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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I keep thinking what he could have done to make his attempt with the droids more successful and I think all he had to do was space more of them out around the room, that always annoys the heck out me - scattered mobs!


Just flood the room with droids that can use stun and knockback attacks. A warriors worst nightmare!

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And no matter if you like Quinn or not, he was NOT going in expecting to be forgiven. He was not trying to avoid killing you, he was fully intent on putting whatever feelings he had aside and completing Baras's mission. Because if he had any ideas to keep you safe or screw Baras over, there are plenty of other ways he could do so.


I totally agree with this assessment. When I went through the whole betrayal, I never got the impression that Quinn wasn't fully committed to carrying out Baras' orders, especially with how despicably smug he came across on a couple of lines, whether he was romanced or not.


As I see it, Quinn swore allegiance to Baras roughly 10 years before even meeting the Wrath and because Quinn is so loyal (loyal to a fault, in this case) he doesn't betray Baras' order and instead carries it out regardless of his feelings for the Wrath, whether they are romantic in nature or a type of professional admiration. While Quinn is absolutely committed to carrying out the order, I think it was that smug streak in him that was his undoing, as it fed his overconfidence in his strategic and tactical skills that made him believe that he and his battle droids would actually be a match for the Wrath and the force.


Also, part of me says, "this is just how the Empire is." This is what they do. Back-stab, plot, scheme and assassinate. There's so much infighting going on similar to this betrayal, that this type of crap has just become a way of life for the Empire and will eventually be the Empire's undoing. Quinn is just another non-Sith pawn to be sacrificed in a yet another power play between two Sith Lords.


Now, personal story-wise... My Wrath had only kissed Quinn once or twice before the betrayal, so the betrayal didn't cut as deep for as it might have for others. So, as punishment, my Wrath subsequently choked Quinn out with the intent on killing him, but something of a light/mercy streak in her (she is grey, leaning Dark) combined with her feelings for him, clouded her judgement and caused her to release him and let him live when a true Sith should have killed him. She then put him in a proverbial box where Jaesa is told to constantly sense his true intentions until if/when he earns back the Wrath's trust.


It wasn't until Quinn earned back some of that trust on Corellia by saving Vowrawn (and other actions that are benefiting the Mission at hand) and then he earned back the rest of her trust by choosing to stay with the Wrath after Baras was killed. After Baras' death, my Wrath gave Quinn the choice to transfer to any post within the Imperial military, which was the same deal Baras gave him at the end of Balmorra. Of course, Quinn chooses to stay with the Wrath. So, really, my Wrath and Quinn didn't even get past kissy-face of the relationship until sometime between Corellia and Illum and the marriage really doesn't happen until around Makeb. I mean, she needs time to get over that smug twerp that she has feelings for trying to murder her. ;)


While this is all fun story-telling, I still have yet to be able to justify my fondness for Quinn to my husband - he is waiting with bated breath to murder him on the 11th. The cutscene should be interesting to watch when he does it. :eek:

Edited by Edyn
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Now, personal story-wise... My Wrath had only kissed Quinn once or twice before the betrayal


This is something I noticed with recent playthroughs as opposed to the first one I did. Like a lot of people, Quinn and my first warrior were married when the betrayal happened. So, it made sense to say "But I thought you loved me, I thought our relationship was real" or whatever the line was.


Now, you can only fool around a little before the betrayal, so it doesn't make sense to say the line about love anymore. On the one hand, it's nice to have more conversations to look forward to after the fact. But on the other hand, it seemed so much more gut wrenching when he was trying to murder his wife, instead of a co-worker he's got a crush on.


Ah well there's no pleasing people like me :p

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So we should thank BW for saving us the trouble of getting SJWs frustrated.


But instead of the insufferable SJWs screaming bloody murder for one reason or the other, it's the people who have a legitimate point about pandering to the vocal (or...not so vocal) minority.

Darned if you do, darned if you don't, BioWare. :)

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I like Quinn, and do agree with forgiving him. Though I do find myself shaking my head a lot when looking over all the posts that seem to sugar coat and romance his actions WAAAAY too much, like some over-compensation to jsutify forgiving him despite how unnecessary. Which is even weirder to me, because these come from his fan-girls, when it really on devalues him as a character.


