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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I'm so excited to get Quinn (and Elara) back but....I'm already dreading taking any more characters through KOTFE. I have held off on taking chars through that could not get their love interests back (with the exception of my main), which meant that many favorite alts were left behind when KOTFE dropped. But now I have taken enough through for Lana/Theron/Koth etc purposes, that I'm kind of burnt out on it.


So I'm thrilled Quinn is coming back, but I'm already wondering if I'll actually get to see this content on my warrior. I intend to wait until after the Quinn content is released anyway, just to make sure that they don't change him in some weird way or put in some choice that will accidentally make me kill him :rolleyes:, but that means that I also can't get a head start now. I'm not sure what to do. I have 25 characters. :o


How risky is it to skip KOTFE and just go into KOTET? Pretty sure you can do that right? (Not talking about insta-chars here.) I know you'd be stuck with whatever choices were assigned to your faction, that you wouldn't be able to romance Lana/Theron/Koth, and that you'd miss out on the companion e-mails. Do you think it would mess up anything else? Like...erase your romance flag or something. :confused::eek:


I don't know the risks for skipping. I've preferred not to take a chance with my mains. The romance is too important to me, to risk it, so I've been playing it through just in case. I'd be afraid, given that this game has had messes with romance triggers before, like not displaying the right cutscenes, using the right dialogue, or not even triggering them, as some people had issues with the Lana romance. Play it safe, I think. It doesn't take that long.

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I don't know the risks for skipping. I've preferred not to take a chance with my mains. The romance is too important to me, to risk it, so I've been playing it through just in case. I'd be afraid, given that this game has had messes with romance triggers before, like not displaying the right cutscenes, using the right dialogue, or not even triggering them, as some people had issues with the Lana romance. Play it safe, I think. It doesn't take that long.


I am cowardly and mistrustful, so I will wait until others play through and report their findings. Once I am confident it is relatively bug free and reasonably written, then, and only then, will I bring my now Juggernaut through.

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So, having never played a female toon, my recollection of the conversations with Quinn are that he never really makes a reference to his betrayal in the companion convo quests. I may be incorrect in that recollection. I wonder if the conversations, especially the romance ones, are any different if you wait until the very end of the sith warrior story until you start to converse with him. I am also quite curious how far the flirt options go prior to the betrayal. I do know that you can pretty much get through the assassination of an SIS operative and the removal from command of an imperial moff before the events of the betrayal, so you've given Quinn quite a lot of operating room and responsibility, yet he still chose to betray you. Besides, there is no question you have earned the favor of Vitiate as his Wrath, and as a supposedly exemplary loyal imperial officer, Quinn's first duty should be to the Emperor, not Baras.


Forgiving is harder, but its not very Sith-y. Sidious didn't forgive Maul and Savage for trying to unite the Mandalorians during the Clone Wars, but he didn't kill him either. He put them in their rightful place and reminded Maul he was no longer a Sith apprentice, and kept him alive for future use (to certainly be revealed during this season of Rebels). My Sith Inquisitor didn't kill Senya and SCORPIO simply to get even, he killed them because they are threats to his Alliance.


So given what you have done for Quinn's career, the fact you act on the authority of the Emperor himself, and the justification of removing threats to your power and obvious security risks, I wouldn't blame any Sith Warrior for executing Quinn, romanced or not. And its not simply to get even, its a strategic move.



I actually think it's better strategy to keep Quinn alive to spite Baras after getting him on your side. Quinn is basically 'the brains' of the operation and without him, SW is hurt because he no longer has his strategist/analyst if he would kill him.


I'm just amazed that Baras didn't try to holostrangle Quinn afterward; he'd done that before...can't recall was it Lanklyn? Hmm, maybe time to replay it. :)

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So, having never played a female toon, my recollection of the conversations with Quinn are that he never really makes a reference to his betrayal in the companion convo quests. I may be incorrect in that recollection. I wonder if the conversations, especially the romance ones, are any different if you wait until the very end of the sith warrior story until you start to converse with him. I am also quite curious how far the flirt options go prior to the betrayal. I do know that you can pretty much get through the assassination of an SIS operative and the removal from command of an imperial moff before the events of the betrayal, so you've given Quinn quite a lot of operating room and responsibility, yet he still chose to betray you. Besides, there is no question you have earned the favor of Vitiate as his Wrath, and as a supposedly exemplary loyal imperial officer, Quinn's first duty should be to the Emperor, not Baras.


Forgiving is harder, but its not very Sith-y. Sidious didn't forgive Maul and Savage for trying to unite the Mandalorians during the Clone Wars, but he didn't kill him either. He put them in their rightful place and reminded Maul he was no longer a Sith apprentice, and kept him alive for future use (to certainly be revealed during this season of Rebels). My Sith Inquisitor didn't kill Senya and SCORPIO simply to get even, he killed them because they are threats to his Alliance.


So given what you have done for Quinn's career, the fact you act on the authority of the Emperor himself, and the justification of removing threats to your power and obvious security risks, I wouldn't blame any Sith Warrior for executing Quinn, romanced or not. And its not simply to get even, its a strategic move.


