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Why was Legacy CXP not the answer?


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Because you'd get 1 crate of loot for your whole legacy?


I'd rather get one crate with stuff I can actually use on one of my toons, than on none. I kept getting things like guns and empty armors that are more suited to a trooper/bh than a force user, old reputation cards for factions I've maxed...just sheer junk. If it was over legacy, well then the gun could have gone to one of my bounty hunters.


I'd mostly just like to be able to play whichever toon I wanted, and have their contributions added to the CXP pool, rather than having to grind it anew for every single alt I want to play.

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Because grind is the only thing they can think of to try to keep people playing. Because they're treating a AAA MMORPG like a cash grab iPhone microtransaction game.




This is why I truly hope that Disney has an ace up its sleeve, since it kept the rights to make an online Star Wars game.


*super secret star wars mmo in the works* :eek:

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Because you'd get 1 crate of loot for your whole legacy?


They could have easily made it so each character in your legacy got a box every time you dinged a level. Or even made the boxes legacy bound so you could move them onto a particular character you're trying to gear, so you can play alts and not feel like you're depriving your main of gear. Or ANYTHING other than this terrible system we have now.

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They could have easily made it so each character in your legacy got a box every time you dinged a level. Or even made the boxes legacy bound so you could move them onto a particular character you're trying to gear, so you can play alts and not feel like you're depriving your main of gear. Or ANYTHING other than this terrible system we have now.


Give a crate of loot to all legacy characters? :eek: :eek: but that would lessen the grind too much!!!! :eek: this is bw after all. They want to make sure you work for each piece of gear, 2 unassembled gear pieces at a time...5 if you're lucky. :rolleyes:


No. It didn't take long for me to have my eyes opened. I'm tired of it now.

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Give a crate of loot to all legacy characters? :eek: :eek: but that would lessen the grind too much!!!! :eek: this is bw after all. They want to make sure you work for each piece of gear, 2 unassembled gear pieces at a time...5 if you're lucky. :rolleyes:


No. It didn't take long for me to have my eyes opened. I'm tired of it now.


Let's share some virtual alcohol again! I'm coming up with a BioWare Livestream Drinking Game !

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Anyone here plays diablo3? Whats called legacy is called paragon over there. Its limited to region, not server but its the same concept in the end. Its for all characters. What you gain on one, you gain on others. You farm your blood shards with one char and spend it with another. People are happy to gear up toons like that.


BW copied so much from wow, why not copy some more from other blizzard games? If it makes people happy and is efficient, why the hell not??

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I think most dont understand the advantage of this system.


So you no mather what toon you login, when you increase your rank it increases for all your toons. That means no mather which toon you play you will increase your overall GC rank, so no login to other toon who is rank 12 and starting the grind all over.


This will make you reach rank 300 or at least tier III very fast. Lets say my legacy rank is 185 and I login to toon A, play him for a while and gain 3 ranks, i get 3 crates for the toon and that discipline. Then i login to toon B and i play him and gain 4 ranks from 188 to 192 and get 4 crates for that toon that discipline.


What the legacy system would bring is the fact that when you login to a fresh lvl 70 you start getting Tier III gear right away!! That is the main advantage, you dont have to grind from 0 to 181 to start getting best end game gear!!

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Be wonderful if we could get a dev response, but discuss..


Seems that whole month of development time on new gearing alternative could have been better spent on something like a Warzone, Operation, ect.


I hate the rng system with such a passion I would if it were within my power fire the guys keeping it and dump it at first chance. So clearly no white knight here. But I don't see why it would help the system in a useful way to make cxp legacy wide. What it would do is allow your characters to progress together and eventually get to top end gear together with no progression for any new characters just hit 70 and blame get top end gear......


I agree this system is terrible for alts, and I have pages of alts. But I also don't see how it is a good system if when my alt hits 70 he skips 230 gear and starts earning 242 gear right off the bat with each command level.


Really my ideal fix is removal of the command xp system entirely.

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1. Less chance to get set gear because you get less overall crates.

2. You could easily get 240 schematics once you reach T3 by doing pvp weeklies on all your alts.

3. Takes some of the individual progression away from your characters.

4. Puts newbies at a disadvantage?

Edited by Eli_Porter
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I think most dont understand the advantage of this system.


So you no mather what toon you login, when you increase your rank it increases for all your toons. That means no mather which toon you play you will increase your overall GC rank, so no login to other toon who is rank 12 and starting the grind all over.


This will make you reach rank 300 or at least tier III very fast. Lets say my legacy rank is 185 and I login to toon A, play him for a while and gain 3 ranks, i get 3 crates for the toon and that discipline. Then i login to toon B and i play him and gain 4 ranks from 188 to 192 and get 4 crates for that toon that discipline.


What the legacy system would bring is the fact that when you login to a fresh lvl 70 you start getting Tier III gear right away!! That is the main advantage, you dont have to grind from 0 to 181 to start getting best end game gear!!

One disadvantage I see is that new toons after you reach lvl300 wont get gear from the system.

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Be wonderful if we could get a dev response, but discuss..


Seems that whole month of development time on new gearing alternative could have been better spent on something like a Warzone, Operation, ect.


MOre like 2 or 3 months. Remember they spent a long time putting this piss-poor grind together and another couple to patch it and break it.


The simple answer is that Legacy-wide (however you did it ) was just shuffling around the walls of the room, trying not to acknowledge that there's a honking great Bantha standing there drooling all over you.


They produced so little in the way of content that they had to devise a long grind-fest to keep you reaching for that ever-receding carrot of BiS - And for what? To re-do ops you've done before or to gain a few % points over people in PvP or make your old-dailies go a few seconds faster....


For cying out loud BW, wake up and smell the coffee.

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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Sounds like a bad idea to me. I would not want 1 crate for all of the characters in my legacy.

They could prevent this by having the CXP bar keep accruing XP towards new packs once you max out at 300 Galactic Command so new crates continue to drop. It isn't a difficult situation to fix.

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They could prevent this by having the CXP bar keep accruing XP towards new packs once you max out at 300 Galactic Command so new crates continue to drop. It isn't a difficult situation to fix.


That's already the case, but the CXP requirement for T3 crates is way higher than for T1 crates.

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