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5.1 dvl gear BOLSTER PROBLEM


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People who have DVL gears have 131k hp and much better damages at PVP, who don't have DVL gear start to play around 108k hp and less damages. They need to spend months to get full gear, but people who have DVL gear don't need, because bolster does it.


So we who don't have DVL gears need to spend months to farm gear while DVL geared people farm us at PVP.


What is the logic of this?

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I can confirm this.


I tried a mix of 234 and 236 gear which got very mildly bolstered up (Primary and Secondary stats only). Then I tried the DvL XP boost armor (Victorious Pioneer's armor) with 190s keeping the same weapons, earpiece, implants and relics. The DvL got bolstered up significantly - as expected - but also ended up with non-trivially higher stats than the 234 and 236 mix.


Not sure why they don't bolster to fixed values from a lookup table based on class and role or even by discipline.

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Before changes dvl gear would give you better dps / healing stats but it would screw your damage reduction. Now there is no trade off and it's simply best in slot gear. Funny how they changed it while knowing how that gear works. Tho the gear is the only way to make jug dps relatively playable atm xd


Look at it that way - people spent hundreds of hours doing dvl event and now they are being rewarded.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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The OP didn't say what rating mods and enhancements they used in the armor. I had 190 rating ones; the armorings are about 128 rating effectively.


Would be interesting to hear from others with 210 Greens, 208 purples and so on if they make a difference; may be even rating 12 mods and enhancements.

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Look at it that way - people spent hundreds of hours doing dvl event and now they are being rewarded.


PVP bolster reward from a PVE event?.. It is funny that you raged and said "i am reporting you for an exploit revelation and you get perma ban from forums!" from teamspeak and talked different from here : D


I don't want to play solo ranked to get farmed by DVL geared people. I even think to stop subscription because of this unfair thing. I am bored of these.

Edited by Azheon
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PVP bolster reward from a PVE event?.. It is funny that you raged and said "i am reporting you for an exploit revelation and you get perma ban from forums!" from teamspeak and talked different from here : D


I don't want to play solo ranked to get farmed by DVL geared people. I even think to stop subscription because of this unfair thing. I am bored of these.


Yea let us be farmed by PVE plebs that grinded rank 300 in fractured and got full 242 already. :rolleyes:


Look I've played probably 1000 arenas in new season already, yet my maximum command rank is 110, because of alt-unfriendly piece of... galactic command. Now I'm getting bolstered to 110k HP (I still bought the majority of my gear off the GTN) and some guys who don't even have 1k rating have way WAY better stats. So either revert bolster to 5.0 state or leave dvl gear alone.

Edited by DerSchneider
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Before changes dvl gear would give you better dps / healing stats but it would screw your damage reduction. Now there is no trade off and it's simply best in slot gear. Funny how they changed it while knowing how that gear works. Tho the gear is the only way to make jug dps relatively playable atm xd


Look at it that way - people spent hundreds of hours doing dvl event and now they are being rewarded.


I *knew* you were wearing it in that screenshot you posted with the armor obscured :)


Haven't tried in 5.1 but in 5.0 the DvL armor bolstered to insane levels, can verity, I tested it myself.


Nice. So the DvL XP suit is BiS gear. Well done, Bolster Team. That's some quality code.

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Lol Mr AlexF didn't wanted to share the little secrets ;)


Edit: Aren't u losing ur bonus with that thing?


Hah. Thing is it that in 5.0 it was a novelty. Was fun and worked in regs. If wearing it as anything else than Merc in ranked you'd be shooting yourself in a foot. I got my rating in normal gear because survivability was too bad for someone who plays a class that always gets focused first. But right now this is best in slot. They made it so it doesn't lose damage reduction, despite reports of this gear giving you best dps stats. Not wearing it now is handicapping yourself because too many people already do. It's like an operative not taking the healing utility in 5.0 or people not using the invincibility relic.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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Yeah, I posted in Hottie's thread about how my Lightning Sorc in the DvL suit bolstered to more HP than my Immortal Jugg in full 230 DPS gear in 5.0.


That's some really ace game balance testing work right there.

Edited by stoopicus
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Look at it that way - people spent hundreds of hours doing dvl event and now they are being rewarded.


You don't "reward" people with exclusive gears that are no longer available, that grant superior advantages in PVP.


I can't expect someone like you to understand that though.


You have proven that any advantage you can have you will take no matter how underhanded it may be.

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They were made aware of how dvl gear works. Instead of doing something they keep quiet and even change it not to have reduced DR. Intentional buff. Direction this game is headed.



You have proven that any advantage you can have you will take no matter how underhanded it may be.


Which one did you play after 5.0? Assassin exploiting stance bug or operative exploiting broken healing talent? Or maybe you're maining an overtuned merc?


I maining a class that's been barely viable for ranked for the last two years and which currently is unplayable. Of course I will take any advantage.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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208s and 228s are bolstering alot better then full set of 230 gear ***. and you say bolster is working as intended is bs.



This is not just a problem with old gear sets.


So yet again not only bolster messed up and not working correctly. On top of it those that pve benefit much better then those that just pvp. this is a stupid system Eric.

