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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Oops. I started a new warrior and I think I messed up the flirts. Just did a conversation with him when he first gets on the ship and I got weird platonic lines I've never heard before.


I wish it was more obvious which are the flirts you absolutely must take, it's annoying to restart a character because you decided against saying something really cringey for some reason. phoo.


If this is the very first convo you have had with him on your ship, then you haven't missed any flirts yet. All the flirts that occur on planet before you officially get the companion don't "count" as far as I've been able to tell. The only ones that matter are after you get on the ship.


I agree though that there should be a better way to tell when the romance has been initiated. If you are not on the first ship convo, then it is possible that Quinn's lock in is really early on and could have passed you by. I'd keep going though for a bit longer just in case! At least they give you a nice big pop up now in KOTFE when a romance is being locked in. Once ever, I saw a yellow name here confirm for someone which conversation was the mysterious lock-in one for a companion. Ever since I've been hoping someone will create a site that lists this info! I guess it's too much to hope for since it's so difficult to determine. :(

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Heh heh, writing Quinn is fun. :p (And it gives me something to do while I procrastinate on schoolwork--AHEM, SORRY, I mean...erm...put my time to better use...*wobbly smile* *hand wave* you heard nothing)


Quinn: *is snuggled* Er...madam - sorry, my lord - would...um...you mind...perhaps... *sigh* I...don't have a choice here, do I... *just goes with it*

*stern look*

Quinn: help?

That is Darth Lunafox. You WILL be respectful. She's the one who started this thread, what's more.

Quinn: *eyes boggle out* Ohhh nooo... Iamsosorrymylordpleaseacceptmysincereapology.

Translation for those who don't speak panic-ese: "I am so sorry, my lord; please accept my sincere apology."


*looks vacant* I heard nothing...


*thinks* Flowers would have been a nice touch, Malavai. And maybe a kiss on the cheek, but I realize I may be pushing you beyond your sensibilities, so apology accepted Captain...perhaps a promotion is in order. How does Major sound? Major Malavai...I quite like the sound of that. And Grand Moff Jagaimee (that's so you can keep bossing him around in the military lol)...I think that sounds rather good too, don't you think? :p:D

Edited by Lunafox
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lol he's so not my type. Looks and talks like a steroid head. Can't shut up about his glory days for three seconds. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion.The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion.


He puts me to sleep worse than Lana.


But at least he's not creeper-ing around our rooms when we're sleeping...or maybe he is...I've been having weird dreams about...The Bastion.

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If this is the very first convo you have had with him on your ship, then you haven't missed any flirts yet. All the flirts that occur on planet before you officially get the companion don't "count" as far as I've been able to tell. The only ones that matter are after you get on the ship.


I agree though that there should be a better way to tell when the romance has been initiated. If you are not on the first ship convo, then it is possible that Quinn's lock in is really early on and could have passed you by. I'd keep going though for a bit longer just in case! At least they give you a nice big pop up now in KOTFE when a romance is being locked in. Once ever, I saw a yellow name here confirm for someone which conversation was the mysterious lock-in one for a companion. Ever since I've been hoping someone will create a site that lists this info! I guess it's too much to hope for since it's so difficult to determine. :(


Yeah, ok I skipped the stupid "ruggedly handsome" line because Quinn is NOT ruggedly handsome, that's ridiculous. He looks like an elf, not a lumberjack. And then I skipped something on the ship and I can't remember what it was..


But then during his conversation called Peak Efficiency I got lines I've never said before with no flirts at all and it made me nervous. I looked at videos on youtube that chronicle the whole thing and I guess I'm ok? I guess there really isn't anything flirty in that conversation, I just really did say stuff I never tried before. :confused:


I'm surprised that list of critical flirts really doesn't exist already being that it's expensive and time-consuming to have to reroll. (Especially when one is using the white acute module and unlocks a lot of stuff from the legacy) But then again I don't think it's something players can deduce on their own, we'd really need help from the devs to figure it out. Pretty sure I know what Corso's is but that's it, and it's definitely not an obvious one.


