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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I used to like Vette a lot but there is just that much immaturity I can get. Grow up, girl, dammit!


KOTFE and KOTET, Vette's remarks about Quinn destroyed her and my warrior's relationship.


I don't dislike Vette, but don't like her any more.

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Another lovely Quinn... smiling for once! o_o


Malavai Quinn


All these artists are so talented. o.o I got lost on DeviantArt just staring at the gorgeous artwork (not all were of Quinn :p). And found a beautiful 3D modeling program...that costs like three hundred dollars hahahah nope no way o_o I shall dream from afar.

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I used to like Vette a lot but there is just that much immaturity I can get. Grow up, girl, dammit!


KOTFE and KOTET, Vette's remarks about Quinn destroyed her and my warrior's relationship.


I don't dislike Vette, but don't like her any more.


Yes, she doesn't fit in a Sith crew. I don't hate her either, but she irritates me.

Like Ashara in the Inquisitor crew. *shivers* I only talk to her for the XP, just can't stand her whining and provocations.


All of the lovely art pieces that have been posted....I might just bust out my charcoal or pastels this weekend and give it a try :)


Not that good but it might be a fun project :)


Go for it! :)

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All of the lovely art pieces that have been posted....I might just bust out my charcoal or pastels this weekend and give it a try :)


Not that good but it might be a fun project :)


Go go go go! :: pompoms::


Yes, she doesn't fit in a Sith crew. I don't hate her either, but she irritates me.

Like Ashara in the Inquisitor crew. *shivers* I only talk to her for the XP, just can't stand her whining and provocations.


Ashara is a hypocrite. My Inqusitor seduced her to corrupt this pseufo-Jedi more by making her sleep with a Big Bad Sith Lord, then dumped her. Once the romance was triggered, he was as mean to her as options allowed.


And she still proposed to him. I only wish they recorded his mocking laughter as one of dialogue options :D


ETA: So we have another teaser posted, again with talking Dorne. How about some Quinny for us! :mad: (to put our worries about VA at ease).

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ETA: So we have another teaser posted, again with talking Dorne. How about some Quinny for us! :mad: (to put our worries about VA at ease).

Yup, saw that. Had a split second of thinking "yay new promo" and then... bah more Elara. :mad: Really hope they'll give us an Imperial promo soon although knowing BW that's either a no-go or they'll release it one day before our Quinn reunion. :rolleyes:

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Ashara is a hypocrite. My Inqusitor seduced her to corrupt this pseufo-Jedi more by making her sleep with a Big Bad Sith Lord, then dumped her. Once the romance was triggered, he was as mean to her as options allowed.


And she still proposed to him. I only wish they recorded his mocking laughter as one of dialogue options :D

Awww... XD I hate Ashara. Well...my dark-side female Inquisitor hates Ashara.

My 100% light-side male inquisitor has a giant crush on her and thinks she's the most beautiful, best, most amazingest, awesomest girl since...ever.

He's also sixteen, and the most innocently pure adorable little idealist in the history of the multiverse. :rolleyes: I had no idea a light-side inquisitor could be such a sweetheart.

...and no romance for him, because he IS sixteen and Ashara's at least twenty...that would be immeasurably creepy. Wonder if I'll find her any less annoying this time 'round...


ETA: So we have another teaser posted, again with talking Dorne. How about some Quinny for us! :mad: (to put our worries about VA at ease).


...hrrrrnnnggghhhhhh are they doing this on purpose

BioWare: Gee...a lot of people are talking about Quinn, and almost no one is excited about Elara...that cannot be! GUYS! ELARA'S COMING BACK, TOO, YOU KNOW!! HERE!!!!! *tries to drum up interest*

Quinn fangirls: We. Don't. Care.

BioWare: ...why? D:

Quinn fangirls: How do you think we got the title "Quinn fangirls"!?

BioWare: No idea.

Quinn fangirls: :mad:

BioWare: *struggling to articulate the preposterous idea* ...you...like...Quinn?

Quinn fangirls: NO DIP, SHERLOCK.

BioWare: ............but..........Elara..............

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I absolutely LOATHE Ashara. She's another I'm definitely going to execute if I get the chance. Hate her.