Edited by falkron-kerupt
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Which one did you play after 5.0? Assassin exploiting stance bug or operative exploiting broken healing talent? Or maybe you're maining an overtuned merc?


Like we had a choice. Do what? Not play a 5 year old main because you feel stepped on your toes? Grow up man.


Jugg isn't strong.. so what. It *********** happens. Taking that out on anyone other than Bioware though.. rofl.

And using this gear is whatever. You won't be the only one. But cheering for it is *********** stupid.

Edited by Evolixe
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I have started to think Alec may be right, it really can be a reward for dvl players from BW.


IMO they aren't calculating enough for this to be why it's bolstering as BiS. It simply got missed like the hundreds of other things that got swept into the mess that is 5.0 and 5.1.

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They were made aware of how dvl gear works. Instead of doing something they keep quiet and even change it not to have reduced DR. Intentional buff. Direction this game is headed.




Which one did you play after 5.0? Assassin exploiting stance bug or operative exploiting broken healing talent? Or maybe you're maining an overtuned merc?


I maining a class that's been barely viable for ranked for the last two years and which currently is unplayable. Of course I will take any advantage.


I played a healing merc after I came back to the game which was shortly after 5.0 was introduced. It's the only class I leveled to 70 and worked on getting GC XP for gearing.


Anyway, I just disagree with your choice of finding an advantage in PVP via the bolster system and DvL gears then trying to hide it so you could continue to benefit from it.


Playing a weaker class in PVP doesn't justify this either.


It's of no consequence anyway. The gearing is a mess, PVP is a mess, and broken facets in the game like the one you found with the DvL gears all add up to one gigantic mess.

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But according to all the white knights in other threads, Bolster isn't broken and we should all stop QQing about the Bolster nerf.

I did some testing today with Augments because I was bored. I put my 208 pvp armor on and put MK 10 kits on them.

I then proceeded to swap out one or two Augments per match with like for like. In some cases I actually lost damage stats for an extremely small increase in the stat I was equipping, wether it was crit or alacrity. I did get more health points that looked like they might be good. But even though the health stats were higher, I was really squishy. I swapped them back halfway through a voidstar just to confirm and I was no longer squishy. :confused::confused:

Then I tested 228 Relics because they are now usuable in pvp and did a swap of my 208 ones. I was able to get augmented ones for the same price as normal ones so I was able to swap out my currently equipped augments into them. Once again I had weird results. So I swapped those augments out for the newer ones I'd bought and saw the secondary stat go up slightly, but still only a really small amount and lost some damage stats, but gained some more health. But again I was squishy with the change.

I don't believe the change from 250 Bolster to 232 Bolster is accurate or working correctly. I don't believe it is even reaching 232 in some cases. But the whole augments thing is crazy. I had better damage stats and secondary stats with my old augments, but better health stats with the new ones and they made me squishy.

Bolster is definitely broken. I don't care wether they say they've made it 232 or not, it's not working properly. Atleast when it was set at 250, BiS was actually between 232 and 242 and lower armor did seem to nearly Bolster to 230. If they had just kept it at 250 we wouldn't be having these problems.

They say it was incorrectly set, but all the change did was break it. The only reason they even did it was to actually make people grind more because pvpers weren't stressed about gear. "God forbid we could actually pvp with no gear gap". It really is the only reason for it. They want to create a gear gap to make people grind harder for gear.

Everytime Bioware have fiddle with Bolster in the past to supposedly change something in house, when it was working fine in pvp, they have broken it.

BOLSTER IS BROKEN. But they won't acknowledge it and the whiteknights with 242 gear are happy they have a massive advantage.

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Can't say much for other people playing pvp but after reading up on posts about previous bolster, current bolster and working with a spreadsheet in that wonderful thing Gates inpired called excell.


I tried going with a premade in 208 gear. We won like the gallant heroes that we are.


I did an equal amount of games in 234 - 242 solo, and lost like a "scrub"

I still see no difference from before. No matter gear if I go premade in 208 (my team was also in 208) we win.


If I go in the best I possibly can solo I loose more often.


3.0, 4.0, 5.0


No difference in my experience. I have a hard time believing that bolster 5.1 has changed anything fundamental in pvp.

Edited by Ranstasia
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Hey Ranstasia, as I mentioned in your other thread, I don't think anything has changed yet - what I am fearing is that this will lead to a widening gear gap over time that will cause a gear disparity for alts and new L70s.


This is, of course, just a fear - though I think it is borne out by the rough numbers that some of the more impartial people like Snave have been discussing.


The thing about this that I find irritating is simply that it didn't have to be this way. Things were fine in 5.0 with bolster at 250, and indeed it was a *great* time for alts in PvP.


The move to 232 seems like simply an overt forcing of grind back in to PvP. Coupled with the fact that 5.1 was supposed to be the "alt friendly" patch, it's irritating. There is no other reason for it that makes sense, and it is amusing to me that people defend it.


I'm not PvPing any less, and my main is above cap so it's literally not an issue for me at all, at least for my main. It's just dumb, and that's my beef with it.

Edited by stoopicus
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