Anyway about Pierce, I have a different interpretation of his character than I suppose most do. I think all that stuff about "this'll be part of your duties from now on" is just the way one flirts with him. He's just.. a normal guy, who's easy to jump in the sack with. And why shouldn't the warrior get to to have fun before the drudgery of a committed relationship? I just can't play it like Quinn is Prince Charming and she's been waiting for him her whole life, it's nauseating even considering how much I like him.


Actually the best thing about getting Pierce (and flirting with him) is that it seems to goad Quinn into finally acting on his feelings. It's all timed around Taris and at that point, the warrior really doesn't know whether anything is ever going to happen with Quinn. Yes, WE do, but she doesn't.

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*looks vacant* I heard nothing...


*thinks* Flowers would have been a nice touch, Malavai. And maybe a kiss on the cheek, but I realize I may be pushing you beyond your sensibilities, so apology accepted Captain...perhaps a promotion is in order. How does Major sound? Major Malavai...I quite like the sound of that. And Grand Moff Jagaimee (that's so you can keep bossing him around in the military lol)...I think that sounds rather good too, don't you think? :p:D


Colonel Quinn sounds better. After all, Quinn should always out rank Pierce and Pierce is a major now. Pierce was always insubordinate. If his rank is the same as Quinn's he'd be intolerable. We'll personally I have always thought Pierce should be up on charges, but the warrior inexplicably tolerates his behavior.

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Was playing my latest warrior and just got to the part on Balmorra where the warrior can flirt shamelessly with Quinn (much to Vette's approval it has to be said) and I couldn't help it, I had a good chuckle. The voice acting of both Miss. Little and Mr. Teverson was brilliant considering it's likely they didn't know what the other was doing. The really sad part was I had to explain to mum just why I was chuckling so much as she watches me play SWTOR sometimes.
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Yeah, ok I skipped the stupid "ruggedly handsome" line because Quinn is NOT ruggedly handsome, that's ridiculous. He looks like an elf, not a lumberjack.


I love the indignation with which you say this. *Pushes up glasses* Us Quinn Boffins will not tolerate inconsistencies nor inaccuracies in our flirt dialog!!


Anyway about Pierce, I have a different interpretation of his character than I suppose most do. I think all that stuff about "this'll be part of your duties from now on" is just the way one flirts with him. He's just.. a normal guy, who's easy to jump in the sack with. And why shouldn't the warrior get to to have fun before the drudgery of a committed relationship? I just can't play it like Quinn is Prince Charming and she's been waiting for him her whole life, it's nauseating even considering how much I like him.



Totally agree. Pierce is very nonchalant about it all. This ain't his first rodeo. It ain't no big deal.

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I've never seen the Pierce thing the way others describe, as if he feels obligated to 'service' the female SW like that. I felt there was a certain banter between them from pretty early on on Taris, lines that can have a double meaning, and from there on it just progressed with some flirts and things until they finally have a one-night-ehnotsobad kinda thing. I think he makes a few innuendos along the way too, or comments at least that work if you're male SW but that can be a wink wink nudge nudge thing if you're a female SW.
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Was playing my latest warrior and just got to the part on Balmorra where the warrior can flirt shamelessly with Quinn (much to Vette's approval it has to be said) and I couldn't help it, I had a good chuckle. The voice acting of both Miss. Little and Mr. Teverson was brilliant considering it's likely they didn't know what the other was doing. The really sad part was I had to explain to mum just why I was chuckling so much as she watches me play SWTOR sometimes.


Ha, I don't do conversations when someone comes in the room, I just exit out and do it later. Especially flirty conversations as I tend to screeee a lot. :D I'm getting better though, I am. Used to be I couldn't even watch dark side decisions without space-barring past them.

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*looks vacant* I heard nothing...


