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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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If they do this I will immediately get on a plane to EABioware Land and demand to know the location of the nearest pitch fork shop :mad: It will look something like
but with Quinnmancers!


*That* would be exactly us, marching on Bioware Austin. And we're alread one step ahead of that crowd, we do know where they live. We just need and Austin phone book for the street addy. That's all. Yep. *nods sagely*





We get that with Theron too, but where's the Theron hate? Senya? Senya, who is forced on us in such a terrible way. :/ Arcann, forced to kill in such a terrible way if we don't just tell him "All is forgiven for your mass murder and destruction of planets."




I don't think we get Theron foisted on us as much...I always caught myself wishing he was foisted on me more. Lana saving me, makes no sense. Her plotting and working in my toon's room, makes no sense. There will be no Theron hate from me, because I find his pixels hawt. :D Lana is their toon of choice and the dev's love knows no bounds where she's concerned. I wish they were so generous with Theron. :)

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We get that with Theron too, but where's the Theron hate? Senya? Senya, who is forced on us in such a terrible way. :/ Arcann, forced to kill in such a terrible way if we don't just tell him "All is forgiven for your mass murder and destruction of planets."



I don't know anyone else's reasons for picking Theron over Lana, but here is mine. I've had lots of coffee.


Theron is funny and charming and cute. I like how he's always storming off when you do something he doesn't like and then comes right back like nothing happened. haha that's probably sloppy writing but I actually know people like that irl that are fun to poke at so... And I like to have companions with me that make jokes about the setting or situation like him or Vette, Kira, Gault etc.. Also, he's SWTOR royalty, so you can't ignore that.


Lana is like a walking Pip-boy who also scolds you. It's like my 4th grade teacher is coming with me on an adventure. I really want to like her, but she just comes across as not having much of a personality outside of her relationship to the Outlander as her/his guide.


Also, she searched for you for 5 years and that is probably very romantic if you romance her like the game assumes, but it's kinda cringy if you rejected her for Theron. It's like, ok this lady is obsessed with me, somebody help. Then I feel guilty cause she's the reason the outlander is alive and it's like she's your mother who you tolerate because she gave birth to you and you don't want to choke her out like a good sith would. :confused: You just let her talk on speaker while you do something else. I just can't imagine romancing her on male or female. If Theron acted like my dad all the time, I'd have to pass on him, too.

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If we go by that logic then it could be either Liam Kosta, a squad mate or Dr. Lexi T'Perro the CMO of your ship the Tempest.


Whelp, considering Lexi is voiced by the amazing Natalie Dormer and you see her in bed with the the male lead in the new trailer, I think we've found her.

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If we go by that logic then it could be either Liam Kosta, a squad mate or Dr. Lexi T'Perro the CMO of your ship the Tempest.


You beat me to saying just that. :p In my defense, I had to go scour the internet for a list of characters in Andromeda whose names begin with L.

Liam's a guy and hasn't been revealed to be a love interest for anyone.

Lexi is a) female (or at least looks that way...gah creepy *shudder*), b) automatically bisexual because...Asari, and c) "hot."

Therefore, I agree with Ralei. *points at Lexi* She's it. Calling it now. And if BioWare decides to break with tradition and the main creator's pet is someone NOT named Li/La/Le-something, it'll be Cora or PeeBee.


... *reading more about the characters in Andromeda* ...o...kay, yeah, no, my enthusiasm for that game just went down the drain... but! As that takes us a tad too close to hot-button topics in real life, I shall not discuss it on the forums. BACK TO QUINN. :D I have a flashlight. Does that count as a torch? And as for a pitchfork, I've got...um...a slightly broken rubber Viking axe from an old Halloween costume. *sigh* I need to work on being intimidating.

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...Also, she searched for you for 5 years and that is probably very romantic if you romance her like the game assumes, but it's kinda cringy if you rejected her for Theron. It's like, ok this lady is obsessed with me, somebody help. Then I feel guilty cause she's the reason the outlander is alive and it's like she's your mother who you tolerate because she gave birth to you and you don't want to choke her out like a good sith would. :confused: You just let her talk on speaker while you do something else. I just can't imagine romancing her on male or female. If Theron acted like my dad all the time, I'd have to pass on him, too.


Funny thing is, when Lana pulled my Wrath out of carbonite, all I could think was, "Lana. Of course Lana. With the attention the writers gave her, how could it not be Lana?" I don't think the realization that all my original crew had been fully replaced with Lana, Theron and a bunch of nobodies they kept introducing had sunk in until after Chapter 3.


In all reality, I'm not sure if I really didn't like all of the KOTFE/ET characters or if I just resented BW for sloppily writing out my favorite ones and then dangling them in front of me like a carrot on a stick saying that they might return. Regardless, I'd gladly purge my Companions and Contacts list just to get my original crews back for each class.

