another note, the

is fantastic for writing stuff like this. My warrior's name is Virne Azhak. I constantly get her last name backwards: is it Azhak or Ahzak? I'm not sure what I originally wrote down, but it's Azhak now. XD


Warning: Spoilers for the Quinncident, of course. Also for Imperial Ilum and the Sith Warrior story on Voss. And a title the Inquisitor gets at the end of *their* story, as well as one blink-and-you'll-miss-it reference to the end boss of said Inquisitor's story. Thou hast been warned.



Virne sat on the edge of her bed. Just her bed now, as it had been for some months. It still felt cold in the middle of the night. She deliberately pushed all such thoughts out of her mind and resumed working on a report to the Dark Council. It had been a month since Ilum, but the Empire as whole was still dealing with the fallout from Malgus’s coup. Virne herself had volunteered to route out the last insurgents. Nudge them back into the Empire’s fold was what she’d actually been doing. What Malgus had done was wrong, no one doubted that – but his ideas of uniting all races under the Imperial banner…that had more merit than anyone save Darth Marr, Darth Nox, and Virne herself seemed to realize.


Which was what Virne was writing about in her report. If the Empire is to grow past its struggles, she wrote, following some of Malgus’s ideals would not be our death. Rather, it would be – to use the traitor’s terminology, if you’ll forgive me – our rebirth. At its current rate the Empire will stagnate, wither, and fade if we do nothing. You have seen the merits of so-called “alien” races: consider Darth Nox, as one shining example.


“Shining” was probably the wrong word to use, given Nox’s…darker…tendencies.


She alone has proven that a mere “alien” is more than a match for a human many years and experiences her senior. If anyone has—


There was a knock on the door.


Virne instinctively glanced up, even though the motion was unnecessary. The person’s sense radiated through the Force: not Vette’s bubbly presence, or Pierce’s gruff, mildly sleazy demeanor. And as 2V-R8 didn’t have a presence in the Force…


She set her jaw. She would not show weakness. “Come in, Captain.”


The door slid aside, and Malavai Quinn entered. His eyes were downcast, but they flicked up to Virne for a brief instant as if gauging her reaction. From his sense in the Force, he was…contrite. Ashamed. Malavai Quinn was not one to let his emotions color his body language – but here he did. He almost seemed to shrink right into the air, as if he expected Virne to backhand him just for showing his face. His posture was rigid, but shy. Virne’s eyebrow twitched upwards. Why the remorse now? They had…talked about the incident. Many times. Why was now different?


…resignation settled a heavy weight in her heart.


Had something else happened…?


“My lord,” Quinn began. His jaw worked, as though he was trying to say something else, but no sound came out.


“What has happened now?” Virne forced herself to ask. She set aside the datapad and watched him. It was painful to realize her own wariness.


“…I…came to say that…”


“That…what?” Virne prompted, when Quinn again fell silent. Something had happened, hadn’t it? She steeled herself. He’d say he wanted a divorce. He’d say but now I have to kill you for even briefly thinking like that traitor Malgus. Or worse: he’d beg and plead to be let back into her life on a more intimate basis, instead of the cold-but-professional relationship they’d kept up these past few months. Then again…knowing Quinn (did she know him? Even that thought was like a knife in her heart), he wouldn’t lower himself to grovel. He was…many things. A sycophantic boot-licker was not one of them.


Not to her face, at least…


“…that I’m sorry,” Quinn finally said, words rushing out, tumbling on top of one another. He looked up to meet her eyes, and she finally saw his face clearly: it was shadowed and haunted. “For everything, my lov—my lord. For everything I’ve done to you, for the—incident, as we call it—“ He gritted his teeth, both hands gripping his forehead and small fistfuls of his hair. “We call it that, don’t we,” he went on, in a low tone. “The incident. As if it’s just a mildly unpleasant bump in the road we both would rather forget. But we cannot forget – and I know full well your feelings on the subject. I know why you distrust me. And you are right to do so. After that, how could you trust me again? I was a fool. I was a stubborn, prideful, arrogant, naïve fool to ever think Baras could be trusted above you. How could I--!?” He angrily cut himself off.