*thinks* Flowers would have been a nice touch, Malavai. And maybe a kiss on the cheek, but I realize I may be pushing you beyond your sensibilities, so apology accepted Captain...perhaps a promotion is in order. How does Major sound? Major Malavai...I quite like the sound of that. And Grand Moff Jagaimee (that's so you can keep bossing him around in the military lol)...I think that sounds rather good too, don't you think? :p:D


If Quinn comes back without a promotion, I shall not be happy. :p Major sounds about right. (Then again, was I the only person hoping, before the release of KOTET, that he'd show up on Dromund Kaas as Grand Moff? XD)

Hahaha! On another forum, a tiny private website I and my friends roleplay on, my "title" (given in jest and not taken seriously by anybody ever) is Grand Admiral, in honor of Thrawn (best. villain. EVER). But that's the Navy, I think. Grand Moff sounds...grand. :D I await your command, Darth Lunafox! *bows*


Quinn: *also bows* My lord, I am but a servant to your will. ...also, this: *presents gorgeous bouquet of lilies, white roses, and narcissus*

Confession: Grand Moffs make awful florists. :p

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I've never seen the Pierce thing the way others describe, as if he feels obligated to 'service' the female SW like that. I felt there was a certain banter between them from pretty early on on Taris, lines that can have a double meaning, and from there on it just progressed with some flirts and things until they finally have a one-night-ehnotsobad kinda thing. I think he makes a few innuendos along the way too, or comments at least that work if you're male SW but that can be a wink wink nudge nudge thing if you're a female SW.


Some of Pierce's idle lines can definitely be taken out of context in a flirty way. Which...really makes it awkward, now that my warrior's got him back on her team in KOTFE. It's like, "Okay, fine, I know you apparently still have a giant crush on me*, but...SERIOUSLY, IT'S BEEN FIVE YEARS, I'M STILL DEVOTED TO MY HUSBAND, GET OVER YOURSELF!"


*Quinn more or less says as much, in one of his romance letters. He mentions Pierce sending him a disparaging report on the mortality rates of non-Sith married to Sith (and also that Sith partners are 210% more likely to commit adultery [!!]), and then immediately scoffs something along the lines of, "Just Pierce trying to drive us apart, again. As per usual."

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I love the indignation with which you say this. *Pushes up glasses* Us Quinn Boffins will not tolerate inconsistencies nor inaccuracies in our flirt dialog!!


I don't like the way the agent says to Vector upon meeting him, 'you really clean up well." There's no context for it and it makes no sense. Arg!


Ha, I don't do conversations when someone comes in the room, I just exit out and do it later. Especially flirty conversations as I tend to screeee a lot. :D I'm getting better though, I am. Used to be I couldn't even watch dark side decisions without space-barring past them.


I didn't realize at first that my Fraps was recording not only the conversations themselves but also anything that gets said through MY microphone as well. Now I go back and watch my old videos and cringe because I get to hear all my old giggles and snorts and commentary on what I'm viewing. :eek::o

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I don't like the way the agent says to Vector upon meeting him, 'you really clean up well." There's no context for it and it makes no sense. Arg!

A *lot* of the female agent's flirts to Vector are kind of cringe-worthy... I came up with a theory: the agent's trained in seduction, among a lot of other things. They know exactly what to say to get their target to trust them, even fall in love with them, while carefully keeping their own emotional distance. So what happens when along comes someone the agent genuinely wants to get close to? How should they (well, more accurately, she, since it's about Vector) act? What should she say to convey her interest but also be honest (something that, probably, is entirely foreign to her)? So... in other words, she's so awkward and downright cringe-worthy in her flirtation because she doesn't know how to flirt when she's not trying to emotionally manipulate someone.


... *shrug?* I dunno. :p


edit: this thread was supposed to be about quinn, wasn't it, whoops... XD

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I don't like the way the agent says to Vector upon meeting him, 'you really clean up well." There's no context for it and it makes no sense. Arg!


Ha, the agent is such a cad. Like, was he scrounging in the mud earlier?