And yes, I saw the new promo and again with more stupid Elara crap. The devs don't play fair and they don't care about us obviously, it's all about Elara to them. If things were fair they would have given Quinn equal air time in a promo clip, not just that snooty twirp Elara all the time. I can't wait to kill her, I hope we get to. :mad:

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...hrrrrnnnggghhhhhh are they doing this on purpose

BioWare: Gee...a lot of people are talking about Quinn, and almost no one is excited about Elara...that cannot be! GUYS! ELARA'S COMING BACK, TOO, YOU KNOW!! HERE!!!!! *tries to drum up interest*

Quinn fangirls: We. Don't. Care.

BioWare: ...why? D:

Quinn fangirls: How do you think we got the title "Quinn fangirls"!?

BioWare: No idea.

Quinn fangirls: :mad:

BioWare: *struggling to articulate the preposterous idea* ...you...like...Quinn?

Quinn fangirls: NO DIP, SHERLOCK.

BioWare: ............but..........Elara..............


Yes, this. And yes, I think they are doing it on purpose.


They probably only think guys play this. -_-


If things were fair, Quinn would get two speaking promo clips too. :(

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I always liked Vette and especially because she likes to tease Quinn. He takes himself very seriously, and my Wrath allows Vette to continue with the teasing as my Wrath believes it helps keep morale going among the crew, especially in regards to Pierce. :p
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I don't understand what's happening in that clip. I assume she's talking about the Jedi Knight Alliance Commander. Why would Malcom want to attack him?


It's presumably set after the Alliance Commander has sided with the Empire. First you have the meeting with Quinn/Elara that we saw in the previous clip, and then whoever you don't side with will tell their faction leader what happened (Acina for the Empire, I'm guessing). I don't think they'd plot and then move against you first and then think you'd be interested in talking to them.


I'm guessing they used that clip because It ups the tension, since it makes it sound like Elara/Malcom/the Republic are plotting against/planning to betray the player when in reality they're almost certainly just reacting to them - people would expect deceit out of the Sith/Empire, so it would lose some impact if they show what will probably be the same scene only with Quinn/Acina (or whoever) instead of having someone like Elara and/or Malcom come across as underhanded.


Especially using a Republic character - would anyone really be affected seeing Quinn and Acina/whoever talking about moving against a Jedi? Of course not. But Elara/Malcom seemingly talking about backstabbing the glorious Jedi Alliance Commander? Sure, easy drama.

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But Elara/Malcom seemingly talking about backstabbing the glorious Jedi Alliance Commander? Sure, easy drama.


I CANNOT WAIT FOR THE DRAMA. I'm gonna side with the Empire with a romanced Theron. Which means he'll be fighting his own father AND he'll have to do it along side his rival Quinn who is my long lost husband returned to steal me away!


O M F G I'm just gonna set that situation up and watch it unfold like http://imgur.com/a/sJjmJ


It better deliver!

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I CANNOT WAIT FOR THE DRAMA. I'm gonna side with the Empire with a romanced Theron. Which means he'll be fighting his own father AND he'll have to do it along side his rival Quinn who is my long lost husband returned to steal me away!


O M F G I'm just gonna set that situation up and watch it unfold like http://imgur.com/a/sJjmJ


It better deliver!


::backs away slowly:: Okay.... I'll be just over there (points) playing Mass Effect: Andromeda until the 11th :p:):cool:

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*hides in here* grumble grumble dumb spammers... :p


My warrior didn't romance Theron, of course, but she respects him a great deal. (Heck, she gets along [mostly] fine with anyone not TOO overzealous from the Republic.) I'm 99% certain she'll wind up siding with the Empire, though... :c On the other hand, my inquisitor, who DID romance Theron, is definitely going to side with the Republic the second she's given the chance. She hates the Empire.

If we have to fight and/or kill Jace Malcom, NO. JUST NOPE. NOPE NOPE NOPE. :( ...or...guys, worse...what happens if we have to fight/kill the companion on the opposite side? If we side with the Republic... :eek:

oh please don't let that happen aaaaaaaaand now I'm worried again.

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Go go go go! :: pompoms::



Ashara is a hypocrite. My Inqusitor seduced her to corrupt this pseufo-Jedi more by making her sleep with a Big Bad Sith Lord, then dumped her. Once the romance was triggered, he was as mean to her as options allowed.