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That Asari was PeeBee another squad mate. Guess that confirms her as a romance for male Ryder at least :p


Really? She didn't seem to have that weird stripe around her eyes like PeeBee does... or maybe I just missed it.

Edit: Whoops, I missed it. It went by so fast and her face is a little in shadow... Yeah, that's PeeBee.

Edited by Jagaimee
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... *reading more about the characters in Andromeda* ...o...kay, yeah, no, my enthusiasm for that game just went down the drain... but! As that takes us a tad too close to hot-button topics in real life, I shall not discuss it on the forums.


I don't know enough about them to be bothered by anything specific, but the fact that I'm starting to not even CARE to know them better means they're coming off as very ...boring? bland? stereotypes? Just meh.

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... *reading more about the characters in Andromeda* ...o...kay, yeah, no, my enthusiasm for that game just went down the drain... but! As that takes us a tad too close to hot-button topics in real life, I shall not discuss it on the forums.


I know nothing about any of the Andromeda characters and I hope to keep it that way until I play the game. At one point I didn't give a kriff about ME:A, not after that FUBAR of an ending to ME3. But I've taken a chance and pre ordered the game and I only did that in the last week.

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The PC hardly ever gets the opportunity to say anything mean to her unlike we get to with others. For example, if I don't tell her about Valkorian and she finds out later, my only options are "I'm so sorry!", "I should have told you!", and "I was scared you would experiment on me!" That's a weak objection. How about, "We are not best friends and if I told no one else why the heck would I tell you?"


I'm mostly furious that she leaves you behind on exploding Arcann's ship in CHXVI, runs away, damn coward, while there's a good chance you could die there. And after returning to Odessen *I don't make a comment about it*! She left me behind to die, and I can't even complain. But I DO get a chance to punch Koth in the face for nothing. :mad:

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Funny thing is, when Lana pulled my Wrath out of carbonite, all I could think was, "Lana. Of course Lana. With the attention the writers gave her, how could it not be Lana?" I don't think the realization that all my original crew had been fully replaced with Lana, Theron and a bunch of nobodies they kept introducing had sunk in until after Chapter 3.


In all reality, I'm not sure if I really didn't like all of the KOTFE/ET characters or if I just resented BW for sloppily writing out my favorite ones and then dangling them in front of me like a carrot on a stick saying that they might return. Regardless, I'd gladly purge my Companions and Contacts list just to get my original crews back for each class.

Very well put. On my main (a Sith sorcerer), since there was literally nothing else to do, I got all the Star Fortress companions - each one of them useless with no background or substance to them as characters. I realise that the developers were probably instructed to remake the game using the least amount of resources possible but they woefully underestimated the large group of players that value the companions they built up over 5 years of story. I think they only started to believe something was wrong when sub numbers dropped drastically resulting in them sending out a questionnaire to find out why (the new galactic command fiasco just added to all the fury). I was lucky enough to get a questionnaire and yes, I mentioned Quinn specifically followed by other favourite companions as one of the reasons for my displeasure with the game as it was during & after KOTFE/KOTET.


As for all the useless no real story companions that were forced on us, I wonder how they might deal with these in the future? I hope they give us the option to get rid of some of them (sort of like a "return this companion to the galaxy" button). Given the hate for Lana I wonder if there will be an option to kill her off at some point.


I have a feeling all missing companions will return before a 6.0 expansion and I think for 6.0 they will be putting significant effort into giving us some decent story lines. I'd like to see them give us a choice based on our class as which companion accompanies us, rather than be forced to team up with someone (such as with Acina, Lana, Senya etc) - it would be really good if we could make a new core team of our favourite companions too.

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Lana irks me, and a lot of it is to do with the fact she's forced on us. You cannot naturally choose to develop a friendship with her or keep her at bay entirely, she's just shoved into your face and that's that.


That bedroom scene though where you're having a nightmare and wake up to her... it was so weird, and random, and intrusive. I don't see how that piece of writing actually got the seal of approval. Don't even wanna know just how often she's been creeping around like that without me waking up. :rolleyes:

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ILana is like a walking Pip-boy who also scolds you. It's like my 4th grade teacher is coming with me on an adventure. I really want to like her, but she just comes across as not having much of a personality outside of her relationship to the Outlander as her/his guide.


Also, she searched for you for 5 years and that is probably very romantic if you romance her like the game assumes, but it's kinda cringy if you rejected her for Theron. It's like, ok this lady is obsessed with me, somebody help. Then I feel guilty cause she's the reason the outlander is alive and it's like she's your mother who you tolerate because she gave birth to you and you don't want to choke her out like a good sith would. :confused: You just let her talk on speaker while you do something else. I just can't imagine romancing her on male or female. If Theron acted like my dad all the time, I'd have to pass on him, too.