Part of the appeal of a game like this is being able to make these stories your own, so I can't really fault someone for making their Quinn more noble and romantic than I would. It definitely makes me /facepalm when I see people say that he wasn't really trying to kill the Warrior, or that he had no choice but to obey Baras. But that's their Quinn, I guess. I like things MESSY. :)


I'm with you, what makes him such a good character to me is his duplicity. He was trying to fool the warrior, Baras and himself - all at once. People get mixed up in things and get confused, situations get complicated. A person can believe two contradictory things at once, they can say things they don't mean and do things they wish they could say. Did Baras ever confirm that he ordered Quinn to kill you or did we just believe Quinn? :eek:

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Part of the appeal of a game like this is being able to make these stories your own, so I can't really fault someone for making their Quinn more noble and romantic than I would. It definitely makes me /facepalm when I see people say that he wasn't really trying to kill the Warrior, or that he had no choice but to obey Baras. But that's their Quinn, I guess. I like things MESSY. :)


In games like these, the intent isn't for you to make the story your own, but make a story that adapts to the overall story. I mean, I'd have the same problem if people tried to do the same thing for Baras (Now, ain't that a though? Baras was in love with the warrior the whole time! :D). Plus, it makes it rather contradictory for someone to say how much they love a character, only to attribute this to traits that weren't apart of the character.


In my opinion: If you need to ignore parts of a character to like them, you don't really like them.


Did Baras ever confirm that he ordered Quinn to kill you or did we just believe Quinn? :eek:

That's.. Actually a good point. With someone like Baras, he seems like the type of person who wouldn't want Quinn to kill you immediately. More, he'd capitalise on your connection with the Emperor and have Quinn try and screw over Servant one and Two or maybe turn you against them...


Then again, Baras was pretty confident that the Emperor posed no threat anymore, so now that he secured his position just wanted you gone. *Shrug*

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I'm thinking about making a video where I put the LG advertisement and some Quinn scenes together. :D

This needs to happen.


Did Baras ever confirm that he ordered Quinn to kill you or did we just believe Quinn? :eek:



Quinn just wanted to give Baras the gift of the warrior's head, because Quinn is in love with Baras. Not in a romantic, ooey-gooey way, but in an oozes-so-much-respect-for way.


It could almost make sense.

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Quinn just wanted to give Baras the gift of the warrior's head, because Quinn is in love with Baras. Not in a romantic, ooey-gooey way, but in an oozes-so-much-respect-for way.


It could almost make sense.


Quinn: And when I present him with your head, he will see that I'm like the son he always wanted!


Warrior: ...Huh?

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In games like these, the intent isn't for you to make the story your own, but make a story that adapts to the overall story. I mean, I'd have the same problem if people tried to do the same thing for Baras (Now, ain't that a though? Baras was in love with the warrior the whole time! :D). Plus, it makes it rather contradictory for someone to say how much they love a character, only to attribute this to traits that weren't apart of the character.




Yes, but specifically, on my male warrior, it's really damn easy for me imagine Baras ordering Quinn onto my ship from the beginning and that Quinn couldn't wait to kill me. I was always disrespectful to Baras and I killed lots of Imperials to get back at him, all things Quinn hated.


On my female warrior, though, even if you think he was Baras' spy from the start, he did have real feelings for the warrior, according to the game itself.(the jedi master on Tat telling you that Quinn's feelings for you were probably out of self-loathing was amusing and ridiculously insightful).


If you were a light or dark female could matter, as well. If you weren't acting like a "true sith", it would have been easy for Quinn to justify killing you as for the greater good of the Empire, even though he loved you. If you were fully Dark, with no remorse or regard for life, Quinn could kill you out of sheer self preservation. As he lets slip in the letter, he's aware of the mortality rate among non-sith spouse. There are as many ways to look at it as there are warriors, which is why there have been thousands of posts made about it over the years.