Not even the Moff Broysc situation had gotten Quinn so worked up.


“Whatever you think of me is well-deserved,” Quinn went on, pained eyes steady on Virne. “Whatever—whatever punishment you wish to give, I accept it. If I’m to beg like a dog at your feet to gain your trust again, so be it – I’ll gladly do it. Whatever you would have me do, I will do it. I…” He was silent a moment. “…I hate this distance between us,” he said, just whispering now. “I despise it. And I know it is my fault, every moment of it. Whatever I can do to bridge this gap, whatever I can do to atone for my mistake, I will do it. I lo—“


“Stop,” Virne whispered, holding up a hand. It was shaking. She stilled it and forced herself to speak past the lump in her throat. “Just…stop. Don’t…don’t go there, not yet.” She couldn’t hear it yet. It was too painful.


Quinn looked like she’d taken her lightsaber and stabbed him through the heart.


They were silent, just watching each other. Virne clenched her jaw again to stop the trembling. She wouldn’t cry. She never cried. The bed she sat on didn’t feel comfortable anymore, but rather like a slab of cement, the coldness sending jagged spikes all the way up her spine. “What…you can do, Captain,” she finally said, unable to speak above a murmur, “what I would want…are answers.” She swallowed hard. “We’ve never talked about the answers, have we?”


“Answers? …my lord?”


Why?” she hissed, and in that one word her fists clenched and the bookshelves around her room shuddered. “Why? Why would you choose Baras’s word over mine? Why would you default to him, instead of me?”


Quinn remained rigid. It took him a long while to answer: “…blind loyalty.”


“It must have been blind indeed, to trust the Sith who helped you a decade ago over your own wife,” Virne said in a low tone, bitterness edging her words. Everything in her ached to know the truth. Was that it, then? Just blind, stupid loyalty? “Why did you do it? Why did you listen to him? What did he threaten you with? My death?” She scoffed softly. “Yes, clearly, that was it. What a threat.”


“Not yours.”


“Your own?”


Quinn’s lip twitched. Pure shame filtered through the Force.


“…you couldn’t come to me?” Virne asked, abject pain in her tone. She fought to keep that pain in check. She couldn’t be so vulnerable… “You couldn’t have trusted me for protection?”


“My lord,” Quinn protested, “I wanted what was best for the Empire. You said you knew one way to do it. Baras said he knew another. You are Sith Lords – I am a worm caught struggling between two titans in comparison. The machinations of the Sith are far, far beyond anything I can comprehend. For the briefest moment, there…there was doubt…” To his credit, he didn’t hang his head. His gaze, blurry with unshed tears now, was still steady. “And I acted in that moment. I put the Empire before anything else. And…I realize my folly now, when it is far too late.”


“You were there when the Hands contacted me. You knew of them, you knew what I was doing, you were on Voss, you saw the Emperor’s Voice!” Virne was hardly aware of her own voice rising – and her rising from the bed to stand in front of Quinn – until the last few words. It was an effort to calm down. She took a deep, shaking breath. “And yet you still doubted me?” she asked. Her voice sounded…young. Like a child’s. It was another thing entirely to show this level of openness. “Did our love mean nothing in that moment of doubt? I am your wife, Malavai Quinn! Did that mean nothing to you? Our marriage vows – to honor, to cherish until the end of our days – did that never cross your mind? Did you never think to trust me?”


“I didn’t know! I didn’t—“ Quinn shivered, his teeth grinding together as he squeezed his eyes shut. “I didn’t know,” he whispered again.


Virne was silent. She’d run out of things to say. All their past discussions about the incident – the betrayal – had never gone beyond I’m sorry, my lord; I swear to make it up to you and our relationship will take time to repair and I forgive you, but I’m not ready to let you back into my life just yet. This was…deeper. Everything had been brought to the light now, everything was in the open.


