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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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:eek:People cheating on Quinn? Isn't that some kind of Quinn heresy?! Theron's good but he's not Quinn good :p especially since they reduced the frequency Theron says his best line "shall I say it like say it like a spy? Target eliminated" to about once a month. Bloody spoilsports. Why did they do that?

I felt bad when I mistakenly picked the option that let one of my warriors do the thing with Pierce!


I had to make a SW alt, devoted to just doing the thing with Pierce, cause I couldn't let my 'important' SWs do it, it icked me out. Even in making the devoted cheating SW, I found it hard to go with Pierce...so not my type lol.


And I noticed that! I loved "Shall I say it like a spy?" :p

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:eek:People cheating on Quinn? Isn't that some kind of Quinn heresy?! Theron's good but he's not Quinn good :p especially since they reduced the frequency Theron says his best line "shall I say it like say it like a spy? Target eliminated" to about once a month. Bloody spoilsports. Why did they do that?

I felt bad when I mistakenly picked the option that let one of my warriors do the thing with Pierce!


We're not allowed to question Quinn! He is Bae and will save all who love Him from the Eternal Damnation of SWTOR without His presence! Do not listen to the Lies of that Snake Theron Shan. He is the Deceiver of Womankind.


Seriously though, I don't think it's cheating. Even if you've reconciled the Quinncident, he was gone for 6 years while you did battle with an immortal force god who threatened the entire galaxy. No biggie, he figured you could handle it. I'm sure whatever he was doing was just as important. :rolleyes:


For me, it all comes down to his excuse. What was he doing? I know this leaves me at the mercy of the writers, but it is their story that I'm consuming and I really just can't decide on my own. If (Quinn.Excuse == sufficient) Break if off with Theron; Else If (Quinn.Excuse == lame) While (kissing Theron) Flip Quinn off; Else If (Quinn.Excuse == ridiculous) Resume slamming Quinn against walls.

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I've been looking forward to getting Quinn on some of my other classes, like agent. But I just had a thought - what will my warrior think of someone like Vector? I don't think she'll know what to make of him :o I'm going to have to mentally prepare for this eventuality.


And the idea of Quinn meeting Vector. Imagine your two favorite LIs together (whoever they are), in the base, talkin about stuff.. omg butterflies


(Then again, I think my new warrior will get along better with Vector than I thought


How weird is it I talk about the warrior meeting Vector and then this specific graphic glitch happens)

Edited by grania
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We're not allowed to question Quinn! He is fleek Bae and will save all who love Him from the Eternal Damnation of SWTOR without His presence! Do not listen to the Lies of that Snake Theron Shan. He is the Deceiver of Womankind.



There fixed lol.


Hey Jagaimee...what would Quinn think about being called a 'fleek bae'? LOLOL :D

Edited by Lunafox
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I've been looking forward to getting Quinn on some of my other classes, like agent. But I just had a thought - what will my warrior think of someone like Vector? I don't think she'll know what to make of him :o I'm going to have to mentally prepare for this eventuality.


And the idea of Quinn meeting Vector. Imagine your two favorite LIs together (whoever they are), in the base, talkin about stuff.. omg butterflies


Vector could charm the pants off anyone; Quinn, Theron, or Lord Scourge. I already know my warrior would want him. He might get forcibly deloused, though. Sorry Vector. For security reasons, you understand.


I like the idea of Quinn meeting Theron. I feel like it would be one huge, hilarious disaster. They're basically each other's archetype-nemesis. If there's not lots of side-eye in April between those two, I'll be the disappoint.

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If there's not lots of side-eye in April between those two, I'll be the disappoint.


That would be sublime, but the thing is, technically they know each other already from past expansions. Then again, Theron acts like he doesn't know any of the other companions, so there's hope :)

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Oh God please not Bae, I hate that term with such passion. It's so wannabe-cool and worse is the fact it translates to 'poo' in I believe Danish. Quinn deserves more respectful terms of endearment, no offense lol.


I did the Pierce thing once but it's so not me because he seems to have this whole arrogance/full of himself and NOT in the confident cute Quinn way about him and he's all like "Yeah I'm Mr. Black Ops sticking it to the Sith lady I serve, woo check me out! :cool:" and ugh no, go away. Bad Pierce. :mad:


I do however have a SW who's currently dating Theron, and who told Quinn "Nah no marriage for you but you may serve me as a sperm donor whenever I demand it"... I'm not sure yet if now, so many years later, she's changed her mind about Quinn or if BW would even allow her to marry him now after all, or at least date officially. Curious if previous flags or lack of them will allow for advancement.

