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Nerf to cxp in fast matches


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Horrible idea. With the legacy boost and winning a 15 min full Huttball game with 8+ medals you get I think 728 (no dvl bonus) Just finished a huttball in 5 min and got 8 medals and got 509. All this does is create an incentive for the winning team to farm the losing team just for extra cxp. Even more of an incentive on servers with low pops or at off peak times. Edited by HelinCarnate
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Please don't give them anymore "Fun and Exciting" ideas..... They don't need any help.


I think the OP is giving a mention. Not a suggestion.


I don't know OP, is this something you found? I got mixed reports from people getting less cxp for regs yesterday so this might explain that. If you are right, then I fully agree with your sentiment and comparison to ops.

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We all know they did it to discourage people from throwing games. With the unassembled components added and the nerf to fast games, now there is motive for both sides to win, not just go through games as quickly as possible. People are not going to farm a losing team for more cxp. A winning team is going to take their win, get their 5 unassembled components, and que for the next match. They'll get the same CXP over time either way.
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We all know they did it to discourage people from throwing games. With the unassembled components added and the nerf to fast games, now there is motive for both sides to win, not just go through games as quickly as possible. People are not going to farm a losing team for more cxp. A winning team is going to take their win, get their 5 unassembled components, and que for the next match. They'll get the same CXP over time either way.


Isn't it also for reg 8 man? If so, I've never seen a whole 8 man pug team throw a match and I've seen some really bad crap in PvP. Even if they try to throw a match, it will go longer than 2 mins.

The only reason they are less than that is when the game doesn't pop enough people into a match and it ends early.

So I don't see why they need to nerf that when it's Biowares fault to start with.

If anything you should get double the CXP to make up for the poor queue system and the fact that you've probably been sitting in the queue for at least 30 mins and the when it pops there aren't enough people to finish a match. That's not the players fault and no players are exploiting it. The only exploiters are Bioware nerfing the CXP.

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Isn't it also for reg 8 man? If so, I've never seen a whole 8 man pug team throw a match and I've seen some really bad crap in PvP. Even if they try to throw a match, it will go longer than 2 mins.

The only reason they are less than that is when the game doesn't pop enough people into a match and it ends early.

So I don't see why they need to nerf that when it's Biowares fault to start with.

If anything you should get double the CXP to make up for the poor queue system and the fact that you've probably been sitting in the queue for at least 30 mins and the when it pops there aren't enough people to finish a match. That's not the players fault and no players are exploiting it. The only exploiters are Bioware nerfing the CXP.


It just takes one person at a node to decide they want to speed things up by not stopping a cap or calling out. I saw it maybe 20-30 times in 5.0 while grinding regs. I'm hoping this puts a stop to it in 5.1 and afterwards. I'm sure some of those were just afk or what have you, but when you see that happen multiple times in one day from the same guild, things look suspicious.


I know you've unsubbed, but if you do decide to stay maybe consider a more populated server. The only time 30 minute pops happened for me in 5.0 was very, very early mornings. And that's on BC, not Harby. I bet that one is poping 24/7.

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