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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I also thought it was interesting and should've maybe been a clue that Baras wasn't all that strong with the Force, when he couldn't remote force choke Malavai after he learned that SW still lived after that whole mess before Corellia.



Probably why Baras orders the warrior to do ALL his killing and then why Baras tries to kill the warrior. He's just not that good. She's dangerous to him and outshines him in every way.


I like both Baras and Zash, but aren't we supposed to get the better of our masters and not the other way around? x)


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I don't really blame him for that, it sounded like Vette was acting like a twirp and getting on his last nerve, and we know she was the sort to do that to people she didn't like.


Jailer Nash anyone? Chirp...chirp, I can do dire cat too...


I like Vette, but I also get that she can be an annoying little worm too at times. :p

For my number 4 warrior I kept Vette's shock collar on and I'm so glad I did - any time she speaks I can shock her or give her a dark sith reply. I also gave Malavai permission to punish her as he saw fit :D I was hoping he would space her but no luck :rolleyes: I really hate Vette. My number 5 and all future warriors will keep her shock collared and I will just space bar through the chapters where I am forced to team up with her. I'm still annoyed that

Vaylin gets to kill her and my warrior doesn't. And afterwards all my alliance is like "oh poor Vette". Meh.


I'm really hoping that the next story in 5.2 is substantial - something between the length of a KOTFE/KOTET chapter and SoR. Or it's in 2 or 3 parts with one of them being devoted to Malavai Quinn's return and what he's been doing all this time. They'd better have a very good explanation for why he wasn't defrosting me from carbonite instead of that bedroom stalker Lana. They came up with that letter for him, now they'd better make good on it or they will never hear the end of it.

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They came up with that letter for him, now they'd better make good on it or they will never hear the end of it.


Just.. a little.. longer.. and then I can blurt the whole damn thing out *grits teeth* In spoiler tags though, I promise.

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Probably why Baras orders the warrior to do ALL his killing and then why Baras tries to kill the warrior. He's just not that good. She's dangerous to him and outshines him in every way.


I like both Baras and Zash, but aren't we supposed to get the better of our masters and not the other way around? x)

But yet there's that guy on Hoth he Force-chokes over the holo for walking into that pirate trap or something when you're looking for Xerender so :confused:

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But yet there's that guy on Hoth he Force-chokes over the holo for walking into that pirate trap or something when you're looking for Xerender so :confused:


Well I'm not sure what to say, maybe we could do that too if we tried? :o


What is Baras's official reason? Did he really think Dra..sp?..g was better? We beat Dra..sp?..g handily, and we beat Baras too. So we're stronger than both of them. It doesn't make sense if you are playing a somewhat loyal apprentice. Imagine if Baras hadn't turned on the warrior, he'd be above ground just for starters.


Funny, I've thought an awful lot about Quinn's motivations but very little about Baras's. Maybe it's even explained clearly in the story but I tune it out. I dunno. He always has some vague reason for offing this agent and that.

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Well I'm not sure what to say, maybe we could do that too if we tried? :o


What is Baras's official reason? Did he really think Dra..sp?..g was better? We beat Dra..sp?..g handily, and we beat Baras too. So we're stronger than both of them. It doesn't make sense if you are playing a somewhat loyal apprentice. Imagine if Baras hadn't turned on the warrior, he'd be above ground just for starters.


Funny, I've thought an awful lot about Quinn's motivations but very little about Baras's. Maybe it's even explained clearly in the story but I tune it out. I dunno. He always has some vague reason for offing this agent and that.


I *think* it's Draagh...I think. Either that or Draahg. e_e


Baras is paranoid, that much is spelled out in the story. He sends you after that guy on Balmorra, for instance, on the thought that the agent *might* be compromised, and so thus *might* expose his (Baras's) plans. In trying to plan for every contingency, and in trying to cut off problems before they start, however, Baras got over-ambitious and thought, "Well, the Sith have a rule - the apprentice always kills the master. I don't want to die; I've got plans. I'll use the Warrior a while longer to accomplish those goals, then kill them when they don't expect it. They're still useful, but it's a necessary loss." He probably saw how strong the Warrior was and realized - rightfully - that if they ever came to blows, he'd lose in two seconds flat. His paranoia got the better of him.


Edit: ......aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you probably meant something other than "I wonder what Baras's reason is for betraying the Warrior?" e_e That would be what happens when I read things far too quickly and don't take the time to fully understand just what I'm replying to. :p Whoops.

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Probably why Baras orders the warrior to do ALL his killing and then why Baras tries to kill the warrior. He's just not that good. She's dangerous to him and outshines him in every way.


I like both Baras and Zash, but aren't we supposed to get the better of our masters and not the other way around? x)


I think the first clue that Baras isn't very strong is when he sends you to kill Noman Karr instead of doing it himself. That raised my eyebrows. Then, after you kill Vengean easily, Baras gets real scared and knows he's next. So he gets Draahg to blow you up from a distance cause he knows you'd melt Draahg's face in combat. When that doesn't work, he gets real desperate and calls ol' Malavai. I think he spent too many years eating pizza in the shadows and went soft and cowardly.

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Well I'm not sure what to say, maybe we could do that too if we tried? :o


What is Baras's official reason? Did he really think Dra..sp?..g was better? We beat Dra..sp?..g handily, and we beat Baras too. So we're stronger than both of them. It doesn't make sense if you are playing a somewhat loyal apprentice. Imagine if Baras hadn't turned on the warrior, he'd be above ground just for starters.


Funny, I've thought an awful lot about Quinn's motivations but very little about Baras's. Maybe it's even explained clearly in the story but I tune it out. I dunno. He always has some vague reason for offing this agent and that.