That stupid ruggedly handsome line annoys the heck out of me. What a mortifying thing to say, especially when I'm trying to play like my character isn't a creepy old queen. And yes, inaccurate, lol. Quinn is delicate. Am I wrong? Is Quinn ..rugged? :confused:



So... in other words, she's so awkward and downright cringe-worthy in her flirtation because she doesn't know how to flirt when she's not trying to emotionally manipulate someone.


"I seem to recall some man waiting for me back home.." Like what even is this, lol?

Edited by grania
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I wouldn't call Quinn "delicate". I mean, he's not body type 1 after all lol.


Also ... "feeding tick" ... ***? I have a mole on my face. Like Cindy Crawford, above the mouth but trust me I am NO Cindy Crawford. Still, I've never had anyone refer to it as a "feeding tick". Way to be a jerk :p

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If Quinn comes back without a promotion, I shall not be happy. :p Major sounds about right. (Then again, was I the only person hoping, before the release of KOTET, that he'd show up on Dromund Kaas as Grand Moff? XD)

Hahaha! On another forum, a tiny private website I and my friends roleplay on, my "title" (given in jest and not taken seriously by anybody ever) is Grand Admiral, in honor of Thrawn (best. villain. EVER). But that's the Navy, I think. Grand Moff sounds...grand. :D I await your command, Darth Lunafox! *bows*


Quinn: *also bows* My lord, I am but a servant to your will. ...also, this: *presents gorgeous bouquet of lilies, white roses, and narcissus*

Confession: Grand Moffs make awful florists. :p


Space flowers for meeeeee? *preens* They're so pretty! Pretty enough to make you a Grand Admiral. You get a choice of commission, don't you feel special? :D


Lovely Quinn! *preens and covets all over Malavai.* :D

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Colonel Quinn sounds better. After all, Quinn should always out rank Pierce and Pierce is a major now. Pierce was always insubordinate. If his rank is the same as Quinn's he'd be intolerable. We'll personally I have always thought Pierce should be up on charges, but the warrior inexplicably tolerates his behavior.


No argument from me, Colonel works :D And yes, definitely Quinn should always outrank Pierce *coughdamngruntcough* :D

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But seriously, has no one else felt the urge to flick the tick feeding off his face? :confused:


Awww, did you lose your way? Was this where you meant to go? http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=913041&highlight=Malavai+Quinn


Or are you just not a fan of moles? Cause I have one on the sole of my left foot that's taken offense to the whole tick thing... :eek:

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I wouldn't call Quinn "delicate". I mean, he's not body type 1 after all lol.


Hm maybe delicate isn't quite the right word :o


Also ... "feeding tick" ... ***? I have a mole on my face. Like Cindy Crawford, above the mouth but trust me I am NO Cindy Crawford. Still, I've never had anyone refer to it as a "feeding tick". Way to be a jerk :p


You know how some people are nice in real life and mean on the internet? I quite think I'm the opposite, and I'd love to see someone to take a swat at the "feeding tick" on my face :D

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Space flowers for meeeeee? *preens* They're so pretty! Pretty enough to make you a Grand Admiral. You get a choice of commission, don't you feel special? :D


Lovely Quinn! *preens and covets all over Malavai.* :D


*rubs hands together* That was my eeeeeevil plan all along, MWAHAHAHA--....*ahem* I mean. Er. Thank you, my lady. :D I humbly accept my commission of Grand Admiral. *kneels*


Quinn: My lord, if I may change the subject... what will happen in April? No doubt there will be hordes of "anti-fangirls" wanting my gruesome death. There are rumors--

Whoa whoa, nope, no details. None. Not even rumors.

Quinn: ...what I mean to say is, how will that work? I can't be simultaneously dead and alive, can I?

You're talking to a bunch of Sith. (And one non-Sith Imperial officer.)

Quinn: I'm reminded of a quote: "Great. Now 'dead' and 'not dead' are up for debate."

...I tried to imagine you imitating Iron Bull's voice... my brain broke...

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