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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Isn't this patch supposed to encourage alts? Why are unassembled components bop?


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Nothing in 5.0 or 5.1 encourages or even supports alts. They just did some smoke and mirror adjustments to make people think it was all better. Apparently many of their customers are smarter than BW thought and have noticed that nothing really changed.
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You can buy the piece on a main and legacy it over. It's how most PvPers geared alts before. I used all my token and bought sets at a time and then just banked the whole lot in the legacy shells.


Once people get full sets on their mains, that is more then likely what they expect us to do for PvE as well at this point.

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You can buy the piece on a main and legacy it over. It's how most PvPers geared alts before. I used all my token and bought sets at a time and then just banked the whole lot in the legacy shells.


Once people get full sets on their mains, that is more then likely what they expect us to do for PvE as well at this point.


Pssst... not all gear can be moved via legacy armor. Relics, implants, and earpieces have to be bought on the character you want to use them on. Or did you forget that? XD

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Pssst... not all gear can be moved via legacy armor. Relics, implants, and earpieces have to be bought on the character you want to use them on. Or did you forget that? XD

Crafted is better at the moment from what I can tell, at least for some classes. Even on that point, the crafted is not going to be much worse then the drops, they never have been.

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You can buy the piece on a main and legacy it over. It's how most PvPers geared alts before. I used all my token and bought sets at a time and then just banked the whole lot in the legacy shells.


Once people get full sets on their mains, that is more then likely what they expect us to do for PvE as well at this point.


You are not wrong, but compare this system we have now to what we had previously... Then you gonna see the huge problem Bioware created.


I agree with OP, I got VERY frustrated when I saw components not being legacy.

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You can buy the piece on a main and legacy it over. It's how most PvPers geared alts before. I used all my token and bought sets at a time and then just banked the whole lot in the legacy shells.


Once people get full sets on their mains, that is more then likely what they expect us to do for PvE as well at this point.


We had legacy commendation grants before so I could pvp on a couple of different characters and then consolidate the warzone comms to buy gear for a single character. Now if I try to pvp on more than one character that just scatters the components and it takes longer to get enough on a single character to buy anything.

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You are not wrong, but compare this system we have now to what we had previously... Then you gonna see the huge problem Bioware created.


I agree with OP, I got VERY frustrated when I saw components not being legacy.


I'm just pointing out that they are apparently expecting us to do what we did in the past...


I'm not sure making components legacy is the answer though. This whole component thing was stupid IMO...


What they needed to do was just have the command tokens. By the time you got to the rank cutoffs if you did not have any gear at all, you'd have enough tokens to buy the whole set at that point. You could buy as you go and risk duplicates, or hold out till you knew for sure, then you could use the extras on an alt and buy it gear if you did not need the tokens... Would have solved all the problems with one eloquent solution...


But nooooo they can't do anything simple. I surmise that the devs are like engineers. As Scotty said, the more you overthink the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain....

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I'm just pointing out that they are apparently expecting us to do what we did in the past...


I'm not sure making components legacy is the answer though. This whole component thing was stupid IMO...


What they needed to do was just have the command tokens. By the time you got to the rank cutoffs if you did not have any gear at all, you'd have enough tokens to buy the whole set at that point. You could buy as you go and risk duplicates, or hold out till you knew for sure, then you could use the extras on an alt and buy it gear if you did not need the tokens... Would have solved all the problems with one eloquent solution...


But nooooo they can't do anything simple. I surmise that the devs are like engineers. As Scotty said, the more you overthink the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain....


They don't want simple. They want long, complicated, and tedious, because they think that will keep people playing. Like how it works for Asian MMOs or mobile games. It's all about trying to keep us subbed, and trying to get us to buy more cartel coins to buy CXP legacy perks/CXP booster items. They're noticing the teats of this particular cash cow are drying up as people leave in droves, and their solution instead of feeding the damn cow is to try to milk it harder and longer until it dies.

Edited by AscendingSky
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Yea but what they don't realize is


1. Asians are insane. No disrespect to them, they are just crazy about MMOS and grinding.... NCSoft learned long ago that outside of Asia, that crap just doesn't fly... Other companies almost refused to try it knowing that....

2. Most people who do mobile games wouldn't play a MMO anyways... Wrong demographic... Again no insults intended, it's just the truth. Candy Crush moms are not gonna play this game.

3. A simple solution like I described would have halted the hemorrhaging. Instead they just exacerbated the situation.


Again, I am just generalizing here, not trying to offend anyone. It's like these people don't know their own demographic target.....

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At this point all that's missing is losing cxp for dying and this would be an Asian grinder...


Nope. The other thing that is missing is the ability to do the grind for free. We have the boosters already to reduce the grind (as Asian MMOs do) but BW one upped them by getting people to pay a sub for the grind.

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2. Most people who do mobile games wouldn't play a MMO anyways... Wrong demographic... Again no insults intended, it's just the truth. Candy Crush moms are not gonna play this game.



This a hundred times over. EA sees the cash cow in SWGoH and thinks you can do the same thing in every game now. While it is frustrating, I am beginning to wonder if they are right.


When you read threads of people upset with the game changes as the just bought 3 Hypercrates and also complain about not getting the 0.000000000001% platinum item, so they buy another Hypercrate, why would EA want to change? You just need to keep people around buying those crates.


Mark my words, within five years there will finally be legislation to stop this practice because it has got so out of hand in the industry it isn't even funny anymore. RNG Digital Items are being used as money extraction schemes and, quite frankly, it is disgusting. But, it is working as there are enough people stupid enough to keep feeding the beast.


With the way a vast majority of the video game industry is working today, I always think of a line my late father used to say, "Some people have more money than brains."

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You are not wrong, but compare this system we have now to what we had previously... Then you gonna see the huge problem Bioware created.


Do you mean these changes?

- No more nightmare tier gear from EV/KP HM

- Removal of useless 216/220 vendor gear (even 208 became useless once you got your crafters going)

Edited by Halinalle
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