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So we're getting a new operation....but you're unlocking each boss during the year?


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Yeah, dude, even when I give you the dates you still cant get it.. its not been over 2 years. Jeez. And you accuse others of not reading???





The Ravagers and Temple of Sacrifice were released with Patch 3.0.0 2 December 2014.

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I actually like this. I'm not an Ops player so perhaps for you guys it's different but to me it feels like they're doing bi-monthly/quarterly patch updates that expands upon group content (ie your new Ops unlocking further content), provides a small story continuation, returns a few companions and then there's the new dailies and stuff. A little bit of everything. Perhaps I'm naive but it sounds good to me so far, we'll see how it works out in reality.
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Not to be that person..... but....


I would temper expectations some on this new Operation, lest you find yourself role playing "Charile Brown Vs Lucy with the Football" once again in the forum.


They are trying a new approach, essentially a chapter like approach to this Operation. Which means... they are experimenting here.. and history in the forum suggests most of you do not take well to them experimenting... EVER.


Personally, I like that they experiment and take chances... but it does not always turn out well in the forum as many of you think you are better at game design then they are.


It may be good, they may muck it up, it may simply not meet peoples tastes at all. History suggests it could be any of these outcomes.


My take.... This piecemeal rollout of an Operation over a period of 6+ months will in no way please the binge nature of many end game content players. If they put weekly lockouts on the OP... oh boy will there be rage in the forums. If the bosses have bugs.. oh boy will there be rage in the forums. If the boss loot is not up to "perceived standards" oh boy will there be rage in the forums.

Edited by Andryah
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You are not wrong. And if he had bothered to check he would have responded with this. :/

Thank you for checking :p


I kept telling you it was over two years, kid, and that I was off a few months when I said two and half years. You're the one who kept insisting it was less than two years. Learn to add and subtract! :D

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Dream on. I can bet now that they wont get all bosses done this year mark my words. its not first time this happened. I give credit they at least try now after SO many years of silence. But its clear indication things are bad and they have no other choice now.


It's not a dream but you're so far into the need to point out flaws and be negative that you can't see anything else now.

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Not to be that person..... but....


I would temper expectations some on this new Operation, lest you find yourself role playing "Charile Brown Vs Lucy with the Football" once again in the forum.


They are trying a new approach, essentially a chapter like approach to this Operation. Which means... they are experimenting here.. and history in the forum suggests most of you do not take well to them experimenting... EVER.


Personally, I like that they experiment and take chances... but it does not always turn out well in the forum as many of you think you are better at game design then they are.


It may be good, they may muck it up, it may simply not meet peoples tastes at all. History suggests it could be any of these outcomes.


I agree with you on them taking chances. I'd rather them take what appear to be more calculated risks. I would have said chapter releases as they related to story weren't exactly the best of bets since story is by far the fastest consumed content this game offers due to the inability to really provide difficulty with it. However, operation bosses are slightly a different ball game. It's incredibly easy for teams to be on a boss for a month. The content is much more durable than story is. So this gambit may actually work.

Edited by Shwarzchild
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I Think this means they had nothing and just rushed to do this, and seriously release the ops in parts.....


You're probably right but it illustrates that they're finally willing to listen to the community and give us what we want.


Look, we can't fix the 2 year ops drought now. The only way to do that is with a time machine, and Hawking and Tyson are dragging their feet on that. The only way is to go forward, and this is a good step in that direction.

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It's not a dream but you're so far into the need to point out flaws and be negative that you can't see anything else now.


They're basing their guess that the operation won't be finished by the end of the year on EAWare's past behavior. I agree with them. They often delay things, and since they haven't given us a specific timetable for these other than "We hope to have them all out by the end of the year", that's a pretty big sign to me that there's a good chance they won't all be out by the end of the year.


Did you see the drinking game? :D

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You're probably right but it illustrates that they're finally willing to listen to the community and give us what we want.


Look, we can't fix the 2 year ops drought now. The only way to do that is with a time machine, and Hawking and Tyson are dragging their feet on that. The only way is to go forward, and this is a good step in that direction.



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Not to be that person..... but....


I would temper expectations some on this new Operation, lest you find yourself role playing "Charile Brown Vs Lucy with the Football" once again in the forum.


They are trying a new approach, essentially a chapter like approach to this Operation. Which means... they are experimenting here.. and history in the forum suggests most of you do not take well to them experimenting... EVER.


Personally, I like that they experiment and take chances... but it does not always turn out well in the forum as many of you think you are better at game design then they are.


It may be good, they may muck it up, it may simply not meet peoples tastes at all. History suggests it could be any of these outcomes.


My take.... This piecemeal rollout of an Operation over a period of 6+ months will in no way please the binge nature of many end game content players. If they put weekly lockouts on the OP... oh boy will there be rage in the forums. If the bosses have bugs.. oh boy will there be rage in the forums. If the boss loot is not up to "perceived standards" oh boy will there be rage in the forums.


So basically, there will be rage in the forums, no matter what? Sounds about right...

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So unless I'm mistaken (I only saw a little bit of the stream) this first Operations boss is one of the Zakuulan Gods, and it's a giant robot who we only come up to halfway on it's shin?


I think the only appropriate way to say this is what I said after I first saw Zyuranger and found out that the original Japanese character that became Megazord for MMPR was a kriffing God.


"Meddle not in the affairs of mechanized deities, for you are small, and easily stepped upon"


We're expected to fight a Zord/mechanized deity?!?

Well, I guess we already smote Cthulhu (Terror From Beyond) so why not carve our way through the Zordly pantheon of Zakuul?