I think the best thing they ever did was decide you couldn't kill him. I know it wasn't for story reasons, but it sure did make for an enjoyable conundrum for those of us who like that sort of thing. :D

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Well you're not exactly no one, you're the emperor's wrath, and the title alone should set off alarms in his head if nothing else :D


Or I could be lied to. Two guys no one (or at least *I*) ever heard of, one totally bonkers, tell me stuff without proof. ;)

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This needs to happen.





Quinn just wanted to give Baras the gift of the warrior's head, because Quinn is in love with Baras. Not in a romantic, ooey-gooey way, but in an oozes-so-much-respect-for way.


It could almost make sense.


He didn't want to be in another Balmorra situation for 10 years, so he decided to be proactive about it. He saw Baras trying to use the fool Drahhg to kill you, TWICE, so Quinn thinks he'll show them both how it's done. He was probably dreaming about the day Pierce had to call him Lord Moff.

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I think the best thing they ever did was decide you couldn't kill him. I know it wasn't for story reasons, but it sure did make for an enjoyable conundrum for those of us who like that sort of thing. :D


I just hope that when we're given the option to kill him on Iokath, it isn't in reference to the betrayal, but him just being on the opposite side that's trying to take the planet that WE TOTALLY CALLED DIBS ON!

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Or I could be lied to. Two guys no one (or at least *I*) ever heard of, one totally bonkers, tell me stuff without proof. ;)

It would of been hilarious to find out that Baras was telling the truth and they were making it all up at the time, a good pull the rug out from under you moment that'd keep the player guessing

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It would of been hilarious to find out that Baras was telling the truth and they were making it all up at the time, a good pull the rug out from under you moment that'd keep the player guessing


Spoiler'd for potential Sith Warrior/Fallen Empire spoilers.


Marr: Wrath. You know why you've been called to this Dark Council meeting.

Warrior: I got the gist of it.

Marr: You understand, then, that--

Warrior: You think the Hands are mynock-poo crazy and they were totally lying about the whole Wrath of the Emperor thing, that the Emperor's deader than an unmasked Kel Dor on Coruscant, and I'm just one more Sith and not some super-special sparkly embodiment of fury for a nigh-immortal entity.

Dark Council: ...

Marr: ...er...

Vowrawn: *convulsing in hysterical laughter*

Warrior: I nailed it, didn't I.

Marr: ...has there been any confirmation from the Emperor himself that you are, in fact, his Wrath?

Warrior: There WAS that thing on Voss, but to be honest, the whole time I couldn't tell if he was about to say "Wrath, I am your Emperor" or "[Warrior's name], I am your father." Which makes no sense because I'm fairly certain I'm not a Voss. That, and I killed it. So...other than that, no, there hasn't been any confirmation. And the Hands are not on hand. Can't find them anywhere.

Marr: ...then...?

Warrior: ... *dramatic sigh* Then...I'm not the embodiment of fury/protection/guardianship/possessiveness of the immortal Emperor.


Arcann: *from Zakuul* NO, YOU'RE NOT.

Thexan: Give them a break, brother. They're just delusional, and in for a very rude shock. After all, WE know that our father isn't involved in yet another super-secret Empire in another galaxy.

[both brothers glance at each other]

Arcann: ...we do know that, don't we?

Thexan: Well, how many backup Empires can one man have!?


Edited by Jagaimee
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That's the gosh darn tag line for SWTOR


Reminds me of that Rick and Morty episode where Rick creates a micro-verse which also creates it's own and the cycle continues into heaps of mini-verses, in SWTOR we now take Senya/Arcann to Valkorion's "next" secret Empire and it just goes on forever. :p

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Here, something to cheer you up!







omg, that happened






You know, if they won't give us any clips with him speaking I guess we have no choice but to take matters into our own hands~

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Reminds me of that Rick and Morty episode where Rick creates a micro-verse which also creates it's own and the cycle continues into heaps of mini-verses, in SWTOR we now take Senya/Arcann to Valkorion's "next" secret Empire and it just goes on forever. :p


Turns out that Valkorian had a backup-backup Empire of Force-Imbuned Hamsters

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