So it hadn’t been that he secretly hated her. It hadn’t been that he was a sociopath at heart, cleverly concealing it from even her skilled senses. It hadn’t been that he was just that much of a coward.


It had been…simple fear, and doubt. A worm caught between titans, as he’d said.


Sith locked in power struggles devastated those under their command, often without a care for the lives they so casually destroyed. To them, non-Force-sensitives were pawns, were tools to be used, discarded, and broken outright if it suited their needs.


Not to Virne.


Quinn hadn’t known that? For three years, they had been working together – for two, they had been romantically involved – for a few blissful weeks, they had been married. All that time, and he had never known that Virne wouldn’t throw him to the wolves when it pleased her? That she wasn’t interested in fulfilling her own power fantasies, but was instead devoted to the Empire as a whole?


He hadn’t known that…?


“As…I said before, my lord…” Quinn didn’t meet her eyes now. He didn’t dare. “Whatever punishment for my folly you think is best…I will accept, and carry it out. If that means divorce, I…understand entirely.” He gave a nod. It seemed like it was more to convince himself than to convince her. “I will even draw up the papers, if you so wish. Or if…there is a more…permenant sentence…” His gaze strayed to her lightsaber, resting on the table next to the bed.


Virne followed his gaze. Other Sith would do so in a heartbeat. Passion made them strong, but love made them weak, they would claim. Of course they couldn’t have a traitor among their crew. But Virne…she was not other Sith.


If Quinn had indeed not known that…now he would.


“I don’t want revenge,” she murmured. She drew closer to Quinn, who looked up, an almost startled expression on his shadowed face. “What I would want, Malavai,” she whispered, putting one hand gently on the back of his head and leaning towards him, “…is trust.”


He hesitated for the briefest second. His aura in the Force flared with sudden hope. Then he rested his forehead against hers, eyes closed.


They held each other silently, far into the starless night.


I really enjoyed that :D It was very powerful and I loved the way they handled it and her questions, were some I would have loved to ask him myself. Thanks for sharing that. <3 You should post it in the fanfic forum too. ^^

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After releasing him from his service on Balmorra, I had the impression that Baras basically told Quinn that his debt wasn't entirely fulfilled and to just be ready to be ready for when Baras needed him, or something along those lines.


I think it was quite opposite. Let me check my screenies.


It sounds to me like he released him and the debt is paid in full.




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I wrote a Quinn thing.


I liked that a lot thank you for sharing :) Been toying with one myself, but mine is a bit more smutty in nature....okay not a bit more smutty....a lot more smutty lol...and probably not as good. But I figure is fun to try no things :)


As for the stream on Thursday am debating on if I want to watch it myself....but usually end up being glued to those things....I want to see it but I don't want to see Quinn spoilers should it contain any....damnit this is frustrating lol


6 more days. So glad I work all weekend that will make 3 of them go by quickly.

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I wrote a Quinn thing.

...in about an hour. I am not very coherent right now (it's late, been a long day, aaaaaand I forgot to eat dinner, whoops...). But I hope the Quinn thing is okay. :D On another note, the

is fantastic for writing stuff like this. My warrior's name is Virne Azhak. I constantly get her last name backwards: is it Azhak or Ahzak? I'm not sure what I originally wrote down, but it's Azhak now. XD


Warning: Spoilers for the Quinncident, of course. Also for Imperial Ilum and the Sith Warrior story on Voss. And a title the Inquisitor gets at the end of *their* story, as well as one blink-and-you'll-miss-it reference to the end boss of said Inquisitor's story. Thou hast been warned.