You just reminded me I need to catch up on the last 2 Rebels episodes. ;)


And I don't see killing Quinn as a strategic move. Even without a romance, he offers plenty in terms of his skill and knowledge so I'd sooner put him in his place with a very firm "Don't you EVER..." than kill him off.


By the time the betrayal takes place we do have Vitiate's support but, to the best of my recollection, only through words, only through promises of his Servants. Now of course Quinn could choose to have faith in that, entrust the SW with what Baras' has asked him to do and hope the SW will protect him but it's still a risky move especially when, despite all of it, Baras isn't a man to be underestimated either. There's just a lot of variables to the situation, especially for Quinn so I've always struggled to fully fault him for the betrayal. And of course forgiving isn't part of a Sith's nature in general but it is part of MY Sith's nature in this case and the way I've head-cannoned the story, which is what I defend. Others are welcome to play it their way and I may not agree or understand it but that's their business, just as this is my way of playing the game and my reasons for loving him and being thrilled to see him return. :)

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I am cowardly and mistrustful, so I will wait until others play through and report their findings. Once I am confident it is relatively bug free and reasonably written, then, and only then, will I bring my now Juggernaut through.


I'll be madly dashing through the whole thing the second it's live, if anything goes wrong at least I've got three warriors :)


Only thing I'm worried about is a wardrobe malfunction I had in kotet where my outfit would show up as the republic version in cutscenes. If Quinn sees me wearing that pubbie potato sack I'm going to have a Kylo Ren moment

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I'll be madly dashing through the whole thing the second it's live, if anything goes wrong at least I've got three warriors :)


Only thing I'm worried about is a wardrobe malfunction I had in kotet where my outfit would show up as the republic version in cutscenes. If Quinn sees me wearing that pubbie potato sack I'm going to have a Kylo Ren moment


Oof. Has that been fixed yet? :/ I'm a little hesitant to go through KOTET with that bug still in effect...


Anyway; I'll be waiting for others to reunite with Quinn first (and probably for Dulfy to post a walkthrough so I can see exactly what choices will and won't resume the romance*). I don't want to mess anything up... yes, I'm a bit paranoid. :p


*Apparently in chapter fourteen of KOTFE, the choice you'd *think* would re-start the romance with Torian...actually doesn't resume the romance, and a different choice does??


Torian: You, I'm not leaving. Never again.

1) Same here.

2) Are you all right?

3) We need to let each other go.

Obviously #3 breaks up the romance, but #2 is apparently the one you need to pick to resume the romance with Torian. o_O Is that correct?


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Oof. Has that been fixed yet? :/ I'm a little hesitant to go through KOTET with that bug still in effect...


Anyway; I'll be waiting for others to reunite with Quinn first (and probably for Dulfy to post a walkthrough so I can see exactly what choices will and won't resume the romance*). I don't want to mess anything up... yes, I'm a bit paranoid. :p


*Apparently in chapter fourteen of KOTFE, the choice you'd *think* would re-start the romance with Torian...actually doesn't resume the romance, and a different choice does??


Torian: You, I'm not leaving. Never again.

1) Same here.

2) Are you all right?

3) We need to let each other go.

Obviously #3 breaks up the romance, but #2 is apparently the one you need to pick to resume the romance with Torian. o_O Is that correct?


I'll have to double check when I have the chance, but I'm pretty sure I chose the first option on that dialog with Torian and his note in the companion window acknowledged resuming the romance.


And you're not being paranoid about wanting to be certain with how things flag in this game. It's happened enough that some bugs/glitches have happened and it's taken ages to get addressed if they end up getting fixed at all.

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Oof. Has that been fixed yet? :/ I'm a little hesitant to go through KOTET with that bug still in effect...


Anyway; I'll be waiting for others to reunite with Quinn first (and probably for Dulfy to post a walkthrough so I can see exactly what choices will and won't resume the romance*). I don't want to mess anything up... yes, I'm a bit paranoid. :p


*Apparently in chapter fourteen of KOTFE, the choice you'd *think* would re-start the romance with Torian...actually doesn't resume the romance, and a different choice does??


Torian: You, I'm not leaving. Never again.

1) Same here.

2) Are you all right?

3) We need to let each other go.

Obviously #3 breaks up the romance, but #2 is apparently the one you need to pick to resume the romance with Torian. o_O Is that correct?


Luckily I record all my playthroughs so let me see what I picked for that...hm I picked the first one "same here" and it gave me the "this continues Torian's romance" popup (the dialogue was Torian: "you I'm not leaving, not ever again" and when I picked "same here" what she said was "as if I'd give you a choice" and you get a "Torian missed you" notification that pops up and then they hug) but I haven't finished the expansions with her yet. Does it glitch out later or something?

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25 is nothing. The Cullen Thread on the old Bioware forums that got to something insane like over a million pages I kid you not.