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That would be sublime, but the thing is, technically they know each other already from past expansions. Then again, Theron acts like he doesn't know any of the other companions, so there's hope :)


Heh, I forgot about that, since companions said LITERALLY NOTHING the entire SoR expansion, so he really doesn't know anything but their faces. He probably thinks they were playing some sort of weird Sith fetish where they don't speak and walk 3 paces behind behind and to the left at all times or get punished kinda thing.

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There fixed lol.


Hey Jagaimee...what would Quinn think about being called a 'fleek bae'? LOLOL :D


Quinn: A... what?

...even I'm not sure what that means, to be honest...

Quinn: Coming from the "fangirls," I'll take it as a--


Quinn: ...I was going to say "ambiguous insult"...

That's just rude. Be nice, Quinn. You're replying to Darth Lunafox. BE NICE.

Quinn: The word "fleek" is like flak. Or fleece. I am not bomb casing, nor am I sheep's wool.

No, but you sure did drop a bomb on us with that betrayal scene, and you certainly had the wool pulled over your eyes with Baras's lies.

Quinn: And what is the word "bae?" An ocean bay? The susurration of ocean waves is hardly a compliment.

Your voice is certainly as soothing.

Quinn: Or is "bae" a shortened form of "baby?" In which case, may I remind you that - while my age is indeed subject to some head-scratching confusion - I am certainly a grown adult.

You know how people say "baby" as a nickname?

Quinn: ...oh.

Still not sure what fleek means.

Quinn: Fleek bae. Er... "bomb sheep baby?"

..............yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh suuuuuuuuuure let's go with that... :confused:

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Oh God please not Bae, I hate that term with such passion. It's so wannabe-cool and worse is the fact it translates to 'poo' in I believe Danish. Quinn deserves more respectful terms of endearment, no offense lol.



I started calling my husband Bae as a joke, but now I like it. I like it even more now that I know the Danish translation.

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Heh, I forgot about that


I think even the writers forgot about that..


But yeah one of my Quinn's is going to be mortified by who she's been passing the time with, I mean it could only be worse if she were boinking Broysc Jr lol OH GAWD gross I need to stop posting for awhile :D

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I'm seriously starting to worry for your sanity ladies. :cool::p:)


What sanity? That was checked at the door long ago lol. :cool:


You're just now starting to worry? :eek:


I know right? He hee :p



Oh God please not Bae, I hate that term with such passion. It's so wannabe-cool and worse is the fact it translates to 'poo' in I believe Danish. Quinn deserves more respectful terms of endearment, no offense lol.


He hee, I hate it too and I'd heard about it's meaning lol. He does, but I think that's the point, we're just messing around. I don't mind 'fleek' though...stupid as it is. Its fun to say, fleek, fleek, fleek FLEEK!! :eek: FL:eek:



There is no sanity where Quinn is concerned, or Vector either for that matter. Fictional characters bring out the best and worst in us, and imagination is a quirky business.


Nope, no sanity whatsoever. We're all crazy here, miss. :D (where is the cheshire cat smilie when you need it?)



Quinn: A... what?

...even I'm not sure what that means, to be honest...

Quinn: Coming from the "fangirls," I'll take it as a--


Quinn: ...I was going to say "ambiguous insult"...

That's just rude. Be nice, Quinn. You're replying to Darth Lunafox. BE NICE.

Quinn: The word "fleek" is like flak. Or fleece. I am not bomb casing, nor am I sheep's wool.

No, but you sure did drop a bomb on us with that betrayal scene, and you certainly had the wool pulled over your eyes with Baras's lies.

Quinn: And what is the word "bae?" An ocean bay? The susurration of ocean waves is hardly a compliment.

Your voice is certainly as soothing.

Quinn: Or is "bae" a shortened form of "baby?" In which case, may I remind you that - while my age is indeed subject to some head-scratching confusion - I am certainly a grown adult.

You know how people say "baby" as a nickname?

Quinn: ...oh.

Still not sure what fleek means.

Quinn: Fleek bae. Er... "bomb sheep baby?"

..............yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh suuuuuuuuuure let's go with that... :confused:


Thanks Jagaimee! Aww, I feel all squishy inside now. Dear Malavai... *snuggles* You both are 'fleek'; it means:




extremely good, attractive, or stylish.

