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Bads and casual pvpers dying really fast with bolster nerf.


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I'm just going to leave this here


We know that the flexible matchmaking and mixed matches are not ideal. They are only in until cross-server queuing is available and are the primary reason Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2 are Pre-Season, along with the opportunity to collect data and refine various systems in preparation for Season One.

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I noticed all of the sudden that I;m seeing people on my ignore list in my pvp matches. I wonder if this is a change of the system or a bug. When something happens to them, I see the message without their name in the chat window and announced across the screen.


A few of the real lovely folks on Shadowlands, I keep on a local wiki page.


Its not a bug. You may just have maybe been lucky in the past to not have anyone from your ignore list, but it has always been that way. I have had people in the past that were on my ignore list that were in the same warzone.

Edited by Mdgshorty
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Idont know if thank Bioware or worry that population will plumet....Hmmm time will tell.:confused:


You're the bad. If the bads and casuals were able to hold you off under Bolster- then you are depending on your shiny gear for that boost over them. Anyone who is happy about having gear that let's them beat people over their skill is pathetic.


The healer part is stupid- I've been in matches as a healer and against healers and they do go down. But people want free kills and the gear advantage gives them free kills.

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It's one of many reasons, from what people here on this thread are saying. I don't know what a CS:GO is? So I can't comment on that. I called out the attitude issue, because the title of the thread practically screamed it. Had the OP just said 'PvPers are dying fast with bolster nerf' I wouldn't have bothered to say anything. I just really hate it when players call other players 'bads' or 'filthy casuals'. :/

Counterstrike: Global Offensive. It's a FPS game.


If you think the SWTOR PvP community is the worst hive of scum and villain then I suggest you check out CSGO gameplay/commentaries. That community makes ours seem tame.



Edited by Talon_strikes
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Counterstrike: Global Offensive. It's a FPS game.


If you think the SWTOR PvP community is the worst hive of scum and villain then I suggest you check out CSGO gameplay/commentaries. That community makes ours seem tame.



I don't play CS, or TF, or any of that garbage specifically for that reason... Most people DON'T play those games for that reason..


And comparing FPS to MMO PvP is kinda dumb anyways... They are 2 completely different animals as to who plays...

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Counterstrike: Global Offensive. It's a FPS game.


If you think the SWTOR PvP community is the worst hive of scum and villain then I suggest you check out CSGO gameplay/commentaries. That community makes ours seem tame.




Ah ok, thanks. I didn't think of it offhand because I don't play FPS or shooters of any kind, not my cup of tea. My son bugged me to try Halo and I did, and it's not for me.


I'm not saying our community is the worst...I'm just suggesting that people try not to let it get that way. It's nothing to be proud of.

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The swtor PvP community are modern day scholars compared to the ******* you see in League of Legends, WoW Arena, and Overwatch.


But that doesn't make it ok. Why let it degrade to the level of these other things? Star Wars is better than that...or at least I'd like to think so, or hope.

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It's not nearly as bad as I thought.


Sitting in 230s at a whopping GC level 34, I was only about 2k hp below a guy wearing lots of 240s and some 236s. Hardly the end of the world.


That said, the fact this whole thing isn't legacy-bound in some fashion remains a disgrace. One of the best parts about this game historically has been its alt-friendliness.

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Idont know if thank Bioware or worry that population will plumet....Hmmm time will tell.:confused:


This is what most of the dedicated pvp population think and feel. Bioware are driving dedicated people away from pvp with 5.0/5.1 and any pve people they attracted with 5.0 CXP incentives have just been made redundant. People hate losing, but losing because of big gear gaps is a sure way to drive new people away.

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I think it's funny that pvpers are always complaining that they have no one to play with and then wonder why...


I know why...it's the attitude. Why do you persist in calling people names? Even in your titles? Bads? Really?


How are people supposed to get good, if you're like that. Who wants to try something different or try to get good, if they're mocked? Try and be kinder and more welcoming. I don't see why insults have to be a thing. :mad:


"Newbies or lower skilled players" is a better way to describe them

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When i played PvE with random people, they always were nice.


Last time I started to play again PvP heavy, and I've noticed this is most toxic group of players, even more than CS:GO. Really, not joking.



Same here with Ignore list.


Not everyone is like that, the ones that are toxic, don't represent the majority of players, they are just the loudest so they stand out more and give everyone else a bad name.

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The only bad players are the ones that I refer to noobs, not to be confused with newbies.


Noobs start out with bad attitude or learn it along the way. They are selfish players and don't listen to positive advice, people trying to help them, or directions to coordinate the team. They aren't team players.These are the people that end up being toxic.

But what really defines a bad is when they are all of those things above, but they still think that are awesome and go around telling everyone what to do and then raging at them when they lose, even though they are probably the worst player on the team.

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