I think this sums up my feelings about Lana pretty well. I don't hate her, but there is so little chemistry between her and any of my characters that I haven't managed to romance her yet. I'm forcing my DvL sorc to romance her, but Theron is just so much more appealing, it's hard to do. She is just so dull! But at least she isn't another child/woman like so many of the vanilla romances. :rolleyes:

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I agree with everything said about Lana. She's actually a fairly well done character, but when she's foisted on you so often and with no other options, it starts to feel stifling. She actually works really well with my dark side male agent, but many of my other characters don't mesh with her at all. BW made such a good effort in SOR and Ziost allowing Theron and Lana to be in the story in equal measure, that it was a huge disappointment when they abandoned this in KOTFE. :(


Ok, so on a Malavai related note....I just got to KOTFE chap 9 last night on my warrior. I went and locked in a Theron romance with her, even though she had never romanced him before, just so I could see the break up scene with him when Malavai comes back. Then I logged off and was hit with a burst of paranoia that BW would change things and make it so I couldn't get back with Quinn because I'd done that. :eek: Umm...pretty sure that won't happen right? I mean, that's not how every other returning romance companion has been handled...


I'm going to RP it in my head that she's terribly lonely and lost without Quinn, fears he's dead since he hasn't found her, and then had a moment of weakness with Theron at that cantina party. :rolleyes::D

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Ok, so on a Malavai related note....I just got to KOTFE chap 9 last night on my warrior. I went and locked in a Theron romance with her, even though she had never romanced him before, just so I could see the break up scene with him when Malavai comes back. Then I logged off and was hit with a burst of paranoia that BW would change things and make it so I couldn't get back with Quinn because I'd done that. :eek: Umm...pretty sure that won't happen right? I mean, that's not how every other returning romance companion has been handled...


I'm going to RP it in my head that she's terribly lonely and lost without Quinn, fears he's dead since he hasn't found her, and then had a moment of weakness with Theron at that cantina party. :rolleyes::D


How do you think I feel? My warrior has been fooling around with Lana so she's not too sure how Quinn will react to that bit of news. Watch this space I guess.

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I'm going to RP it in my head that she's terribly lonely and lost without Quinn, fears he's dead since he hasn't found her, and then had a moment of weakness with Theron at that cantina party. :rolleyes::D


Yeah, spoiler warning (not really). Theron's way too cute to keep that up. I started a romance with him out of a place of "meh, why not" and before I knew it I was all "OMG I LOVE YOU TOO THERON". Quinn who? :D

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I think this sums up my feelings about Lana pretty well. I don't hate her, but there is so little chemistry between her and any of my characters that I haven't managed to romance her yet. I'm forcing my DvL sorc to romance her, but Theron is just so much more appealing, it's hard to do. She is just so dull! But at least she isn't another child/woman like so many of the vanilla romances. :rolleyes:


Oh, I definitely appreciate that she's a grown *** woman and not another Ashara or Nadia (bbllrrgghh). For sure. That's why I loved Risha and Elara so much, they seem like women I could be friends with irl. (It sucks that I can't pick both Elara and Quinn. I'm just too straight!)

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Ok, so on a Malavai related note....I just got to KOTFE chap 9 last night on my warrior. I went and locked in a Theron romance with her, even though she had never romanced him before, just so I could see the break up scene with him when Malavai comes back. Then I logged off and was hit with a burst of paranoia that BW would change things and make it so I couldn't get back with Quinn because I'd done that. Umm...pretty sure that won't happen right? I mean, that's not how every other returning romance companion has been handled...


I'm absolutely positive it will be fine. You (and me lol) are just a little extra apprehensive because Quinn is such an important companion, there's no reason to assume he'll work any different than the others have so far.


Except that fe/et is technically over so things could change AND THERON PRONOUNCED HIS LOVE SO NOW MAYBE WE CAN'T BACK OUT OF IT


breathe, breathe, breathe..

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:eek:People cheating on Quinn? Isn't that some kind of Quinn heresy?! Theron's good but he's not Quinn good :p especially since they reduced the frequency Theron says his best line "shall I say it like say it like a spy? Target eliminated" to about once a month. Bloody spoilsports. Why did they do that?

I felt bad when I mistakenly picked the option that let one of my warriors do the thing with Pierce!

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:eek:People cheating on Quinn? Isn't that some kind of Quinn heresy?! Theron's good but he's not Quinn good :p especially since they reduced the frequency Theron says his best line "shall I say it like say it like a spy? Target eliminated" to about once a month. Bloody spoilsports. Why did they do that?

I felt bad when I mistakenly picked the option that let one of my warriors do the thing with Pierce!


Well my first warrior was already married to Quinn when he tried to kill her, so it seemed right to sleep with Pierce as revenge. I don't feel bad about that one!


My other warrior slept with Pierce while she and Quinn were only flirting so I don't feel bad about that either. Ok I mean maybe a little, because directly after that happened, Quinn pronounced his love and here she is with her clothes still rumpled. But she didn't know what he was going to say! I did, but she didn't..


Shoot I need to roll a dark warrior who doesn't sleep around. I need to cover all bases.

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