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He hee, I hate it too and I'd heard about it's meaning lol. He does, but I think that's the point, we're just messing around. I don't mind 'fleek' though...stupid as it is. Its fun to say, fleek, fleek, fleek FLEEK!! :eek: FL:eek:


Yeah 'fleek' I can stomach, it sounds funny but bae... first I heard of it it just made me think of sheep. Then I discovered it's meaning in Danish and thought wteff and then everywhere you look everyone's all "my bae, he's so bae, bae bae bae"... bah bah bah following the trend like sheep, so again there's sheep and no... no bae for me, ever. I'll slap any man who'll ever call me bae. :p But fleek's humorous at least!

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Umm...so my SW not only slept with Pierce but she had an "oops" baby with him. :o:D That baby is now my Pureblood trooper, who she had to give up because he was barely Force sensitive and would never have survived in the Empire. I imagine her thing with Pierce though as more of a youthful fling, and it all happened before she got serious about Quinn anyway. :D


I'm not sure what to do with Theron yet. I'm tempted to not flirt anymore with him from here on out and just play it as him falling for her while she's basically clueless. But it's so hard not to flirt with Theron...

Edited by CloudCastle
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Thanks Jagaimee! Aww, I feel all squishy inside now. Dear Malavai... *snuggles* You both are 'fleek'; it means:




extremely good, attractive, or stylish.


Heh heh, writing Quinn is fun. :p (And it gives me something to do while I procrastinate on schoolwork--AHEM, SORRY, I mean...erm...put my time to better use...*wobbly smile* *hand wave* you heard nothing)


Quinn: *is snuggled* Er...madam - sorry, my lord - would...um...you mind...perhaps... *sigh* I...don't have a choice here, do I... *just goes with it*

*stern look*

Quinn: help?

That is Darth Lunafox. You WILL be respectful. She's the one who started this thread, what's more.

Quinn: *eyes boggle out* Ohhh nooo... Iamsosorrymylordpleaseacceptmysincereapology.

Translation for those who don't speak panic-ese: "I am so sorry, my lord; please accept my sincere apology."

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I couldn't have a fling with Pierce mostly because he seems so resigned about it. He's like *sigh* better keep my lord happy so I guess I have to sleep with her *sigh*. Not like he's actually interested in the SW.


lol he's so not my type. Looks and talks like a steroid head. Can't shut up about his glory days for three seconds. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion.The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion.


He puts me to sleep worse than Lana.

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lol he's so not my type. Looks and talks like a steroid head. Can't shut up about his glory days for three seconds. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion.The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion. The Bastion.


He puts me to sleep worse than Lana.


I remember Pierce was complaining how Quinn said they'd never keep the Bastion b/c Corellia was too volatile. I bet Pierce was pretty ticked when Quinn turned out to be right.

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I considered making it with Pierce once, but I had to esc. before sealing the deal. I peg him for the type of guy who really doesn't put a lot of consideration into who he'd hop into bed with. He is described as reckless and lacking in morals department... who knows what he could be carrying...
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Oops. I started a new warrior and I think I messed up the flirts. Just did a conversation with him when he first gets on the ship and I got weird platonic lines I've never heard before.


I wish it was more obvious which are the flirts you absolutely must take, it's annoying to restart a character because you decided against saying something really cringey for some reason. phoo.

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I couldn't have a fling with Pierce mostly because he seems so resigned about it. He's like *sigh* better keep my lord happy so I guess I have to sleep with her *sigh*. Not like he's actually interested in the SW.


I agree, I tried it once but I esc-ed out of it before it was final. It's pretty gross to me and if it was a male sith telling his female non-force using subordinate "your duty is to sexually pleasure me" people would be boycotting BioWare. They've done this creepy molester scenario in other places too, in the citadel DLC of ME3 femshep can take advantage of one of her crew members who expressly said he's not interested and is clearly very uncomfortable. In ME2 when flirting with Jacob femshep comes across really predatory and Jacob really uncomfortable until the last scene. It's not a player thing but in DA:O you can make Alistair who is a blushing young virgin have sex with someone he hates in order to conceive a potentially demon baby who she then steals and he has no say and does not get to be a part of his son's life. If the genders were reversed in any of these scenarios people would throw a fit but it's like casually brushed off if it's a man :/

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