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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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As if it's going to get any smarter after 5.2 :p


I'll likely lose my ability to say anything coherent for a while once 5.2 drops. Either because I've gone gaga for Quinn love or because I'll be too flipping mad if the reunion is disappointing. Should be fun? :o

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You know there's guaranteed to be several thousand more posts analyzing every single word of dialog after 5.2. I can't wait :D


*rubs hands in anticipation* Couldn't agree more, there will either be a lot of oooo and ahhhhing going on, or a lot of w.t.f were they thinking. Personally, I'll just be happy to have Quinn back but how he is returned is going to be a big deal to all of us here.

Edited by MishaCantu
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I'm looking forward to Quinn's return, definitely. But, I also feel conflicted. I keep clicking on my Quinn and watching his mouth move, thinking, "soon he won't do that anymore, ever again." And once you get the new version of him back, there is no reversing it. :(


I feel it with all my favorite companions. I've been thinking about taking some of my characters through the old bonus series on each planet again (they've all been reset I believe, even if you already did them previously) just so I can get affection gains one last time through actual quest content. I'm terribly sad that they won't comment ever again on the landscape as well.


Why does BW have to give us back an inferior version of our companions? :(:(:(

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I'm looking forward to Quinn's return, definitely. But, I also feel conflicted. I keep clicking on my Quinn and watching his mouth move, thinking, "soon he won't do that anymore, ever again." And once you get the new version of him back, there is no reversing it. :(


I feel it with all my favorite companions. I've been thinking about taking some of my characters through the old bonus series on each planet again (they've all been reset I believe, even if you already did them previously) just so I can get affection gains one last time through actual quest content. I'm terribly sad that they won't comment ever again on the landscape as well.


Why does BW have to give us back an inferior version of our companions? :(:(:(


Oh you mean, no matter if you get them from the terminal or not first, the mouth thing happens when you get them back.. I thought you meant if we get them back from terminal first they would be fine. I just tested Jorgan and Vette and Torian, and their mouths don't move! :eek::(:confused:


Omg I'm going to lose the companion I've had for the last 5 years, for real this time. Have the devs said anything? WHY ARE THEY LIKE THIS


Quick someone make a thread about fixing the mouths and the dialogue and we'll all post on it because they don't read this one :(


I won't do it, I won't bring my first warrior any farther in the story until this is fixed :mad:

Edited by grania
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Oh you mean, no matter if you get them from the terminal or not first, the mouth thing happens when you get them back.. I thought you meant if we get them back from terminal first they would be fine. I just tested Jorgan and Vette and Torian, and their mouths don't move! :eek::(:confused:


Omg I'm going to lose the companion I've had for the last 5 years, for real this time. Have the devs said anything? WHY ARE THEY LIKE THIS


Quick someone make a thread about fixing the mouths and the dialogue and we'll all post on it because they don't read this one :(


I won't do it, I won't bring my first warrior any farther in the story until this is fixed :mad:


I know. At least now I could get Quinn back from the terminal and he's the exact same old Quinn as he always was. I did this with Corso and he still gets affection gains in Esseles, talks on the landscape, etc. But once the companion returns through the story they are forever changed. I wish I could have faith that BW will fix this, but their track record with bugs since 4.0 is abysmal, so I have little hope. Maybe they can't return the affection gains (seriously, why not??) but gosh darn it, at least make their mouths move, you know? That actually really bugs me.

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I know. At least now I could get Quinn back from the terminal and he's the exact same old Quinn as he always was. I did this with Corso and he still gets affection gains in Esseles, talks on the landscape, etc. But once the companion returns through the story they are forever changed. I wish I could have faith that BW will fix this, but their track record with bugs since 4.0 is abysmal, so I have little hope. Maybe they can't return the affection gains (seriously, why not??) but gosh darn it, at least make their mouths move, you know? That actually really bugs me.


This is because we have to share all our companions now, I know it. WHY. It was one thing to remove them from the story with no time frame for getting them back. I mean, at least it sets up a scenario where you can have a fun reunion with them somewhere down the line. It was jarring but I accepted it.


But why was it necessary to remake our companions into one size fits all automatons too? It wasn't enough that WE have to be one size fits all "heroes" but now Quinn is going to get dragged around on republic fleets by jedis haha, so funny, at the expensive of everything he ever used to be and and everything he used to stand for. ALL of them, why does my warrior have to have Aric freakin Jorgan? It makes no sense. It's stupid and it destroys all the characterization and rp we loved this game for.