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So unless I'm mistaken (I only saw a little bit of the stream) this first Operations boss is one of the Zakuulan Gods, and it's a giant robot who we only come up to halfway on it's shin?


I think the only appropriate way to say this is what I said after I first saw Zyuranger and found out that the original Japanese character that became Megazord for MMPR was a kriffing God.


"Meddle not in the affairs of mechanized deities, for you are small, and easily stepped upon"


We're expected to fight a Zord/mechanized deity?!?

Well, I guess we already smote Cthulhu (Terror From Beyond) so why not carve our way through the Zordly pantheon of Zakuul?


And why not? We've done that before, and we've even been one for a few minutes *STOMPSTOMPSTOMP*



(Anyway it's not really a God, just a robot modeled after one)

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if swtor is going on now like this with releasing monthly parts of a full addon than its nothing like 4.0 did with chapters.

realy.. who is going to support such stuff.


men this dev team reminds me every time more and more like the dumb germans and their airport in berlin. still under conmstruction since 11 years and still not finished. do they have the same architects :o

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A little perspective is needed to be honest in regards to the one boss at a time release.


I'm in agreement with you.


I think this is the first time since 3.0 that I've looked at what was coming (from a content standpoint) and thought they were going forward, not backwards.


My first reaction, even in stream chat, was that we were just going to get a single entity a la TC or CM.


But having a predictable cadence - and the inclusion of NM mode - makes it sit fine with me, much moreso than seeing exactly nothing until 2018, which is probably what we would have been looking at. Reality is there is no way I'd still be here at that point.


I would say that I do have a couple concerns, that IMO are serious enough to make the entirety of the (IMO positive) news today moot in many players' minds.


1) This gearing system has the potential to overshadow all of what was announced today. They are still miles from anything I would characterize as "good", and I'm very concerned I keep hearing the words "tweak" and "tune". The system needs to be either removed entirely (i.e. back to 3.0 gearing) or the rate of CXP acquisition needs to be bumped, by something like an order of magnitude.


The content cadence we are talking about is really only going to be sustainable for guilds if they can play the content with alts. For me, personally, I'm looking at about 5-6 weeks played since 5.0 dropped and I have one character barely able to do NM level content. I'm at GC level 130 on it, and the entirety of my alts total less than 30 levels. If it were not for focusing nearly 100% of my in-game time farming VMC's I would be screwed.


More objectively, the focus needs to come off "gearing" and onto "playing". Reality is "playing how you want" is not a viable mechanism to gear as we have been asked to buy into. The current timesink for gear is staggeringly high. Put plainly, it isn't fun. Not being able to do the content because 15 of my alts are still in 224 will get old quickly.


To look at it from another angle - for the players for whom the gear actually matters, a gear grind is the last thing they want to do. Period.


I want to raid? Great, let me raid. Not: Let me make my team raid this low level crap so I can raid high level stuff on my alt - and then do that 7 more times for my 7 teammates.


I want to PvP? Great, let me PvP. Not: Let me go run Operations for PvP gear.


Let me be perfectly clear.


YOU CAN NOT FIX THIS. Please stop trying. As long as this system is here, it will be bad. Not "imperfect". Bad.


You cannot fix this via tweak. You cannot fix this via tuning. It is bad. It is brokenly, unfunly, bad idealy bad.


Go back to how PvP used to gear. Go back to how Ops players used to gear. Leave GC in for everyone else. Not for us.


It needs to be said that GC can easily torpedo 5.2. If, as a studio, you're ok with that, fine. I suspect you are not though. You need to get in game, talk to people, and understand the real problems. You do not see them yet, based on all you say.


2) These 5 bosses cannot be the "focus" on group content in it's entirety. Simply put, 5 bosses in three years is pointless. Without clear communication prior to the 5th boss release regarding the next Operation, there's no *********** point. If we get through this year, and go into next year knowing there is another full set of Ops releasing in 2018, that'll hold some guilds together. If we've heard radio silence, that will be all.


The endgame community cannot turn itself on and off as the story crowd can. To be sustainable there needs to be not only content, but the secure knowledge of timely future content. Period.


3) The decision to abandon Hardmare is a good one. If you are going to trickle the content, and expect to sustain a playerbase, the content you do release has to fit the players. Hardmare destroyed guilds. Cratered them because they were blocked on boss 2 or 3. I know many casual players that were "hardmode" raiders that have never beaten Master Blaster. That certainly wouldn't fly in the mess you're currently in.


So going back to real NM level content is good. But IMO I think the studio would get return from going to four levels. I really think an LFR-esque (Ben, Eric, since you guys don't play MMO's you might not understand but I promise, it's worth looking it up), true "story" mode is something this game could use. And the bang-for-buck if you're already creating the Ops anyway is major. Right now, Story Mode is trying to do two jobs: Be a button mash derpfest as well as an entry point into endgame play. It cannot be both. Split "Story" mode into "story" and "normal". It will be worth it.

Edited by gabigool
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What they really didnt make clear was if it is JUST A SINGLE boss like on Ziost, or if it is an operation with a story, and eventually the whole operation will be doable all at once. Or will we ahve to requeue for every single boss. They kind of skidded around that. If it is JUST a boss, lets be honest, that is shameful.
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I'm hopefully optimistic, personally.


If you ask me, an episodic "unlock" to dungeons can work, if they do it well.


What would work best is tying it into the dailies and uprisings, perhaps. Even if it doesn't actually build to unlocking that boss, letting us feel like we're contributing to progressing would have/could be a cool way to hold players over.


It's not perfect, but it's better than nothing. The devs are actually trying to listen and trying to do something to remedy.


I'm not perfectly happy, but I'm relatively content.


Learn to be grateful for some things. This is just a game, after all.

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