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New player, getting wrecked, someone explain flashpoints to me.

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Me: Level 64 Marauder

Her: Level 25 Marauder


Go to fleet, enter a flashpoint, both get level adjusted up to 70. I pop a companion and set it to tank, she pops one and sets it to heal. First time we pull a group containing elite mobs we get brutally cornholed to death. Try a different flashpoint, repeat. And I mean cornholed so hard that it was obvious there was no point in showing up in the first place.


Why are we allowed to do this if it's hopeless?

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What flashpoint was it?


If you entered on Veteran Mode, it is intended for a 4-player group (no companions). As a level 70 player you can two-man the flashpoint, but at low level I wouldn't recommend it.


Alternatively, you can do Story Mode, that is intended for solo (or two players) and you won't have any problems there. Note that Story Mode is not available for all flashpoints.

Edited by Jerba
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Me: Level 64 Marauder

Her: Level 25 Marauder


Go to fleet, enter a flashpoint, both get level adjusted up to 70. I pop a companion and set it to tank, she pops one and sets it to heal. First time we pull a group containing elite mobs we get brutally cornholed to death. Try a different flashpoint, repeat. And I mean cornholed so hard that it was obvious there was no point in showing up in the first place.


Why are we allowed to do this if it's hopeless?


Flashpoints are designed for four players, not two players plus two companions. yes FPs can be done with 2+2, but FPs are not designed that way. It takes practice, and experience, and knowledge to accomplish it.


That being said...

First question: what influence rank are the companions? If they are not 30+ they are going to struggle in flashpoints: the tank has insufficient health/damage mitigation and threat generation, and the healer has insufficient healing capacity. If one of you - the players - was a healer or tank that would help a LOT, but as two maras, that's not possible.


Secondly, Which FPs did you try? Some are harder than others. For example Hammer Station has a first few pulls that can destroy 4man PuGs. In fact, now that I think about it, most FPs have challenging early pulls for the uninitiated.

Edited by psandak
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How do I know which ones have story mode, and how is it accessed? Our one attempt at a random queue flashpoint involved a tank going "Don't worry guys, SWTOR instances are designed to be done by any group comp, so we don't need a healer!" followed by being blown to giblets by the first boss.
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Overall the there are now 3 types of Flashpoints, Story (solo mode with jesus droid), Veteran (4 players of any role, even 4 dps) and Master (classical 2 dps, 1 heal, 1 tank group and they are the hardest). In groupfinder you will only have access to Veteran mode from level 15-50 at level 50 you can que also for Master FPS but I dont recommend it as some of them are really hard (the Shadow of Revan FPS) and also the group will not want you as they know low levels just wont have the needed output for a Master FPS.


What you should do if you want to go with 2 players and 2 companions is get your companion affection to max or as close to max as possible (rank 50). Both companions should be heal, no point making them a tank. Its also about your skill as dps to make the fights as short as possible. Both of you have access to the Heroic moment and Legendary abilities so use those.


Keep in mind that there are people that can solo the Veteran and Master FPS :)

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Me: Level 64 Marauder

Her: Level 25 Marauder


Go to fleet, enter a flashpoint, both get level adjusted up to 70. I pop a companion and set it to tank, she pops one and sets it to heal. First time we pull a group containing elite mobs we get brutally cornholed to death. Try a different flashpoint, repeat. And I mean cornholed so hard that it was obvious there was no point in showing up in the first place.


Why are we allowed to do this if it's hopeless?


- What flashpoint?

- What difficulty?

- Companions' influence levels?

- Did you follow kill order?


How do I know which ones have story mode, and how is it accessed? Our one attempt at a random queue flashpoint involved a tank going "Don't worry guys, SWTOR instances are designed to be done by any group comp, so we don't need a healer!" followed by being blown to giblets by the first boss.


That just sound more like you guys ignored something or everything which is the most common reason for wipe.


None of the flashpoints I know have first boss that is too difficult for group without healer. You have kolto stations there for a reason.

Now, some of the flashpoints have second boss that is too difficult for new, inexperienced players: Blood Hunt, Depths of Manaan, Maelstrom Prison, Korriban Incursion (yes, many players ignore the key mecahnics). With good knowledge about fight mechanics two of these can be finished solo: droid in Korriban Incursion, laser eye guy in Maelstrom Prison.

Edited by Halinalle
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Keep in mind that there are people that can solo the Veteran and Master FPS :)

Level 70 dps player with decent gear and 30+ heal companion = wipes the floor with Black Talon / The Esseles.