Virne sat on the edge of her bed. Just her bed now, as it had been for some months. It still felt cold in the middle of the night. She deliberately pushed all such thoughts out of her mind and resumed working on a report to the Dark Council. It had been a month since Ilum, but the Empire as whole was still dealing with the fallout from Malgus’s coup. Virne herself had volunteered to route out the last insurgents. Nudge them back into the Empire’s fold was what she’d actually been doing. What Malgus had done was wrong, no one doubted that – but his ideas of uniting all races under the Imperial banner…that had more merit than anyone save Darth Marr, Darth Nox, and Virne herself seemed to realize.


Which was what Virne was writing about in her report. If the Empire is to grow past its struggles, she wrote, following some of Malgus’s ideals would not be our death. Rather, it would be – to use the traitor’s terminology, if you’ll forgive me – our rebirth. At its current rate the Empire will stagnate, wither, and fade if we do nothing. You have seen the merits of so-called “alien” races: consider Darth Nox, as one shining example.


“Shining” was probably the wrong word to use, given Nox’s…darker…tendencies.


She alone has proven that a mere “alien” is more than a match for a human many years and experiences her senior. If anyone has—


There was a knock on the door.


Virne instinctively glanced up, even though the motion was unnecessary. The person’s sense radiated through the Force: not Vette’s bubbly presence, or Pierce’s gruff, mildly sleazy demeanor. And as 2V-R8 didn’t have a presence in the Force…


She set her jaw. She would not show weakness. “Come in, Captain.”


The door slid aside, and Malavai Quinn entered. His eyes were downcast, but they flicked up to Virne for a brief instant as if gauging her reaction. From his sense in the Force, he was…contrite. Ashamed. Malavai Quinn was not one to let his emotions color his body language – but here he did. He almost seemed to shrink right into the air, as if he expected Virne to backhand him just for showing his face. His posture was rigid, but shy. Virne’s eyebrow twitched upwards. Why the remorse now? They had…talked about the incident. Many times. Why was now different?


…resignation settled a heavy weight in her heart.


Had something else happened…?


“My lord,” Quinn began. His jaw worked, as though he was trying to say something else, but no sound came out.


“What has happened now?” Virne forced herself to ask. She set aside the datapad and watched him. It was painful to realize her own wariness.


“…I…came to say that…”


“That…what?” Virne prompted, when Quinn again fell silent. Something had happened, hadn’t it? She steeled herself. He’d say he wanted a divorce. He’d say but now I have to kill you for even briefly thinking like that traitor Malgus. Or worse: he’d beg and plead to be let back into her life on a more intimate basis, instead of the cold-but-professional relationship they’d kept up these past few months. Then again…knowing Quinn (did she know him? Even that thought was like a knife in her heart), he wouldn’t lower himself to grovel. He was…many things. A sycophantic boot-licker was not one of them.


Not to her face, at least…


“…that I’m sorry,” Quinn finally said, words rushing out, tumbling on top of one another. He looked up to meet her eyes, and she finally saw his face clearly: it was shadowed and haunted. “For everything, my lov—my lord. For everything I’ve done to you, for the—incident, as we call it—“ He gritted his teeth, both hands gripping his forehead and small fistfuls of his hair. “We call it that, don’t we,” he went on, in a low tone. “The incident. As if it’s just a mildly unpleasant bump in the road we both would rather forget. But we cannot forget – and I know full well your feelings on the subject. I know why you distrust me. And you are right to do so. After that, how could you trust me again? I was a fool. I was a stubborn, prideful, arrogant, naïve fool to ever think Baras could be trusted above you. How could I--!?” He angrily cut himself off.


Not even the Moff Broysc situation had gotten Quinn so worked up.


“Whatever you think of me is well-deserved,” Quinn went on, pained eyes steady on Virne. “Whatever—whatever punishment you wish to give, I accept it. If I’m to beg like a dog at your feet to gain your trust again, so be it – I’ll gladly do it. Whatever you would have me do, I will do it. I…” He was silent a moment. “…I hate this distance between us,” he said, just whispering now. “I despise it. And I know it is my fault, every moment of it. Whatever I can do to bridge this gap, whatever I can do to atone for my mistake, I will do it. I lo—“


“Stop,” Virne whispered, holding up a hand. It was shaking. She stilled it and forced herself to speak past the lump in her throat. “Just…stop. Don’t…don’t go there, not yet.” She couldn’t hear it yet. It was too painful.