The Quinnmancers have a long way to go :p;)


Why did you need to make me sad about the BSN? :(

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Beautiful artwork! <3


PS. Quinnmancers should visit SWTOR's facebook page, they're trying to gauge who people want back more, Quinn or Elara


https://www.facebook.com/starwarstheoldrepublic/photos/a.10150113796393860.291837.28984808859/10154529535803860/?type=3&theater...Give Quinn your support! <3

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As someone who's played since RotHC, rolling her first Mara (then junking her for a jugg cuz of how squishy maras are, but that's another topic), the volume of my scream for joy when I saw the news was so loud it woke my cat lol.



That being said, it's refreshingly surprising to find so many Quinnmancers here.


I shall linger this thread as I watch Quinn try to keep his professionalism around my Jugg in the SoR intro.

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eep *blush* <3

PS. Quinnmancers should visit SWTOR's facebook page, they're trying to gauge who people want back more, Quinn or Elara...Give Quinn your support! <3


Suppose I could drag myself to fb for Quinn.. is it easy to find the swtor page? :o nm I think I found it, yeah..

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The Cullen Thread on [REDACTED FOR FEELS] got to something insane like over a million pages


Well then let's get going. Bioware must know the power of our love for Quinn so that they give him all the dialog! So what is your favorite Quinn moment?


Although it is (obviously) not canon for me, the conversation you can have if you turn him down for marriage and tell him that he will continue to be your boytoy is priceless.

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Well then let's get going. Bioware must know the power of our love for Quinn so that they give him all the dialog! So what is your favorite Quinn moment?


Although it is (obviously) not canon for me, the conversation you can have if you turn him down for marriage and tell him that he will continue to be your boytoy is priceless.


Indeed, lets get cracking and get the numbers up!


Nice idea Aethell.


Aside from all the romantic moments, kisses, fade to black etc...my favorite moment is when you're with him in the plant that has been rigged to blow (during the hunt for the generals on Taris) and time is ticking down and you're trying to get into the safe room, and SW says. "If you have anything to say, now is the time." And Quinn goes..."I think you know how I feel." I thought it was adorable. :o

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eep *blush* <3



Suppose I could drag myself to fb for Quinn.. is it easy to find the swtor page? :o nm I think I found it, yeah..


Thanks :D Malavai is worth it. <3


Here is the link to make life easier for those who want to boost Mal...you'll have to scroll down a bit to see it.



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I'd be afraid, given that this game has had messes with romance triggers before, like not displaying the right cutscenes, using the right dialogue, or not even triggering them, as some people had issues with the Lana romance. Play it safe, I think. It doesn't take that long.


I know. That's what I'm afraid of. :( My male agent got the bug early on that kept him from getting any dialog or mail in KOTFE acknowledging his former romance. Thankfully, I was planning to go with Lana anyway, but if I hadn't been, I would have been really upset. I hate seeing other people lose their character's history, and I wish they'd fix the Lana bug so no more people get caught in it.


I probably won't risk it with my warrior and male trooper but it's going to be drudgery. I'm still trying to drag my female trooper through KOTFE and it's been months. :(

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Well then let's get going. Bioware must know the power of our love for Quinn so that they give him all the dialog! So what is your favorite Quinn moment?


Not necessarily a scene, but at the end of Voss when Madaga-Ru tells me "one of my own plots to betray me" and I ask who it is... take a guess who was my active companion at the time lol.

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Thanks :D Malavai is worth it. <3


Here is the link to make life easier for those who want to boost Mal...you'll have to scroll down a bit to see it.




*nod* k done!


I think I already mentioned my favorite Quinn moment in the thread earlier, was that line about .. *yeesh* it's so swoony I can't even type it out again lol.

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Although it is (obviously) not canon for me, the conversation you can have if you turn him down for marriage and tell him that he will continue to be your boytoy is priceless.


I have to admit one of my SW did go the "No, we won't get married BUT I do expect you ready in my bedroom whenever I want it, understood?!" route which is not what I expected when I clicked that option but omg. :o Wonder what romance/LI options she has now when he returns, since they never got married...

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Suppose I could drag myself to fb for Quinn.. is it easy to find the swtor page? :o nm I think I found it, yeah..


I found it, but no one I know even uses Facebook, including me. :D I wish the SWTOR community team would keep their own official blog on their website rather than spreading all of their content (news, polls, etc.) over things like Facebook and Twitter, as many people out there don't use certain social services. I'm more apt to view content and interact with it on swtor.com rather than a third party website.


P.S. Good quality pic of Quinn in that image and I love his new uniform. It makes me wonder again what his rank is now...? If Pierce can make Major, surely Quinn can make Colonel or higher. :cool:

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I found it, but no one I know even uses Facebook, including me. :D I wish the SWTOR community team would keep their own official blog on their website rather than spreading all of their content (news, polls, etc.) over things like Facebook and Twitter, as many people out there don't use certain social services. I'm more apt to view content and interact with it on swtor.com rather than a third party website.


P.S. Good quality pic of Quinn in that image and I love his new uniform. It makes me wonder again what his rank is now...? If Pierce can make Major, surely Quinn can make Colonel or higher. :cool:


Yeah I log in every three months and I'm friends with like, my brother :p I don't even use my real name. Don't report that crayon person! >.>

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