If I recall right, back on Korriban when you catch Baras' attention and it comes down to him choosing between you and this Vemrin guy, he picks you because he senses how naturally strong you already are even without much training. And stuff like that comes up several times not only from Baras but through other NPCs too—the notion that the SW has this uncommon strength and high affinity with the Force far beyond their years and training. I think that's why Baras, once you take out the War Council etc. turns on you trying to get rid of you and tie up loose ends before you become a threat and as SW at this point you already know he's a master at double crossing people so you'd naturally become a bit skeptical about your Master, something he realizes too. Like at one point you can confront him about him betraying his spies and minions and having you do his dirty work, and that's pre-betrayal/assassination attempt on Quesh. I don't remember where it is exactly but you're sent to take someone out and he's like "Well you've done a great job making this look convincing and killing all my guards now enough already we're on the same side!". So yeah, the SW slowly grows suspicious of Baras I believe and realizes "hey I could be next" while Baras is fully aware of how strong the SW is and that we know possibly a bit too much about his unsavory dealings and could turn on him. That's my view on it anyways.

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Just.. a little.. longer.. and then I can blurt the whole damn thing out *grits teeth* In spoiler tags though, I promise.


I feel your pain. Even with talking to people who couldn't care less about the companions have given me grief with just being vague and not naming names or specifics about spoilers.

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Just.. a little.. longer.. and then I can blurt the whole damn thing out *grits teeth* In spoiler tags though, I promise.

Usually I'd be all over the spoilers but I don't want to rage quit if I see something I don't like or find the whole thing a disappointment so I'm avoiding every possible spoiler this time. The minute 5.2 goes live (so long as it doesn't crash on us) I will be in there. Since the spoilers will have been got via means against the T&Cs you can't make an alternate spoiler thread for all those who do want spoilers. Not long to go now though.


I think he spent too many years eating pizza in the shadows and went soft and cowardly.

I really wanted to make a guild called <Baras's Pie Keepers>. You know his desk drawers are full of food :D

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I just got done putting scars on all my warriors so they look more beat up after fe/et. This is what happens when you disappear, Quinn! /guilt trip :)

Role play done right! :D

Mine are all in super-expensive outfits with OTT hair & make-up in an attempt to say "I'm too sith-fabulous to worry about why you didn't find me" leading to a Quinn-so-worried guilt trip. Also my sith/Quinn holo stronghold bedroom is full of Nekarr & Nexu cats. My warriors haven't really turned crazy cat-lady single in his absence.

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Role play done right! :D

Mine are all in super-expensive outfits with OTT hair & make-up in an attempt to say "I'm too sith-fabulous to worry about why you didn't find me" leading to a Quinn-so-worried guilt trip. Also my sith/Quinn holo stronghold bedroom is full of Nekarr & Nexu cats. My warriors haven't really turned crazy cat-lady single in his absence.


Haha! I love that idea :D


(Picturing Quinn walking into the apartment and trying to find a place on the couch to sit)

Edited by grania
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Haha! I love that idea :D


(Picturing Quinn walking into the apartment and trying to find a place on the couch to sit)


Quinn: *walks in* ...oh no.

Multitude of cats: *meow?* *meow!* *meow* *meow* *meowww*

Warrior: "Oh no?" Quinn! They're my precious babies. Except for you. You were my first precious baby.

Quinn: Uh... *awkwardly sits on the very last available space on the couch* *nervously eyes that nexu*

Nexu: *purrrrr*

Quinn: *wobbly smile*

Warrior: Her name is Sandstorm. And there's Cloudtail and Fireheart and Mothflight. How do you like them? :D

Multitude of cats: *meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow*

Quinn: ...they are very loud, my lord.

Multitude of cats: *meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow*

Quinn: :mad: Would you stop--oh no--a--a--a--choo! ...*sigh*

Multitude of cats: *presses in on him, meowing all the while*

Warrior: Awwwwww, aren't they cute.

Quinn: *disappearing under blanket of multicolored fur* BUT--MY LORD--achoo--HELP--

Warrior: What was that? Couldn't quite hear you above all of the cats.

Quinn: *surfacing from cat ocean* I'M ALLERGIC TO CATS!!

Warrior: ...oh, that's a problem.

Quinn: *vanishes under cat ocean once more* [muffled] heeeeeeeelllllllllpppppppppp! ...achoo!


Get it?


The Sith Warrior...and cats.

...I liked that book series when I was younger. XD


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Quinn: *vanishes under cat ocean once more* [muffled] heeeeeeeelllllllllpppppppppp! ...achoo!


And this is Poppyseed! And this is Feather Duster! And this is Baby Hands!


*150 dark side points* Oh dear I must be having a spiteful day :eek:


My daughter loves those books, never read one but I've bought plenty of them :D

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And this is Poppyseed! And this is Feather Duster! And this is Baby Hands!


*150 dark side points* Oh dear I must be having a spiteful day :eek:


My daughter loves those books, never read one but I've bought plenty of them :D


Quinn: *sneezing uncontrollably* :(

You made Quinn sad. ...wait. You made Quinn sad? NOW WE CAN COMFORT HIM! Grania, you're a genius!! :D I think he needs several more kittens to cheer him up, yeah?

Quinn: please--*sneeze*--don't--*sneeze*


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Won't argue with that. The cat thing is going to give me nightmares :p


But kittens... :p

Cats are adorable. But I'm more of a dog person. And I'm not just saying that because my sixty-pound pooch is lounging on the bed, watching me warily...nope...that's not the reason at all... :eek:


On another note, we've got another hundred pages to go before we beat the Theron Shan fangirl thread. Let's go for it! XD

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