Quinn looked like she’d taken her lightsaber and stabbed him through the heart.


They were silent, just watching each other. Virne clenched her jaw again to stop the trembling. She wouldn’t cry. She never cried. The bed she sat on didn’t feel comfortable anymore, but rather like a slab of cement, the coldness sending jagged spikes all the way up her spine. “What…you can do, Captain,” she finally said, unable to speak above a murmur, “what I would want…are answers.” She swallowed hard. “We’ve never talked about the answers, have we?”


“Answers? …my lord?”


Why?” she hissed, and in that one word her fists clenched and the bookshelves around her room shuddered. “Why? Why would you choose Baras’s word over mine? Why would you default to him, instead of me?”


Quinn remained rigid. It took him a long while to answer: “…blind loyalty.”


“It must have been blind indeed, to trust the Sith who helped you a decade ago over your own wife,” Virne said in a low tone, bitterness edging her words. Everything in her ached to know the truth. Was that it, then? Just blind, stupid loyalty? “Why did you do it? Why did you listen to him? What did he threaten you with? My death?” She scoffed softly. “Yes, clearly, that was it. What a threat.”


“Not yours.”


“Your own?”


Quinn’s lip twitched. Pure shame filtered through the Force.


“…you couldn’t come to me?” Virne asked, abject pain in her tone. She fought to keep that pain in check. She couldn’t be so vulnerable… “You couldn’t have trusted me for protection?”


“My lord,” Quinn protested, “I wanted what was best for the Empire. You said you knew one way to do it. Baras said he knew another. You are Sith Lords – I am a worm caught struggling between two titans in comparison. The machinations of the Sith are far, far beyond anything I can comprehend. For the briefest moment, there…there was doubt…” To his credit, he didn’t hang his head. His gaze, blurry with unshed tears now, was still steady. “And I acted in that moment. I put the Empire before anything else. And…I realize my folly now, when it is far too late.”


“You were there when the Hands contacted me. You knew of them, you knew what I was doing, you were on Voss, you saw the Emperor’s Voice!” Virne was hardly aware of her own voice rising – and her rising from the bed to stand in front of Quinn – until the last few words. It was an effort to calm down. She took a deep, shaking breath. “And yet you still doubted me?” she asked. Her voice sounded…young. Like a child’s. It was another thing entirely to show this level of openness. “Did our love mean nothing in that moment of doubt? I am your wife, Malavai Quinn! Did that mean nothing to you? Our marriage vows – to honor, to cherish until the end of our days – did that never cross your mind? Did you never think to trust me?”


“I didn’t know! I didn’t—“ Quinn shivered, his teeth grinding together as he squeezed his eyes shut. “I didn’t know,” he whispered again.


Virne was silent. She’d run out of things to say. All their past discussions about the incident – the betrayal – had never gone beyond I’m sorry, my lord; I swear to make it up to you and our relationship will take time to repair and I forgive you, but I’m not ready to let you back into my life just yet. This was…deeper. Everything had been brought to the light now, everything was in the open.


So it hadn’t been that he secretly hated her. It hadn’t been that he was a sociopath at heart, cleverly concealing it from even her skilled senses. It hadn’t been that he was just that much of a coward.


It had been…simple fear, and doubt. A worm caught between titans, as he’d said.


Sith locked in power struggles devastated those under their command, often without a care for the lives they so casually destroyed. To them, non-Force-sensitives were pawns, were tools to be used, discarded, and broken outright if it suited their needs.


Not to Virne.


