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PVP players getting it stuck to them again?


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I understand exactly how Bolster works, probably better than most. My partner Icykill was a major contributor to gearing with Bolster up until 5.0 and had her own stickied gearing thread in the pvp section.

When we had expertise, any higher gear above the cap lost expertise and because expertise was a major pvp stat, it essentially nerfed that higher gear back to just below the gear cap. Sure the stats didn't change, but the loss of expertise took care of that.

Now there is no expertise, Bolster was reducing stats that went over the gear cap. Lots of pvp people were testing this, especially Hottie who had a thread going on her results. It was determined that 242 was the gear cap before you started to lose stats. Even then there was a stat cap that adjusted other stats if you reach a cap.

Even though they have set gear to Bolster up to 232, they have not adjusted the cap to bolster higher lvl gear down. This means they broke it somewhere. But if that was intentional they have broken pvp because it won't be about skill vs skill and more, it will be about gear vs gear. So with the crazy CXP RNG gearing system It will essentially drive people away from pvp because people who can spend 40-60 hours a week will always have a gear advantage over people who cant spend that much time. Operations people will also be be able to gear faster than dedicated pvpers who only subscribe to pvp. Plus those much higher geared players will probably win most of the time, which means they can gear even faster than the people who play less than them. The people losing will take even longer to gear and will give up.

The whole thing is a disaster for dedicated pvpers.

Honestly I do not think they should bolster down those that work for the gear. If the gear ended up pointless after 232 then there would be absolutely no reason for those that just PvP to work towards anything.

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Bolster should of been set to 242 from the launch of the expac you should never down bolster warzone as hardcore pvp will take advantage on new players coming in low gear. IT will be like recruit gear all over again i seen new player that have just ding no set bonus not even have a change to use one ability before there dead. This is a problem caused by BW. With the high cost of the starter pvp set and rng on loot crates we have people not queing now pops went from hitting que and loading to waiting 30 min in one patch.... Edited by Neoforcer
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