Who's ridiculous idea was this anyway? You know, if they absolutely HAVE to give every class every companion, as inane as that is, then at least give ME the REAL QUINN and give everyone else the fake crappy one. I can't even stand it, I'm so furious right now.


I'm so mad I feel like rage quitting on the spot, not even kidding. Can kotfe get any more asinine? I can't even.

Edited by grania
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I just tested Talos on my assassin and no, his mouth doesn't move but he still says stuff. I have to admit I've never panned my camera around just to see a companion's mouth move when I click on them. So I guess I just don't understand the anger.


Maybe they've all just turned into awesome ventriloquists? =x


I admit I do miss them commenting on their surroundings. Not sure why they couldn't have left this in for class companions when you're on their original class.

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I just tested Talos on my assassin and no, his mouth doesn't move but he still says stuff. I have to admit I've never panned my camera around just to see a companion's mouth move when I click on them. So I guess I just don't understand the anger.


Maybe they've all just turned into awesome ventriloquists? =x


I admit I do miss them commenting on their surroundings. Not sure why they couldn't have left this in for class companions when you're on their original class.


How about your character stops moving their mouth? How about we go to those old style conversations permanently? How about we remove the voice acting from the game? How about we remove romances altogether? It's all sooo expensive, so hard to do, too hard.


I wonder if the game should have ended a long time ago. They can't do it justice.

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How about your character stops moving their mouth? How about we go to those old style conversations permanently? How about we remove the voice acting from the game? How about we remove romances altogether? It's all sooo expensive, so hard to do, too hard.


I wonder if the game should have ended a long time ago. They can't do it justice.


Oookay then. Well I think I'll save my ragequitting for if they ever do the other things you mentioned. It's highly unlikely they'll ever do any of those things but should they do so then I'm sure many others will also quit at the same time.


The companion mouths not moving seems more like one of the non-game breaking bugs that is pretty far down on their list of things to fix than something they did on purpose.

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I'm looking forward to Quinn's return, definitely. But, I also feel conflicted. I keep clicking on my Quinn and watching his mouth move, thinking, "soon he won't do that anymore, ever again." And once you get the new version of him back, there is no reversing it. :(


I feel it with all my favorite companions. I've been thinking about taking some of my characters through the old bonus series on each planet again (they've all been reset I believe, even if you already did them previously) just so I can get affection gains one last time through actual quest content. I'm terribly sad that they won't comment ever again on the landscape as well.


Why does BW have to give us back an inferior version of our companions? :(:(:(


I agree; I hate all of this. It makes the Companions seem like a lame or lesser version of their former selves. I mean, how exactly do you update a game and a character, but still manage to lose features and function? If they change anything about Malavai Quinn other than the expected token KOTFE returning Companion functionality nerf, I'll be miffed.

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Oookay then. Well I think I'll save my ragequitting for if they ever do the other things you mentioned. It's highly unlikely they'll ever do any of those things but should they do so then I'm sure many others will also quit at the same time.


The companion mouths not moving seems more like one of the non-game breaking bugs that is pretty far down on their list of things to fix than something they did on purpose.


I don't think you're seeing the whole picture. It's not just a little bug (that will never be fixed). It's further proof that they have streamlined the game down to nothing. They've taken almost everything that can possibly be taken.


It's not that the mouth doesn't move, it's that they took what we've had all along and replaced it with a cheap buggy knock off for the masses.

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You know there's guaranteed to be several thousand more posts analyzing every single word of dialog after 5.2. I can't wait :D




This thread is not going to die any time soon. It's going to get either a rage fit or shmoooch stuff.


Possibly with screenies.


I'm looking forward to Quinn's return, definitely. But, I also feel conflicted. I keep clicking on my Quinn and watching his mouth move, thinking, "soon he won't do that anymore, ever again." And once you get the new version of him back, there is no reversing it. :(


I feel it with all my favorite companions. I've been thinking about taking some of my characters through the old bonus series on each planet again (they've all been reset I believe, even if you already did them previously) just so I can get affection gains one last time through actual quest content. I'm terribly sad that they won't comment ever again on the landscape as well.


Why does BW have to give us back an inferior version of our companions? :(:(:(


My only consolation is that I have carbon-copies of my warrior, to which I can go and have him all perfect and fully functional (I didn't and won't take them through KOTFE/ET).


And my "main" Quinn is influence 50... but I will miss "approves/disapproves" nevertheless. :(

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This thread is not going to die any time soon. It's going to get either a rage fit or shmoooch stuff.


Gah if I didn't like this character so much, Id be so gone. At least, at least we can assume the voice will be the same? I mean the writers are different, the companion is a replacement, Mighty Wrath is now Commander Outlander just like everyone else


Hearing that voice again is too good to pass up, even if kotfe ruined absolutely everything else. I feel like my kotfe dissatisfaction floodgate just flew open.