And she still proposed to him. I only wish they recorded his mocking laughter as one of dialogue options :D


ETA: So we have another teaser posted, again with talking Dorne. How about some Quinny for us! :mad: (to put our worries about VA at ease).


LOL, that was evil. :p My two Inquisitors are both Pureblood males (Purebloods are hot + the voice of the male Inquisitor is incredibly seductive, I love it), and I was always careful what to say to her, to not romance her by accident. (my Jedi Consular is a male Cathar and I didn't want to romance Nadia, I was only polite to her, and somehow the game took that as flirting and she wanted to 'get to know me better'. :eek: I was like W.TF happened?! I don't talk to her since LOL.)


Ashara is totally confused about herself, I think, she cannot decide who she really is. She is frustrated by this and constantly lets off her steam by quarrels and provocations. When she talks s.hit about the Empire I always want to send lightning at her LOL. I mean, if she doesn't like her place she should just go away. :p

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I have a LS and Neutral SW who romanced Quinn, LS will side with the Republic and my neutral will side with the Imps, I look forward to seeing the differences for Quinn. Will he even stay with me if I go with the Republic? :eek:


I'm sure he won't stay with you if you side with the Republic. His principles are really important to him.


And yes, I saw the new promo and again with more stupid Elara crap. The devs don't play fair and they don't care about us obviously, it's all about Elara to them. If things were fair they would have given Quinn equal air time in a promo clip, not just that snooty twirp Elara all the time.


I agree, they do this on purpose. :(


I CANNOT WAIT FOR THE DRAMA. I'm gonna side with the Empire with a romanced Theron. Which means he'll be fighting his own father AND he'll have to do it along side his rival Quinn who is my long lost husband returned to steal me away!


You can finally bring Theron storywise into the Empire? :eek: My dream has come true! Can't wait to put an Imperial uniform on him, LOL. :D:D:D *opens a champagne*

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My warrior was faithful, so she sides with the Empire, gets hubby back, and no drama there.


My inquisitor romances Theron, but he's a true Sith and Imp at heart, so no chance of betrayal of his home. He's not Elara Dorne :p This should be interesting for his relationship with Theron :D I imagine it's already rocky, considering my Inq nature.:D


LOL, that was evil. :p My two Inquisitors are both Pureblood males (Purebloods are hot + the voice of the male Inquisitor is incredibly seductive, I love it), and I was always careful what to say to her, to not romance her by accident. (my Jedi Consular is a male Cathar and I didn't want to romance Nadia, I was only polite to her, and somehow the game took that as flirting and she wanted to 'get to know me better'. :eek: I was like W.TF happened?! I don't talk to her since LOL.)


Sometimes, with some comps, if you don't start romance, they hit on you. Maybe it's just this case. DS Jaesa made advances, and male warrior cringed :cool: Kaliyo asked my agent for drinks, then called him jerk, or moron, or something when he refused. So it could be the case of her trying to get you.


Ashara is totally confused about herself, I think, she cannot decide who she really is. She is frustrated by this and constantly lets off her steam by quarrels and provocations. When she talks s.hit about the Empire I always want to send lightning at her LOL. I mean, if she doesn't like her place she should just go away. :p


I think she's delusional. She thinks she's a Jedi, she can't be anything than a Jedi, blah blah blah. And yeah, she complains a lot about the Empire, or tells you how you work for piece and you are different then those horrible Sith... And I can't do anything about it. Can't tell her she's an idiot, can't punish her for slamming the Empire, can't even be surprised where she gets these silly ideas about me from. My Inq can be a real piece of work, he's cruel, ruthless and quite murderous.


Also, when trying to be mean to her I realised you really can't. The meanest options in dialogue as mild at best. It really struck me hard, when I realise that almost ALL Quinn dialogues usually contain one really nasty. Devs played favourites with the comps even in vanilla. Seems like most of comps generally are designed to become your friends. Quinn, due to his dutiful nature, needs some work and time to relax a bit, but instead of giving you tools to do that, you get tools to treat him like cr.ap.


And then you're surprised he betrays you? He probably wants you dead and return to Baras, who was never mean to him.

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Sometimes, with some comps, if you don't start romance, they hit on you. Maybe it's just this case. DS Jaesa made advances, and male warrior cringed :cool: Kaliyo asked my agent for drinks, then called him jerk, or moron, or something when he refused. So it could be the case of her trying to get you.