Quinn hadn’t known that? For three years, they had been working together – for two, they had been romantically involved – for a few blissful weeks, they had been married. All that time, and he had never known that Virne wouldn’t throw him to the wolves when it pleased her? That she wasn’t interested in fulfilling her own power fantasies, but was instead devoted to the Empire as a whole?


He hadn’t known that…?


“As…I said before, my lord…” Quinn didn’t meet her eyes now. He didn’t dare. “Whatever punishment for my folly you think is best…I will accept, and carry it out. If that means divorce, I…understand entirely.” He gave a nod. It seemed like it was more to convince himself than to convince her. “I will even draw up the papers, if you so wish. Or if…there is a more…permenant sentence…” His gaze strayed to her lightsaber, resting on the table next to the bed.


Virne followed his gaze. Other Sith would do so in a heartbeat. Passion made them strong, but love made them weak, they would claim. Of course they couldn’t have a traitor among their crew. But Virne…she was not other Sith.


If Quinn had indeed not known that…now he would.


“I don’t want revenge,” she murmured. She drew closer to Quinn, who looked up, an almost startled expression on his shadowed face. “What I would want, Malavai,” she whispered, putting one hand gently on the back of his head and leaning towards him, “…is trust.”


He hesitated for the briefest second. His aura in the Force flared with sudden hope. Then he rested his forehead against hers, eyes closed.


They held each other silently, far into the starless night.


That was really good, I enjoyed it very much. I still feel like something is lost from the warrior story now that it's no longer possible to be married to him at the time of the betrayal, it's just such a tragic thing :o


Just bluntly asking him what he was thinking - I wouldn't even begin to try to tackle that topic. It reminded me of something really personal, sorry I'll put it in spoilers to not annoy people:



It reminds me of a recurring dream I have about my dad. He died a long time ago and I still dream about him all the time. In the dream, he shows up and I cry and I ask him where he's been? He never answers, just looks at me. I figure it's because I'm not religious, and not even atheist! I'm agnostic and it's like the answer simply doesn't exist in my head.



But your conclusion is pretty much the same as mine. I will even go so far as to blame the warrior herself for not protecting him from this situation to begin with.

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Do you remember the bug which made your companions naked during some holocalls? That was funny but Quinn was the only one who was never bugged (for me, at least), I know he did it on purpose to annoy me. :p


The funniest thing happened to my Agent, when I met Lokin and Kaliyo in the airlock, and they were both naked.

I thought "Ok, I don't want to know what happened on the ship while I was away." XD

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Do you remember the bug which made your companions naked during some holocalls? That was funny but Quinn was the only one who was never bugged (for me, at least), I know he did it on purpose to annoy me. :p


The funniest thing happened to my Agent, when I met Lokin and Kaliyo in the airlock, and they were both naked.

I thought "Ok, I don't want to know what happened on the ship while I was away." XD


Yes I remember it being Pierce, I remember thinking "sorry did I wake you?!" They still have that problem sometimes, happened to Jorgan in kotfe too, glad I didn't miss it :D


Though, my absolute favorite swtor bug of all time has nothing to do with the warrior at all, sorry off topic!



I used to do this over and over til I couldn't breathe from laughing so hard.

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Yes I remember it being Pierce, I remember thinking "sorry did I wake you?!" They still have that problem sometimes, happened to Jorgan in kotfe too, glad I didn't miss it :D


Though, my absolute favorite swtor bug of all time has nothing to do with the warrior at all, sorry off topic!



I used to do this over and over til I couldn't breathe from laughing so hard.


OMG, that never happened to me! I'm crying with laughter, this is great! :D:D:D:D Zash went crazy. Or she's just trying her dance moves. The best part is when she gets down on the floor. :D

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OMG, that never happened to me! I'm crying with laughter, this is great! :D:D:D:D Zash went crazy. Or she's just trying her dance moves. The best part is when she gets down on the floor. :D


For all I know, she may still do this :D Just had to spacebar some of her lines and calmly watch her as she has conniptions over it.

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