Edited by grania
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You know there's guaranteed to be several thousand more posts analyzing every single word of dialog after 5.2. I can't wait :D


I'll have to stay away, then. o_o Staying *far* away from 5.2 and the associated story until all of the bugs get ironed out. And since my warrior's only partway through KOTFE... *sigh* It'll be a while before she and Quinn are reunited.


The only thing I'd want spoiled about the reunion is - "Is it good?" As in, is it everything we'd hoped and more? Or is it lackluster, don't get your hopes up. Or is there a giant bug that cancels out Quinn acknowledging a) who the warrior is, b) if he romanced/married her. Orrrrr was it just flat-out disappointing. "Hi, my lord, glad to see you're alive, yes can the kisses wait for later, we've got work to do of some unspecified nature, okay now we can talk [here's the reason I didn't come find you and it turns out to be something like 'couldn't be bothered'], yes I love you--[abrupt end to the cutscene because that's all the story we're getting]"

...I think the above would be worst-case scenario. :p Or...well, no, the worst case would be if it was KOTOR-style dialogue.


What's worse: getting your hopes up only to find it's nothing like what you expected and is, in fact, awful? Or expecting the worst and glumly realizing that it's everything you dreaded? :/

Or is that being too pessimistic? But...gah, I hate saying this...given BioWare's track record - the romance bugs in 4.0 didn't get fixed for months, courting gifts *still* haven't been fixed, romances with Lana disappear entirely in KOTET/after any given point in KOTFE - I'm incredibly wary.

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Gah if I didn't like this character so much, Id be so gone. At least, at least we can assume the voice will be the same? I mean the writers are different, the companion is a replacement, Mighty Wrath is now Commander Outlander just like everyone else


Hearing that voice again is too good to pass up, even if kotfe ruined absolutely everything else. I feel like my kotfe dissatisfaction floodgate just flew open.




Gosh, don't scare me again :( My fears about the voice are coming and going. I didn't see any confirmation, but I'm still holding on to the thought he returned for the expansions, and all other returning comps have the same voices... so BW would make it work. Because if not... I'm not even sure what I'd do :(

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I'll have to stay away, then. o_o Staying *far* away from 5.2 and the associated story until all of the bugs get ironed out. And since my warrior's only partway through KOTFE... *sigh* It'll be a while before she and Quinn are reunited.


Heh, you've set an impossible task for yourself. SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE.





There's your problem, TBH. Everything will seem ok with some Tequila. :rak_09:

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I'm looking forward to Quinn's return, definitely. But, I also feel conflicted. I keep clicking on my Quinn and watching his mouth move, thinking, "soon he won't do that anymore, ever again." And once you get the new version of him back, there is no reversing it. :(


I feel it with all my favorite companions. I've been thinking about taking some of my characters through the old bonus series on each planet again (they've all been reset I believe, even if you already did them previously) just so I can get affection gains one last time through actual quest content. I'm terribly sad that they won't comment ever again on the landscape as well.


Why does BW have to give us back an inferior version of our companions? :(:(:(


That's what I'm doing with my warrior. She is slowly combing through the planets looking for quests that reset. I'm not sure I can handle having a downgraded Quinn. They did such a poor job of handling companions post 4.0. I can't fathom what they were thinking.

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Heh, you've set an impossible task for yourself. SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE.


Is it bad that it took me a few seconds to figure out what that was referring to? :p


Yeah...impossible... I tried to stay away from KOTET spoilers, inadvertently got an eyeful anyways. .-. Tried to stay away from Rogue One spoilers, an acquaintance randomly popped up one day with "Just saw Rogue One! Man, I was so sad when [character] died!" Tried to stay away from even the HK bonus chapter spoilers (which I still have not done)! On a completely unrelated discussion, somebody comes up with a major plot twist. Tried to stay away from KOTFE spoilers, even though I pretty much know what happens anyway...a page image on TV Tropes spoils one of the major plot twists on some completely unrelated headline!! (Good thing I already knew that one anyway, but still. :eek:)


I have a very unlucky relationship with spoilers. o.o So, I'll try very hard to stay away from Quinn spoilers, and STILL somehow in some way accidentally manage to spoil it for myself. Derp. XD

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You know there's guaranteed to be several thousand more posts analyzing every single word of dialog after 5.2. I can't wait :D


I look forward to that. And screenies too. :D We need to vote this up, Malavai has slipped to 4 stars, he needs 5 :D

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