Well, unless he's asleep at the wheel or watching anime on his other screen, in which case all bets are off.

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Level 70 dps player with decent gear and 30+ heal companion = wipes the floor with Black Talon / The Esseles.


Well, unless he's asleep at the wheel or watching anime on his other screen, in which case all bets are off.


Level 60+ dps with level 4 companion wrecks Black talon...

That thing is farmed and farmed for CXP...:)

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You don't even need healer companion to do veteran mode Esseles/Black Talon even though you will have level 10 stats but you sill have all your abilities. Dps companion is enough if you have healing abilities to heal yourself while running from group to group.
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Black Talon vet mode is stupid easy right now. But it's the ONLY Vet mode FP that I've seen which is THAT easy.


The other VET mode FPs seem to be at a slightly higher difficulty mode than they were pre 5.0 and called Tacticals.


Back to the OP, some Flashpoints don't have story mode. If you're new to the game and want to get a feel for them, don't use group finder, especially if you have a friend to group with.


Mandalorian Raiders, as an example, doesn't have a story mode. If you're unprepared, you'll die in the first few rooms.

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a tank going "Don't worry guys, SWTOR instances are designed to be done by any group comp, so we don't need a healer!"


...and the tank was right:) It's more likely that you didn't follow the mechanics (interrupts/going out of the red circles etc)....but I am more interested in why there wasn't another attempt with better tactic?

...and when you attempt FP with tank companion keep few things in mind - he/she does aoe taunt (so all the damage is going to him/her) and the companion doesn't have defense cooldowns like a player tank (basically no 'oh '****'' button):) The aoe taunt ability can be turned off (by right clicking on the ability - there is a green dot on the upper right corner of the icon which should be off) and you can manually control your tank (but that is harder on you and it is dangerous) and it is best if one of you tank one elite mob so the damage isn't too much for your tank companion. Now that is a little harder with 2 MRDs, but you are 65 - with little practice and reading your abilities you should be able to do it.

The other very important thing is having a kill order - as soon as the battle starts one or both of you should go and clean the weak/normal mobs, as they die easy but can still do nice damage (especially if they have special attacks).

...oh and you should learn to interrupt - that ability can save you alot of damage:)


...other than that...haven't played MRD in a long time so no ability names, but you should have ability that gives you +10% defence every 30 secs - use it in the start of the battle for the initial damge (clearing the weak/normal mobs should take you more or less 10 secs so it is not needed after that). Another ability that allows MRDs to tank (somewhat) gives you 20% damage resistance for 30 secs (if you are being hitted constantly) - so very good against 1 elite mob:)


Finally....I don't know.....try different tactics and see what works for you? Like send your tank companion first to take the initial damage (boosting his defence ofcourse) then you two jump to clear the trash (the small mobs). Or maybe jump yourself (with defence buff) and then have the tank quickly go and taunt all enemies so you are hopefully left with only 1 mob to tank (but I am not sure you can survive the damage). Or try something else....


....or the easiest option tell us your server and time when you play and let some experienced player show you what to do/not do:)

Edited by Saelinne
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Black Talon vet mode is stupid easy right now. But it's the ONLY Vet mode FP that I've seen which is THAT easy.

The Esseles is the same. Except that in Vet mode you can't do the bonus solo, so you get 180 fewer CXP for doing it, compared to BT where the bonus is eminently possible solo.

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The Esseles is the same. Except that in Vet mode you can't do the bonus solo, so you get 180 fewer CXP for doing it, compared to BT where the bonus is eminently possible solo.


You can't do the bonus boss solo in any mode of Esseles because it requires two people to make it spawn... unless they finally changed that for story mode ;)

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You can't do the bonus boss solo in any mode of Esseles because it requires two people to make it spawn... unless they finally changed that for story mode ;)

They didn't *as*such* change it for Story (aka "Solo") mode. In Solo mode it was always(1) "click one console".


(1) That is, from the release of 4.0 onwards. Before that, there was no Solo mode for SLS.

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How do you change a FP to solo (story) mode? Me and my friend are both upper 30s and every time we try to enter a FP it puts us in tactical mode. Maybe I just don't understand FPs but can't they all be done in the easy mode just for the story aspect? We have our group set to story mode but it stills puts us in the harder mode and bumps us up to level 70.
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When you speak to person/droid outside of instance you will get following choice:

Start Flashpoint

Start Solo (if available)

Start Hard Mode (or Master mode)


These can be in any order so Solo isn't always 2.

Edited by Halinalle
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