Really? I didn't notice that, that must have been the case then. Yes, Kaliyo tried to seduce my male Agent too, but failed badly. :p But these romances are still confusing sometimes! My Agent romanced Raina but didn't want to marry her (his personality is very much like James Bond's, except he's dark side LOL :p), she was sad and said ok. Then next time I spoke with her she called me her husband. I was again: :eek: Did I miss something or what? That's just crazy. :rolleyes:



I think she's delusional. She thinks she's a Jedi, she can't be anything than a Jedi, blah blah blah. And yeah, she complains a lot about the Empire, or tells you how you work for piece and you are different then those horrible Sith... And I can't do anything about it. Can't tell her she's an idiot, can't punish her for slamming the Empire, can't even be surprised where she gets these silly ideas about me from. My Inq can be a real piece of work, he's cruel, ruthless and quite murderous.


Yes, it's really annoying when she talks about you as if you want to change the Empire or as if you were LS. This may be psychological, she talks herself into believing you are not 'evil' so she can feel better about being in your crew LOL.


Also, when trying to be mean to her I realised you really can't. The meanest options in dialogue as mild at best. It really struck me hard, when I realise that almost ALL Quinn dialogues usually contain one really nasty. Devs played favourites with the comps even in vanilla. Seems like most of comps generally are designed to become your friends. Quinn, due to his dutiful nature, needs some work and time to relax a bit, but instead of giving you tools to do that, you get tools to treat him like cr.ap.


And then you're surprised he betrays you? He probably wants you dead and return to Baras, who was never mean to him.


Yes, that's totally true! I haven't realized this before. :eek: Although you can be a total jerk to Vette too.

Oh, and by the way, you can send lightning at Andronikos, but not at Ashara? How fair is that, really? :rolleyes: In the Tatooine questline. I like Andronikos, but couldn't resist that lightning, his reaction and the whole situation was too funny. ;) Sorry Andronikos, no hard feelings. :D

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My Agent romanced Raina but didn't want to marry her (his personality is very much like James Bond's, except he's dark side LOL :p), she was sad and said ok. Then next time I spoke with her she called me her husband. I was again: :eek: Did I miss something or what? That's just crazy. :rolleyes:


Once the romance is triggered, you can't get out of it. My Raina broke up with my agent (well, that's how he understood her words, even if it was not the intent of devs), but then still I have "marry me" convo. Since they were already over, he obviously didn't propose to her, but still got letters and what not.


If you break up with Quinn after he tries to kill you, he still tells you he's in love with you right after that and later proposes to you.


It could be that romance was somehow triggered for you, but then it's a bug. But she could just be hitting on him.



Yes, it's really annoying when she talks about you as if you want to change the Empire or as if you were LS. This may be psychological, she talks herself into believing you are not 'evil' so she can feel better about being in your crew LOL.

I didn't think about it this way but that would work! She's in love with this nasty guy, so she has to convince herself he's not that bad.


Also, she may believe she could change you. From my friends' and m own experience I noticed that she's not that much into LS Inqs. Some propose to her, and she refuses. My DS didn't propose to her, but she proposed to him. To "fix" him from his evilness? ;)



Yes, that's totally true! I haven't realized this before. :eek: Although you can be a total jerk to Vette too.

Oh, and by the way, you can send lightning at Andronikos, but not at Ashara? How fair is that, really? :rolleyes: In the Tatooine questline. I like Andronikos, but couldn't resist that lightning, his reaction and the whole situation was too funny. ;) Sorry Andronikos, no hard feelings. :D


At least you can zap her when still on Taris. :rak_01:

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You can finally bring Theron storywise into the Empire? :eek: My dream has come true! Can't wait to put an Imperial uniform on him, LOL. :D:D:D *opens a champagne*


I don't know that for sure, but we're about to find out. :D

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You can finally bring Theron storywise into the Empire? :eek: My dream has come true! Can't wait to put an Imperial uniform on him, LOL. :D:D:D *opens a champagne*


I'm sure Theron will still be stuck in his dorky red jacket. Why Bioware won't give KotFE companions armor slots is anyone's guess since they won't address the issue :mad: (Or make some customizations. Or give opposing factions access to all customizations for returned vanilla companions...)

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